Gay pothead get's high with partner while baby fry's in car

The lesson to be learned is that maybe gays should be allowed to adopt but potheads shouldn't.

the lesson you never learned is that you dont know much about pot.....i will tell you again....reefer madness is an extremely exaggerated movie....

Pot effects different people in different ways - I see people who smoke it everyday and function just fine on their jobs [cleaning toilets, raking leaves, playing security guard and collecting welfare] . Personally when I tried it for a while it back in the 70s -because it was "Cool" I couldn't function, became extremely paranoid - it was basically a horrible experience.

As far as being a parent and a habitual Pot head - yes there are plenty of pot-head parents. And their kids do just fine in the Bloods, the Kryps, and other "respectable" youth groups.
Goddamned fucking potheads !!!

Child crying on Game of Thrones shakes him out of his stupor.

Crying child on ‘Game of Thrones’ reminds pot-smoking man that foster daughter was left to die in hot car: cops

Crying child on ?Game of Thrones? reminds pot-smoking man that foster daughter was left to die in hot car: cops | New York's PIX11 / WPIX-TV

Ya right, blame cannabis because this has never happened before.

Being high could indeed have been the reason he forgot. Maybe he would have anyway, but getting high clouds your thinking, and could easily be the main reason he forgot.
Just because it's happened before with sober people, doesn't mean that taking a substance that alters your reality didn't effect this situation.

The man who left the child in the car was not stoned when he left her in there. He remembered AFTER he had smoked. Consider that.
The lesson to be learned is that maybe gays should be allowed to adopt but potheads shouldn't.

the lesson you never learned is that you dont know much about pot.....i will tell you again....reefer madness is an extremely exaggerated movie....

Pot effects different people in different ways - I see people who smoke it everyday and function just fine on their jobs [cleaning toilets, raking leaves, playing security guard and collecting welfare] . Personally when I tried it for a while it back in the 70s -because it was "Cool" I couldn't function, became extremely paranoid - it was basically a horrible experience.

As far as being a parent and a habitual Pot head - yes there are plenty of pot-head parents. And their kids do just fine in the Bloods, the Kryps, and other "respectable" youth groups.

Those Bloods and Kryps you speak of are more than likely involved in other drugs and crime than just smoking a joint. There are many, many successful people who smoke pot.
10 Really Successful Pot Smokers -
Successful Pot Smokers: Let?s Make a List | The Agitator
2013 Top 50 Most Influential Marijuana Users
Are you serious ?! Are you actually trying to defend this dirt bag the same way you defend Homosexual Pedophiles . YOu really don't give a rats ass about CHildren- do You ?!

you got that out of what he said?....were the fuck is he defending the guy?.....

He is defending his drug use ...

....And trying to downplay the incident as if it were something that could happen to anyone

This same incident has occurred with people that weren't on pot.

as well as stating that the guy wasn't really negligent just Stupid

What cased that, other than stupidity?

i dont think he were implying he forgot the kid BECAUSE of him getting high.....according to the story he did not get high until a certain amount of time he left the Doctors office with 2 out of the car with one.....walked into the house and did what he did up until he got high WITHOUT thinking about that little baby he left in his car.....what is ironic is, you anti pot people are blaming his forgetfulness on the Pot,when he was not high yet,apparently,but yet AFTER he got when he remembered the kid in the car....
The lesson to be learned is that maybe gays should be allowed to adopt but potheads shouldn't.

the lesson you never learned is that you dont know much about pot.....i will tell you again....reefer madness is an extremely exaggerated movie....

Pot effects different people in different ways - I see people who smoke it everyday and function just fine on their jobs [cleaning toilets, raking leaves, playing security guard and collecting welfare] . Personally when I tried it for a while it back in the 70s -because it was "Cool" I couldn't function, became extremely paranoid - it was basically a horrible experience.

As far as being a parent and a habitual Pot head - yes there are plenty of pot-head parents. And their kids do just fine in the Bloods, the Kryps, and other "respectable" youth groups.

well see you are being just as stupid as Katz is.....i knew 2 guys with Phd's who got high one taught advanced Calculus at Cal State Fullerton.....i got high once with a Superior Court Judge and a Lawyer who had a lot of clients if the size of his house says anything......i had 2 Cops on my route who i am quite sure they get high when they can....your problem bean just cant imagine non-stupid or successful people casually smoking pot...boy are you in for a surprise.....
the lesson you never learned is that you dont know much about pot.....i will tell you again....reefer madness is an extremely exaggerated movie....

Pot effects different people in different ways - I see people who smoke it everyday and function just fine on their jobs [cleaning toilets, raking leaves, playing security guard and collecting welfare] . Personally when I tried it for a while it back in the 70s -because it was "Cool" I couldn't function, became extremely paranoid - it was basically a horrible experience.

As far as being a parent and a habitual Pot head - yes there are plenty of pot-head parents. And their kids do just fine in the Bloods, the Kryps, and other "respectable" youth groups.

well see you are being just as stupid as Katz is.....i knew 2 guys with Phd's who got high one taught advanced Calculus at Cal State Fullerton.....i got high once with a Superior Court Judge and a Lawyer who had a lot of clients if the size of his house says anything......i had 2 Cops on my route who i am quite sure they get high when they can....your problem bean just cant imagine non-stupid or successful people casually smoking pot...boy are you in for a surprise.....

casually smoking pot from time 2 time is not the same as a habitual pothead . It's not for me, but hey that's just me - it effects different people differently . As for the guys you know who fire up a doobie now and again -well goody for them -but I'm sure they didn't leave a kid locked in the car when they do it
Pot effects different people in different ways - I see people who smoke it everyday and function just fine on their jobs [cleaning toilets, raking leaves, playing security guard and collecting welfare] . Personally when I tried it for a while it back in the 70s -because it was "Cool" I couldn't function, became extremely paranoid - it was basically a horrible experience.

As far as being a parent and a habitual Pot head - yes there are plenty of pot-head parents. And their kids do just fine in the Bloods, the Kryps, and other "respectable" youth groups.

well see you are being just as stupid as Katz is.....i knew 2 guys with Phd's who got high one taught advanced Calculus at Cal State Fullerton.....i got high once with a Superior Court Judge and a Lawyer who had a lot of clients if the size of his house says anything......i had 2 Cops on my route who i am quite sure they get high when they can....your problem bean just cant imagine non-stupid or successful people casually smoking pot...boy are you in for a surprise.....

casually smoking pot from time 2 time is not the same as a habitual pothead . It's not for me, but hey that's just me - it effects different people differently . As for the guys you know who fire up a doobie now and again -well goody for them -but I'm sure they didn't leave a kid locked in the car when they do it

This article states that the man forgot the child BEFORE he went inside to smoke marijuana. Don't get your panties in a bunch.
you got that out of what he said?....were the fuck is he defending the guy?.....

He is defending his drug use ...

....And trying to downplay the incident as if it were something that could happen to anyone

as well as stating that the guy wasn't really negligent just Stupid

What cased that, other than stupidity?

i dont think he were implying he forgot the kid BECAUSE of him getting high.....according to the story he did not get high until a certain amount of time he left the Doctors office with 2 out of the car with one.....walked into the house and did what he did up until he got high WITHOUT thinking about that little baby he left in his car.....what is ironic is, you anti pot people are blaming his forgetfulness on the Pot,when he was not high yet,apparently,but yet AFTER he got when he remembered the kid in the car....

WO !!! Back up Harry - I'm not debating you about Pot - So far as I'm concerned it's no more harmful than Booze and should be legalized with the same controls as alcohol. It effects different people diff. ways - it's not for me -but if its your cup of tea [or kool-aid as the case may be] enjoy yourself .

according to the story he did not get high until a certain amount of time inside.

And you believe that ?
He is defending his drug use ...

....And trying to downplay the incident as if it were something that could happen to anyone

as well as stating that the guy wasn't really negligent just Stupid

i dont think he were implying he forgot the kid BECAUSE of him getting high.....according to the story he did not get high until a certain amount of time he left the Doctors office with 2 out of the car with one.....walked into the house and did what he did up until he got high WITHOUT thinking about that little baby he left in his car.....what is ironic is, you anti pot people are blaming his forgetfulness on the Pot,when he was not high yet,apparently,but yet AFTER he got when he remembered the kid in the car....

WO !!! Back up Harry - I'm not debating you about Pot - So far as I'm concerned it's no more harmful than Booze and should be legalized with the same controls as alcohol. It effects different people diff. ways - it's not for me -but if its your cup of tea [or kool-aid as the case may be] enjoy yourself .

according to the story he did not get high until a certain amount of time inside.

And you believe that ?

There's no reason to believe otherwise.
i dont think he were implying he forgot the kid BECAUSE of him getting high.....according to the story he did not get high until a certain amount of time he left the Doctors office with 2 out of the car with one.....walked into the house and did what he did up until he got high WITHOUT thinking about that little baby he left in his car.....what is ironic is, you anti pot people are blaming his forgetfulness on the Pot,when he was not high yet,apparently,but yet AFTER he got when he remembered the kid in the car....

WO !!! Back up Harry - I'm not debating you about Pot - So far as I'm concerned it's no more harmful than Booze and should be legalized with the same controls as alcohol. It effects different people diff. ways - it's not for me -but if its your cup of tea [or kool-aid as the case may be] enjoy yourself .

according to the story he did not get high until a certain amount of time inside.

And you believe that ?

There's no reason to believe otherwise.

True- no proof - just suspicions ,and you can't convict based on a suspicion . BUT - Do you actually think that he would admit being high when he was driving those kids around ?
WO !!! Back up Harry - I'm not debating you about Pot - So far as I'm concerned it's no more harmful than Booze and should be legalized with the same controls as alcohol. It effects different people diff. ways - it's not for me -but if its your cup of tea [or kool-aid as the case may be] enjoy yourself .

And you believe that ?

There's no reason to believe otherwise.

True- no proof - just suspicions ,and you can't convict based on a suspicion . BUT - Do you actually think that he would admit being high when he was driving those kids around ?

He admitted that he forgot the child in the car, so I do believe he'd admit to driving stoned.
Funny how the anti-2nd Amendment left that never saw a gun related tragedy that they didn't like is offended by a post about a homosexual pot head couple's abuse of the foster children they were entrusted with and the tragedy that took about five hours of stupid pot head negligence. .
Pot effects different people in different ways - I see people who smoke it everyday and function just fine on their jobs [cleaning toilets, raking leaves, playing security guard and collecting welfare] . Personally when I tried it for a while it back in the 70s -because it was "Cool" I couldn't function, became extremely paranoid - it was basically a horrible experience.

As far as being a parent and a habitual Pot head - yes there are plenty of pot-head parents. And their kids do just fine in the Bloods, the Kryps, and other "respectable" youth groups.

well see you are being just as stupid as Katz is.....i knew 2 guys with Phd's who got high one taught advanced Calculus at Cal State Fullerton.....i got high once with a Superior Court Judge and a Lawyer who had a lot of clients if the size of his house says anything......i had 2 Cops on my route who i am quite sure they get high when they can....your problem bean just cant imagine non-stupid or successful people casually smoking pot...boy are you in for a surprise.....

casually smoking pot from time 2 time is not the same as a habitual pothead . It's not for me, but hey that's just me - it effects different people differently . As for the guys you know who fire up a doobie now and again -well goody for them -but I'm sure they didn't leave a kid locked in the car when they do it

so what you said here was reasonable....what you said before was pure ignorance or it was you being which one is the real you?....
WO !!! Back up Harry - I'm not debating you about Pot - So far as I'm concerned it's no more harmful than Booze and should be legalized with the same controls as alcohol. It effects different people diff. ways - it's not for me -but if its your cup of tea [or kool-aid as the case may be] enjoy yourself .

And you believe that ?

There's no reason to believe otherwise.

True- no proof - just suspicions ,and you can't convict based on a suspicion . BUT - Do you actually think that he would admit being high when he was driving those kids around ?

on reading the story again i see something i did not see before.....i was under the impression it was just the guy in question and the 5 year old home.....but it states his partner was there neither one of them realizes the baby is no where around?....this story needs a little more clarification....
Funny how the anti-2nd Amendment left that never saw a gun related tragedy that they didn't like is offended by a post about a homosexual pot head couple's abuse of the foster children they were entrusted with and the tragedy that took about five hours of stupid pot head negligence. .

so who in this thread is anti-2nd amendment?...kind of a stretch aint it?.....
There's no reason to believe otherwise.

True- no proof - just suspicions ,and you can't convict based on a suspicion . BUT - Do you actually think that he would admit being high when he was driving those kids around ?

He admitted that he forgot the child in the car, so I do believe he'd admit to driving stoned.

He admitted that he forgot the child in the car

Yes of course he did - what did you expect him to say ? ... That he did it on Purpose ?

Driving While Impaired by Drugs is something he could deny , claiming it happenned after the fact .But as you stated - there's no proof , and he's a parasite, pothead and a faggot - so Liberals such as yourself will allways rush to defend those types of people as much as you possibly can.
people have been getting high for quite a while.....i knew people that would not smoke pot back when who will not smoke it even if State was the first to do medical pot in 96.....since then they have not seen all the shit you paranoid fucks say is going to happen......

Yes there have always been people getting high. I'm simply pointing out that once the availability increases, and it of course will as it becomes legal more and more, usage will increase. It's only logical.

apparently it doesnt increase as much as you say it will.....i used to smoke pot and even though it may as well be legal out here since its treated that way.....and i can readily get it.....i havent started up again....i can but i dont....and i am sure there a hell of a lot of people just like me out there.....can but wont.....

Just use your common sense. Once pot is more available, more people will be exposed to it, thus usage, especially by new users, will increase.

Increased legalization also means easier access for adolescents. In a study of Colorado teens in substance-abuse treatment centers, for example, 74 percent said they had gotten marijuana from someone who qualified for it medically. Researchers call it diversion.

Legalization may also be encouraging more kids to consider trying marijuana. In a recent study of thousands of high school seniors, 10 percent of nonusers said they would try marijuana if the drug were legal in their state. This included large subgroups of students normally at low risk, including non-cigarette-smokers, those with strong religious affiliations, and those with friends who disapprove of drugs. And of the students already using marijuana? Eighteen percent said they would use more under legalization.

Read more at Legalized marijuana raising risks for children
Yes there have always been people getting high. I'm simply pointing out that once the availability increases, and it of course will as it becomes legal more and more, usage will increase. It's only logical.

apparently it doesnt increase as much as you say it will.....i used to smoke pot and even though it may as well be legal out here since its treated that way.....and i can readily get it.....i havent started up again....i can but i dont....and i am sure there a hell of a lot of people just like me out there.....can but wont.....

Just use your common sense. Once pot is more available, more people will be exposed to it, thus usage, especially by new users, will increase.

Increased legalization also means easier access for adolescents. In a study of Colorado teens in substance-abuse treatment centers, for example, 74 percent said they had gotten marijuana from someone who qualified for it medically. Researchers call it diversion.

Legalization may also be encouraging more kids to consider trying marijuana. In a recent study of thousands of high school seniors, 10 percent of nonusers said they would try marijuana if the drug were legal in their state. This included large subgroups of students normally at low risk, including non-cigarette-smokers, those with strong religious affiliations, and those with friends who disapprove of drugs. And of the students already using marijuana? Eighteen percent said they would use more under legalization.

Read more at Legalized marijuana raising risks for children
Kids aren't getting drunk at school anymore. Know why? Because the sale of alcohol is legal and restricted to at least 18+. Pot is illegal and all the kids are getting high. The war on drugs is over and had been a dismal failure. Time to try something else?
apparently it doesnt increase as much as you say it will.....i used to smoke pot and even though it may as well be legal out here since its treated that way.....and i can readily get it.....i havent started up again....i can but i dont....and i am sure there a hell of a lot of people just like me out there.....can but wont.....

Just use your common sense. Once pot is more available, more people will be exposed to it, thus usage, especially by new users, will increase.

Increased legalization also means easier access for adolescents. In a study of Colorado teens in substance-abuse treatment centers, for example, 74 percent said they had gotten marijuana from someone who qualified for it medically. Researchers call it diversion.

Legalization may also be encouraging more kids to consider trying marijuana. In a recent study of thousands of high school seniors, 10 percent of nonusers said they would try marijuana if the drug were legal in their state. This included large subgroups of students normally at low risk, including non-cigarette-smokers, those with strong religious affiliations, and those with friends who disapprove of drugs. And of the students already using marijuana? Eighteen percent said they would use more under legalization.

Read more at Legalized marijuana raising risks for children
Kids aren't getting drunk at school anymore. Know why? Because the sale of alcohol is legal and restricted to at least 18+. Pot is illegal and all the kids are getting high. The war on drugs is over and had been a dismal failure. Time to try something else?

The increased availability means pot will be more likely to be found in other products, which will end up laying around, and inevitably kids and others will be more likely to exposed to it.

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