Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

When did you first know that you were a closet queer and decide that you had to go full tilt bogie with your bigoted condemnation of homosexuality in order to convince yourself and others that you are straight ? I mean really! No one gets that bent out of shape over gays unless it is somehow close to home.

Neat how when you say something gay "liberals" don't like they accuse the source of being part of their team. Why is that, do you consider it a form of flattery?

If a person says something against incest, pedophilia or really anything, does that mean they're simply part of the team too?

Or is it more you're dependent on others for a defense, and even where it doesn't make sense you adopt whatever you can free of common sense? YEP!
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Neat how when you say something many homosexuals don't like they accuse the source of being part of their team. Why is that, do you consider it a form of flattery?

If a person says something against incest, pedophilia or really anything, does that mean they're simply part of the team too?

Or is it more you're dependent on others for a defense, and even where it doesn't make sense you adopt whatever you can free of common sense? YEP!
Dependent on others for a defense? What the fuck does that mean? I do not need a defense YOU do

"If a person says something against incest, pedophilia or really anything, does that mean they're simply part of the team too?"

NO! because those things are not equivalent to a relationship between two unrelated consenting adults. Even a cave man can understand that.

You are truly a pathetic mess.
Dependent on others for a defense? What the fuck does that mean? I do not need a defense YOU do

"If a person says something against incest, pedophilia or really anything, does that mean they're simply part of the team too?"

NO! because those things are not equivalent to a relationship between two unrelated consenting adults. Even a cave man can understand that.

You are truly a pathetic mess.

Oh I see now. Okay dumbfuck, next time you say something against Republicans, you know, consenting unrelated Republicans, then your dumbass can conclude that fuck, you're a closet Republican.

You're leftist thus dependent on others. How'd you miss that? You don't even know what you said.
Thank you for admitting that you deliberately misrepresented me
So you are saying yoyu are deliberately misrepresenting me. What a lousy low life you are. I did not misrepresent you, you stated that homosexuals were being denied housing in 27 states. You said more than that. You are still standing by your statement. You said these states need laws to protect the homosexuals against this practice.

You are a liar. On top of that you have to put words in other's mouth. You are all over the board with your low handed personal attacks all in order for you to say that you are here exposing people that homosexuals need protections from.

You aint found shit, you are not arguing with somebody who attacks or hurts homosexuals. My ideas are not crazy, bad, mean, or hateful. But you lie because you have nothing else. Sure, you will say you are not lying, and I believe you think you are not, because you are that stupid.
Liar! I said that gays could be denied housing because they lack protections.... You are one slippery, slime bag
no, you said homosexuals were being denied housing, I can go back and quote you, your post is still there. Yep, again, all you do is lie and make things up and then claim homosexuals need protection. Again, show us those homeless homosexuals in 27 states. You know, the ones you claimed are being denied housing, those are your words, exactly, denied housing.

I have exposed you over and over in this OP, go ahead, keep digging your hole, I am more than happy to play.

And where are those studies you said you have read. Where are the studies, liar. Show us the studies you have read. Or are we all simply misunderstanding you. Is that it, I am making that up as well. You never made claims about studies you pretended to read and know about it.

This is who the homosexual activists are, liars. Nothing more. Making things up that homosexuals need protection from.
Do you or do you not recognize that they have a legal right to marry Yes or No?

Do you understand that there is a difference between you personal disapproval and what the law says? Yes or no?

Do you understand that marriage was a union between two people before Obergefell and it is still a union between two people after Obergefell ? Yes or No ?
marriage has a meaning, the courts of the next decade will change the law, yes I understand that democrats use the courts to make laws that are bad for the country, just like all the jim crow laws, which democrat courts upheld, and now those laws that the democrat courts upheld have been found to be unconstitutional

sad is the fact, that homosexuals force babies and children to live their homosexual lifestyles, against the will of the children, violating the rights of children.

very sad, that that is what you support, and that is what the majority of the country has voted against, but for now, you have 7 unelected officials dictating democrat policy to the country.
Where the fuck are your studies that support your bigoted claims?
I have not made any claim in regards to studies. And what bigoted claim are speaking of, I have yet to make one bigoted claim.

Unlike you, who everyone sees is running from your comments, stuff like homosexuals are being denied housing and 27 states and need politicians to protect them from this "fake" problem.

Where are your studies, you are pretty pissed off that I am calling you out for being a filthy liar. That is who the homosexuals have to speak up for them, a filthy liar. Go ahead, lie more, run from your comments.

I tell you what, I will go through all your posts and quote them again, as you seem to think they dont exist. What are you, a heavy dope smoker and thus forgot all you have posted

either way, I am sure more people than me would love to see you post that study of yours, which it is obvious, you can not, because you lied about your knowledge. Why is it that you have to lie? Why is it that you must pretend you have studies that support your claims when you do not.

Go ahead, show everyone you are not a liar.
Liar! I said that gays could be denied housing because they lack protections.... You are one slippery, slime bag
I get it, you must ignore the truth and homosexuals must be treated better than ordinary citizens

Sent to separate prisons to be kept apart, so how did lesbian couple who tortured and murdered their child, 2, slip security to share a KISS in the street after being let out for a 'personal meeting'?​

  • Questions raised as to how child killers allowed to meet up and kiss
  • Rachel Trelfa and Nyomi Fee were spotted outside a Fife shopping centre
  • Pair convicted in May of torturing and killing Trelfa's son Liam, two
  • Couple abused two other boys in their care, including caging one of them
So you are saying yoyu are deliberately misrepresenting me. What a lousy low life you are. I did not misrepresent you, you stated that homosexuals were being denied housing in 27 states. You said more than that. You are still standing by your statement. You said these states need laws to protect the homosexuals against this practice.

You are a liar. On top of that you have to put words in other's mouth. You are all over the board with your low handed personal attacks all in order for you to say that you are here exposing people that homosexuals need protections from.

You aint found shit, you are not arguing with somebody who attacks or hurts homosexuals. My ideas are not crazy, bad, mean, or hateful. But you lie because you have nothing else. Sure, you will say you are not lying, and I believe you think you are not, because you are that stupid.
You are a deranged ,psychotic and rabid bigot who plays sick games . You do have a knack for twisting my words to your advantage but your lies are easily exposed.

My position has consistently been that LGBT people are at risk of discriminatory practices because they have no legal protections in many places. I never put a number on how many are being discriminated against . The fact is that they are in need of protection as a group who has been historically discriminated against,. But your bigoted ass won't acknowledge that or you are too stupid to understand it
I get it, you must ignore the truth and homosexuals must be treated better than ordinary citizens

What is this horseshit from the Daily Mail rag? Even if true, which I doubt, it is just a freak, anecdotal story that has no bearing on my position on homosexuality
tell you what, I will go through all your posts and quote them again, as you seem to think they don't exist. What are you, a heavy dope smoker and thus forgot all you have posted
You do that Bubba Your problem is that either you imagine what I am saying means something different, or you have the colossal nerve to knowingly lie about what I said
marriage has a meaning, the courts of the next decade will change the law, yes I understand that democrats use the courts to make laws that are bad for the country, just like all the jim crow laws, which democrat courts upheld, and now those laws that the democrat courts upheld have been found to be unconstitutional
Please explain EXACTLY how the legalization of same sex marriage has been bad for the country

Please tell us all which party passed the civil rights act and which party is now trying to reinstate Jim Crow like voting restrictions
sad is the fact, that homosexuals force babies and children to live their homosexual lifestyles, against the will of the children, violating the rights of children.
You are still blathering about the "homosexual lifestyle" shit > I challenged you to explain what you mean by that. I challenged you to describe what life is like for children in homes with gay parents as opposed to other homes. You have had nothing at all except more of the same stupid shit. WHAT do you think goes in in those homes. ?

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