Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

Nobody in the USA wanted to change the meaning of marriage.

Call two men married, that is simply the government dictating how society is to look.

Call homosexuality marriage all you like, force it on us, destroy children with it, but don't ever let the people vote on it. The people said no, loudly. Hence we get to see the democrats at their best, tyrants.
Nobody wanted change? Really? What rock have you been living under? Instead of change , you could just as well say that it was broadened and made more inclusive which can only strengthen it as an institution
And what is that shit about destroying children ? Gay people make excellent parents and I challenge you to prove otherwise. Gay folks were having children long before they could marry and would still be having children regardless of the ability to marry. Now children of gay people can have two legal guardians who are both their legal parents giving them the financial benefits and security that they deserve

I'll tell you what destroys children. Not have health care destroys children. Not having adequate food destroys children. Guns destroy children as do so many other thinks that you conservatives never want to do anything about
I'll tell you what destroys children. Not have health care destroys children. Not having adequate food destroys children. Guns destroy children as do so many other thinks that you conservatives never want to do anything about

Faggots and trannies having access to children, and influence over them, destroys children. And it destroys societies, as well.

Your kind are a serious, destructive disease.
Nobody wanted change? Really? What rock have you been living under? Instead of change , you could just as well say that it was broadened and made more inclusive which can only strengthen it as an institution

And what is that shit about destroying children ?

Gay people make excellent parents and I challenge you to prove otherwise. Gay folks were having children long before they could marry and would still be having children regardless of the ability to marry. Now children of gay people can have two legal guardians who are both their legal parents giving them the financial benefits and security that they deserve

I'll tell you what destroys children. Not have health care destroys children. Not having adequate food destroys children. Guns destroy children as do so many other thinks that you conservatives never want to do anything about
Conservatives destroy children?

Forcing 7 year old boys to live in a homosexual lifestyle does not destroy what they would choose, naturally?

But to you, it is the conservative? And at that you must lie about what conservatives want?

Guns? Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats own guns. Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Judges also let violent criminals out of jail. By your reasoning we must state Democrats destroy children, especially now that they force 3 year old boys to live a homosexual lifestyle with their 60 year old dad that marries 25 year old boy/bride/man? I pick that age because I have a very nice homosexual criminal story to share, if you care to go there.

Healthcare, Obama gave everyone Healthcare, after the Democrats failed for years to even consider healthcare. And of course you must ignore that Conservatives gave everyone in California Healthcare. That today or when Obama forced his healthcare on the country, California kept their program. California did not give up one person to Obamacare.

Healthcare, yes us terrible Conservatives gave every person in California healthcare back in 1966, long before democrats jumped on the background. And, before the Democrats ruined medical insurance and jobs in this country, us conservatives had the crazy idea that people would work for money and pay for the healthcare of their choice, although many many millions did not have to because us working conservatives worked for those big bad corporations that provided healthcare to their employees.

Food, who is it pushing to climate change, who is taking farmland and turning it into wind farms and solar farms. Who is it that spends more money on wind turbines and solar panels than on food. Who is it that is mandating ethanol be made out of food? If your issue is food, than it is the Democrats you must look at. But of course, Americans have adequate food, or at least we did until the Democrats weaponized Covid as a political tool and now the shelves are going bare and the price of what is left can only be afforded with Food Stamps or Welfare of some kind.

Gay folks, as you put it, will fix these problems?

Gay folks, a 60 year old man who marries a twenty year old Fem/boy and adopts a 1 year old boy/toddler are "excellent" parents? Really, two homosexuals forcing a baby into a homosexual lifestyle not of the babies choosing are doing something excellent? Homosexual adults are thinking about what is best for babies when they force them to live a homosexual lifestyle that they would not choose? That is what you call excellent? Depriving children of a mother and a father is excellent parenting?

Depriving babies, children, even teenagers of a mother and father, is excellent parenting? It is not selfish? Sorry, I do not have to explain that, it is you that must explain how that is excellent parenting.

And this is all your Homosexual Candidate is here to fix? With what experience and knowledge? Because he forced the American people to accept what he wanted marriage be??
Forcing 7 year old boys to live in a homosexual lifestyle does not destroy what they would choose, naturally?
What?!! What the fuck are you talking about? Do you think that having gay parents is forcing a kid to "live a homosexual lifestyle" whatever the fuck that means? How stupid are you?
Conservatives destroy children?

Forcing 7 year old boys to live in a homosexual lifestyle does not destroy what they would choose, naturally?

But to you, it is the conservative? And at that you must lie about what conservatives want?

Guns? Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats own guns. Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat Judges also let violent criminals out of jail. By your reasoning we must state Democrats destroy children, especially now that they force 3 year old boys to live a homosexual lifestyle with their 60 year old dad that marries 25 year old boy/bride/man? I pick that age because I have a very nice homosexual criminal story to share, if you care to go there.

Healthcare, Obama gave everyone Healthcare, after the Democrats failed for years to even consider healthcare. And of course you must ignore that Conservatives gave everyone in California Healthcare. That today or when Obama forced his healthcare on the country, California kept their program. California did not give up one person to Obamacare.

Healthcare, yes us terrible Conservatives gave every person in California healthcare back in 1966, long before democrats jumped on the background. And, before the Democrats ruined medical insurance and jobs in this country, us conservatives had the crazy idea that people would work for money and pay for the healthcare of their choice, although many many millions did not have to because us working conservatives worked for those big bad corporations that provided healthcare to their employees.

Food, who is it pushing to climate change, who is taking farmland and turning it into wind farms and solar farms. Who is it that spends more money on wind turbines and solar panels than on food. Who is it that is mandating ethanol be made out of food? If your issue is food, than it is the Democrats you must look at. But of course, Americans have adequate food, or at least we did until the Democrats weaponized Covid as a political tool and now the shelves are going bare and the price of what is left can only be afforded with Food Stamps or Welfare of some kind.

Gay folks, as you put it, will fix these problems?

Gay folks, a 60 year old man who marries a twenty year old Fem/boy and adopts a 1 year old boy/toddler are "excellent" parents? Really, two homosexuals forcing a baby into a homosexual lifestyle not of the babies choosing are doing something excellent? Homosexual adults are thinking about what is best for babies when they force them to live a homosexual lifestyle that they would not choose? That is what you call excellent? Depriving children of a mother and a father is excellent parenting?

Depriving babies, children, even teenagers of a mother and father, is excellent parenting? It is not selfish? Sorry, I do not have to explain that, it is you that must explain how that is excellent parenting.

And this is all your Homosexual Candidate is here to fix? With what experience and knowledge? Because he forced the American people to accept what he wanted marriage be??

Holy Fucking Gish Gallop

Marriage, a man and a woman. One generations proclivities, a ruling by the courts, can not change the meaning if words.

Gayrriage, is fine, homosexuals.

Marriage, 1000's of years of society, customs, traditions, and culture define the word.

The democrats dirty politics have no place in our culture.
"We've always done it that way!" The cry of oppressors all the way back to antiquity.
What?!! What the fuck are you talking about? Do you think that having gay parents is forcing a kid to "live a homosexual lifestyle" whatever the fuck that means? How stupid are you?
What is marriage between two homosexual men? It is a homosexual lifestyle, not a heterosexual lifestyle. What is the lifestyle between homosexual women, it is a homosexual lifestyle, not a heterosexual lifestyle.

Having gay parents? Allowing men "married" to men, or women, "married" to women to adopt babies who naturally would not choose to live in a homosexual lifestyle is forcing.

Hell, you are advocating that the homosexual lifestyle needs special Politicians to create new rights, you are the one advocating for homosexual lifestyles and now you act like that is some strange idea?
Marriage, a man and a woman. One generations proclivities, a ruling by the courts, can not change the meaning if words.

Gayrriage, is fine, homosexuals.

Marriage, 1000's of years of society, customs, traditions, and culture define the word.

The democrats dirty politics have no place in our culture.
What the fuck are you blathering about now. The definition of marriage has changed many times of thousands of years. Women used to be the property of men. If we lived by you appeal to tradition logical fallacy they would still be the property of men.
What is marriage between two homosexual men? It is a homosexual lifestyle, not a heterosexual lifestyle. What is the lifestyle between homosexual women, it is a homosexual lifestyle, not a heterosexual lifestyle.

Having gay parents? Allowing men "married" to men, or women, "married" to women to adopt babies who naturally would not choose to live in a homosexual lifestyle is forcing.

Hell, you are advocating that the homosexual lifestyle needs special Politicians to create new rights, you are the one advocating for homosexual lifestyles and now you act like that is some strange idea?
Holy shit you are an ignorant and bigoted fuck head! I am at a loss of words.
What the fuck are you blathering about now. The definition of marriage has changed many times of thousands of years. Women used to be the property of men. If we lived by you appeal to tradition logical fallacy they would still be the property of men.
Stereotyping the history of marriage is really a weak argument.

Show us how that definition has changed many times over the years. Go ahead.

Show us that all women were property of men everywhere in the world.

Talk about blathering, you have presented opinion that you can not begin to substantiate. I bet you run to google to make up for what you obviously have no clue about.
"We've always done it that way!" The cry of oppressors all the way back to antiquity.

By “oppressors”, of course, you mean societies that have worked in a healthy manner.

Perpetuation of the human race only occurs by men and women acting in the manner that biology dictates, to produce offspring.

It's not at all oppressive to point out that homosexuality and transsexuality simply do not work, biologically. They are harmful defects which natural selection tries to weed out.

Stable societies always have and always will be built on families as the basic unit, a family consisting of a man and a woman, and the children that they produce together. “We've always done it that way!” because societies that tried to do it differently on any scale eventually died out, and we do not want own society to meet that fate. If you know what to look for, you can see that our own society is already showing the tragic effects of the degree to which we have deviated from this model, and it will only get worse as we allow this deviation to fester.
What the fuck are you blathering about now. The definition of marriage has changed many times of thousands of years. Women used to be the property of men. If we lived by you appeal to tradition logical fallacy they would still be the property of men.

Marriage has always been between man and a woman, and that is what it will always be.

A society cannot any more force a “marriage” between two men or between two women to have the same legitimacy as a genuine marriage, than it can force two plus two to equal ten.
Marriage has always been between man and a woman, and that is what it will always be.

A society cannot any more force a “marriage” between two men or between two women to have the same legitimacy as a genuine marriage, than it can force two plus two to equal ten.
Married people demanded all kinds of cash and prizes from the government. They DEMANDED government involvement in their marriages.

All gays ask for is the exact same legal protections and you bigoted, pointy-headed, low-IQ retards have your panties in a bunch.

If your church (which must be a real doozy of a place) does not want to perform a ceremony for gays, that's fine. Don't.

But when you go crawling to the government with your hand out for special favors, then you are opening the "equal protection of the laws" clause of the Constitution.

If the government decides everyone gets a "free" bag of lollipops, they cannot obstruct gays from receiving a bag of lollipops just because they are icky.

That's what the real issue is about. It has nothing to do with religion. It is all about government cash and prizes.

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