Gay Parents Ready Kids for White House Easter Egg Roll

Redhots said:

I have yet to hear any kind of senseible argument for why homosexuality is a bad thing.

Oh lord you have heard thousands of sensible arguments, you just probably chose to ignore them because they didn't fit your view of moral relativity.

How about this, you provide an argument that shows homosexuality to be a good thing. This ought to be good for a laugh or two.
OCA said:
Oh lord you have heard thousands of sensible arguments, you just probably chose to ignore them because they didn't fit your view of moral relativity.

How about this, you provide an argument that shows homosexuality to be a good thing. This ought to be good for a laugh or two.

I'm gonna have to agree here. It seems to be a standard practice by you homophiles to sit through hours of really good arguments against homosexuality, then claim not to have heard any five minutes later, claiming that nothing you heard is valid just so you won't actually have to try to refute the arguments. If you actually start addressing what's already been said, then maybe you'll get something new.
Hobbit said:
I'm gonna have to agree here. It seems to be a standard practice by you homophiles to sit through hours of really good arguments against homosexuality, then claim not to have heard any five minutes later, claiming that nothing you heard is valid just so you won't actually have to try to refute the arguments. If you actually start addressing what's already been said, then maybe you'll get something new.

The fact remains that it's none of your or any of the other homophobes on this boards business what other people do with their dicks or poontang as long as they are not breaking any other laws. :huh:

Why is everybody so wound up about other peoples sex life? Worry about your own sex life. :gay:
Hobbit said:
I'm gonna have to agree here. It seems to be a standard practice by you homophiles to sit through hours of really good arguments against homosexuality, then claim not to have heard any five minutes later, claiming that nothing you heard is valid just so you won't actually have to try to refute the arguments. If you actually start addressing what's already been said, then maybe you'll get something new.

It goes a litte like this:

"Why would I believe your biased sources? I mean, ANY source which shows evidence supporting the FACT that Homosexuality is destructive and vile must CLEARLY be Biased - After all, look at the OUTCOME (of the study, research, etc.)!!!"

Nuc said:
The fact remains that it's none of your or any of the other homophobes on this boards business what other people do with their dicks or poontang as long as they are not breaking any other laws. :huh:

Why is everybody so wound up about other peoples sex life? Worry about your own sex life. :gay:

Because homophiles SHOVE their sexuality upon US, our KIDS, and our LAWS. It's Homophiles who petition congress to get their behaviour SANCTIONED. It's homophiles who bring their AGENDA to our schools, our churches, and our city streets.

If Homophiles didn't allow their sexual PREFERENCE to dominate and define them, we'd have no problem.

Here Nuc - here's your task:

OCA said:
How about this, you provide an argument that shows homosexuality to be a good thing. This ought to be good for a laugh or two.
dmp said:
Because homophiles SHOVE their sexuality upon US, our KIDS, and our LAWS. It's Homophiles who petition congress to get their behaviour SANCTIONED. It's homophiles who bring their AGENDA to our schools, our churches, and our city streets.

If Homophiles didn't allow their sexual PREFERENCE to dominate and define them, we'd have no problem.

Here Nuc - here's your task:

Ya beat me to it. Honestly, I wouldn't have so much of a problem if gays would just keep it to themselves. I mean, when's the last time you saw some guy holding up signs and printing news stories flaunting the fact that he had sex with girls?
Hobbit said:
I mean, when's the last time you saw some guy holding up signs and printing news stories flaunting the fact that he had sex with girls?

Every time that Michael Jackson gets married?
I personally don't want to see ANYONE making out with their significant other (male or female) in public.

I don't want to see ANYONE parading down the street in goofy-ass outfits chanting "We're queer, we're here, get used to it!" or "We straight, we mate, get used to it!"

I don't want ANYONE talking to children about sexuality, what is normal and what isn't, who God is, etc except the parents.

For me, I don't care if Bob and Steve or Bill and Mary love each other. And I certainly don't care, and don't want to know, what they do in the privacy of their own home.

Problem isn't Bill and Mary who are trying to shove what they do down everyone's throats.

It's Bob and Steve.

And no, it doesn't matter to me that Bob and Steve want the same right's that Bill and Mary have.

There is a time and a place for everything. The White House Easter Egg Roll, Southern Decadence, and our children's elementary school are not the places to do it.

They want to change things? Get politicians behind them. Get issues on the ballot.
dmp said:
Because homophiles SHOVE their sexuality upon US, our KIDS, and our LAWS. It's Homophiles who petition congress to get their behaviour SANCTIONED. It's homophiles who bring their AGENDA to our schools, our churches, and our city streets.

If Homophiles didn't allow their sexual PREFERENCE to dominate and define them, we'd have no problem.

Here Nuc - here's your task:

Everybody from homophiles to homophobes, hawks and doves, junk food junkies to vegans, bring their agenda to school, church and city streets. That's called America.

I'm glad I'm not gay. But I don't really care if anybody else is. The arguments against it are always morality and health. Well, as far as morality is concerned I can think of a lot of behavior that is considered acceptable in America which is far more immoral than gays having sex. For example our (lack of) energy policy. It's not just destroying individuals (through lung disease, etc.) it's destroying the planet and the lives of future generations. To me that's more immoral than some fruitcakes munching on each others balls.

Health issues, well I think MacDonald's alone causes more health problems in this country than AIDS. Add to that Burger King and the rest and it's a definite fact that our communal health is being hurt a lot more than any sexually transmitted disease or all of them combined. But we let people eat and sell garbage because of freedom of choice. Which is the same reason we should let them have sex with whom they choose.
Nuc said:
Everybody from homophiles to homophobes, hawks and doves, junk food junkies to vegans, bring their agenda to school, church and city streets. That's called America.

I'm glad I'm not gay. But I don't really care if anybody else is. The arguments against it are always morality and health. Well, as far as morality is concerned I can think of a lot of behavior that is considered acceptable in America which is far more immoral than gays having sex. For example our (lack of) energy policy. It's not just destroying individuals (through lung disease, etc.) it's destroying the planet and the lives of future generations. To me that's more immoral than some fruitcakes munching on each others balls.

Health issues, well I think MacDonald's alone causes more health problems in this country than AIDS. Add to that Burger King and the rest and it's a definite fact that our communal health is being hurt a lot more than any sexually transmitted disease or all of them combined. But we let people eat and sell garbage because of freedom of choice. Which is the same reason we should let them have sex with whom they choose.

We already do.
Nuc said:
Everybody from homophiles to homophobes, hawks and doves, junk food junkies to vegans, bring their agenda to school, church and city streets. That's called America.

I'm glad I'm not gay. But I don't really care if anybody else is. The arguments against it are always morality and health. Well, as far as morality is concerned I can think of a lot of behavior that is considered acceptable in America which is far more immoral than gays having sex. For example our (lack of) energy policy. It's not just destroying individuals (through lung disease, etc.) it's destroying the planet and the lives of future generations. To me that's more immoral than some fruitcakes munching on each others balls.

Health issues, well I think MacDonald's alone causes more health problems in this country than AIDS. Add to that Burger King and the rest and it's a definite fact that our communal health is being hurt a lot more than any sexually transmitted disease or all of them combined. But we let people eat and sell garbage because of freedom of choice. Which is the same reason we should let them have sex with whom they choose.

Are you either very dense - on purpose, as if you think it makes you cool? That or you are genuinely unable to be educated.
Nuc said:
The fact remains that it's none of your or any of the other homophobes on this boards business what other people do with their dicks or poontang as long as they are not breaking any other laws. :huh:

Why is everybody so wound up about other peoples sex life? Worry about your own sex life. :gay:

Again I do not care what they do in the privacy of their own homes but if it was just about privacy then why the big PUBLIC push?
OCA said:
Again I do not care what they do in the privacy of their own homes but if it was just about privacy then why the big PUBLIC push?

I guess because everybody likes to feel accepted and they are hoping society will accept them. Obviously this will probably never be 100% true due to the virulent opposition homosexuality prompts.
dmp said:
Are you either very dense - on purpose, as if you think it makes you cool? That or you are genuinely unable to be educated.

I am cool, there is very little doubt about that. What is it you are objecting to in what I said, rather than just calling me dense. Do you think that our energy policy is morally just? Do you think junk food is not a threat to the public health?

My point is that there are bigger threats to morality and public health than homosexuality and those were just two examples that sprung to mind.

I read some of your posts about your battle with weight. It looks like junk food has affected your health more than other peoples sexual activity has. Am I correct?
Nuc said:
I am cool, there is very little doubt about that. What is it you are objecting to in what I said, rather than just calling me dense. Do you think that our energy policy is morally just? Do you think junk food is not a threat to the public health?

My point is that there are bigger threats to morality and public health than homosexuality and those were just two examples that sprung to mind.

I read some of your posts about your battle with weight. It looks like junk food has affected your health more than other peoples sexual activity has. Am I correct?

Ladies and Gentlemen:

A perfect example of a misguided fool speaking of something he knows not of.

Stick to what you know.

Oh...I guess you can't do that. If you did, you wouldn't be able to post anything.

Such a putz.
GotZoom said:
Ladies and Gentlemen:

A perfect example of a misguided fool speaking of something he knows not of.

Stick to what you know.

Oh...I guess you can't do that. If you did, you wouldn't be able to post anything.

Such a putz.

What are you talking about, I know what I'm speaking of because of what he has posted. Unless he has issues with homosexuality I don't know about.......

What is it that is incorrect about what I posted?
Nuc said:
I read some of your posts about your battle with weight. It looks like junk food has affected your health more than other peoples sexual activity has. Am I correct?

No. Frankly, I don't eat much junk food - and if I did, I can guarantee MORE People have suffered and died from their sexual addictions than I have suffered from being 20lbs? 30lbs? over weight.

Here's what you do - it's rather funny at times:

You take topic A and avoid all logical discussion/reason/rational thought because you feel topic B is worse/more important/more common/whatever.

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