Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

evil and hatred? I stated words have a meaning, marriage in particular.

Now you try to bring evil, god, and hate into my comment? That is reaching on your part.

I never said man and man, women and women, can not love one another, I never said there should be laws against that, I never said they should not have the government rule and regulate their personal relationship, although one could easily argue that government has no business rule and regulating relationships.

You have no argument, no facts, no way to support what you say. Maybe you need to explain what you mean when you say the picture I am painting is an ancient one of hatred and evil. That is an open ended statement with no details that substantiates it as resembling any truth. So go ahead, and explain.
No facts, I have the law and Justice back in my opinion what do you have hatred and diseased thinking.
Jesus fucking christ! Explain yourself! What is the lifestyle? Families go to work, they go to school, they eat together, play together and sometimes cry together. Parents help kids with homework and teach them how to be respectful and responsible. They have a home, maybe pets. They go to water parks and movies. All families do those things-straight and gay alike. Now what the fuck is this "gay lifestyle "crap?
You dont see any difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality. You do not see that they are not equal and do not create equal things.

Homosexuality is a different lifestyle than heterosexuality, despite going to a movie or a park.

And where are those studies you brought up?
No facts, I have the law and Justice back in my opinion what do you have hatred and diseased thinking.
hatred? I am happy to see that those who support homosexual marriage are literal, bigots. Diseased thinking is allowing the rights of children to be violated by homosexual marriage.

forcing children against there will to live with two homosexual men or two homosexual women is a violation of the children's rights.

That is your Justice? Nope, that is diseased thinking.
Your just playing a sick game with that crap. Either that or your not bright enough to know what discrimination looks like. It is much more subtle and insidious that what you describe. Discriminations happens when a gay person posts pictures of his Saturday wedding on social media and is fired without cause on Monday, Discrimination is when a gay couple seek to rent and apartment and are lied to and told that it is taken, and discrimination happens when a same sex couple applies for mortgage and is made to jump through hoops that others do not have to deal with. No it does not happen all the time but it happens. I hope that helped with your brain fog.
you are making shit up, you are lying through your teeth, give us the examples. Show us where the homosexuals have to live in the streets. Go ahead.
Speaking of marriage, the latest government statistics have proven that homosexuals are doing a better job at it than heterosexuals are. Yes, unfortunately they still have divorce but it is at a lesser rate than it is with heterosexuals. Marriage for gay people have steadily increased since it was legalized and is up 70%. The last year they have data for is 2019 that year 568,110 gay couples married. And for the idiots who dream about repealing the right for gay people to marry. Taking away a ride from people is a lot more difficult than giving them rights. Once it is given it has to be proven something was wrong with the decision in the first place and it adversely affects society. If anything gay marriage has fortified heterosexual marriage which was on a rapid decline when gay marriages were brought up it actually helped heterosexual marriages rebound a little bit but they're losing ground again. Contrary gay marriage is going ahead very strong and increasing. These are friendly people they want to be in families, it's ironic because most of the families created this situation in the first place.
yet, homosexuals are still violating the rights of children by forcing them to live in a homosexual lifestyle against the child's will, against the children's rights.
Your opinion is totally irrational and not logical at all. By your definition, most people are forced into a heterosexual family unit. No one is forced into a family, a family either exists or doesn't, they are all based on love. A family without love does not survive. That is called divorce.
Children, babies, bought through adoption, are forced into homosexual lifestyles or what you call a family. So your idea that nobody is forced is wrong.
You dont see any difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality. You do not see that they are not equal and do not create equal things.

Homosexuality is a different lifestyle than heterosexuality, despite going to a movie or a park.

And where are those studies you brought up?
Homosexuality and heterosexuality are two different sexual orientations they are different but they are the same the bottom line and both is Love is Love. What you are preaching on here is hatred and that is what all sins are based on.
You can pat yourself on the back all you want for not wanting to outlaw gay relationships but you are opposed to gay marriage and that makes you a bigot!
And you can pat yourself on the back for being a big fat liar and putting words in my mouth.

I am opposed to changing the meaning of words. That is very much different.

Now, we can call you a bigot, for being intolerant of my beliefs.
We can call you a bigot for consistently stating I said something when I did not.
We can call you a bigot for stereotyping what all marriages were in the past, ownership of woman by man.
A bigot will make a judgement of someone without any knowledge, you have done that repeatedly.

Me on the other hand have kept it very simple and have made two points that you ignore.

1. Marriage has a specific definition
2. Homosexuals adopting babies and or children are violating the children's rights.
Homosexuality and heterosexuality are two different sexual orientations they are different but they are the same the bottom line and both is Love is Love. What you are preaching on here is hatred and that is what all sins are based on.
stating that marriage has a meaning is hatred?

stating that violating a child's right to a mother and father, forcing them against their will into a homosexual lifestyle is wrong, that is not hatred

sins, interesting, all sins are based on hatred? What a ridiculous opinion. Stealing, that is not based on hate. Adultery is not based on hate. Worshiping a false god?

Sex? Sorry, you get that wrong to. Many people have sex without love, of both orientations.

Sex, homosexual sex will never result in pregnancy, so yes, they are very different. Homosexual's can not make families.
And you can pat yourself on the back for being a big fat liar and putting words in my mouth.

I am opposed to changing the meaning of words. That is very much different.

Now, we can call you a bigot, for being intolerant of my beliefs.
We can call you a bigot for consistently stating I said something when I did not.
We can call you a bigot for stereotyping what all marriages were in the past, ownership of woman by man.
A bigot will make a judgement of someone without any knowledge, you have done that repeatedly.

Me on the other hand have kept it very simple and have made two points that you ignore.

1. Marriage has a specific definition
2. Homosexuals adopting babies and or children are violating the children's rights.
1. Marriage has many definitions marriage has changed throughout the ages. 2. Fortunately, any responsible person can adopt children. And 3. Generally, pedophiles, whether they are masquerading as heterosexuals or homosexuals are ruled out of the adoption process. 4. It's never easy to adopt children and raise children, I only have praise for those who do.
stating that marriage has a meaning is hatred?

stating that violating a child's right to a mother and father, forcing them against their will into a homosexual lifestyle is wrong, that is not hatred

sins, interesting, all sins are based on hatred? What a ridiculous opinion. Stealing, that is not based on hate. Adultery is not based on hate. Worshiping a false god?

Sex? Sorry, you get that wrong to. Many people have sex without love, of both orientations.

Sex, homosexual sex will never result in pregnancy, so yes, they are very different. Homosexual's can not make families.
Attempting to put homosexuals in a bad light as if they're evil characters and not worthy of marriage should be a crime I think it is it's called defamation.
Love is NOT love without the TRUTH. What homos exhibit is LUST.
And how do you know that ? I'm sorry you are very sick to dwell on matters that don't concern you in such a hateful way. Most young people mistake lust for Love these Days whether they're gay or straight. Fortunately responsible adults grow out of that and find love in a world where so much hate exists it's really amazing that they can do that.
And how do you know that ? I'm sorry you are very sick to dwell on matters that don't concern you in such a hateful way. Most young people mistake lust for Love these Days whether they're gay or straight. Fortunately responsible adults grow out of that and find love in a world where so much hate exists it's really amazing that they can do that.
It IS lust. The ONLY love that matters is that which sent G-d's Son to the Cross to pay for your sins.
And you can pat yourself on the back for being a big fat liar and putting words in my mouth.

I am opposed to changing the meaning of words. That is very much different.
What now? Are you now trying to claim that you are not opposed to gay marriage? Or is it that they can get married long as it is not called marriage? What the fuck are you blathering about?
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Me on the other hand have kept it very simple and have made two points that you ignore.

1. Marriage has a specific definition
2. Homosexuals adopting babies and or children are violating the children's rights.
1, Yes marriage has a specific definition but you do not get to unilaterally decide what that definition is. It has evolved to mean the legal unions between two consenting adults regardless of gender .

2. You are still harping on that same stupid shit. You asked me for studies on same sex parenting and I provided it. (post 219) you had not a single comment on it but the you go ahead and post this crap without any evidence that the kids rights are being violated Do you realize how stupid you sound?

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