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Gay Rights Gestapo Targets Small Christian College: Any Liberals Here Find This Troubling?

Oh! First there's no such thing as "Talking Snake U."

Second, the reason that the University doesn't allow Homosexuals to live together, is that homosexuality is a mental disorder that presents through sexual deviancy. This is a form of delusion, wherein the individual believes that that which is false, is true. Specifically, that the craving for something is a legitimate reason to pursue that something; this without regard to whether that something is viable, healthy or inviable and destructive.

Therefore the University, being about the process of giving systematic instruction toward enlightening the student with regard to what is true and the processes used to determine truth, they'd be doing a disservice to their students to allow them to participate in behavior that dis-informs and misinforms, thus doing the precise opposite of 'the right thing'... ergo: what they're being paid to do.

Then the University shouldn't complain when they revoke it's accrediation, cut off all government funds and other universities have nothing to do with it.

Because clearly it's more important to follow a book that talks about Talking Snakes.[sic]


SOooo... the lamenter of books, is coming to advise the Reader that "they" are going to revoke "accrediation"?

ROFL! And we've another Government School Participant showing the Reader its intellectual stuff. (There's a clue in there somewhere Reader...)

Providing that yet another fascist is on the board for stripping people of their constitutional protections, in favor of the advocacy to normalize mental disorder presenting as sexual deviancy, demanding that morality be kicked to the curb and replaced with immorality; which is to say that sound (objective) science, should be disregarded in favor of pop-culture whimsy.

LMNAO! You can NOT make this crap up.
Gordon's leaders and 99% of its students have different beliefs and standards than you do and they would find such a thing offensive and in violation of their religious convictions. But you have no regard for their feelings and beliefs and you think that a gay couple's desire to shack up on campus should take precedence over them.

Yup. Individual rights should trump institutional rights. every time.

Let's say 99% of the students at Gordon were racists. Would it be okay for them to exclude non-whites because that's what their religion told them to do?

What would be so terrible if gay students simply chose one of the thousands of colleges where they would be free to shack up with whomever they wanted?

Why would a gay person want to attend a private evangelical Christian college anyway? I'm still waiting for an answer to that perfectly reasonable, fair question.

Why would those uppity Negroes want to sit at the front of the bus and drink out of the white drinking fountains and sit at the counters for lunch.... Oh, wait.

And they're not "could happen." Gordon College has been ordered by the regional accreditation board to change its decades-old code of conduct or lose its accreditation in one year. Numerous religious vendors have been coerced or punished for objecting to hosting or servicing gay ceremonies. And in several states, faith-based adoption and foster care organizations have lost and/or been banned from getting state contracts to provide adoption and fostering services because they did not want to place kids in gay homes, especially if the parents specified that they wanted their kids placed in normal homes.

You mean they aren't allow to discriminate against gays anymore. This is a positive development.


I can't seem to get my fill of this insanity that prejudices against people of minority genetic traits equates to rejection of unsound BEHAVIOR.

LOL! (Again Reader, the reasoning be advanced by the above cited would-be 'contributor' is the product of the same mental disorder that presents sexual deviancy. Back in the day they were just 'nuts', 'bananas', 'fruit-cakes', 'crackers', 'loony-tunes', 'bat-shit crazy' and 'insane'.

Of course, back then the culture was still viable... with the normalization of that sort of thing being the undeniable indicator of a profound decadence; ergo: a dying culture.
As is your habit, you've overshot. And when this is over, you and your bestees will be back in the back of the closet, hopin' and yes... prayin' that no one discovers' their pitiful little secret.

We would have been fine with just accepting you as people... but as you have always done, you could not accept your blessings and decided to take it all. And in so doing, you have lost it all. And by that, I mean you have no political support and your judicial decisions are being ignored, thus, you have lost... it all.

But... LOL... you keep pretending that it's 2008... . I'm sure it will all be just fine.

Hey, Keyboy, I've already explained to you why the Christian Bigots...

Ewwww, yeaaah. About thaaat.

As a sound human being, working toward the goal of maintaining individual viability toward the greater goal of sustaining cultural viability, I do not accept published ravings from the mentally disordered for consideration, except as evidence of why the ravings of the mentally disordered are unworthy for consideration.

But I nonetheless thank you for the evidence. Rest assured that I'll add it to the stack.

(FYI: Advancement of the word 'bigot' is a definitional demonstration of bigotry. Now I mention that, on the off chance that there's still a spark of sanity in that shoulder divider of yours... so that perhaps you might find some means to bring yourself back... .)
These schools call themselves "private"but they cannot survive without taxpayer money. If they want to make a bold statement about their independence and stand up for their principles, I applaud that.

But you can't do that AND suck up all those federal goodies, that are reserved for those who do what you are not willing to do.
Religious colleges that accept taxpayer money have problems, big problems. They can't have it both ways.

Wow, uh, so religious colleges must forfeit their constitutional rights if they take federal financial aid for students? Since when? Since the gay rights gestapo began their war on religious liberty.

So should secular colleges that brazenly attack the Bible in several courses, that won't charter Christian student groups, that won't allow Christian speakers to speak at school events, that charter openly pro-Hamas/Hizbollah student groups, etc., etc.,--those secular colleges, of which there are many, should keep getting federal financial aid, but religious colleges should now be denied such aid unless they give up codes of conduct that they've had for decades? Sheesh, and you guys have the nerve to talk about "discrimination" and "bigotry."

Your interpretation of what constitutes "discrimination" and "public accommodation" is not only new and perversely un-American but also Stalinist and neo-Nazi in its attitude toward religious liberty. You place the desires of gays over the long-standing and long-recognized rights of religious people and religious colleges.

Thankfully, there is reason to hope that the Supreme Court will overrule the latest wave of anti-Christian bigotry from the Far Left. In a 2012 case between the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Lutheran Church, Obama’s lawyers argued that the First Amendment provides no greater protection for a church to choose its own ministers than the right enjoyed by trade-unions, corporations, and restaurants to choose their managers and employees. In other words, Obama’s lawyers argued that a church has no right to refuse to hire or appoint someone “just because” that person is engaged in conduct that the church believes is immoral. So, by this reasoning, a church has no right to refuse to appoint a gay as a pastor or to refuse to hire a flagrant adulterer to teach in a school that the church operates. Thankfully, the Supreme Court unanimously rejected Obama’s arguments.

hosanna tabor church state case separation USATODAY.com

Five Lessons about Religious Freedom from Ancient Rome Meridian Magazine
The school needs to go after the gay group and start with civil suits and every legal action available rather than pouting and standing around in a defensive posture.

Yeah, waste lots of money on cases that will go no where and/or be thrown out of court.

If they want to be a private college then be private. The state of Massachusetts should put into law that no state funded scholarships or financial aid can be used at any institution that discriminates against gays.

Problem solved.

Can the taxpayers put into law that no taxes will be paid to the state which might be used to support provisions that violate the religious views of the taxpayer?

Can financial aid discriminate on the basis of religion?
Amazing how many of these "private" schools cannot survive without taxpayer money.

No school can survive if students are denied financial aid. Denying financial aid to students on the basis of religion is typical for you Communists, but I foresee another Hobby Lobby level smack down coming your way....
Amazing how many of these "private" schools cannot survive without taxpayer money.

Survive yes. But.... if the government offered you money, would you take it? If the government considered cutting the money you get, would you oppose it?
The school needs to go after the gay group and start with civil suits and every legal action available rather than pouting and standing around in a defensive posture.

Yeah, waste lots of money on cases that will go no where and/or be thrown out of court.


The only thing that fails is the illusion in your avatar. Islam stones gays and hangs them over bridges.
Liberals continue to use their new, ridiculous definition of "discrimination" and just won't budge from it. I'll point out for about the 40th time that by the new ultra-liberal definition of "discrimination," an Orthodox Jewish photographer would be guilty of "discrimination" if he declined to photograph a "commitment" ceremony between a 60-year-old man and a 13-year-old girl whose parents had consented to her moving in with the old man. By the definition that liberals are using here, that would be "discrimination."

Quite sensibly, "discrimination" used to refer to denying someone a regular service or employment based on their race, nationality, religion, gender, or skin color. No one ever dreamed that some people would pervert the term to mean that a religious vendor could be punished for declining to host or service a gay ceremony or that a Christian college would be threatened with disaccreditation and the loss of federal financial aid for its students because its long-standing code of conduct stipulated that no one--gay or straight--could be a student if they were engaging in sex outside traditional marriage.
Liberals continue to use their new, ridiculous definition of "discrimination" and just won't budge from it. I'll point out for about the 40th time that by the new ultra-liberal definition of "discrimination," an Orthodox Jewish photographer would be guilty of "discrimination" if he declined to photograph a "commitment" ceremony between a 60-year-old man and a 13-year-old girl whose parents had consented to her moving in with the old man. By the definition that liberals are using here, that would be "discrimination."

Quite sensibly, "discrimination" used to refer to denying someone a regular service or employment based on their race, nationality, religion, gender, or skin color. No one ever dreamed that some people would pervert the term to mean that a religious vendor could be punished for declining to host or service a gay ceremony or that a Christian college would be threatened with disaccreditation and the loss of federal financial aid for its students because its long-standing code of conduct stipulated that no one--gay or straight--could be a student if they were engaging in sex outside traditional marriage.

You've yet to tell us anything that has been done to this college that would compare in any way to the Gestapo.

So shut the fuck up.
Providing that yet another fascist is on the board for stripping people of their constitutional protections, in favor of the advocacy to normalize mental disorder presenting as sexual deviancy, demanding that morality be kicked to the curb and replaced with immorality; which is to say that sound (objective) science, should be disregarded in favor of pop-culture whimsy.

We aren't talking about "people' here, dude.

Colleges aren't people. Cake shops aren't people. They are legal entities that have to follow legal rules the rest of us have agreed upon. So if Talking Snake U. is that keen on being bigots, then they shouldn't mind being stripped of accreditation. Right? Who needs diplomas that mean anything when you got you some Jesus!!!!

LOL! (Again Reader, the reasoning be advanced by the above cited would-be 'contributor' is the product of the same mental disorder that presents sexual deviancy. Back in the day they were just 'nuts', 'bananas', 'fruit-cakes', 'crackers', 'loony-tunes', 'bat-shit crazy' and 'insane'.

Of course, back then the culture was still viable... with the normalization of that sort of thing being the undeniable indicator of a profound decadence; ergo: a dying culture.

As I said, I used to be a right wing Republican, until I realized they only cared about the rich. Well, guess what, the Rich dont' care about hating on the gays as much as you do.

Incidentally, the only person here who looks nuts is ... you. Just saying.

Fact is, the homophobe is going the way of the racist, someone who embarrasses people when they speak out loud.
Liberals continue to use their new, ridiculous definition of "discrimination" and just won't budge from it. I'll point out for about the 40th time that by the new ultra-liberal definition of "discrimination," an Orthodox Jewish photographer would be guilty of "discrimination" if he declined to photograph a "commitment" ceremony between a 60-year-old man and a 13-year-old girl whose parents had consented to her moving in with the old man. By the definition that liberals are using here, that would be "discrimination."

NO, that would actually be - A CRIME. So it's not even comparable. There's an argument to be made about why a 60 year old doing a 13 year old (besides being illegal in all 50 states) is wrong without even having to ever go to the Big Book of Judean Fairy Tales. (Incidentally, the bible says nothing about these sorts of things. It has more verses on how to bury you poop in the desert than it has condemning child abuse.
JoeB is a militant atheist bigot, similar in lack of character and decency to avgguy, mikegriffiths, etc.

I laughed when avgguy thinks 60 to 80% of folks agree with him. It is more like 90%, including most conservatives and Christians, think the far right socons are loony.

Again, Jake the Fake, go troll somewhere else. I know you crave the attention, but it won't help your problem.

Pot, meet kettle!
Providing that yet another fascist is on the board for stripping people of their constitutional protections, in favor of the advocacy to normalize mental disorder presenting as sexual deviancy, demanding that morality be kicked to the curb and replaced with immorality; which is to say that sound (objective) science, should be disregarded in favor of pop-culture whimsy.

We aren't talking about "people' here, dude.

Colleges aren't people.

Colleges actually ARE people. Otherwise you're just referring to facilities. Facilities are of no value without people.

See how that works?

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