Gay pothead get's high with partner while baby fry's in car

It makes people fear even MORE that people are being IRRESPONSIBLE about it.

When it's isn't legal, it is gotten carefully and thoughtfully then smoked discreetly, but can you imagine when you can just skip down to the store and pick some up when screening and attitudes are relaxed?

I am more concerned for longterm effects that aren't being considered in the equation.

Environmentalists hate it when corporations only look at short term gains and profits, and they lobby for legislation
based on the profits and taxes made, and don't account for longer term affects on the health of people and the planet.

But when it comes to something they want, suddenly "how much money you can make off revenue"
becomes an argument over the consequences to health and the effects on children etc.

Really sad to see so many people not care to keep their brains pure and not manipulated by chemicals.
And teaching children by example that this doesn't matter and it's all natural.
Very disturbing to me.

Makes me have more and more respect for those who truly know the power of the brain
and enlightenment, and thus discourage people from intoxication that disrupts the truly NATURAL
function of brain and body and the higher levels of growth that can be attained that way purely NATURALLY.

That is sad that the natural function of the brain is destroyed by people pushing shortcuts, and calling that natural.

I just hope it doesn't cause longterm damage where we lose what is really NATURAL
in all the hype.

It just seems very telling to me that the most spiritually aware educated and informed people DISCOURAGE drug use.

So I can only think that a lot of this push to use drugs is out of ignorance of what is truly NATURAL.

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