Gay pothead get's high with partner while baby fry's in car

I'm not for it , just as I'm not for Gay Marriage - but everyone has their rights - you won't see me arguing against Gay Marriage despite the fact that I loath the Gay Agenda with an unbridled intensity . YOu won't see me argue against weed -despite the fact that I hate the high , and in my personal experiences - any potheads I've dealt with are inherent losers. If I gave you the impression that I'm against it - it's because I am ... on a personal level - that doesn't mean I think other people should be forced to accept my personmal choices or that society should mandate those choices on someone else. A pothead is no better or no worse than an Alcoholic - difference being when a pothead cleans toilets - he doesn't vomit in it first.

i wonder if your whole attitude would be different if you had a pleasant experience smoking the stuff....the only frequent smokers i knew who were "losers" were guys who also did other harder drugs as well and or,drank a lot as well...those i knew who were just pot smokers have done ok for themselves....even the ones who still smoke it....

i wonder if your whole attitude would be different if you had a pleasant experience smoking the stuff....

Quite Possibly , a lot of people seem to enjoy -as for me never again.

the only frequent smokers i knew who were "losers" were guys who also did other harder drugs as well and or,drank a lot as well...those i knew who were just pot smokers have done ok for themselves....even the ones who still smoke it.

That's just a personal observation - I won't try to prove or disprove it statistically as the Marijuanna Issue is not high on my personal agenda - my personal experiences with potheads has been as unfavorable as my use of it many years ago.
So you didn't like pot and you didn't like anal sex (or did you?). You more a booze and guns kind of guy?
i wonder if your whole attitude would be different if you had a pleasant experience smoking the stuff....the only frequent smokers i knew who were "losers" were guys who also did other harder drugs as well and or,drank a lot as well...those i knew who were just pot smokers have done ok for themselves....even the ones who still smoke it....

Quite Possibly , a lot of people seem to enjoy -as for me never again.

the only frequent smokers i knew who were "losers" were guys who also did other harder drugs as well and or,drank a lot as well...those i knew who were just pot smokers have done ok for themselves....even the ones who still smoke it.

That's just a personal observation - I won't try to prove or disprove it statistically as the Marijuanna Issue is not high on my personal agenda - my personal experiences with potheads has been as unfavorable as my use of it many years ago.
So you didn't like pot and you didn't like anal sex (or did you?). You more a booze and guns kind of guy?

Still Trying to Jam - keep trying Little Fella, maybe you'll get it right someday

Jamming The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia, latent homosexual tendencies and bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .

Mentally healthy human beings will naturally feel a sense of shame and exclusion when they perceive that they are not part of the the pack, both in their thoughts and actions. The Jammimg tactic is to evoke a sense of shame in the opponent when his opposition to the gay movement and sexual perversion surfaces. Gay propaganda will depict opponents as homophobic and queer hating redneck bigots, as crude obnoxious loudmouths. It can depict them being isolated from the pack, shunned criticized, and despised. Most importantly however, it must depict gays as experiencing horrific persecution and suffering as a result of the "homophobic - queer hating red necks" . The opponent must be made the villain, both in the eyes of the uninvolved, and when possible in their own eyes also.

Jamming is basically psychological terrorism intended to silence expression of or support for any dissenting opinion. --- Gay* Brainwashing Techniques
Quite Possibly , a lot of people seem to enjoy -as for me never again.

That's just a personal observation - I won't try to prove or disprove it statistically as the Marijuanna Issue is not high on my personal agenda - my personal experiences with potheads has been as unfavorable as my use of it many years ago.
So you didn't like pot and you didn't like anal sex (or did you?). You more a booze and guns kind of guy?

Still Trying to Jam - keep trying Little Fella, maybe you'll get it right someday

Jamming The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia, latent homosexual tendencies and bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .

Mentally healthy human beings will naturally feel a sense of shame and exclusion when they perceive that they are not part of the the pack, both in their thoughts and actions. The Jammimg tactic is to evoke a sense of shame in the opponent when his opposition to the gay movement and sexual perversion surfaces. Gay propaganda will depict opponents as homophobic and queer hating redneck bigots, as crude obnoxious loudmouths. It can depict them being isolated from the pack, shunned criticized, and despised. Most importantly however, it must depict gays as experiencing horrific persecution and suffering as a result of the "homophobic - queer hating red necks" . The opponent must be made the villain, both in the eyes of the uninvolved, and when possible in their own eyes also.

Jamming is basically psychological terrorism intended to silence expression of or support for any dissenting opinion. --- Gay* Brainwashing Techniques
I'll take that as a YES! :D
How rare. All the one's I heard about in this kind of case were straight.
It's ok when Gays are murderously irresponsible isn't it?

HELL NO! These people killed their child. How onan earth do you forget your baby in the car?

Hi Inevitable
Fatal Distraction Forgetting a Child in the Backseat of a Car Is a Horrifying Mistake. Is It a Crime - The Washington Post

^ This article explained it the best, how the adult mind can override memories that don't fit the regular regime ^

I believe carseats or seatbelts should have keychain, seatbelt or other devices to signal to the driver if there is a child in the car, because this happens to the best caring parents, even the most intelligent degreed professionals.

So it is that much more devastating because it is so outside the parents' nature to do this and it is harder for them to understand how it happened and forgive themselves.
I've had 4 kids and never forgotten them in a car...

I'm glad this never happened to you or someone you know.

Foster dad going to prison for child s hot car death Local News - Home

This man got 32 months, but I think the truly hardest part for him is losing contact and custody of
his 5 foster children. To go from having a family of happy kids to having nothing is unimaginable to me.

When this tragedy has happened to parents who absolutely had no issues or history of anything amiss,
those parents have received probation or lesser charges.

I think it was because of the pot that this man lost custody of the children.
I don't know how family, friends and church pastors didn't counsel him about that BEFORE this happened.

I feel sad for this family and concur with the judge how tragic and disturbing this is, where nobody wins.

If this man can use his life to keep reaching out to others, he can still save more lives and consider the loss of Kadillak to be the sacrifice on her part so that others could take warning from this, prevent more tragedies, and help more children in her memory.
I've had 4 kids and never forgotten them in a car...

I'm glad this never happened to you or someone you know.

Foster dad going to prison for child s hot car death Local News - Home

This man got 32 months, but I think the truly hardest part for him is losing contact and custody of
his 5 foster children. To go from having a family of happy kids to having nothing is unimaginable to me.

When this tragedy has happened to parents who absolutely had no issues or history of anything amiss,
those parents have received probation or lesser charges.

I think it was because of the pot that this man lost custody of the children.
I don't know how family, friends and church pastors didn't counsel him about that BEFORE this happened.

I feel sad for this family and concur with the judge how tragic and disturbing this is, where nobody wins.

If this man can use his life to keep reaching out to others, he can still save more lives and consider the loss of Kadillak to be the sacrifice on her part so that others could take warning from this, prevent more tragedies, and help more children in her memory.
Yes, it is a sad case to witness.....
Don't potheads claim that pot makes you more aware and 8 creases the ability to make sound judgments? Pot never caused any harm or hurt anyone.

Yeah. Right.

And get ready for more stories like this, once pot is legalized in more and more states, which will make the availability skyrocket.

Seems to me I have heard/seen reports of parents going into a bar and leaving their child in a hot car with the windows up.
But booze is OK, right? I think you seriously need to educate yourself on how many deaths have been alcohol related versus pot. It's not even close
I think sexual orientation is completely irrelevant.

Of course its relevant that a couple dome polishers have a foster child. The CPS that placed them should be prosecuted, moreover, let the pole smokers have at it but don't expose kids that obviously have left a dire situation to such lunacy not to mention unhealthy lifestyles :eusa_hand:

Just saying


Just saying that we see tragic cases like this with biological parents forgetting their children in the car far too often.

But to you- all that matters is that this guy was gay.

It is always a tragedy when any parents intentionally- or neglectfully kills a child.

If you can point to a specific reason that the adoptive parents sexual identity is relevant any more than a straight parents sexual identity would be relevant- let me know.
The article said,"They were taking care of an additional five other children at the time of her death." Makes me wonder where they were and what kind of trouble they could of been in.
Don't potheads claim that pot makes you more aware and 8 creases the ability to make sound judgments? Pot never caused any harm or hurt anyone.

Yeah. Right.

And get ready for more stories like this, once pot is legalized in more and more states, which will make the availability skyrocket.

Seems to me I have heard/seen reports of parents going into a bar and leaving their child in a hot car with the windows up.
But booze is OK, right? I think you seriously need to educate yourself on how many deaths have been alcohol related versus pot. It's not even close
Don't potheads claim that pot makes you more aware and 8 creases the ability to make sound judgments? Pot never caused any harm or hurt anyone.

Yeah. Right.

And get ready for more stories like this, once pot is legalized in more and more states, which will make the availability skyrocket.

Seems to me I have heard/seen reports of parents going into a bar and leaving their child in a hot car with the windows up.
But booze is OK, right? I think you seriously need to educate yourself on how many deaths have been alcohol related versus pot. It's not even close

Christ you guys are a broken record.
Don't potheads claim that pot makes you more aware and 8 creases the ability to make sound judgments? Pot never caused any harm or hurt anyone.

Yeah. Right.

And get ready for more stories like this, once pot is legalized in more and more states, which will make the availability skyrocket.

Seems to me I have heard/seen reports of parents going into a bar and leaving their child in a hot car with the windows up.
But booze is OK, right? I think you seriously need to educate yourself on how many deaths have been alcohol related versus pot. It's not even close
Don't potheads claim that pot makes you more aware and 8 creases the ability to make sound judgments? Pot never caused any harm or hurt anyone.

Yeah. Right.

And get ready for more stories like this, once pot is legalized in more and more states, which will make the availability skyrocket.

Seems to me I have heard/seen reports of parents going into a bar and leaving their child in a hot car with the windows up.
But booze is OK, right? I think you seriously need to educate yourself on how many deaths have been alcohol related versus pot. It's not even close

Christ you guys are a broken record.

Prove me wrong. You can't. It's a very well known fact that alcohol related deaths are much more higher than pot. Alcohol has a much greater negative effect on the human body.
Here's an interesting article and you can be sure it's not marijuana friendly.
Busting The Myth Marijuana is Harmless
According to Freedom of Information requests submitted by the group, from 1997 to 2005 the Food and Drug Administration recorded 279 deaths to which marijuana contributed. 187 of these deaths were listed as being directly related to the use of the cannabis plant itself.

These people may not have died from a marijuana overdose, but if they had not used marijuana, they might still be alive today.

Some doctors have also stated they believe the actual number of marijuana-related deaths is probably much higher because marijuana is often dismissed as a cause of death due to its “harmless” reputation, the appearance of other substances in the deceased’s toxicology reports, or routine omissions in coroners’ reports.

This assessment was substantiated by an estimate published on linking marijuana to as many as 296 preventable deaths in the year 1990 alone.

Marijuana Causes Strokes and Deaths
A 2004 report in the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics examined three case studies in which otherwise-healthy adolescent boys were admitted to hospitals due to strokes following heavy marijuana use.

The study concluded that smoking an amount of marijuana to which the user was unaccustomed (i.e. going on a marijuana “binge”) could cause a drop in blood pressure, which in turn leads to a very uncommon type of stroke known as a cerebellar infarction.

These three case studies were backed up by additional case studies illustrating similar principles, going back to the 1980s:
Family Council Busting The Myth Marijuana is Harmless

Now compare the numbers.
True, many, many more people drink than smoke pot but even if it was equal numbers alcohol is still much more dangerous. As I said earlier, it's not even close.
I didn't even bring up the violent crimes committed under the influence of alcohol. Pot rarely induces violence because of it's sedating effect.
Liberals love their drugs and their queers. Don't expect anything less than a rabid defense.
Dude has committed a crime, and he should not complain, since he is gay he should enjoy his behind being ramed by other criminals, like child molesters and murderers. The gays in a man's prison get to have all the sex they want, while straight man are stuck without women
Don't potheads claim that pot makes you more aware and 8 creases the ability to make sound judgments? Pot never caused any harm or hurt anyone.

Yeah. Right.

And get ready for more stories like this, once pot is legalized in more and more states, which will make the availability skyrocket.

Seems to me I have heard/seen reports of parents going into a bar and leaving their child in a hot car with the windows up.
But booze is OK, right? I think you seriously need to educate yourself on how many deaths have been alcohol related versus pot. It's not even close
Don't potheads claim that pot makes you more aware and 8 creases the ability to make sound judgments? Pot never caused any harm or hurt anyone.

Yeah. Right.

And get ready for more stories like this, once pot is legalized in more and more states, which will make the availability skyrocket.

Seems to me I have heard/seen reports of parents going into a bar and leaving their child in a hot car with the windows up.
But booze is OK, right? I think you seriously need to educate yourself on how many deaths have been alcohol related versus pot. It's not even close

Christ you guys are a broken record
Don't potheads claim that pot makes you more aware and 8 creases the ability to make sound judgments? Pot never caused any harm or hurt anyone.

Yeah. Right.

And get ready for more stories like this, once pot is legalized in more and more states, which will make the availability skyrocket.

Seems to me I have heard/seen reports of parents going into a bar and leaving their child in a hot car with the windows up.
But booze is OK, right? I think you seriously need to educate yourself on how many deaths have been alcohol related versus pot. It's not even close
Don't potheads claim that pot makes you more aware and 8 creases the ability to make sound judgments? Pot never caused any harm or hurt anyone.

Yeah. Right.

And get ready for more stories like this, once pot is legalized in more and more states, which will make the availability skyrocket.

Seems to me I have heard/seen reports of parents going into a bar and leaving their child in a hot car with the windows up.
But booze is OK, right? I think you seriously need to educate yourself on how many deaths have been alcohol related versus pot. It's not even close

Christ you guys are a broken record.

Prove me wrong. You can't. It's a very well known fact that alcohol related deaths are much more higher than pot. Alcohol has a much greater negative effect on the human body.
Here's an interesting article and you can be sure it's not marijuana friendly.
Busting The Myth Marijuana is Harmless
According to Freedom of Information requests submitted by the group, from 1997 to 2005 the Food and Drug Administration recorded 279 deaths to which marijuana contributed. 187 of these deaths were listed as being directly related to the use of the cannabis plant itself.

These people may not have died from a marijuana overdose, but if they had not used marijuana, they might still be alive today.

Some doctors have also stated they believe the actual number of marijuana-related deaths is probably much higher because marijuana is often dismissed as a cause of death due to its “harmless” reputation, the appearance of other substances in the deceased’s toxicology reports, or routine omissions in coroners’ reports.

This assessment was substantiated by an estimate published on linking marijuana to as many as 296 preventable deaths in the year 1990 alone.

Marijuana Causes Strokes and Deaths
A 2004 report in the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics examined three case studies in which otherwise-healthy adolescent boys were admitted to hospitals due to strokes following heavy marijuana use.

The study concluded that smoking an amount of marijuana to which the user was unaccustomed (i.e. going on a marijuana “binge”) could cause a drop in blood pressure, which in turn leads to a very uncommon type of stroke known as a cerebellar infarction.

These three case studies were backed up by additional case studies illustrating similar principles, going back to the 1980s:
Family Council Busting The Myth Marijuana is Harmless

Now compare the numbers.
True, many, many more people drink than smoke pot but even if it was equal numbers alcohol is still much more dangerous. As I said earlier, it's not even close.
I didn't even bring up the violent crimes committed under the influence of alcohol. Pot rarely induces violence because of it's sedating effect.

I agree 100%. Alcohol is even worse.
My point is, you pro-pot guys always come back with the usual, "but, but, buuuuuuttttt alcoholllllll !!!

So because there's all these problems with alcohol, and it's legal, we should add to the problems by legalizing another substance that also get's you high like alcohol ?

How about we not use either substance ?
Libs always claim to care for the kid AFTER they're born (Unlike Repugs) but this situation proves otherwise donit?

If Libs ACTUALLY CARED about Kids they'd DEMAND that these guys get put in a Wood Chipper.

You forgot to say lib marxists Like the previous post. As if you knew the difference anyway.

And commies. Don't forget commies.

Oh and muslin Kenyans.

Gotta be sure to throw those lies in there too.

Fact is, these are the same people who want brown children shot down on our border and American children to starve in the street. They don't give a rat's ass about that poor baby or the horrendous death. All they see is the opportunity to spread more of their lies.
Yeah we have the fattest poor children in the world. Dumbass Also all those brown people Obama got across the border brought us measles back. Thanks Obama.
Hi kiwiman127
1. robbing someone and killing them "is still worse" than just robbing them.

but that doesn't mean I want to promote one more than the other!

Abusing either alcohol or other drugs is equally bad and addictive.
Why can't anyone admit that?

The problem I see is there is a lot MORE awareness that alcohol has addictions and dangers
so FEWER people are in denial about this and people TRUST people to handle that
since there is GENERAL AWARENESS.

The OPPOSITE is going on with marijuana -- there is such DENIAL of addictions and abuse,
people making excuses, trying to argue to DEFEND use, that it is HURTING your argument.

It makes people fear even MORE that people are being IRRESPONSIBLE about it.

So if you REALLY wanted to be respected equally, you would do as MUCH support
as possible to ADDRESS the issues of pot abuse and addiction TO SHOW RESPONSIBILITY.

Then maybe more people would trust you and other advocates.
The same with the backlash against prochoice and progay.
As long as people DENY the problems and dangers with abortion, then prochoice is fought against as IRRESPONSIBLE.
As long as people DENY that homosexual orientation has changed for some people, then progay rights are rejected, too.

2. Also kiwiman127 especially for marijuana advocates pushing medicinal benefits,
I challenge you to promote EQUAL support and research for spiritual healing as a NATURAL cure for multiple diseases, as well as for healing the causes of addiction and abuses including BOTH alcohol and pot and other drugs. If this is denied, then it looks irresponsible.

That's another way to change the image of medical research that appears biased by political pot agenda.
If the SAME people pushing for medical marijuana ACKNOWLEDGED addiction and abuse issues
and DIDN'T want to deny or skirt those, then wouldn't you promote natural cures to PREVENT addiction and abuses?

For example, if you really want to sell guns, you would support proper gun training and safety so these don't become dangerous. Where is the advocacy to PREVENT the abuse of something you want to legalize so much?

Don't potheads claim that pot makes you more aware and 8 creases the ability to make sound judgments? Pot never caused any harm or hurt anyone.

Yeah. Right.

And get ready for more stories like this, once pot is legalized in more and more states, which will make the availability skyrocket.

Seems to me I have heard/seen reports of parents going into a bar and leaving their child in a hot car with the windows up.
But booze is OK, right? I think you seriously need to educate yourself on how many deaths have been alcohol related versus pot. It's not even close
Don't potheads claim that pot makes you more aware and 8 creases the ability to make sound judgments? Pot never caused any harm or hurt anyone.

Yeah. Right.

And get ready for more stories like this, once pot is legalized in more and more states, which will make the availability skyrocket.

Seems to me I have heard/seen reports of parents going into a bar and leaving their child in a hot car with the windows up.
But booze is OK, right? I think you seriously need to educate yourself on how many deaths have been alcohol related versus pot. It's not even close

Christ you guys are a broken record.

Prove me wrong. You can't. It's a very well known fact that alcohol related deaths are much more higher than pot. Alcohol has a much greater negative effect on the human body.
Here's an interesting article and you can be sure it's not marijuana friendly.
Busting The Myth Marijuana is Harmless
According to Freedom of Information requests submitted by the group, from 1997 to 2005 the Food and Drug Administration recorded 279 deaths to which marijuana contributed. 187 of these deaths were listed as being directly related to the use of the cannabis plant itself.

These people may not have died from a marijuana overdose, but if they had not used marijuana, they might still be alive today.

Some doctors have also stated they believe the actual number of marijuana-related deaths is probably much higher because marijuana is often dismissed as a cause of death due to its “harmless” reputation, the appearance of other substances in the deceased’s toxicology reports, or routine omissions in coroners’ reports.

This assessment was substantiated by an estimate published on linking marijuana to as many as 296 preventable deaths in the year 1990 alone.

Marijuana Causes Strokes and Deaths
A 2004 report in the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics examined three case studies in which otherwise-healthy adolescent boys were admitted to hospitals due to strokes following heavy marijuana use.

The study concluded that smoking an amount of marijuana to which the user was unaccustomed (i.e. going on a marijuana “binge”) could cause a drop in blood pressure, which in turn leads to a very uncommon type of stroke known as a cerebellar infarction.

These three case studies were backed up by additional case studies illustrating similar principles, going back to the 1980s:
Family Council Busting The Myth Marijuana is Harmless

Now compare the numbers.
True, many, many more people drink than smoke pot but even if it was equal numbers alcohol is still much more dangerous. As I said earlier, it's not even close.
I didn't even bring up the violent crimes committed under the influence of alcohol. Pot rarely induces violence because of it's sedating effect.
It makes people fear even MORE that people are being IRRESPONSIBLE about it.

When it's isn't legal, it is gotten carefully and thoughtfully then smoked discreetly, but can you imagine when you can just skip down to the store and pick some up when screening and attitudes are relaxed?

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