Gay pothead get's high with partner while baby fry's in car

well see you are being just as stupid as Katz is.....i knew 2 guys with Phd's who got high one taught advanced Calculus at Cal State Fullerton.....i got high once with a Superior Court Judge and a Lawyer who had a lot of clients if the size of his house says anything......i had 2 Cops on my route who i am quite sure they get high when they can....your problem bean just cant imagine non-stupid or successful people casually smoking pot...boy are you in for a surprise.....

casually smoking pot from time 2 time is not the same as a habitual pothead . It's not for me, but hey that's just me - it effects different people differently . As for the guys you know who fire up a doobie now and again -well goody for them -but I'm sure they didn't leave a kid locked in the car when they do it

so what you said here was reasonable....what you said before was pure ignorance or it was you being which one is the real you?....

Will the Real GreenBean please stand Up ? I been here all along Harry - either I failed to explain myself properly in the first post ,or you failed to comprehend - in either event I believe that we have here is a "failure to communicate" - the key phrase in my first post in thsi exchange is "habitual Pot head" - the key word in that phrase being "habitual". Does that clarify it for you somewhat . Oh yes ....... Harry , keep the change.
Just use your common sense. Once pot is more available, more people will be exposed to it, thus usage, especially by new users, will increase.
Kids aren't getting drunk at school anymore. Know why? Because the sale of alcohol is legal and restricted to at least 18+. Pot is illegal and all the kids are getting high. The war on drugs is over and had been a dismal failure. Time to try something else?

The increased availability means pot will be more likely to be found in other products, which will end up laying around, and inevitably kids and others will be more likely to exposed to it.
Sure, kids can still steal their parents booze from time to time, but in general, kids are getting high most of the time. Sell weed in liquor shops where access is already restricted, they'd probably love the increase in revenue/profits.
That is called being stupid. This same incident has occurred with people that weren't on pot. What cased that, other than stupidity?

Are you serious ?! Are you actually trying to defend this dirt bag the same way you defend Homosexual Pedophiles . YOu really don't give a rats ass about CHildren- do You ?!

you got that out of what he said?....were the fuck is he defending the guy?.....

I don't defend this crap. Likely the dude faces criminally negligent homicide, I don't think a murder charge would stick, unless he is in a state with murder two charges. Whatever charges can stick he should get the maximum.

Greenbean is just mad because I don't engage his childishness.
Are you serious ?! Are you actually trying to defend this dirt bag the same way you defend Homosexual Pedophiles . YOu really don't give a rats ass about CHildren- do You ?!

you got that out of what he said?....were the fuck is he defending the guy?.....

I don't defend this crap. Likely the dude faces criminally negligent homicide, I don't think a murder charge would stick, unless he is in a state with murder two charges. Whatever charges can stick he should get the maximum.

Greenbean is just mad because I don't engage his childishness.

You Don't engage because you generally are forced to run away and lick your wounds . But I'll accept you claim that you weren't defending him , and your admission that you need to brush on your communications skills somewhat.
Yes there have always been people getting high. I'm simply pointing out that once the availability increases, and it of course will as it becomes legal more and more, usage will increase. It's only logical.

apparently it doesnt increase as much as you say it will.....i used to smoke pot and even though it may as well be legal out here since its treated that way.....and i can readily get it.....i havent started up again....i can but i dont....and i am sure there a hell of a lot of people just like me out there.....can but wont.....

Just use your common sense. Once pot is more available, more people will be exposed to it, thus usage, especially by new users, will increase.

Increased legalization also means easier access for adolescents. In a study of Colorado teens in substance-abuse treatment centers, for example, 74 percent said they had gotten marijuana from someone who qualified for it medically. Researchers call it diversion.

Legalization may also be encouraging more kids to consider trying marijuana. In a recent study of thousands of high school seniors, 10 percent of nonusers said they would try marijuana if the drug were legal in their state. This included large subgroups of students normally at low risk, including non-cigarette-smokers, those with strong religious affiliations, and those with friends who disapprove of drugs. And of the students already using marijuana? Eighteen percent said they would use more under legalization.

Read more at Legalized marijuana raising risks for children

Just use your common sense.

and you use yours....i just showed you a study they did about usage out here and none of the things you claimed will happen was no where near what you and others have said....i used to be for the legalization of it because Alcohol and Cigarettes are legal....but because of dipshits like this guy in the story i am not for that anymore....but because of those who can smoke it and do it "responsibly" i am for just decriminalizing it......and to those who abuse it,like driving while high.....stiff penalties....
casually smoking pot from time 2 time is not the same as a habitual pothead . It's not for me, but hey that's just me - it effects different people differently . As for the guys you know who fire up a doobie now and again -well goody for them -but I'm sure they didn't leave a kid locked in the car when they do it

so what you said here was reasonable....what you said before was pure ignorance or it was you being which one is the real you?....

Will the Real GreenBean please stand Up ? I been here all along Harry - either I failed to explain myself properly in the first post ,or you failed to comprehend - in either event I believe that we have here is a "failure to communicate" - the key phrase in my first post in thsi exchange is "habitual Pot head" - the key word in that phrase being "habitual". Does that clarify it for you somewhat . Oh yes ....... Harry , keep the change.

yea right but then you go on to say some of the shit you said in the other their kids will grow up to be gang members or they only have low wage jobs....which is no there was no lack of communication.....Katz for instance thinks ANYONE who smokes pot is an addict,period.....even if you used to smoke it,but are still ok for it being smoked...ADDICT.....and believe me in the pot threads around here she aint the only one who seems to think that way.....Bean you give the impression you are against it but then say you are ok with it........its like one post you are against it and another you are ok with it......thats what i am saying about you.....
so what you said here was reasonable....what you said before was pure ignorance or it was you being which one is the real you?....

Will the Real GreenBean please stand Up ? I been here all along Harry - either I failed to explain myself properly in the first post ,or you failed to comprehend - in either event I believe that we have here is a "failure to communicate" - the key phrase in my first post in thsi exchange is "habitual Pot head" - the key word in that phrase being "habitual". Does that clarify it for you somewhat . Oh yes ....... Harry , keep the change.

yea right but then you go on to say some of the shit you said in the other their kids will grow up to be gang members or they only have low wage jobs....which is no there was no lack of communication.....Katz for instance thinks ANYONE who smokes pot is an addict,period.....even if you used to smoke it,but are still ok for it being smoked...ADDICT.....and believe me in the pot threads around here she aint the only one who seems to think that way.....Bean you give the impression you are against it but then say you are ok with it........its like one post you are against it and another you are ok with it......thats what i am saying about you.....

I'm not for it , just as I'm not for Gay Marriage - but everyone has their rights - you won't see me arguing against Gay Marriage despite the fact that I loath the Gay Agenda with an unbridled intensity . YOu won't see me argue against weed -despite the fact that I hate the high , and in my personal experiences - any potheads I've dealt with are inherent losers. If I gave you the impression that I'm against it - it's because I am ... on a personal level - that doesn't mean I think other people should be forced to accept my personmal choices or that society should mandate those choices on someone else. A pothead is no better or no worse than an Alcoholic - difference being when a pothead cleans toilets - he doesn't vomit in it first.
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Beaner, are all pot smokers gay? Or are all gays pot smokers? :D

It is theorized that smoking pot leads to male breast growth . However another path of logioc states that guys with Man Boobs like to smoke pot. And still a third school of thought states that pot smokers are frequentlky lazy, lethargic dormant munchers - and have big boobs because they're couch potatoes. Question being - If you have Man Boobs are You a closet queen ? Nah - don't think so Rush Limbaugh has manboobs and he's just a couch potato- did that answer your question douchebag ?
Beaner, are all pot smokers gay? Or are all gays pot smokers? :D

It is theorized that smoking pot leads to male breast growth . However another path of logioc states that guys with Man Boobs like to smoke pot. And still a third school of thought states that pot smokers are frequentlky lazy, lethargic dormant munchers - and have big boobs because they're couch potatoes. Question being - If you have Man Boobs are You a closet queen ? Nah - don't think so Rush Limbaugh has manboobs and he's just a couch potato- did that answer your question douchebag ?

Got one more: why are you such a homophobe? Bad experience?
Will the Real GreenBean please stand Up ? I been here all along Harry - either I failed to explain myself properly in the first post ,or you failed to comprehend - in either event I believe that we have here is a "failure to communicate" - the key phrase in my first post in thsi exchange is "habitual Pot head" - the key word in that phrase being "habitual". Does that clarify it for you somewhat . Oh yes ....... Harry , keep the change.

yea right but then you go on to say some of the shit you said in the other their kids will grow up to be gang members or they only have low wage jobs....which is no there was no lack of communication.....Katz for instance thinks ANYONE who smokes pot is an addict,period.....even if you used to smoke it,but are still ok for it being smoked...ADDICT.....and believe me in the pot threads around here she aint the only one who seems to think that way.....Bean you give the impression you are against it but then say you are ok with it........its like one post you are against it and another you are ok with it......thats what i am saying about you.....

I'm not for it , just as I'm not for Gay Marriage - but everyone has their rights - you won't see me arguing against Gay Marriage despite the fact that I loath the Gay Agenda with an unbridled intensity . YOu won't see me argue against weed -despite the fact that I hate the high , and in my personal experiences - any potheads I've dealt with are inherent losers. If I gave you the impression that I'm against it - it's because I am ... on a personal level - that doesn't mean I think other people should be forced to accept my personmal choices or that society should mandate those choices on someone else. A pothead is no better or no worse than an Alcoholic - difference being when a pothead cleans toilets - he doesn't vomit in it first.

i wonder if your whole attitude would be different if you had a pleasant experience smoking the stuff....the only frequent smokers i knew who were "losers" were guys who also did other harder drugs as well and or,drank a lot as well...those i knew who were just pot smokers have done ok for themselves....even the ones who still smoke it....
yea right but then you go on to say some of the shit you said in the other their kids will grow up to be gang members or they only have low wage jobs....which is no there was no lack of communication.....Katz for instance thinks ANYONE who smokes pot is an addict,period.....even if you used to smoke it,but are still ok for it being smoked...ADDICT.....and believe me in the pot threads around here she aint the only one who seems to think that way.....Bean you give the impression you are against it but then say you are ok with it........its like one post you are against it and another you are ok with it......thats what i am saying about you.....

I'm not for it , just as I'm not for Gay Marriage - but everyone has their rights - you won't see me arguing against Gay Marriage despite the fact that I loath the Gay Agenda with an unbridled intensity . YOu won't see me argue against weed -despite the fact that I hate the high , and in my personal experiences - any potheads I've dealt with are inherent losers. If I gave you the impression that I'm against it - it's because I am ... on a personal level - that doesn't mean I think other people should be forced to accept my personmal choices or that society should mandate those choices on someone else. A pothead is no better or no worse than an Alcoholic - difference being when a pothead cleans toilets - he doesn't vomit in it first.

i wonder if your whole attitude would be different if you had a pleasant experience smoking the stuff....the only frequent smokers i knew who were "losers" were guys who also did other harder drugs as well and or,drank a lot as well...those i knew who were just pot smokers have done ok for themselves....even the ones who still smoke it....

i wonder if your whole attitude would be different if you had a pleasant experience smoking the stuff....

Quite Possibly , a lot of people seem to enjoy -as for me never again.

the only frequent smokers i knew who were "losers" were guys who also did other harder drugs as well and or,drank a lot as well...those i knew who were just pot smokers have done ok for themselves....even the ones who still smoke it.

That's just a personal observation - I won't try to prove or disprove it statistically as the Marijuanna Issue is not high on my personal agenda - my personal experiences with potheads has been as unfavorable as my use of it many years ago.
I'm not for it , just as I'm not for Gay Marriage - but everyone has their rights - you won't see me arguing against Gay Marriage despite the fact that I loath the Gay Agenda with an unbridled intensity . YOu won't see me argue against weed -despite the fact that I hate the high , and in my personal experiences - any potheads I've dealt with are inherent losers. If I gave you the impression that I'm against it - it's because I am ... on a personal level - that doesn't mean I think other people should be forced to accept my personmal choices or that society should mandate those choices on someone else. A pothead is no better or no worse than an Alcoholic - difference being when a pothead cleans toilets - he doesn't vomit in it first.

i wonder if your whole attitude would be different if you had a pleasant experience smoking the stuff....the only frequent smokers i knew who were "losers" were guys who also did other harder drugs as well and or,drank a lot as well...those i knew who were just pot smokers have done ok for themselves....even the ones who still smoke it....

i wonder if your whole attitude would be different if you had a pleasant experience smoking the stuff....

Quite Possibly , a lot of people seem to enjoy -as for me never again.

the only frequent smokers i knew who were "losers" were guys who also did other harder drugs as well and or,drank a lot as well...those i knew who were just pot smokers have done ok for themselves....even the ones who still smoke it.

That's just a personal observation - I won't try to prove or disprove it statistically as the Marijuanna Issue is not high on my personal agenda - my personal experiences with potheads has been as unfavorable as my use of it many years ago.

Quite Possibly , a lot of people seem to enjoy -as for me never again.

well i did know a few guys who did not like how they were with i hung with was good for me because he did not do any kind of drugs or when we went to parties he drove.....had a neat little MG....
Will the Real GreenBean please stand Up ? I been here all along Harry - either I failed to explain myself properly in the first post ,or you failed to comprehend - in either event I believe that we have here is a "failure to communicate" - the key phrase in my first post in thsi exchange is "habitual Pot head" - the key word in that phrase being "habitual". Does that clarify it for you somewhat . Oh yes ....... Harry , keep the change.

yea right but then you go on to say some of the shit you said in the other their kids will grow up to be gang members or they only have low wage jobs....which is no there was no lack of communication.....Katz for instance thinks ANYONE who smokes pot is an addict,period.....even if you used to smoke it,but are still ok for it being smoked...ADDICT.....and believe me in the pot threads around here she aint the only one who seems to think that way.....Bean you give the impression you are against it but then say you are ok with it........its like one post you are against it and another you are ok with it......thats what i am saying about you.....

I'm not for it , just as I'm not for Gay Marriage - but everyone has their rights - you won't see me arguing against Gay Marriage despite the fact that I loath the Gay Agenda with an unbridled intensity . YOu won't see me argue against weed -despite the fact that I hate the high , and in my personal experiences - any potheads I've dealt with are inherent losers. If I gave you the impression that I'm against it - it's because I am ... on a personal level - that doesn't mean I think other people should be forced to accept my personmal choices or that society should mandate those choices on someone else. A pothead is no better or no worse than an Alcoholic - difference being when a pothead cleans toilets - he doesn't vomit in it first.

You gay closet republicans sure populate the gay hate threads. Just like rush, you really need to come out and declare the true you. It will help you get rid of that anger seething inside, you'll start to have some real fun, and you'll join other normal people who accept who they really are.
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yea right but then you go on to say some of the shit you said in the other their kids will grow up to be gang members or they only have low wage jobs....which is no there was no lack of communication.....Katz for instance thinks ANYONE who smokes pot is an addict,period.....even if you used to smoke it,but are still ok for it being smoked...ADDICT.....and believe me in the pot threads around here she aint the only one who seems to think that way.....Bean you give the impression you are against it but then say you are ok with it........its like one post you are against it and another you are ok with it......thats what i am saying about you.....

I'm not for it , just as I'm not for Gay Marriage - but everyone has their rights - you won't see me arguing against Gay Marriage despite the fact that I loath the Gay Agenda with an unbridled intensity . YOu won't see me argue against weed -despite the fact that I hate the high , and in my personal experiences - any potheads I've dealt with are inherent losers. If I gave you the impression that I'm against it - it's because I am ... on a personal level - that doesn't mean I think other people should be forced to accept my personmal choices or that society should mandate those choices on someone else. A pothead is no better or no worse than an Alcoholic - difference being when a pothead cleans toilets - he doesn't vomit in it first.

You gay closet republicans sure populate the gay hate threads. Just like rush, you really need to come out and declare the true you. It will help you get rid of that anger seething inside, you'll start to have some real fun, and you'll join other normal people who accept who they really are.

I accepted who I was long ago. For years though, I hated myself for desiring female ass and boobs. I finally stopped fighting the urges, and now I am very comfortable placing my privates in a female privates.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to declare my freedom.
yea right but then you go on to say some of the shit you said in the other their kids will grow up to be gang members or they only have low wage jobs....which is no there was no lack of communication.....Katz for instance thinks ANYONE who smokes pot is an addict,period.....even if you used to smoke it,but are still ok for it being smoked...ADDICT.....and believe me in the pot threads around here she aint the only one who seems to think that way.....Bean you give the impression you are against it but then say you are ok with it........its like one post you are against it and another you are ok with it......thats what i am saying about you.....

I'm not for it , just as I'm not for Gay Marriage - but everyone has their rights - you won't see me arguing against Gay Marriage despite the fact that I loath the Gay Agenda with an unbridled intensity . YOu won't see me argue against weed -despite the fact that I hate the high , and in my personal experiences - any potheads I've dealt with are inherent losers. If I gave you the impression that I'm against it - it's because I am ... on a personal level - that doesn't mean I think other people should be forced to accept my personmal choices or that society should mandate those choices on someone else. A pothead is no better or no worse than an Alcoholic - difference being when a pothead cleans toilets - he doesn't vomit in it first.

You gay closet republicans sure populate the gay hate threads. Just like rush, you really need to come out and declare the true you. It will help you get rid of that anger seething inside, you'll start to have some real fun, and you'll join other normal people who accept who they really are.

Gotta love it -we destroy every argument these perverts can conceivably throw at us - humiliate them and rip their asshat agenda limb from limb and the best they can come up with is nonstop re-wording of the same old closet-gay insults. It's known as Jamming and it doesn't work any more douchebags - you wore it out :lol:

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