Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

hatred? I am happy to see that those who support homosexual marriage are literal, bigots. Diseased thinking is allowing the rights of children to be violated by homosexual marriage.

forcing children against there will to live with two homosexual men or two homosexual women is a violation of the children's rights.

That is your Justice? Nope, that is diseased thinking.
You can't even come up with your own ideas you're relying on the hatred of others and your turning things that I said into things that you're saying which is ridiculous. I'm sorry I'm looking for your sick game anymore good f****** luck in life you're going to need it cuz things aren't going to change because of idiots like you if anything
yep you got me there, and as easy as that, in the future we will change the meaning of marriage to exclude homosexuality.
That would be a backward step for mankind. That would be a total Injustice for gay people have suffered way too much persecution throughout the centuries throughout the millennia because of stupid religious ideas.
I'm going to bring up a personal encounter to explain a point. One of my friends and neighbors who happens to be heterosexual is in the process of getting a divorce, he's not divorced yet. He's already got a woman living with him. I asked him if this was his new girlfriend. Trying to determine whether this is something temporary or permanent. He replied to me, " She's convenient." That is the saddest commentary I've heard in a long time. Being with someone because of your selfish desires and not because you love them. I happily go without now because at least I had a great love for 18 years. That's obviously more than a lot of people get to experience. You can't argue against an entire group of people that's bigotry
You can sites specific people and specific problems with certain individuals but you can't judge everyone by negative standards that don't really apply to anyone except your own opinion.
He is guilty of adultery, which should be a Capital Offense. Homosexuality is an offense to G-d. He calls it an abomination. You cannot get more cut and dry than that (Lev. 18:22)
He is guilty of adultery, which should be a Capital Offense. Homosexuality is an offense to G-d. He calls it an abomination. You cannot get more cut and dry than that (Lev. 18:22)
Once again you don't know what you're talking about. The admonitions were tribal laws not religious laws in the Old testament. That is why they were so varied and obscure. Everything there was designed to produce a stronger tribe with more warriors to fight all the perceived enemies that the tribe had. Therefore anything that didn't add to the populace was forbidden such as homosexuality, abortion, adultery, divorce and even masturbation ( wasting seed ) Unfortunately they were Incorporated into Christianity. They are all about man's desires nothing to do with God at all. Paul didn't know any better, he spent the least amount of time with Christ. I don't know how anyone could spend any amount of time with Christ and believe he wanted people persecuted. It is totally ridiculous.
I can find ten anecdotal stories of heterosexuals abusing children for every one of yours. There are sick people of every stripe. This crap proves nothing and does not support you bigoted position

STILL waiting for you to respond to the studies that I posted showing that kids do well with gay parents
Sure, but this is the activist that got adoption for homosexuals passed.

I am sure Oberfell is s good guy, though.

Not like you that thinks someone must be a bigot or hate for simply opposing people who violate the rights of children.

This is what oberfell will run on. Protecting the rights of people like brinkin, in an area where heterosexual people are simple normal people. He will be accussing them of being bigots just like you accuse me.

It is your nature to be wrong about people. Very sad, very pathetic. You must be very stupid. You obviously hate those who don't agree with your minority view.

Carry on your hate, America is being woke, to you.
I can find ten anecdotal stories of heterosexuals abusing children for every one of yours. There are sick people of every stripe. This crap proves nothing and does not support you bigoted position

STILL waiting for you to respond to the studies that I posted showing that kids do well with gay parents
I did not see studies, and I love studies.
1, Yes marriage has a specific definition but you do not get to unilaterally decide what that definition is. It has evolved to mean the legal unions between two consenting adults regardless of gender .

2. You are still harping on that same stupid shit. You asked me for studies on same sex parenting and I provided it. (post 219) you had not a single comment on it but the you go ahead and post this crap without any evidence that the kids rights are being violated Do you realize how stupid you sound?
Yes, after you claimed there are studies I said go ahead and post them. That is Not me asking for studies, that is me challenging what you write.
Post one? Sure Boss . Here you go. I have plenty more were this came from. Your turn now. Let's see what you've got. My guess is nothing

You're still blathering about "forcing kids into a homosexual lifestyle" but you cant seem to explain exactly what that means. Anyway, chew on this for a while. Be sure to follow the links and note the references.
You made claims that a study support your opinion. Now it is obvious you have never read said study. You linked to a page with links to studies.

So you have not read a study, you have not linked to a study, you can not quote a study?

Yep, Google is your brain, your thoughts, you think just cause you can google it you have intelligence or knowledge?
Post one? Sure Boss . Here you go. I have plenty more were this came from. Your turn now. Let's see what you've got. My guess is nothing
Uh, you did a google search, and found a link?. I just looked through the link you gave. There is not one study posted on the page you linked to.

There are more links, to other pages, but the study is not on that page either.

You don't have studies.

You lied when you said you have studies.

You never read one study yet you comment as if you are this informed person who has read studies.

This is why when you mentioned studies I challenged you to produce them. People like you through around the word study to justify your opinion and when challenged we find out you never read and do nit have a study.

All you have empty words, wild claims, and the hate in your heart, claiming others hate when we have done nothing but point out the truth.

Without insulting and making false claims, you have nothing.
You can't even come up with your own ideas you're relying on the hatred of others and your turning things that I said into things that you're saying which is ridiculous. I'm sorry I'm looking for your sick game anymore good f****** luck in life you're going to need it cuz things aren't going to change because of idiots like you if anything

That would be a backward step for mankind. That would be a total Injustice for gay people have suffered way too much persecution throughout the centuries throughout the millennia because of stupid religious ideas.
Everyone has suffered, homosexuals no more than others. Arguably, homosexuality has been tolerated far more than the other, REAL civil rights issues.

Homosexuals have had it easy. You make claims with no proof, once again. Over the centuries? Hahaha.
This thread has been made up of more false claims I have ever seen in a thread.

Homosexuals were denied being in a relationship? Bullshit.

Homosexuals were denied housing, recently, even today, in 27 states.

Homosexuals were denied jobs

All pure bullshit. And there are many more claims.

Like obergfell must be elected in Sandusky Ohio because of all the hate and civil rights abuses perpetrated against homosexuals in Sandusky? In Ohio?

Yep, accuse Christians of hate and you are here to fix it.
Attempting to put homosexuals in a bad light as if they're evil characters and not worthy of marriage should be a crime I think it is it's called defamation.
Now it is a crime to say it is wrong to change the meaning of a word.

It is a crime to point out you are violating the wish and the rights of children.

Tyranny and Marxism is the only way the democrats can exist. America will fight back.
This thread has been made up of more false claims I have ever seen in a thread.

Homosexuals were denied being in a relationship? Bullshit.

Homosexuals were denied housing, recently, even today, in 27 states.

Homosexuals were denied jobs

All pure bullshit. And there are many more claims.

Like obergfell must be elected in Sandusky Ohio because of all the hate and civil rights abuses perpetrated against homosexuals in Sandusky? In Ohio?

Yep, accuse Christians of hate and you are here to fix it.
Holy shit! Seriously. All distortions, half truths and outright lies! You are deliberately misrepresenting everything that has been said here!

I will just take two point now to highlight your dishonesty

You claim that we said that :
Homosexuals were denied housing, recently, even today, in 27 states.
Homosexuals were denied jobs
Yes, some probably were, but you are implying that my claim is that all gay people are denied housing and employment all of the time in all of those states

What I actually said was that in many states they do not have protections against discrimination in those areas (and others) AND THAT IS A FACT!

Only a very stupid person would think that what I said, and what you cllaim that I said are the same thing . More likely is just you dishonesty
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Uh, you did a google search, and found a link?. I just looked through the link you gave. There is not one study posted on the page you linked to.

There are more links, to other pages, but the study is not on that page either.

You don't have studies.

You lied when you said you have studies.

You never read one study yet you comment as if you are this informed person who has read studies.

This is why when you mentioned studies I challenged you to produce them. People like you through around the word study to justify your opinion and when challenged we find out you never read and do nit have a study.

All you have empty words, wild claims, and the hate in your heart, claiming others hate when we have done nothing but point out the truth.

Without insulting and making false claims, you have nothing.
You are out of your fucking mind! What did you expect. Those are indeed studies that I posted. It is a compilation of the findings of peer reviewed studies. So its not raw data. So what? You do not like what they say so you claim that they are not studies.

I invited you to post studies that support your claims but you have produced nothing! Let's see what it is that YOU would call a study

You are just over the top ridiculous! You complain that I insult you but you invite nothing but insults and ridicule when you pull crap like this.
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Uh, you did a google search, and found a link?. I just looked through the link you gave. There is not one study posted on the page you linked to.

There are more links, to other pages, but the study is not on that page either.

You don't have studies.

You lied when you said you have studies.

You never read one study yet you comment as if you are this informed person who has read studies.

This is why when you mentioned studies I challenged you to produce them. People like you through around the word study to justify your opinion and when challenged we find out you never read and do nit have a study.

All you have empty words, wild claims, and the hate in your heart, claiming others hate when we have done nothing but point out the truth.

Without insulting and making false claims, you have nothing.
See post 312 and shut up. You are a liar!
Sure, but this is the activist that got adoption for homosexuals passed.

I am sure Oberfell is s good guy, though.

Not like you that thinks someone must be a bigot or hate for simply opposing people who violate the rights of children.

This is what oberfell will run on. Protecting the rights of people like brinkin, in an area where heterosexual people are simple normal people. He will be accussing them of being bigots just like you accuse me.

It is your nature to be wrong about people. Very sad, very pathetic. You must be very stupid. You obviously hate those who don't agree with your minority view.

Carry on your hate, America is being woke, to you.
You are judging a whole group of people that you don't even know or care about and you don't think you're bigoted. I'm sorry but you are either very ignorant or very insane. Your opinion is based solely and hatred and ignorance, they both go together if you haven't figured that out by now.
You are judging a whole group of people that you don't even know or care about and you don't think you're bigoted. I'm sorry but you are either very ignorant or very insane. Your opinion is based solely and hatred and ignorance, they both go together if you haven't figured that out by now.
What is hateful about proclaiming the Truth? Homosexuality is still a sin. Nothing you nor any other wicked reprobate will change that. G-d is still Holy and His standard for sexuality never changes.
What is hateful about proclaiming the Truth? Homosexuality is still a sin. Nothing you nor any other wicked reprobate will change that. G-d is still Holy and His standard for sexuality never changes.

“Truth is ‘hate’ to those who hate the truth.”

Alas, I do not know the source of that quote, but it certainly contains a lot of truth for so few words, doesn't it?
You are out of your fucking mind! What did you expect. Those are indeed studies that I posted. It is a compilation of the findings of peer reviewed studies. So its not raw data. So what? You do not like what they say so you claim that they are not studies.
You linked to an article that listed names of studies. After the name is an extremely brief summary/abstract which may or may not reflect the study.

You have not read the studies
You have not quoted a study
You have not linked to a study.

You are the liar, you make claims about stuff you have not read.

Insults, yes you did insult me repeatedly so I give it back. Don't cry too much, or you will melt yourself, snowflake

Studies? Right, all you got is the Democrat biased propaganda tool called Google, and at that you can not use google to prove your dirty lies.
You are judging a whole group of people that you don't even know or care about and you don't think you're bigoted. I'm sorry but you are either very ignorant or very insane. Your opinion is based solely and hatred and ignorance, they both go together if you haven't figured that out by now.
You are about the stupidest person to post. Do you drool when you type. The only argument you have is a lie about me.

I never said homosexuals can not be in a relationship.

I simply point out the fact that despite what the Supreme Court says they do not have the power to change the meaning of words.

I also point out how you force babies and children, against their will, violating thier rights, into homisexual lifestyles.

Sad and pathetic that you must lie and put words in other people's mouth.

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