Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

wow, homosexuality is an animal behavior. not a normal human behavior. Thank you for sharing the facts. Men and Women should not behave like animals, everyone can agree on that.
Humans ARE animals.
humans are coyotes? ruff ruff?
Well…we aren’t insects, fungi, plants, slime molds, bacteria or virus’….though I will grant you that are humans that bear a strong resemblance to the above.
You made the claim that it is the ACT of sexual intercourse that makes someone gay or straight. That is clearly not the case. I could have sex with a dozen men tomorrow...I'd still be gay. It's attraction, not the act that makes one gay or straight.
I never made that claim? How about quoting everything said, the question and the answer.

You said homosexuality is that act of animals and that you are an animal.
Sugar, you don't have to pretend. Artificial insemination and IVF are used by thousands and thousands of heterosexual couples. The use of science to aid in reproduction is perfectly natural and normal.

If you weren't such a raging moron, you'd know that it takes a lot more than just "chopping it off" to make someone a woman. There is no magic involved either, just science and a desire to be the person on the outside that you are on the inside.

And no, asswipe, you're the one that wants to have it both ways. You say "it ain't nachrul" but when it is proven to BE N-A-T-U-R-A-L, you play the "dogs hump legs" card. So pathetically lame. It's you that cannot be consistent...but that's because your arguments are dumb.

Left terms, made simple.

Right, but gay is not heterosexual, one is necessary and consistent with natural universal order.

Left, yeah but science allows homosexuals to be the same as heterosexuals and have babies, so they're the same now, just as turned-genders are new genders thanks to stitches and hormones.

Right, that's not natural order, progressive doesn't change the facts marriage supported human reproduction & families for 1000s of years, and once a man turned woman is still just a dude turned quasi-chick.

Left, yeah but science demonstrates homosexuality occurs among species thus it's equally natural.

Right, same with incest, and your dog dry humping your leg and your stuffed animals.

Left, Nuh-uh

Right, what's the difference?

Left, You're RACIST
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What is moronic is that you would like to discuss the intricacies of homosexual sodomy on a message board.

Yes, Jim Obergefell should have this discussion with his opponents. You will then find out just how heterosexual Sandusky Ohio is.

Homosexuals do nothing the same as man and woman. Heterosexual, man and woman. You take one of those people and replace them with the same sex, and then you get homosexuality. A homosexual man is not kissing a woman in a bedroom, he is kissing a man. No difference? Then there is no such thing as homosexuality or gay or even marriage? But you choose to give homosexuality a name, of course you pick a name you think does not sound as descriptive. So everything is different. The least of all is a man will never get pregnant by a man, and a man does not have a vagina. Woman, same difference, a woman will never get a woman pregnant.

Sorry, man and man are doing everything different, as are woman and woman.

Where is that study of yours? Still refusing to post it, hahahhahah. If you could you would, you lied when you stated you had a study that confirms what you say.
Holy fucking shit! You have some serious hang ups about sex not to mention the fact that you are woefully ignorant about what people do. You are also hung up on this reproduction thing even after I schooled you on the fact that committed relationships and parenting are about much more that producing children.

I provided summaries of peer revied research documenting the fact that gay people and same sex parents provide everything that children need Where is your data showing that children areharmed by gay parents.?

This latest rant of your is just more proof that you are an unhinged , ignorant, irrational, rabid bigot. No amount of logic, reason or information can break through your bubble that you have wrapped yourself in to insulate your self from reality.
nobody has linked to a study, by your rules, you are calling yourself a liar and an idiot
Your problem is that you will reject anything that anybody posts showing that discrimination is real, or that children of gay parents do well because you are too invested in your ignorance and bigotry. You will not allow yourself to be exposed to anything that undermines and challenges your preconceived ideas about gay people because your bigotry is so much a part of your identity and your reality
wow, homosexuality is an animal behavior. not a normal human behavior. Thank you for sharing the facts. Men and Women should not behave like animals, everyone can agree on that.
Homosexuality does not exist among animals at all. This is a common homosexual myth. Animals will exhibit homosexual behavior when deprived of a suitable mate. But there is no such thing as homosexuality.
I provided summaries of peer revied research documenting the fact that gay people and same sex parents provide everything that children need Where is your data showing that children areharmed by gay parents.?
Summaries? You provided summaries as proof? Why not provide the studies you make claims, of?

Again, it is you that have lied through your teach, a summary may or may not tell us what is in a study. An abstract may or may not tell us what is in a study.

Yes, I understand that you lack the common sense and intelligence on your own to decide if someone is causing harm to children, but basing your decisions on a summary is a very dangerous path to go down.

Read the study, don't claim you don't have to because you can google link to the headlines. A summary is a poor source for information
Your problem is that you will reject anything that anybody posts showing that discrimination is real, or that children of gay parents do well because you are too invested in your ignorance and bigotry. You will not allow yourself to be exposed to anything that undermines and challenges your preconceived ideas about gay people because your bigotry is so much a part of your identity and your reality
You have only stated they are discriminated against you have not shown they are.

Okay, I am ignorant, don't just tell me, show me, produce something. Provide a logical argument.

Your problem is you expect people to believe what you say when we look around and see what you claim is not happening in the world.

So educate us, link to a study. Quote and comment.

Not a summary. The study.
Summaries? You provided summaries as proof? Why not provide the studies you make claims, of?

Again, it is you that have lied through your teach, a summary may or may not tell us what is in a study. An abstract may or may not tell us what is in a study.

Yes, I understand that you lack the common sense and intelligence on your own to decide if someone is causing harm to children, but basing your decisions on a summary is a very dangerous path to go down.

Read the study, don't claim you don't have to because you can google link to the headlines. A summary is a poor source for information
Where is your documentation that gat parenting is bad for children? Those summaries are a valid source of information published by Columbia University. You will reject anything that you do not want to hear regardless of the source or manner of presentation because you are too invested in your bigotry.

You keep doing that thing about google but you provide no indication as to where you get your information, Oh, I know. It those random thoughts that are based on nothing, bouncing around in your skull like a pinball machine

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