Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

very sad, that that is what you support, and that is what the majority of the country has voted against, but for now, you have 7 unelected officials dictating democrat policy to the country.
You are living under a rack. Take a vote today and see what Americans support. You are a dying minority
Oh I see now. Okay dumbfuck, next time you say something against Republicans, you know, consenting unrelated Republicans, then your dumbass can conclude that fuck, you're a closet Republican.

You're leftist thus dependent on others. How'd you miss that? You don't even know what you said.
You are one disturbed and bizarre freak! You might want to try responding to some of the points that made in response to your ignorant and bigoted bullshit-instead of your nonsensical blather
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You are one disturbed and bizarre freak! You might want to try responding to some of the points that made in response to your ignorant and bigoted bullshit-instead of your nonsensical blather

You're a liar, here's what you said and now you're claiming I didn't respond. You know, like you're looking for an argument.

Dependent on others for a defense? What the fuck does that mean? I do not need a defense YOU do. Neat. you call this a point I was supposed to respond to, laughable. So, you're saying you didn't borrow the "transphobic in the closet suggestion" from mainstream used anytime someone doesn't adopt the left's themes on gay. You simply made that up, cuz you so smart. I'm trying to say you're unoriginal, now you get it huh? Good job progressive.

"If a person says something against incest, pedophilia or really anything, does that mean they're simply part of the team too?"

NO! because those things are not equivalent to a relationship between two unrelated consenting adults. Even a cave man can understand that. I responded, remember? Goes like this "Oh I see now. Okay dumbfuck, next time you say something against Republicans, you know, consenting unrelated Republicans, then your dumbass can conclude that fuck, you're a closet Republican."

You are truly a pathetic mess. Seems like you're projecting and don't feel comfortable being gay.
You are a deranged ,psychotic and rabid bigot who plays sick games . You do have a knack for twisting my words to your advantage but your lies are easily exposed.

My position has consistently been that LGBT people are at risk of discriminatory practices because they have no legal protections in many places. I never put a number on how many are being discriminated against . The fact is that they are in need of protection as a group who has been historically discriminated against,. But your bigoted ass won't acknowledge that or you are too stupid to understand it
You said homosexuals are denied housing. Where, prove it. You are a liar. You have to lie and pretend a situation exists and proclaim your side is here to fix it.

Maybe after work I will quote all your statements.

And where is that study you claim justifies your actions. It has been two days. Where is it
Thank you for admitting that while you demanded that I produce evidence to support my position-which I did and which you rejected- you have not produced shit to support you bizarre claims
A link to titles of studies is not the study. Just admit that you are a lowlife liar. The proof, you could of linked to that study and quoted from it but you did not because you are a liar.

You never had a study, where is it.

I never made a claim that I have a study, but now that you are caught in a lie you do what you accuse me of. You lie, you insult, and lie even more claiming I need to produce a study.

It is you that made the study claim

It is you alone who is the liar

Produce the study, quote and comment on it.

Or be a liar
Why is it that what people do in the bedroom is the first thing that comes to mind when the subject is a gay person?
Because, "gay" defines what they do in the bedroom.

Gay indicates the type of sex they participate in.

Progpat is so stupid he/she is lost, confused, dumbfounded when people associate homosexual with gay.

Hey, maybe you can get 7 unelected supreme court judges to dictate that gay no longer means, what it means.

Another reason democrats have no place in our society. Their astonishing stupidity
Because, "gay" defines what they do in the bedroom.

Gay indicates the type of sex they participate in.

Progpat is so stupid he/she is lost, confused, dumbfounded when people associate homosexual with gay.

Hey, maybe you can get 7 unelected supreme court judges to dictate that gay no longer means, what it means.

Another reason democrats have no place in our society. Their astonishing stupidity
Not only that, but homosexuals DEMAND special rights, special treatment and if anyone DARES to disagree with them, there's hell to pay. This is also why they are targeting Evangelical Christian churches. They know that homosexuality is wrong, they love to wallow in their own sin. And I will say this till the cow comes home. They do target children for recruitment and the next deviant behavior to fall IS pedophilia. I've been warning about this for decades now.
Not only that, but homosexuals DEMAND special rights, special treatment and if anyone DARES to disagree with them, there's hell to pay. This is also why they are targeting Evangelical Christian churches. They know that homosexuality is wrong, they love to wallow in their own sin. And I will say this till the cow comes home. They do target children for recruitment and the next deviant behavior to fall IS pedophilia. I've been warning about this for decades now.
Larry brinkin is a gay activist that is famous for getting same sex marriage and babies adopted into homosexual lifestyles. Larry brinkin, married a man, adopted a baby, then got caught sharing toddler porn, 3 yr old toddlers sodomized and forced to perform oral on men. Because this homosexual was so great for homosexuals they dismissed 6 of the 7 felony charges.
Larry brinkin is a gay activist that is famous for getting same sex marriage and babies adopted into homosexual lifestyles. Larry brinkin, married a man, adopted a baby, then got caught sharing toddler porn, 3 yr old toddlers sodomized and forced to perform oral on men. Because this homosexual was so great for homosexuals they dismissed 6 of the 7 felony charges.
Outrageous would understate this animal. And I got dinged for accusing our resident Leftoids of supporting, condoning, or even encouraging this sick behavior?
You're a liar, here's what you said and now you're claiming I didn't respond. You know, like you're looking for an argument.

Dependent on others for a defense? What the fuck does that mean? I do not need a defense YOU do. Neat. you call this a point I was supposed to respond to, laughable. So, you're saying you didn't borrow the "transphobic in the closet suggestion" from mainstream used anytime someone doesn't adopt the left's themes on gay. You simply made that up, cuz you so smart. I'm trying to say you're unoriginal, now you get it huh? Good job progressive.
Holy Shit! Calm the fuck sown! You sound like you going to have a cow! I was not referring to the closet queer bullshit when I said that you did not respond. That was just to rattle your cage which it apparently did

I was referring to your stupidity in post 333' Where you weote

Fucking A right. One dumb leads to another. No shit, you really can't tie that one together huh?

Marriage supports economic & family stabilization and reproduction for what, thousands of years? Extreme leftists come along to figure, well that's not good enough, "let's progress into stupidity".

At the end of the day, homosexuality and heterosexuality are not remotely the same things, yet special interests etc. clouded people's heads as usual to pretend they are the same. If you can argue gay marriage is right, then the same arguments can be applied to close relatives.
I called you out in it in 337 because it is just plain stupid but you had nothing coherent to say about it. No defense and I am sure that yiu still dont
Because, "gay" defines what they do in the bedroom.

Gay indicates the type of sex they participate in.

Progpat is so stupid he/she is lost, confused, dumbfounded when people associate homosexual with gay.

Hey, maybe you can get 7 unelected supreme court judges to dictate that gay no longer means, what it means.

Another reason democrats have no place in our society. Their astonishing stupidity
You can be gay and a are stupid and wrong.
Not only that, but homosexuals DEMAND special rights, special treatment and if anyone DARES to disagree with them, there's hell to pay. This is also why they are targeting Evangelical Christian churches. They know that homosexuality is wrong, they love to wallow in their own sin. And I will say this till the cow comes home. They do target children for recruitment and the next deviant behavior to fall IS pedophilia. I've been warning about this for decades now.
What special rights? Name one right gays get that nobody else does...
"If a person says something against incest, pedophilia or really anything, does that mean they're simply part of the team too?"

NO! because those things are not equivalent to a relationship between two unrelated consenting adults. Even a cave man can understand that. I responded, remember? Goes like this "Oh I see now. Okay dumbfuck, next time you say something against Republicans, you know, consenting unrelated Republicans, then your dumbass can conclude that fuck, you're a closet Republican."

You are truly a pathetic mess. Seems like you're projecting and don't feel comfortable being gay.

Again you respond with some unhinged bovine excrement while avoiding the real issue which is the stupidity of bringing up incest and pedophilia in a discussion about marriage between two consenting adults. Try having an adult discussion instead of just tossing out any and all free associated random bullshit like your Republican analogy intended to avoid a real answer
Holy Shit! Calm the fuck sown! You sound like you going to have a cow! I was not referring to the closet queer bullshit when I said that you did not respond. That was just to rattle your cage which it apparently did

I was referring to your stupidity in post 333' Where you weote

I called you out in it in 337 because it is just plain stupid but you had nothing coherent to say about it. No defense and I am sure that yiu still dont

You're sure of nothing short perhaps your ass is sore. Here's your post you declared I couldn't respond to.

Get a fucking grip Dude! Same sex couples "support economic and family stabilization" just like heterosexual couples. They do?, cuz last I checked male and females make a family consistent with nature.

They have homes, families and children, and are parents to those children. They are EXACTLY the same. WHOLLY CHRIST you actually think heterosexuality and homosexuality are the same thing. GEEZUS. I thought leftists appreciated science.

And no, you can't argue that shit about marrying relatives. Why the fuck not? If they're consenting adults WTF is the difference? After all, since homosexuals are same as heterosexuals, then a couple in a relationship who happen to be related must be the same as homosexuals, you know, equal rights and stuff like that, it's your narration, try to be consistent.

In all of the time that we have had same sex marriage, how many people claimed the right to marry a relative based on the right to same sex marriage? Any good attorney would see that through. Every argument for gay marriage supports an argument for marriage between close relatives, are you aware of one that doesn't? Do tell.

Why is it so few homosexuals have married considering it was so important to you guys?

If any, how many have been successful? Your mother.

You might want to try to explain exactly how same sex marriage has been in any way detrimental to society, the institution of marriage or to you personally . Absurd ideas and devaluing the intent leads to more which was my point about men competing against women etc. A great dumbing down.

Provide facts! Not just some random thoughts fed by your bigotry that are bouncing around in your skull like a pinball machine. Provide facts gay marriage is a benefit to society.

Sounds like you have serious anger issues not to mention an intellectual deficit. Doesn't sound like dick, you're just taking up space.
They do?, cuz last I checked male and females make a family consistent with nature.

What does that even mean? Sperm meets egg, baby is formed. That's how gay couples do it just like straight couples. (or they adopt...just like straight couples)
WHOLLY CHRIST you actually think heterosexuality and homosexuality are the same thing. GEEZUS. I thought leftists appreciated science.
How are they different other than the gender they are attracted to?
Any good attorney would see that through. Every argument for gay marriage supports an argument for marriage between close relatives, are you aware of one that doesn't? Do tell.

No, it really does not. If you want to argue that a lifetime of loving, faithful commitment between two women is equivalent to incest or child abuse, then please argue would tell us a lot about you.
Why is it so few homosexuals have married considering it was so important to you guys?

58% of gay couples are married. Seems pretty significant considering a few years ago 100% were unable to marry.

Absurd ideas and devaluing the intent leads to more which was my point about men competing against women etc. A great dumbing down.
Let us know when that happens, chicken little :rolleyes:
Provide facts! Not just some random thoughts fed by your bigotry that are bouncing around in your skull like a pinball machine. Provide facts gay marriage is a benefit to society.
Either marriage benefits society or it doesn't. If you believe heterosexual marriage benefits a society, then obviously same sex marriage affords the same benefits.
What does that even mean? Sperm meets egg, baby is formed. That's how gay couples do it just like straight couples. (or they adopt...just like straight couples)

How are they different other than the gender they are attracted to?

No, it really does not. If you want to argue that a lifetime of loving, faithful commitment between two women is equivalent to incest or child abuse, then please argue would tell us a lot about you.

58% of gay couples are married. Seems pretty significant considering a few years ago 100% were unable to marry.

Let us know when that happens, chicken little :rolleyes:

Either marriage benefits society or it doesn't. If you believe heterosexual marriage benefits a society, then obviously same sex marriage affords the same benefits.

I really had to stop reading at your first entry. Wow, the most basic science of reproduction. What a shame how education has been molested so far night is day and up is down. Let us know when birds and such start nesting homosexuals, I doubt they've been enlightened yet.
I really had to stop reading at your first entry. Wow, the most basic science of reproduction. What a shame how education has been molested so far night is day and up is down. Let us know when birds and such start nesting homosexuals, I doubt they've been enlightened yet.
Sperm meets egg is the most basic. Of course you stopped reading...I destroyed every one of your stupid points or asked you question you simply had no answer for. It's very telling, thank you.

The irony of you talking about a lack of education is astounding. Here, educate yourself.

Sperm meets egg is the most basic. Of course you stopped reading...I destroyed every one of your stupid points or asked you question you simply had no answer for. It's very telling, thank you.

The irony of you talking about a lack of education is astounding. Here, educate yourself.

Fuck you didn't destroy anything, but congrats on your self-declaration, good fucking job.

Sperm meets egg you say, otherwise homosexuality and heterosexuality are the same right? Yeah sure. Once science figured out how to accomplish that all is the same. It's just progressive.

Same as science turns men into women right? Yep, exactly the same, once a dude, now a chick, it's just progressive.

Here you go, tit for tat, your link is equally worthless but now we're square. Incidentally, next time your dog dry humps your leg remember it's just sex preferences and perfectly natural.

Heterosexuality, homosexuality, dudes now chicks and humping dogs, they're just all the same and comes natural. Fuck, even rape is natural, happens among all kinds of species. Don't forget pedophilia.

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