Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

OK You are sort of right. You did not claim that I said "should be" But this is what you said

Implying that I think that women are the property of men. If your trying to gaslight me it's not working
You said exactly as I stated, "all women were the property of men".

1st off, that is wrong, not fact.

2nd, nothing heterosexual have done, immoral, justifies changing the meaning of words.
There are no laws in about 28 states, or at the Federal level that protect people from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in the areas of:

  • Employment
  • Housing
  • Public Accommodation
  • Financial Transaction
Next #%^&* Question
Fine, show us how in those states all the homosexuals are unemployed, can not use banks, are not accommodated by the public and homeless because they lack specific laws in regards to homosexuals.
Post one? Sure Boss . Here you go. I have plenty more were this came from. Your turn now. Let's see what you've got. My guess is nothing

You're still blathering about "forcing kids into a homosexual lifestyle" but you cant seem to explain exactly what that means. Anyway, chew on this for a while. Be sure to follow the links and note the references.
Being forced into a homosexual same sex family/parents is a homosexual lifestyle. It is not heterosexual.
There are no laws in about 28 states, or at the Federal level that protect people from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in the areas of:

  • Employment
  • Housing
  • Public Accommodation
  • Financial Transaction
Next #%^&* Question
How would anyone now to discriminate against them unless one goes down on the other during the process?

You, on the other hand could never pull if off simply because you anyone could tell you are definitely queer just by looking at you! You have that creeper pedophile, sitting in a van with a bag of candy, look about you in your previous avatar that cannot be denied!
2nd, nothing heterosexual have done, immoral, justifies changing the meaning of words.
I never said it had anything to do with anything that anyone did. It is a social justice/ civil rights issue plain and simple. And "the word" still means two consenting adults who are committed to each other.

And nothing justifies excluding same sex couples from marriage except appeals to tradition logical fallacies, and religious dogma that for some reason, you seem to believe should apply to everyone regardless of what THEY believe
How would anyone now to discriminate against them unless one goes down on the other during the process?

You, on the other hand could never pull if off simply because you anyone could tell you are definitely queer just by looking at you! You have that creeper pedophile, sitting in a van with a bag of candy, look about you in your previous avatar that cannot be denied!
That is too stupid to bother with
I am denying homosexuals basic rights, you certainly lost track of what I stated?

Marriage is word with a meaning, based on history. That is all I said. I never said men or woman can't love the same sex or have sex with the same sex. The fact is it is not marriage no matter what you and the government dictates.

That you can not understand what I stated or you simply choose to lie shows again that you can not support homosexuals being called married.

Again, you must make ot look like there is something wrong with me instead of showing us that the word marriage applies to everything in your imagination.
Okay you yourself are not destroying homosexual rights but the picture you're trying to paint is an ancient one of hatred and evil there's nothing about God in it.
Being forced into a homosexual same sex family/parents is a homosexual lifestyle. It is not heterosexual.
Jesus fucking christ! Explain yourself! What is the lifestyle? Families go to work, they go to school, they eat together, play together and sometimes cry together. Parents help kids with homework and teach them how to be respectful and responsible. They have a home, maybe pets. They go to water parks and movies. All families do those things-straight and gay alike. Now what the fuck is this "gay lifestyle "crap?
Jesus fucking christ! Explain yourself! What is the lifestyle? Families go to work, they go to school, they eat together, play together and sometimes cry together. Parents help kids with homework and teach them how to be respectful and responsible. They have a home, maybe pets. They go to water parks and movies. All families do those things-straight and gay alike. Now what the fuck is this "gay lifestyle "crap?
Well shit these lunatics come up with is insane. It sounds like they don't take homosexuals are humans beings at all. That's how sick they are.
Fine, show us how in those states all the homosexuals are unemployed, can not use banks, are not accommodated by the public and homeless because they lack specific laws in regards to homosexuals.
Your just playing a sick game with that crap. Either that or your not bright enough to know what discrimination looks like. It is much more subtle and insidious that what you describe. Discriminations happens when a gay person posts pictures of his Saturday wedding on social media and is fired without cause on Monday, Discrimination is when a gay couple seek to rent and apartment and are lied to and told that it is taken, and discrimination happens when a same sex couple applies for mortgage and is made to jump through hoops that others do not have to deal with. No it does not happen all the time but it happens. I hope that helped with your brain fog.
I am denying homosexuals basic rights, you certainly lost track of what I stated?

Marriage is word with a meaning, based on history. That is all I said. I never said men or woman can't love the same sex or have sex with the same sex. The fact is it is not marriage no matter what you and the government dictates.

That you can not understand what I stated or you simply choose to lie shows again that you can not support homosexuals being called married.

Again, you must make ot look like there is something wrong with me instead of showing us that the word marriage applies to everything in your imagination.
Speaking of marriage, the latest government statistics have proven that homosexuals are doing a better job at it than heterosexuals are. Yes, unfortunately they still have divorce but it is at a lesser rate than it is with heterosexuals. Marriage for gay people have steadily increased since it was legalized and is up 70%. The last year they have data for is 2019 that year 568,110 gay couples married. And for the idiots who dream about repealing the right for gay people to marry. Taking away a ride from people is a lot more difficult than giving them rights. Once it is given it has to be proven something was wrong with the decision in the first place and it adversely affects society. If anything gay marriage has fortified heterosexual marriage which was on a rapid decline when gay marriages were brought up it actually helped heterosexual marriages rebound a little bit but they're losing ground again. Contrary gay marriage is going ahead very strong and increasing. These are friendly people they want to be in families, it's ironic because most of the families created this situation in the first place.
If that is what you believe, then DO NOT GET GAY MARRIED! But DO butt out of the business of those who do not believe as you do. Unless you can explain clearly and concisely how same sex marriage has had a detrimental effect on society, or you personally, it is none of your business what others do.
It is plenty my business as I do not want children exposed to this sick diseased lifestyle. And that's what homosexuality is. It is a fucking CHOICE!!!
Being forced into a homosexual same sex family/parents is a homosexual lifestyle. It is not heterosexual.
Your opinion is totally irrational and not logical at all. By your definition, most people are forced into a heterosexual family unit. No one is forced into a family, a family either exists or doesn't, they are all based on love. A family without love does not survive. That is called divorce.
It is plenty my business as I do not want children exposed to this sick diseased lifestyle. And that's what homosexuality is. It is a fucking CHOICE!!!
Right, gay people choose to be abused by people like you, sick-minded little fucks. I suggest the obvious, you are the one with the problem. Get help already.
Right, gay people choose to be abused by people like you, sick-minded little fucks. I suggest the obvious, you are the one with the problem. Get help already.
Or when your next gay friends get married. Go to their wedding, share in their love, and know the universal truth, " Love is love. "

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