Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

There's only one person who's whining about their political loss in the US and it isn't a gay person. Thank God. Quit your whining.
H. O. M. O., F. A. S. C. I. S. T.


Totally appropriate, and excellent timing with the renewed hatred stirred up by the far right against gays.
There is a whole religion that hates and KILLS gays. In fact they think gays can fly. Anything on that?
There's only one person who's whining about their political loss in the US and it isn't a gay person. Thank God. Quit your whining.
I don't know what you talking about. Are you drunk or something? I thought the topic was this degenerate who is running, did it lose already?
Ha Ha California? OK I know that conservatives have a problem with California, but you are avoiding the questions that I asked

You do nothing? For all of your concern you do nothing? Has anyone done anything? Again I ask, has anyone engaged the school on this and if so how did they respond?

If the school has not been engaged, then why not?. I never dismiss out of hand the concerns about the mistreatment of children, but I am becoming skeptical of your account of events. I asked you to help me to understand what is happening there but you are just fueling my perception that the whole thing is implausible and improbable .
I do nothing because there is nothing I can do. The girl has parents. She has a father and Step mother. They hand wring and bring the girl here to decompress. The school feels an imperative to assist children in transition. You do understand that. To them, the girl is gender confused and needs to be made comfortable with approval and understanding. Even denying that there is confusion is seen as dangerously being pressured.
Neither did trump but he doesn't have trump's handicaps, he'll actually do a great job.
BTW, why are you such a homofascist? Why are you compelled to impose your faggotry on others? Why are you freaks incessantly trying to violate others' rights? Why do you faggots flaunt your filth in public parades, in front of children? What's that sick-ass, depraved lunacy about?
all Obergefell
Neither did trump but he doesn't have trump's handicaps, he'll actually do a great job.
Trump, has dealt with politicians his entire career. Trump has been neck deep in rules laws regulations and ordinances.

Obergfell, his platform is nothing more than homosexuality in a place there are no problems with homosexuality.

Like everyone is stating, this man claims his sexual preference is a qualification.
I do nothing because there is nothing I can do. The girl has parents. She has a father and Step mother. They hand wring and bring the girl here to decompress. The school feels an imperative to assist children in transition. You do understand that. To them, the girl is gender confused and needs to be made comfortable with approval and understanding. Even denying that there is confusion is seen as dangerously being pressured.
Something does not smell right to me. Schools do not get to unilaterally decide that a child is gender confused should transition.

There is plenty besides handwringing that the family can and should be doing. If there is any truth to what you are saying, someone should :

1. File a lawsuit against the school for inflicting emotional distress on the girl
2. Child Protective Services should be investigating it as institutional abuse
3. CPS should determine if a referral to the prosecutor for criminal investigation is warranted
4. The media should be asked to do some investigative reporting
5. The next school board meeting should be attended and hell should be raised

Something is just not right with this picture. There has to be something else that triggered this whole thing, other than the girl saying that she wants to be a Marine
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all Obergefell

Trump, has dealt with politicians his entire career. Trump has been neck deep in rules laws regulations and ordinances.

Obergfell, his platform is nothing more than homosexuality in a place there are no problems with homosexuality.

Like everyone is stating, this man claims his sexual preference is a qualification.
Please post his platform
I did not ask his sexuality, so no, he is not running as a human being, he is running as a sexual being that chooses to be gay.

Too many people use that as a weapon against gay people? Well, give us a dozen quick samples, should be easy with the hundreds you must be familiar with?
He is running as a sexual being?? What the fuck does that mean.? Chooses to be gay? Are you really that stupid??!!
Obergfell, his platform is nothing more than homosexuality in a place there are no problems with homosexuality.

Yes, he is concerned about LGBT issues, but it is hardly his whole agenda

Obergefell is a former teacher, software consultant, Realtor and longtime Cincinnati resident. He is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati and holds a master's degree from Bowling Green State University. Although he lived most of his adult life in Cincinnati, in recent years he moved back to his hometown of Sandusky to be closer to family.
If elected, Obergefell said he wants to focus on job opportunities for residents of Erie and Ottawa counties, access to quality health care and protecting Lake Erie, which he noted is a natural treasure and economic driver.

And, of course, he said he would fully back the Ohio Equality Act, which would explicitly prohibit discrimination in jobs, housing and public places based on sexual orientation or gender equality. The bill has failed to win approval, despite being introduced in every legislative session for more than a decade

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