Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

Marriage has always been between man and a woman, and that is what it will always be.

A society cannot any more force a “marriage” between two men or between two women to have the same legitimacy as a genuine marriage, than it can force two plus two to equal ten.

Marriage is state contract law, where two individuals eligible to enter into such a contract are allowed to do so – same- or opposite-sex.

To deny same-sex couples access to state laws they’re eligible to participate in for no other reason than sexual orientation is a violation of the 14th Amendment’s right to due process and equal protection of the law.

Marriage is state contract law, where two individuals eligible to enter into such a contract are allowed to do so – same- or opposite-sex.

Marriage was defined and set up by God, long before any government existed to incorporate it into any body of law.

And God knew exactly what he was doing when He created us the way He did, and established marriage the way He did. Government trying to usurp God, not so much.

To deny same-sex couples access to state laws they’re eligible to participate in for no other reason than sexual orientation is a violation of the 14th Amendment’s right to due process and equal protection of the law.

I think it's a pretty safe bet that not one single word in the Constitution was written by anyone who would have ever considered the possibility of a depraved homosexual mockery of marriage being treated as comparable to a legitimate marriage; and that everyone who ever did write anything that was ratified into the Constitution, if he thought that any of his words might be taken to validate such an abomination, would have carefully written them to clearly avoid that possibility.
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By “oppressors”, of course, you mean societies that have worked in a healthy manner.

Perpetuation of the human race only occurs by men and women acting in the manner that biology dictates, to produce offspring.

It's not at all oppressive to point out that homosexuality and transsexuality simply do not work, biologically. They are harmful defects which natural selection tries to weed out.

Stable societies always have and always will be built on families as the basic unit, a family consisting of a man and a woman, and the children that they produce together. “We've always done it that way!” because societies that tried to do it differently on any scale eventually died out, and we do not want own society to meet that fate. If you know what to look for, you can see that our own society is already showing the tragic effects of the degree to which we have deviated from this model, and it will only get worse as we allow this deviation to fester.
Well said
Well, if a game show host can run for President, I don't see why someone who achieved one of the most significant civil rights advancements in decades can't run for Congress.
Marriage has always been between man and a woman, and that is what it will always be.

A society cannot any more force a “marriage” between two men or between two women to have the same legitimacy as a genuine marriage, than it can force two plus two to equal ten.
Pretty sure they have. Marriage is a social and legal contract. It can be between whom ever we decide.
Someone who supports homosexuality is in no position to lecture anyone else on morals or decency.
You're fucking old hypocrite. Yet you rush to church yo supports priests etc, pat them money and say nothing about the paedophia that is rampant in any religion.
What gives you the right to lecture people about religion?
Have you no decency at all?
Pretty sure they have. Marriage is a social and legal contract. It can be between whom ever we decide.
Throughout the ages marriage has involved incestuous couples, child brides, multiple partners in both androgenous and polygyny cultures. etc. There is nothing sacred about marriage. It is made sacred by those in it.
Throughout the ages marriage has involved incestuous couples, child brides, multiple partners in both androgenous and polygyny cultures. etc. There is nothing sacred about marriage. It is made sacred by those in it.
Problem with that thinking is G-d still has ONLY one standard for marriage, and THAT is the ONLY one He will bless. One man-one woman. No exceptions. It is a covenant, not a contract.
Pretty sure they have. Marriage is a social and legal contract. It can be between whom ever we decide.

Marriage is defined by God, not by Man. And Man has no authority to override God. Those who try, will one day stand before Him, and be held accountable to Him for it.
Problem with that thinking is G-d still has ONLY one standard for marriage, and THAT is the ONLY one He will bless. One man-one woman. No exceptions. It is a covenant, not a contract.
I understand the limitations of a tribal God but the real God wouldn't put these possibilities in our minds if he didn't expect us to act on it.
Throughout the ages marriage has involved incestuous couples, child brides, multiple partners in both androgenous and polygyny cultures. etc. There is nothing sacred about marriage. It is made sacred by those in it.
Perverts can't make anything sacred. They can only pretend. As long as they live their little lives without bothering anyone else their delusion is harmless. When they make demand on others to agree with the delusion and accommodate it, that's where the problems Start.
Perverts can't make anything sacred. They can only pretend. As long as they live their little lives without bothering anyone else their delusion is harmless. When they make demand on others to agree with the delusion and accommodate it, that's where the problems Start.
So you're trying to say all those people throughout history were perverts I don't think so but you might well be one since you know seem to think you know them so well.
Problem with that thinking is G-d still has ONLY one standard for marriage, and THAT is the ONLY one He will bless. One man-one woman. No exceptions. It is a covenant, not a contract.
That has nothing to do with gays being allowed to be married and collect the same government cash and prizes as the rest of us do when we get married.

Absolutely nothing.

We are not a theocracy. If we were, prolific serial adulterer Donald Trump would have been stoned to death a long time ago. As would most of Congress.

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