Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

Fuck you didn't destroy anything, but congrats on your self-declaration, good fucking job.

Sperm meets egg you say, otherwise homosexuality and heterosexuality are the same right? Yeah sure. Once science figured out how to accomplish that all is the same. It's just progressive.

Same as science turns men into women right? Yep, exactly the same, once a dude, now a chick, it's just progressive.

Here you go, tit for tat, your link is equally worthless but now we're square. Incidentally, next time your dog dry humps your leg remember it's just sex preferences and perfectly natural.

Heterosexuality, homosexuality, dudes now chicks and humping dogs, they're just all the same and comes natural. Fuck, even rape is natural, happens among all kinds of species. Don't forget pedophilia.

Are you stupid or just born under a rock? Reproduction remains the same regardless of the orientation of the individuals involved. In my first two pregnancies, sperm was introduced to egg and babies ensued. In the 2nd two pregnancies, sperm met egg in a lab and the embryos were implanted in me. Same as is done for heterosexual couples.

When a dog humps your leg, it's not sex, dipshit. Pick up a fucking book every once in a while won't you? Why Does My Dog Hump? Understanding Humping Or Mounting Behavior

Oh, and most humans are more evolved than animals (not you, of course) and know that incest is genetically a bad thing. Humans are mammals not animals.
Are you stupid or just born under a rock? Reproduction remains the same regardless of the orientation of the individuals involved. In my first two pregnancies, sperm was introduced to egg and babies ensued. In the 2nd two pregnancies, sperm met egg in a lab and the embryos were implanted in me. Same as is done for heterosexual couples.

When a dog humps your leg, it's not sex, dipshit. Pick up a fucking book every once in a while won't you? Why Does My Dog Hump? Understanding Humping Or Mounting Behavior

Oh, and most humans are more evolved than animals (not you, of course) and know that incest is genetically a bad thing. Humans are mammals not animals.

I'll disregard your reproduction business where you require science to pretend you're not an anomaly and scientific interjection is just...........perfectly natural.

You know, like men are men until science chops it off and magically you become female.

You're the one who claimed male animals mounting male animals dictates homo is on par with hetero and equally natural, and you know, necessary (cough).

I simply put your position into perfect perspective, that since it's normal behavior for male species to mount male species and such, then your dog humping your leg and stuffed animals too must dictate that's just normal sex.

You can't have your cake and eat it too, pick one and run with it, be consistent.
Gay indicates the type of sex they participate in.

Progpat is so stupid he/she is lost, confused, dumbfounded when people associate homosexual with gay.
That is MORONIC, Being gay is about who you are attracted to romantically and sexually. Isit remotely possible that you are so out of touch with reality that you don't know that a lot of straight people do many of the same things in the bedroom that gays do?
I'll disregard your reproduction business where you require science to pretend you're not an anomaly and scientific interjection is just...........perfectly natural.

You know, like men are men until science chops it off and magically you become female.

You're the one who claimed male animals mounting male animals dictates homo is on par with hetero and equally natural, and you know, necessary (cough).

I simply put your position into perfect perspective, that since it's normal behavior for male species to mount male species and such, then your dog humping your leg and stuffed animals too must dictate that's just normal sex.

You can't have your cake and eat it too, pick one and run with it, be consistent.
Sugar, you don't have to pretend. Artificial insemination and IVF are used by thousands and thousands of heterosexual couples. The use of science to aid in reproduction is perfectly natural and normal.

If you weren't such a raging moron, you'd know that it takes a lot more than just "chopping it off" to make someone a woman. There is no magic involved either, just science and a desire to be the person on the outside that you are on the inside.

And no, asswipe, you're the one that wants to have it both ways. You say "it ain't nachrul" but when it is proven to BE N-A-T-U-R-A-L, you play the "dogs hump legs" card. So pathetically lame. It's you that cannot be consistent...but that's because your arguments are dumb.
This is also why they are targeting Evangelical Christian churches. They know that homosexuality is wrong, they love to wallow in their own sin.

2 Timothy 4:3: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears…”

Surely, we are seeing this, in the form of many churches turning away from God's word, and God's standards, to preach to people who want to hear comfortable lies that support them in their sins, rather that the hard truth calling upon them to repent.

And widespread condemnation of churches that do not succumb to this madness.

And I will say this till the cow comes home. They do target children for recruitment and the next deviant behavior to fall IS pedophilia. I've been warning about this for decades now.

They're not even trying to hide it, really.

If you confront some piece of depraved filth such as TheProgressivePatriot with the truth about what he stands for, he'll very angrily deny it. But read his body of works on this forum, and it is not at all difficult to see where he really stands.
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Again you respond with some unhinged bovine excrement while avoiding the real issue which is the stupidity of bringing up incest and pedophilia in a discussion about marriage between two consenting adults. Try having an adult discussion instead of just tossing out any and all free associated random bullshit like your Republican analogy intended to avoid a real answer

You depraved, perverted pieces of shit forfeited any place to speak of “consenting adults”, when you started going after children.
You're sure of nothing short perhaps your ass is sore. Here's your post you declared I couldn't respond to.

Get a fucking grip Dude! Same sex couples "support economic and family stabilization" just like heterosexual couples. They do?, cuz last I checked male and females make a family consistent with nature.

They have homes, families and children, and are parents to those children. They are EXACTLY the same. WHOLLY CHRIST you actually think heterosexuality and homosexuality are the same thing. GEEZUS. I thought leftists appreciated science.

And no, you can't argue that shit about marrying relatives. Why the fuck not? If they're consenting adults WTF is the difference? After all, since homosexuals are same as heterosexuals, then a couple in a relationship who happen to be related must be the same as homosexuals, you know, equal rights and stuff like that, it's your narration, try to be consistent.

In all of the time that we have had same sex marriage, how many people claimed the right to marry a relative based on the right to same sex marriage? Any good attorney would see that through. Every argument for gay marriage supports an argument for marriage between close relatives, are you aware of one that doesn't? Do tell.

Why is it so few homosexuals have married considering it was so important to you guys?

If any, how many have been successful? Your mother.

You might want to try to explain exactly how same sex marriage has been in any way detrimental to society, the institution of marriage or to you personally . Absurd ideas and devaluing the intent leads to more which was my point about men competing against women etc. A great dumbing down.

Provide facts! Not just some random thoughts fed by your bigotry that are bouncing around in your skull like a pinball machine. Provide facts gay marriage is a benefit to society.

Sounds like you have serious anger issues not to mention an intellectual deficit. Doesn't sound like dick, you're just taking up space.
Wow! another one of your unhinged and bizarre rants! I can picture you literally bouncing off of the wall and breaking things. Sorry that i upset you so much...but not really .Wipe the spit off of your chin and chill out. Your hatred must be eating at your gut. You are an over the top ignorant and hatful bigot. Nothing that you say is rational or factual . How can you hate so much? I almost feel sorry for you..

Now lets get down to some basic facts:

You seem to believe that gay people do not have families and raise children. Is that correct? That assessment is based on your statement as follows "------last I checked male and females make a family consistent with nature. " Is it possible that you are too stupid to understand that gay couples have children in a variety of ways just like heterosexual couples do? Do you know anything about sperm donors and surrogates? What the fuck does "consistent with nature mean" Do you also condemn heterosexual couples who may not be able to have a child "consistent with nature" but find other means to do so? I don't think so.

Do you not understand that gay people are able to participate in the birthing process and, more importantly are parents to those children. They establish homes and families. They have jobs and pay taxes. They consume good and participate in the community. If you can't understand that you are beyond help

Then you said Any good attorney would see that through. Every argument for gay marriage supports an argument for marriage between close relatives, are you aware of one that doesn't? Do tell. More stupidity. Have you read any of the arguments for same sex marriage? Have you read any of the court opinions supporting same sex marriage? I seriously doubt it. Do you know anything about the law? I doubt that too.

Gays won the right to marry because the states that tried to uphold the bans on it were unable to convince the courts ( for the most part) that there was a compelling government or societal interest in in doing so. It seems to me that marrying your sister, daughter or mother just might present a different set of issues and that the courts are likely to find that there are, in fact, compelling societal interests in not allowing it.

Then I said: You might want to try to explain exactly how same sex marriage has been in any way detrimental to society, the institution of marriage or to you personally . And you responded : Absurd ideas and devaluing the intent leads to more which was my point about men competing against women etc. A great dumbing down.

What the fuck does that even mean? "Devaluating the intent" What is the intent ? How is the "intent" when gays marry any different than when others marry. Then you through in something about men competing against women. ? Another example of your bizarre and deranged thought process and inability to have a rational discussion. The topic is same sex marriage. Not transgender women in sports.

Lastly for now, you said Provide facts gay marriage is a benefit to society. No slick , I have no obligation to do so. Gays have no obligation to do so. In our system of law and government, when a particular group seeks to have a right- that other already have- extended to them-the burden of proof in on those seeking to withhold those rights.

I hear conservatives blathering about the sanctity of the family and how the family is the bedrock of society. Well as I said, gay people form families and do all of the same things that the rest of us do to maintain a stable and viable society? Please give me a sign that you are not too stupid to understand that much!
Sugar, you don't have to pretend. Artificial insemination and IVF are used by thousands and thousands of heterosexual couples. The use of science to aid in reproduction is perfectly natural and normal.

If you weren't such a raging moron, you'd know that it takes a lot more than just "chopping it off" to make someone a woman. There is no magic involved either, just science and a desire to be the person on the outside that you are on the inside.

And no, asswipe, you're the one that wants to have it both ways. You say "it ain't nachrul" but when it is proven to BE N-A-T-U-R-A-L, you play the "dogs hump legs" card. So pathetically lame. It's you that cannot be consistent...but that's because your arguments are dumb.
Raging moron is being kind to that one!
2 Timothy 4:3: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears…”

Surely, we are seeing this, in the form of many churches turning away from God's word, and God's standards, to preach to people who want to hear comfortable lies that support them in their sins, rather that the hard truth calling upon them to repent.

And widespread condemnation of churches that do not succumb to this madness.

They're not even trying to hide it, really.

If you confront some piece of depraved filth such as TheProgressivePatriot with the truth about what he stands for, he'll very angrily deny it. But read his body of works on this forum, and it is not at all difficult to see where he really stands.
Where do I really stand Bobby Boy. Spell it out, Don't be such a coward.
Not only that, but homosexuals DEMAND special rights, special treatment and if anyone DARES to disagree with them, there's hell to pay. This is also why they are targeting Evangelical Christian churches. They know that homosexuality is wrong, they love to wallow in their own sin. And I will say this till the cow comes home. They do target children for recruitment and the next deviant behavior to fall IS pedophilia. I've been warning about this for decades now.
Holy fucking shit! Really. In your warped mind, equal rights are special rights? And it has been the religious bigots who have been targeting the gays for decades. And that targeting children for recruitment shit is beyond stupid. You people are a fucking mess
That is MORONIC, Being gay is about who you are attracted to romantically and sexually. Isit remotely possible that you are so out of touch with reality that you don't know that a lot of straight people do many of the same things in the bedroom that gays do?
What is moronic is that you would like to discuss the intricacies of homosexual sodomy on a message board.

Yes, Jim Obergefell should have this discussion with his opponents. You will then find out just how heterosexual Sandusky Ohio is.

Homosexuals do nothing the same as man and woman. Heterosexual, man and woman. You take one of those people and replace them with the same sex, and then you get homosexuality. A homosexual man is not kissing a woman in a bedroom, he is kissing a man. No difference? Then there is no such thing as homosexuality or gay or even marriage? But you choose to give homosexuality a name, of course you pick a name you think does not sound as descriptive. So everything is different. The least of all is a man will never get pregnant by a man, and a man does not have a vagina. Woman, same difference, a woman will never get a woman pregnant.

Sorry, man and man are doing everything different, as are woman and woman.

Where is that study of yours? Still refusing to post it, hahahhahah. If you could you would, you lied when you stated you had a study that confirms what you say.
That is just a brief, a summary, a description of a study. If you wish to discuss a study, go ahead and link to the study, quote the study and comment. When you link to nothing more than a description, that means nothing. And many times the abstract has nothing to do with the contents of the study. So go ahead, post a study and comment and quote.

This to me shows me you take offense, that you have no idea what is true and not true, hence you go to google and search until you find a link. In this case you did find a link but you were too lazy to read what is in the link otherwise you would see you were not linking to a study. You are so lazy and ignorant you think you said something by linking to an abstract.

Seawytch has no idea and will now turn to google to get a last minute second hand education and hopefully come up with some nice liberal/google/democrat propaganda to present

google really is the perfect political tool
The irony of you talking about a lack of education is astounding. Here, educate yourself.

wow, homosexuality is an animal behavior. not a normal human behavior. Thank you for sharing the facts. Men and Women should not behave like animals, everyone can agree on that.
and what kind of sex does a gay virgin dream about?
You made the claim that it is the ACT of sexual intercourse that makes someone gay or straight. That is clearly not the case. I could have sex with a dozen men tomorrow...I'd still be gay. It's attraction, not the act that makes one gay or straight.
That is just a brief, a summary, a description of a study. If you wish to discuss a study, go ahead and link to the study, quote the study and comment. When you link to nothing more than a description, that means nothing. And many times the abstract has nothing to do with the contents of the study. So go ahead, post a study and comment and quote.

This to me shows me you take offense, that you have no idea what is true and not true, hence you go to google and search until you find a link. In this case you did find a link but you were too lazy to read what is in the link otherwise you would see you were not linking to a study. You are so lazy and ignorant you think you said something by linking to an abstract.

Seawytch has no idea and will now turn to google to get a last minute second hand education and hopefully come up with some nice liberal/google/democrat propaganda to present

google really is the perfect political tool
You asked for a study and you got one after claiming there wasn't one. Makes you an idiot or a liar. (maybe both)

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