Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

Those figures have long since been debunked. Along with the whole lot of other perceptions about gay people
You are correct proportionately more formerly gay men are pedophiles then formerly heterosexual men. But the sheer difference in the populations makes formerly gay men only about one out of 14 of the pedophile population. I hope this site works for you. If not there's enough details to look it up for yourself. Southern Poverty Law Center>10-myths-southern-poverty-law-center
No one. No reasonable thinking person would believe a thing that came from the Southern Poverty Law Center. It is a reprehensible organization.
What's really bothering her is that she made a comment two years ago about wanting to be a marine like her stepmother. Step mom is a retired marine. Their DOG is a marine. Father has never been in the military. The school has put her on the transition track. Insisting that she is a boy named Edward. She comes here where she can peacefully be a girl. These are school administrators and counselors. You would think they would know better.
Sorry but that does not make a damned bit of sense. There has to be more to the story. The school put her on a transition track (To be a boy) because she wants to be a marine? In my reality schools do not do that kind of shit. And at a time when women are doing most all of the jobs, including combat in the military ? Common on man? Have you looked into this? Has her parents? There is something very seriously wrong with this story.

Where the hell is this anyway? Is it a religious school ? If what you are claiming is really happening, there should be some serious consequences for that school. It would be emotional and institutional abuse, but as I said I suspect there is more to the story
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Those figures have long since been debunked. Along with the whole lot of other perceptions about gay people
You are correct proportionately more formerly gay men are pedophiles then formerly heterosexual men. But the sheer difference in the populations makes formerly gay men only about one out of 14 of the pedophile population. I hope this site works for you. If not there's enough details to look it up for yourself. Southern Poverty Law Center>10-myths-southern-poverty-law-center

Anyone who cites the hate group The Southern Poverty Law Center, automatically destroys any credibility that he otherwise might have had. No loss for you, since you never had any to begin with.

But little boys are sexually abused almost as often as little girls.

Who is molesting those little boys?

By definition, if a heterosexual man were also a pedophile, he would only be interested in molesting little girls, not boys.

It's faggots and demifaggots who are molesting little boys. And even though they make up only 2% to 4% of the population, they make up nearly half of all child molesters, as evidenced by the rate at which little boys are molested compared to little girls.
Sorry but that does not make a damned bit of sense. There has to be more to the story. The school put her on a transition track (To be a boy) because she wants to be a marine? In my reality schools do not do that kind of shit. And at a time when women are doing most all of the jobs, including combat in the military ? Common on man? Have you looked into this? Has her parents? There is something very seriously wrong with this story.

Where the hell is this anyway? Is it a religious school ? If what you are claiming is really happening, there should be some serious consequences for that school. It would be emotional and institutional abuse, but as I said I suspect there is more to the story
It is an ordinary public school that is extensively woke. Last year this poor kid had her black friend, since they were 5 years old tell her that Emma is an oppressor and they can't be friends anymore.

They are planning a move to Texas.
It is an ordinary public school that is extensively woke. Last year this poor kid had her black friend, since they were 5 years old tell her that Emma is an oppressor and they can't be friends anymore.

They are planning a move to Texas.
I just don't know what to make of any of this? Telling a girl who wants to be a marine that she is a boy is not "woke" It is actually the very opposite. And I have no idea what this "Emma as oppressor" thing is but that sounds just as bizarre as the trans issue -and that is hardly woke either. It is not serving the interest of social justice. I

I would really like to know what the school has to say about this. Surly you or others in the family has addressed it with them? Seems to me that your grand daughter must not be the only victim this and it should be making the news. What state are you in? Has this been reported.

I will add that I have no intention of trivializing or minimizing the distress that your granddaughter is experiencing. I had a career in child welfare, including the investigation of child abuse in institution. I am very interested in understanding more about what is going on there. As of now though, something is just not adding up. Please stay engaged.
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I just don't know what to make of any of this? Telling a girl who wants to be a marine that she is a boy is not "woke" It is actually the very opposite. And I have no idea what this "Emma as oppressor" thing is but that sounds just as bizarre as the trans issue -and that is hardly woke either. It is not serving the interest of social justice. I

I would really like to know what the school has to say about this. Surly you or others in the family has addressed it with them? Seems to me that your grand daughter must not be the only victim this and it should be making the news. What state are you in? Has this been reported
Ha ha California. Aside from stressing out and having the poor girl hide out here, I do nothing. Actually, there are two other great granddaughters in even WORSE trouble.
What's really bothering her is that she made a comment two years ago about wanting to be a marine like her stepmother. Step mom is a retired marine. Their DOG is a marine. Father has never been in the military. The school has put her on the transition track. Insisting that she is a boy named Edward. She comes here where she can peacefully be a girl. These are school administrators and counselors. You would think they would know better.
So you have a problem with gender issues. It's not uncommon with bigoted and ignorant people.
No one. No reasonable thinking person would believe a thing that came from the Southern Poverty Law Center. It is a reprehensible organization.
Right, I can understand how civil rights is a problem for people like you who believe they exist for you and no one else.
So you have a problem with gender issues. It's not uncommon with bigoted and ignorant people.
Well, when authorities go around changing gender at their own whim, I absolutely do have a problem with it. If it were me, and I was a known school trouble maker, I would have pulled my pants down, yelled "I'm a girl, get used to it."
Like Stann and C_Clayton_Jones, Obergefell is a narcissistic homofascist with zero regard for the inalienable rights of natural law. We're talkin' Zieg-Heil flaming, jackbooted jumpin', limp-wrists a-leaping faggotry here.

Well, when authorities go around changing gender at their own whim, I absolutely do have a problem with it. If it were me, and I was a known school trouble maker, I would have pulled my pants down, yelled "I'm a girl, get used to it."
Gender is not a " whim ", it's been around for thousands of years and is today's new civil rights battle.
Like Stann and C_Clayton_Jones, Obergefell is a narcissistic homofascist with zero regard for the inalienable rights of natural law. We're talkin' Zieg-Heil flaming, jackbooted jumpin' faggotry here.

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Fascism is the force that gay people and gender different people have dealt with forever it's time it died out. Hate and ignorance go together and they have no place in America.
No it's hatred because homosexuality is not a perversion it's one of the normal sexual orientations in case you don't realize that the other two are heterosexuality and bisexuality. All are normal. Science has proven that.
Not in God's eyes. ANY sexual expression outside of His will is still sin, will always be sin, and punished accordingly. His will is still and always one man one woman within marriage!
Not in God's eyes. ANY sexual expression outside of His will is still sin, will always be sin, and punished accordingly. His will is still and always one man one woman within marriage!
You are confusing ancient tribal religious writings with the will of God. The two things are very different.
Fascism is the force that gay people and gender different people have dealt with forever it's time it died out. Hate and ignorance go together and they have no place in America.
Meaningless slogan speak.

Public accommodation codes predicated on aberrant sexuality manifestly violate the imperatives of natural law and the inherent rights thereof.
Meaningless slogan speak.

Public accommodation codes predicated on aberrant sexuality manifestly violate the imperatives of natural law and the inherent rights thereof.
Meaningless to people who can't face reality.

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