Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

Why do you faggots flaunt your filth in public parades, in front of children?

I think the motive behind involving children in any way with this filth is rather obvious. It's against the rules on this forum to come out and say it about any individual user, but we all know.

It is certainly telling that none of the faggots and faggot-supporters can bring themselves to condemn this.
Like giving special rights to kiddie diddler scumbags which you and the rest of your diseased ilk do. That's right. The next step for these deviants is to legalize pedophilia.
Oh no. And they attack anyone who DARES to oppose them. They want pedophilia legalized.
They'll angrily deny it, if you confront them directly on that point, yet they make no effort at all to hide their support for policy positions that are clearly intended to have that very effect.
Oh no. And they attack anyone who DARES to oppose them. They want pedophilia legalized.

Have you seen what this piece of shit said about a three-year-old boy, some time before you joined this forum?

Anyway, my assessment of the account of what is going on there is that the child, and possibly the aunt are confused about the difference between being gay and transsexual. Children of that age are already developing a sense of gender identity and he most likely is transsexual.

What kind of sick freak thinks or speaks of a toddler in terms of depraved sexual perversions such as homosexuality or transsexuality? The answer is obvious, but it's against the rules on this forum to come out and say it.

I think a similar remark from Satan occurred in this thread, or in a similar thread, some time within the past few days.

They really are not trying very hard to hide what they are.
Something does not smell right to me. Schools do not get to unilaterally decide that a child is gender confused should transition.

There is plenty besides handwringing that the family can and should be doing. If there is any truth to what you are saying, someone should :

1. File a lawsuit against the school for inflicting emotional distress on the girl
2. Child Protective Services should be investigating it as institutional abuse
3. CPS should determine if a referral to the prosecutor for criminal investigation is warranted
4. The media should be asked to do some investigative reporting
5. The next school board meeting should be attended and hell should be raised

Something is just not right with this picture. There has to be something else that triggered this whole thing, other than the girl saying that she wants to be a Marine
It's happened before in California
No problems? Its a state that had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the Supreme court over the issue of same sex marriage

And there are still other issue that need work

Nobody in the USA wanted to change the meaning of marriage.

Call two men married, that is simply the government dictating how society is to look.

Call homosexuality marriage all you like, force it on us, destroy children with it, but don't ever let the people vote on it. The people said no, loudly. Hence we get to see the democrats at their best, tyrants.
It's happened before in California
I didn't say thatit could not happen. I am questioning what is going on with the case that you previously presented that you seem to not want to talk about anymore. The difference is that in this case there are indications that the child innitiated the discussion about gender while you claim that was not the case with the personal one that you posted
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Call homosexuality marriage all you like, force it on us, destroy children with it, but don't ever let the people vote on it. The people said no, loudly. Hence we get to see the democrats at their best, tyrants.

Even here, in relentlessly left wrong-wing California, the issue was put to a vote, twice, and both times, the voters of California overwhelming rejected the idea of forcing a depraved homosexuals mockery of marriage to be recognized as comparable to genuine marriage. Both times, corrupt faggot judges illegally abused their power and overruled the clearly-expressed will of the people of this state.

If the depraved homosexual mockery of marriage could not pass a legitimate vote of Californians, what chance would it have had to be legitimately supported by the people of any other state, or the nation as a whole?

This sickness was inflicted on the nation, not by the will of the people, but by the acts of corrupt courts.
Even here, in relentlessly left wrong-wing California, the issue was put to a vote, twice, and both times, the voters of California overwhelming rejected the idea of forcing a depraved homosexuals mockery of marriage to be recognized as comparable to genuine marriage. Both times, corrupt faggot judges illegally abused their power and overruled the clearly-expressed will of the people of this state.

If the depraved homosexual mockery of marriage could not pass a legitimate vote of Californians, what chance would it have had to be legitimately supported by the people of any other state, or the nation as a whole?

This sickness was inflicted on the nation, not by the will of the people, but by the acts of corrupt courts.
I get you see it as depraved. But remember, what they actually do can not be discussed by normal people because it is simply gross. That is the crazy thing, we are not allowed to talk about the worst aspects of their choice.
homosexuals always had equal rights under the law
What homofascists want, of course, is special rights to violate the natural and constitutional rights of others. By the way, there are quite a few prominent homosexuals who oppose the homofascism of the political left.
I didn't say thatit could not happen. I am questioning what is going on with the case that you previously presented that you seem to not want to talk about anymore. The difference is that in this case there are indications that the child innitiated the discussion about gender while you claim that was not the case with the personal one that you posted
Bottom line, this is a girl. Not transgendered.
If you want to vote for a pervert, move to Ohio and vote.

There seems to be a move toward demanding that everyone embrace some sort of sexual perversion. Is this supposed to make a better society? If every girl transitions to male and every boy transitions to female is that your idea of a perfect world? It is not up to school teachers and administrators to guide children through transitions. They are flatly wrong.
Bottom line, this is a girl. Not transgendered.
If you want to vote for a pervert, move to Ohio and vote.

There seems to be a move toward demanding that everyone embrace some sort of sexual perversion. Is this supposed to make a better society? If every girl transitions to male and every boy transitions to female is that your idea of a perfect world? It is not up to school teachers and administrators to guide children through transitions. They are flatly wrong.
Oh for Christ's sake get a grip. There is not going to be mass transitions

You don't know for sure what is happening in the case of the (other) California girl that you posted/. The mothers narrative is that she was manipulated to be trans but we just don't know. The program was set up up-in part- to provide a safe place where kids who are questioning their gender or sexual orientation to get some guidance in confidence. There is reason to believe that that child initiated the conversation.

For that matter I am not really too sure what is actually going on with the child who you have personal knowledge of either. If you really think that she is being told that she is a boy just because she said that she wanted to be a marine, you might want to think again. I am not saying that it could not have possibly happened that way-but it is implausible. But if you really believe it, you should take a lesson from the mother in that article that you posted and encourage the parents to raise holy hell. However, for some strange reason no one is doing anything.

The one thing that is clear to me is that you are biased and have a problem with all things transgender which is coloring your perceptions and causing you to accept the worst case scenario -that all of these kids are being manipulated by people with a nefarious agenda- as fact without question
Oh for Christ's sake get a grip. There is not going to be mass transitions

You don't know for sure what is happening in the case of the (other) California girl that you posted/. The mothers narrative is that she was manipulated to be trans but we just don't know. The program was set up up-in part- to provide a safe place where kids who are questioning their gender or sexual orientation to get some guidance in confidence. There is reason to believe that that child initiated the conversation.

For that matter I am not really too sure what is actually going on with the child who you have personal knowledge of either. If you really think that she is being told that she is a boy just because she said that she wanted to be a marine, you might want to think again. I am not saying that it could not have possibly happened that way-but it is implausible. But if you really believe it, you should take a lesson from the mother in that article that you posted and encourage the parents to raise holy hell. However, for some strange reason no one is doing anything.

The one thing that is clear to me is that you are biased and have a problem with all things transgender which is coloring your perceptions and causing you to accept the worst case scenario -that all of these kids are being manipulated by people with a nefarious agenda- as fact without question
Nefarious is the right word. That's what the entire homosexual/transgender thing is, nefarious. I do encourage the parents to take action. I doubt they know what to do safely. I'm not there. I'm not even a family member so my hands are tied.

The only problem I have with transgender is the current ideology to make everything, fs not transgender, at least homosexual. Get the perversion out of schools.
Nefarious is the right word. That's what the entire homosexual/transgender thing is, nefarious. I do encourage the parents to take action. I doubt they know what to do safely. I'm not there. I'm not even a family member so my hands are tied.

The only problem I have with transgender is the current ideology to make everything, fs not transgender, at least homosexual. Get the perversion out of schools.
Thank you for confirming your bigotry. Homosexual agenda? Get fucking real. They want everyone to be trans or gay? You are either a paranoid schizophrenic or just really, really stupid
If not actually be trans or gay. Then certainly warping thought processes to normalize such perversions.
I got news for you pal, For most people it is normalized. They live among us and most people either don't notice or don't care. They are part of the community and the fabric of society. In most ways they are just like everyone else except that have to endure the torment and bigotry of people like you

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