Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

Speaking of marriage, the latest government statistics have proven that homosexuals are doing a better job at it than heterosexuals are. Yes, unfortunately they still have divorce but it is at a lesser rate than it is with heterosexuals. Marriage for gay people have steadily increased since it was legalized and is up 70%. The last year they have data for is 2019 that year 568,110 gay couples married. And for the idiots who dream about repealing the right for gay people to marry. Taking away a ride from people is a lot more difficult than giving them rights. Once it is given it has to be proven something was wrong with the decision in the first place and it adversely affects society. If anything gay marriage has fortified heterosexual marriage which was on a rapid decline when gay marriages were brought up it actually helped heterosexual marriages rebound a little bit but they're losing ground again. Contrary gay marriage is going ahead very strong and increasing. These are friendly people they want to be in families, it's ironic because most of the families created this situation in the first place.
They don't want to hear your crap! To rational and factual for their small minds
One who supports depraved perversions such as homosexuality is in no position to accuse anyone else of evil.
You calling other people's love as evil means you are evil, you have a hatred in your heart, not love, and you are the problem. How can you live with yourself is beyond me. Hatred does more harm to the hater then it could ever do to the people that they hate.
One who supports depraved perversions such as homosexuality is in no position to accuse anyone else of evil.
I had one great love in my life, it was another man, it lasted 18 years and I'm so thankful for that. I hope you can find a love that good. It might help you overcome all your hatred that you keep bottled up inside that is destroying you. Good luck. Have a great life.
It is plenty my business as I do not want children exposed to this sick diseased lifestyle. And that's what homosexuality is. It is a fucking CHOICE!!!
Did you just spit on yourself?? Clean yourself up and look at post 219. Then get back to me with an adult response. Being a ignorant bigot is a choice.
It is plenty my business as I do not want children exposed to this sick diseased lifestyle. And that's what homosexuality is. It is a fucking CHOICE!!!
When did you choose to be a heterosexual ? The question is redundant, please don't answer that would prove you're a total idiot. Sexual orientation is not a choice. Hatred is a choice, why do you hate so much?
When did you choose to be a heterosexual ? The question is redundant, please don't answer that would prove you're a total idiot. Sexual orientation is not a choice. Hatred is a choice, why do you hate so much?
Looks like we ran the damned fools off, at least for now. But, they are like the zombie apocalypse and will surly return to try to eat our brains since they have none of their own. They are dead and don't know it. Zombie troll bots I think

c elektra

Looks like we ran the damned fools off, at least for now. But, they are like the zombie apocalypse and will surly return to try to eat our brains since they have none of their own. They are dead and don't know it. Zombie troll bots I think

c elektra

So it might be safe to assume one is an alcoholic and both are obsessed with homosexuality. Of all those stupid things to get hung up on. I work part-time, night shift. There's a lot of down time between rounds. That's how I got into this site. I enjoy talking to other people but I don't like to argue all the time. Once spring comes and I can garden again, you won't see me around here much until the fall. It's just not worth it.
Okay you yourself are not destroying homosexual rights but the picture you're trying to paint is an ancient one of hatred and evil there's nothing about God in it.
evil and hatred? I stated words have a meaning, marriage in particular.

Now you try to bring evil, god, and hate into my comment? That is reaching on your part.

I never said man and man, women and women, can not love one another, I never said there should be laws against that, I never said they should not have the government rule and regulate their personal relationship, although one could easily argue that government has no business rule and regulating relationships.

You have no argument, no facts, no way to support what you say. Maybe you need to explain what you mean when you say the picture I am painting is an ancient one of hatred and evil. That is an open ended statement with no details that substantiates it as resembling any truth. So go ahead, and explain.
When did you choose to be a heterosexual ? The question is redundant, please don't answer that would prove you're a total idiot. Sexual orientation is not a choice. Hatred is a choice, why do you hate so much?
No hate when you embrace the Truth of Scripture.
So it might be safe to assume one is an alcoholic and both are obsessed with homosexuality. Of all those stupid things to get hung up on. I work part-time, night shift. There's a lot of down time between rounds. That's how I got into this site. I enjoy talking to other people but I don't like to argue all the time. Once spring comes and I can garden again, you won't see me around here much until the fall. It's just not worth it.
I'm retired so I have some time but try not to spend too much of it on the stupidity. At the same time, they do make me think and to get a little creative in responding to their nonsense. It's also interesting to hear what these fools are saying. There are question that I may never know the answer to. Do they believe their own bullshit. and to what extent do the USMB trolls represent attitudes in the real world.

Looks like I spoke to soon about driving off the zombies. elektra with post 249 which makes little sense.

Off to dinner. Hng in and hang tough!
I never said man and man, women and women, can not love one another, I never said there should be laws against that, I never said they should not have the government rule and regulate their personal relationship, although one could easily argue that government has no business rule and regulating relationships.
You can pat yourself on the back all you want for not wanting to outlaw gay relationships but you are opposed to gay marriage and that makes you a bigot!
What the fuck are you blathering about now. The definition of marriage has changed many times of thousands of years. Women used to be the property of men. If we lived by you appeal to tradition logical fallacy they would still be the property of men.

elektra said:

You said exactly as I stated, "all women were the property of men"
I'm not playing that silly game anymore
What game is that? You made the statement, then you claimed you did not make the statement. It is obvious you did make that statement.

It is a statement you used to justify homosexual marriage. That statement is not fact. I am sure it is not your only justification, but it does show that you have no real fact to back up your belief.

Because you perceive the history of marriage as bad, you think you improved it by changing the meaning of marriage to include homosexuals.

I do not blame you for moving on from this argument you made. It shows the flaws in allowing marriage to mean anything one chooses.
I'm retired so I have some time but try not to spend too much of it on the stupidity. At the same time, they do make me think and to get a little creative in responding to their nonsense. It's also interesting to hear what these fools are saying. There are question that I may never know the answer to. Do they believe their own bullshit. and to what extent do the USMB trolls represent attitudes in the real world.

Looks like I spoke to soon about driving off the zombies. elektra with post 249 which makes little sense.

Off to dinner. Hng in and hang tough!
You fuckers would love to see wholesale persecution of the church.
I never said it had anything to do with anything that anyone did. It is a social justice/ civil rights issue plain and simple. And "the word" still means two consenting adults who are committed to each other.

And nothing justifies excluding same sex couples from marriage except appeals to tradition logical fallacies, and religious dogma that for some reason, you seem to believe should apply to everyone regardless of what THEY believe
and there you go again, applying religious dogma to my comments when I have never ever made a religious argument in my comments.

You have no truth or facts on your side, that is why you keep lying about what I stated. You have been wrong a dozen times about what I have said. It is now apparent that you are not simply making a mistake, it is obvious you have no facts so you must resort to lying about who I am, what I say, what I believe, in order to make your case.

Homosexual marriage, does not exist. Marriage is a man and a woman. You can call homosexuality anything you like, but over the course of history, that will not make it Angel Dust. It will always be homosexuality. Nothing more.
You can pat yourself on the back all you want for not wanting to outlaw gay relationships but you are opposed to gay marriage and that makes you a bigot!
And you oppose the Truth. That makes you a reprobate sinner and ripe for God's judgement.
You are not impressing anyone other than your fellow bigots with shit like that. The fact is that it makes you sound like you are a dangerous combination of crazy and stupid
Nope. Just the ONLY witnesses of God's Truth.

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