Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

Children that are gay, are gay because some adult groomed them to satisfy gay perverts.

I don't want horrible things done to gays that mind their own business and don't try to mold children into their image. Homosexuals and their heterosexual supporters should be allowed nowhere near children of any age.
Children that are gay, are gay because some adult groomed them to satisfy gay perverts.

I don't want horrible things done to gays that mind their own business and don't try to mold children into their image. Homosexuals and their heterosexual supporters should be allowed nowhere near children of any age.
All I can say is I hope you're some ignorant old man. I hate to think that a young person could hold such horrible ideas about their fellow human beings.
You're the degenerate freak who openly sides with faggots, trannies, and other depraved sexual perverts.

You are in no position to cast aspersions my my sanity or moral character, nor anyone else's.
A moral character that allows you to hate people you don't even know for no good reason is not a good moral character to begin with.
Actually thoughts like yours have destroyed many children's lives, gay children's lives. Hope you're happy with yourself. Like I said this is pure evil. Hell does exist people created on this Earth by doing horrible things to other people.

I have lived a beautiful life
Do you really think you can say the same thing with horrible feelings like that.

Pure evil is sick fucks like you going after children, trying to drag them into your depraved perversions.

In a sane society, your kind would be put to death.

It's one think for you sick freaks to practice your depraved perversions among consenting adults.

It is another thing entirely when you try to involve children. That is a line that should never be allowed even to be approached, much less crossed.
Pure evil is sick fucks like you going after children, trying to drag them into your depraved perversions.

In a sane society, your kind would be put to death.
Now I understand your point. You are confused you're confusing pedophiles with homosexuals. Most pedophiles are former heterosexuals not homosexuals. It's an illness a perversion and I agree it should not be tolerated.
All I can say is I hope you're some ignorant old man. I hate to think that a young person could hold such horrible ideas about their fellow human beings.

Depraved sexual perverts who go after children do not qualify as human beings.

You are not my “fellow” anything.
No one hates them. We just don't support them.
You better read some of the other posts on this site there's a lot of hatred still out there
And it's probably increased because of the growth in the far-right wing crazies. They want to live in the 50s, that's surreal period of insanity we're an estimated 60,000 homosexuals were murdered.
Depraved sexual perverts who go after children do not qualify as human beings.

You are not my “fellow” anything.
Great, just great. I am deeply offended by you but I realize you are still a fellow human being on this planet.
Great, just great. I am deeply offended by you but I realize you are still a fellow human being on this planet.

I'm not a a “fellow” anything to you.

I am a human being.

You are a piece of subhuman shit who should have a millstone hung around your neck and be tossed into a deep part of the ocean.

I'm not a a “fellow” anything to you.

I am a human being.

You are a piece of subhuman shit who should have a millstone hung around your neck and be tossed into a deep part of the ocean.

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You post garbage like this, it reeks of hatred what kind of human being do you think you are. Really you're ridiculous.
Now I understand your point. You are confused you're confusing pedophiles with homosexuals. Most pedophiles are former heterosexuals not homosexuals. It's an illness a perversion and I agree it should not be tolerated.

They are just different manifestations of the same underlying depravity.

It is no coincidence, no mystery, that faggots make up only about 2% to 4% of the population, but account for nearly half of all child molesters.

Even those of you who do not openly engage in pedophilia cannot help yourselves when it comes to defending the promotion of your depraved agenda to young children.
Pure evil is sick fucks like you going after children, trying to drag them into your depraved perversions.

In a sane society, your kind would be put to death.
I have a step great granddaughter, Emma. She is undergoing what can only be described as torture in school as she is being dragged into their perversions. She comes here on the weekends where "she can be a girl in peace," I don't think gays are insisting she transition. It's insane heterosexual like Stann that are driving her to suicide. I would not mind seeing them put to death.
Don't care what he does in his bedroom. But the fact that he's a Democrat is a nonstarter.
How considerate of you.
As usual, everyone is defined by their politics. You really do have a grasp on democracy. You probably believe in God also.
I have a step great granddaughter, Emma. She is undergoing what can only be described as torture in school as she is being dragged into their perversions. She comes here on the weekends where "she can be a girl in peace," I don't think gays are insisting she transition. It's insane heterosexual like Stann that are driving her to suicide. I would not mind seeing them put to death.
Tell us more. What exactly is being done to her and by who.? Please explain how people like Stann are driving her to suicide. It is the ant LGBT bigots who are driving the gay and trans kids to suicide. Maybe you need to take a closer look at what is really bothering her.
They are just different manifestations of the same underlying depravity.

It is no coincidence, no mystery, that faggots make up only about 2% to 4% of the population, but account for nearly half of all child molesters.

Even those of you who do not openly engage in pedophilia cannot help yourselves when it comes to defending the promotion of your depraved agenda to young children.
Those figures have long since been debunked. Along with the whole lot of other perceptions about gay people
You are correct proportionately more formerly gay men are pedophiles then formerly heterosexual men. But the sheer difference in the populations makes formerly gay men only about one out of 14 of the pedophile population. I hope this site works for you. If not there's enough details to look it up for yourself. Southern Poverty Law Center>10-myths-southern-poverty-law-center
Tell us more. What exactly is being done to her and by who.? Please explain how people like Stann are driving her to suicide. It is the ant LGBT bigots who are driving the gay and trans kids to suicide. Maybe you need to take a closer look at what is really bothering her.
What's really bothering her is that she made a comment two years ago about wanting to be a marine like her stepmother. Step mom is a retired marine. Their DOG is a marine. Father has never been in the military. The school has put her on the transition track. Insisting that she is a boy named Edward. She comes here where she can peacefully be a girl. These are school administrators and counselors. You would think they would know better.

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