Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

And you can pat yourself on the back for being a big fat liar and putting words in my mouth.

I am opposed to changing the meaning of words. That is very much different.

Now, we can call you a bigot, for being intolerant of my beliefs.
We can call you a bigot for consistently stating I said something when I did not.
We can call you a bigot for stereotyping what all marriages were in the past, ownership of woman by man.
A bigot will make a judgement of someone without any knowledge, you have done that repeatedly.

Me on the other hand have kept it very simple and have made two points that you ignore.

1. Marriage has a specific definition
2. Homosexuals adopting babies and or children are violating the children's rights.
Maybe your points are being ignored because they don't make any sense. They only make sense if you're an ignorant person. They do not make sense in the real world.
stating that violating a child's right to a mother and father, forcing them against their will into a homosexual lifestyle is wrong, that is not hatred
Where is it stated that a child has a right to a mother and father and where is the evidence that they need a mother and father ?

Furthermore I previously pointed out how adoption by same sex couples does not deprive children of a mother and father because those kid have neither a mother or father to begin with, but you had nothing to say about that.
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It IS lust. The ONLY love that matters is that which sent G-d's Son to the Cross to pay for your sins.
I'm going to bring up a personal encounter to explain a point. One of my friends and neighbors who happens to be heterosexual is in the process of getting a divorce, he's not divorced yet. He's already got a woman living with him. I asked him if this was his new girlfriend. Trying to determine whether this is something temporary or permanent. He replied to me, " She's convenient." That is the saddest commentary I've heard in a long time. Being with someone because of your selfish desires and not because you love them. I happily go without now because at least I had a great love for 18 years. That's obviously more than a lot of people get to experience. You can't argue against an entire group of people that's bigotry
You can sites specific people and specific problems with certain individuals but you can't judge everyone by negative standards that don't really apply to anyone except your own opinion.
Children, babies, bought through adoption, are forced into homosexual lifestyles or what you call a family. So your idea that nobody is forced is wrong.
You just keep regurgitating that same tired shit while ignoring all counterpoints and refusing to actually define what you think that this "homosexual lifestyle is. How exactly do you think that family life with same sex parents is different than family life with hetero parents?
you are making shit up, you are lying through your teeth, give us the examples. Show us where the homosexuals have to live in the streets. Go ahead.
I did not say that they have to live on the streets . It's apparent that you have a very limited understanding of certain things, or, you are just playing stupid. You're playing right? Maybe you can get a competent adult to explain it to you.
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Marriage is one man, one woman. Until a younger woman comes along. Then it's goodbye first women, hello second woman. Then it's one man, second woman. Until yet another younger woman comes along. Then its goodbye second woman, hello third woman. Then it's one man, third woman. Until a porn star comes along. Then it's one man, third woman, one porn star.

That's what real biblical love is.

Only then will Jesus say you are worthy of being president. He'll even give you a mulligan if you are caught paying off the hooker.

But you will go to the fires of hell if you bake a cake for some fags.

It's all right there in the Bible. In Two Corinthians.
I did not say that they did have to live on the streets . It's apparent that you have a very limited understanding of certain things, or, you are just playing stupid. You're playing right? Maybe you can get a competent adult to explain it to you.
You said homosexuals were being denied housing. Certainly you can give at least one example if not a hundred?
well, I have said enough, here, I will give an example of a great homosexual, the best as they get

Larry Brinkin, who the commission hired in 1988, has helped ensure the rights of domestic partners, transgender people, and others are not ignored. People who have worked with Brinkin say the impact of his efforts extend to the LGBT rights movement as a whole
Larry Brinkin deserves more credit than Obergefell

Cecilia Chung, the commission's chair, called Brinkin "a community hero."
"Without Larry Brinkin, we would not have domestic partnership," said Chung, an out transgender woman.
Obergefell, maybe he is a better person than Brinkin

Openly gay Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco), a former city supervisor, said, "We owe Larry a great debt."

At the commission, where he's a senior manager, Brinkin manages the handling of all discrimination complaints, compliance with the equal benefits ordinance, and the commission's LGBT projects. Brinkin also served for several years on the commission's Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Advisory Committee before he was hired.

Decades of influential work
Obergefell, I guess to be fair, is not the same as Brinkin, but who knows

In 1982, he filed a domestic partners lawsuit against then-employer Southern Pacific Railroad for denying him bereavement leave after his partner of 11 years, Richard Reich, died. He lost the suit, but according to Brinkin, it was the first such lawsuit in the country, and it garnered heavy media coverage.

Ammiano said, "Larry was one of the very first pioneers to define the seriousness of a same-sex relationship," and took on Southern Pacific "way before people even thought of the words 'domestic partners.'"

Several years later, in 1989, Brinkin helped produce a landmark public hearing on domestic partners and alternative families.
hatred? I am happy to see that those who support homosexual marriage are literal, bigots. Diseased thinking is allowing the rights of children to be violated by homosexual marriage.

forcing children against there will to live with two homosexual men or two homosexual women is a violation of the children's rights.

That is your Justice? Nope, that is diseased thinking.
Still waiting for you to respond to the studies that I posted showing that children with same sex parents do verry well. I invited you to respond with something resembling an intelligent critique of a rebuttal with a study of your own.....but nothing ....just more of your ignorant bigoted bullshit
I did not say that they did have to live on the streets . It's apparent that you have a very limited understanding of certain things, or, you are just playing stupid. You're playing right?
I want to get personal again, years ago a group of us guys we're spending the evening together playing the board game aggravation and I think we watched one of the Star wars movies. At any rate the conversation turn to when we first came out when we told out parents we were gay
My friend Roger, A rather timid, quiet guy was reluctant to answer. We encouraged him to do so and when he finally did speak we are all taken aback by what he said. He said he told his parents that he was gay when he was 16 years old. He was their only child. They were strong Baptists. They urged him to repent for his sins and sent him upstairs without supper to bed. He couldn't stop crying, he stood at the top of the stairs and listen to the conversation they had with each other. After considering many options they decided in order to save their son's soul they would kill him. They loved their son so much they were willing to kill him because of their religion, they actually thought God would forgive them for what they had done. He ran away from home and lived on the streets in San Francisco. Somehow you overcame everything and became a doctor
He never went back to see his parents until they both passed on. At their graves he forgave them.
From Brinkin's domestic partnership lawsuit through his "historic" work on the Human Rights Commission, "Larry was one of [the] fulcrum individuals who played an enormous role" in the social change that Sheehy said will end with marriage equality

For more than 26 years, he's been in a relationship with Wood Massi, 64. The two men were married in 2008 and live in San Francisco's Lower Haight neighborhood.

"We have the best relationship of any two people on Earth," said Brinkin.

The couple has a 12-year-old son named Ben who mostly lives with his two mothers in Santa Rosa

The couple even has a son they adopted, who absolutely lives a homosexual lifestyle. Being the son of such a prominent gay activist
If you recall, police say that Brinkin had pornographic images in emails attached to his AOL account, imagery that showed children "as young as 1 and 2 or 3 years old being sodomized and performing oral sex on adult men

yep, no problem letting homosexuals adopt children who do not want two homosexuals raising them but are to young to protest
I want to get personal again, years ago a group of us guys we're spending the evening together playing the board game aggravation and I think we watched one of the Star wars movies. At any rate the conversation turn to when we first came out when we told out parents we were gay
My friend Roger, A rather timid, quiet guy was reluctant to answer. We encouraged him to do so and when he finally did speak we are all taken aback by what he said. He said he told his parents that he was gay when he was 16 years old. He was their only child. They were strong Baptists. They urged him to repent for his sins and sent him upstairs without supper to bed. He couldn't stop crying, he stood at the top of the stairs and listen to the conversation they had with each other. After considering many options they decided in order to save their son's soul they would kill him. They loved their son so much they were willing to kill him because of their religion, they actually thought God would forgive them for what they had done. He ran away from home and lived on the streets in San Francisco. Somehow you overcame everything and became a doctor
He never went back to see his parents until they both passed on. At their graves he forgave them.
WOW! Heavy. I would like to think that it would make an impression on some of the people here, but I doubt it. I will share some of my story at some point but it is late

yep, no problem letting homosexuals adopt children who do not want two homosexuals raising them but are to young to protest
I can find ten anecdotal stories of heterosexuals abusing children for every one of yours. There are sick people of every stripe. This crap proves nothing and does not support you bigoted position

STILL waiting for you to respond to the studies that I posted showing that kids do well with gay parents
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