Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

Worse of all is trump:s record and he cheated on every one of his wives. Melania was pregnant when Trump paid off Stormy Daniels. You don't pay people off unless you're guilty.
Actually, I believe Trump was boinking the porn star while his wife was nursing Barron at home.
So you're trying to say all those people throughout history were perverts I don't think so but you might well be one since you know seem to think you know them so well.
Well, there were a few gay/pervert Roman emperors and lots of man-on-man pole smoking and butt surfing throughout the empire right from the get-go.

Hadrian was the first openly gay emperor. It made all the papers scrolls.

It took the homos 400 years, but they finally brought the empire down.
Just a historical side note. Hadrian's lover Antinous was so good at smoking a pole that when he died in a boating accident, he was made into a god and worshipped throughout the Roman Empire.

True story.

And that, boys and girls and non-binaries, is why the Roman Empire fell three centuries later.
Actually, I believe Trump was boinking the porn star while his wife was nursing Barron at home.
You are probably correct, it was hard to keep all those 18 women straight. He only paid 3 of them off. Jill Garth was having a business meeting with trump ( she was there with George Houraney ) when he pushed her into Ivanka's bedroom and forced her up against the wall ( George was in the next room ). She settled out of court in a confidential agreement. No doubt if Trump had made it to the bed with her it would have been yelling out Ivanka's name.
Huh. I can't see Sandusky as being a liberal bastion, but....okay
Politics is mostly about the money and who can deliver. Ohio is going to get 9.2 billion from the federal government infrastructure bill that Biden got passed. A good chunk of that will end up in Sandusky. Hopefully it'll be the spark at least you're much greater prosperity
Perverts can't make anything sacred. They can only pretend. As long as they live their little lives without bothering anyone else their delusion is harmless. When they make demand on others to agree with the delusion and accommodate it, that's where the problems Start.
The only demands being made by LGBT people are to be allowed to live in peace and with the same rights and freedoms as everyone else. If you think that is placing an undue burden on you then you are the one who is delusional.
The only demands being made by LGBT people are to be allowed to live in peace and with the same rights and freedoms as everyone else. If you think that is placing an undue burden on you then you are the one who is delusional.

If that is true, then why are you filth so determined to force your sickness on a populace that wants no part of it, and especially on children?

You might have had a point when you claimed that it was only about “consenting adults”, and that all you wanted was to be allowed to practice your depraved perversions in peace and privacy. Foolishly, we, as a society, granted you that. “Don't force your morality on us!”, you cried, but now you force your immorality on everyone else.

And when you started going after children, we should have started rounding you up and exterminating you. It should have always been obvious that you intended to cross that line.
The only demands being made by LGBT people are to be allowed to live in peace and with the same rights and freedoms as everyone else. If you think that is placing an undue burden on you then you are the one who is delusional.
You got that right there's a lot of sick people on this site. They're prejudice and hatred is sickening.
Stereotyping the history of marriage is really a weak argument.

Show us how that definition has changed many times over the years. Go ahead.

Show us that all women were property of men everywhere in the world.

Talk about blathering, you have presented opinion that you can not begin to substantiate. I bet you run to google to make up for what you obviously have no clue about.
Let me tell you something. I do not have to prove anything to you. Indeed, it would be a fool's errand to even try because you are too invested in your theocratic bigotry, for it to have an impact on you. You hide behind your god and delude yourself into thinking that you know what an imaginary deity wants in order to justify denying basic rights to those who you disapprove of.

The fact is that we live in a Constitutional Republic and not a theocracy. The rule of law applies to everyone equally. The courts have rightfully ruled that there is no compelling government or societal interest, or even a rational basis for prohibiting same sex marriage- as hard as the bigots tried to prove otherwise.

Same sex marriage has been here for a while now. The sky has not fallen, and society has not collapsed. Marriage as an institution is better for it, because it is more inclusive and has a broader base. Rational people have moved on and accepted the reality that gay people marry, have families and are part of the community like everyone else. It is time for you to stop clutching your pearls and to get over it.
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If that is true, then why are you filth so determined to force your sickness on a populace that wants no part of it, and especially on children?

You might have had a point when you claimed that it was only about “consenting adults”, and that all you wanted was to be allowed to practice your depraved perversions in peace and privacy. Foolishly, we, as a society, granted you that. “Don't force your morality on us!”, you cried, but now you force your immorality on everyone else.

And when you started going after children, we should have started rounding you up and exterminating you. It should have always been obvious that you intended to cross that line.
You have some serious hang ups about children Bobby Boy. When you say "going after children" what exactly do you mean. I suggest that you take caution in what you allege.
Let me tell you something. I do not have to prove anything to you. Indeed, it would be a fool's errand to even try because you are too invested in your theocratic bigotry, for it to have an impact on you. You hide behind your god and imagine that you know what an imaginary deity wants in order to justify denying basic rights to those who you disapprove of.

The fact is that we live in a Constitutional Republic and not a theocracy. The rule of law applies to everyone equally. The courts have rightfully ruled that there is no compelling government or societal interest, or even a rational basis for prohibiting same sex marriage- as hard as the bigots tried to prove otherwise.

Same sex marriage has been here for a while now. The sky has not fallen, and society has not collapsed. Marriage as an institution is better for it, because it is more inclusive and has a broader base. Rational people have moved on and accepted the reality that gay people marry, have families and are part of the community like everyone else. It is time for you to stop clutching your pearls and to get over it.
You're probably talking to the wind, this type of hatred still runs deep in the small-minded individuals that still live among us.
Let me tell you something. I do not have to prove anything to you. Indeed, it would be a fool's errand to even try because you are too invested in your theocratic bigotry, for it to have an impact on you. You hide behind your god and imagine that you know what an imaginary deity wants in order to justify denying basic rights to those who you disapprove of.

The fact is that we live in a Constitutional Republic and not a theocracy. The rule of law applies to everyone equally. The courts have rightfully ruled that there is no compelling government or societal interest, or even a rational basis for prohibiting same sex marriage- as hard as the bigots tried to prove otherwise.

Same sex marriage has been here for a while now. The sky has not fallen, and society has not collapsed. Marriage as an institution is better for it, because it is more inclusive and has a broader base. Rational people have moved on and accepted the reality that gay people marry, have families and are part of the community like everyone else. It is time for you to stop clutching your pearls and to get over it.
You stated for thousands of years, "women were property of men". You don't have to prove it. After all, you can not prove it.

And while you throw around the word bigot, you should think of how you said all women were property of men. Nothing said in this thread is more bigoted then that.

Yet the discussion is homosexuality? Yet the only way you can justify homosexual marriage is to denigrate what marriage is and was, between man and woman. Why is it that you must find the worst in society to justify homosexual lifestyles?

Homosexuality can not stand on its own merits, you must attempt to prove something is worst to put a little lipstick on that pig.
You stated for thousands of years, "women were property of men". You don't have to prove it. After all, you can not prove it.

And while you throw around the word bigot, you should think of how you said all women were property of men. Nothing said in this thread is more bigoted then that.

Yet the discussion is homosexuality? Yet the only way you can justify homosexual marriage is to denigrate what marriage is and was, between man and woman. Why is it that you must find the worst in society to justify homosexual lifestyles?

Homosexuality can not stand on its own merits, you must attempt to prove something is worst to put a little lipstick on that pig.
Wake up already, one simple word would tell you a whole lot " Dowry ". Modern day romantic love did not evolve until the 1800s. Before that time most marriages were arranged and properties exchanged. Poorer people bought into richer people's families. A dowry was a payment for the right to marry.
You hide behind your god and delude yourself into thinking that you know what an imaginary deity wants in order to justify denying basic rights to those who you disapprove of.
I am denying homosexuals basic rights, you certainly lost track of what I stated?

Marriage is word with a meaning, based on history. That is all I said. I never said men or woman can't love the same sex or have sex with the same sex. The fact is it is not marriage no matter what you and the government dictates.

That you can not understand what I stated or you simply choose to lie shows again that you can not support homosexuals being called married.

Again, you must make ot look like there is something wrong with me instead of showing us that the word marriage applies to everything in your imagination.
Same sex marriage has been here for a while now. Marriage as an institution is better for it.

Tell that to the children that homosexuals adopt.
Tell that to children who are forced to life in a homosexual lifestyle against their rights.

Sorry, I ain't got the problems that your bigoted ass apply to me. It is you who is bigoted and uncaring about the basic rights of humans

Children have a right to a mother and father. You deny children of that basic right.
Wake up already, one simple word would tell you a whole lot " Dowry ". Modern day romantic love did not evolve until the 1800s. Before that time most marriages were arranged and properties exchanged. Poorer people bought into richer people's families. A dowry was a payment for the right to marry.
Sorry, I am note, woke.
And while you throw around the word bigot, you should think of how you said all women were property of men. Nothing said in this thread is more bigoted then that.
Holy shit! Are you fucking serious??! I did not say that they should be the property of men. That was a pretty pathetic swing and a miss!

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