Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

Holy shit! Seriously. All distortions, half truths and outright lies! You are deliberately misrepresenting everything that has been said here!

I will just take two point now to highlight your dishonesty

You claim that we said that :

Yes, some probably were, but you are implying that my claim is that all gay people are denied housing and employment all of the time in all of those states

You do the same to my comments, you go beyond that, you make up things and reply as if I said them.
Holy shit! Seriously. All distortions, half truths and outright lies! You are deliberately misrepresenting everything that has been said here!

I will just take two point now to highlight your dishonesty

You claim that we said that :

Yes, some probably were, but you are implying that my claim is that all gay people are denied housing and employment all of the time in all of those states

What I actually said was that in many states they do not have protections against discrimination in those areas (and others) AND THAT IS A FACT!

Only a very stupid person would think that what I said, and what you cllaim that I said are the same thing . More likely is just you dishonesty
You stated in 27 states they are denied housing. Now you say probably

Show us this homeless homosexual problem
You linked to an article that listed names of studies. After the name is an extremely brief summary/abstract which may or may not reflect the study.

You have not read the studies
You have not quoted a study
You have not linked to a study.

You are the liar, you make claims about stuff you have not read.

Insults, yes you did insult me repeatedly so I give it back. Don't cry too much, or you will melt yourself, snowflake

Studies? Right, all you got is the Democrat biased propaganda tool called Google, and at that you can not use google to prove your dirty lies.
Where the fuck are your studies that support your bigoted claims?
You're lying again and you know it. I said that they lack protections against discrimination. How stupid can you be?
Quote your original post. You said homosexuals were being denied housing. In 27 states.

Now you claim they lack protections?

Another fake problem homosexual politicians will fake fix
Quote your original post. You said homosexuals were being denied housing. In 27 states.

Now you claim they lack protections?

Another fake problem homosexual politicians will fake fix
I don't claim it. I know it. I previously posted the documentation Stop playing your stupid games
I don't need a study to show the definition of a word.

It is far from being bigoted to state homosexuals are not married, despite the government changing the meaning of the word.
Do you or do you not recognize that they have a legal right to marry Yes or No?

Do you understand that there is a difference between you personal disapproval and what the law says? Yes or no?

Do you understand that marriage was a union between two people before Obergefell and it is still a union between two people after Obergefell ? Yes or No ?
Quote your original post. You said homosexuals were being denied housing. In 27 states.

Now you claim they lack protections?

Another fake problem homosexual politicians will fake fix
Liar! I said that gays could be denied housing because they lack protections.... You are one slippery, slime bag
Gay rights, blah blah blah blah blah. Some of my favorite people are/were gay, but fucking A that gay marriage business helped lead a dumbing down. Where do you think men in women's sports comes from?

Leftists declare this dumbing down as progress. Everyday is opposite day for the left.

All I know is gay marriage changed the meaning and intent of marriage, leftists quite enjoy corrupting shit. Even many gays recognize this fact, evidenced by there has never been a rush on them to gay-marry. To-date I know nobody in a same-sex marriage.
Gay rights, blah blah blah blah blah. Some of my favorite people are/were gay, but fucking A that gay marriage business helped lead a dumbing down. Where do you think men in women's sports comes from?

Leftists declare this dumbing down as progress. Everyday is opposite day for the left.

All I know is gay marriage changed the meaning and intent of marriage, leftists quite enjoy corrupting shit. Even many gays recognize this fact, evidenced by there has never been a rush on them to gay-marry. To-date I know nobody in a same-sex marriage.
That is quite a bizarre and unhinged screed, Dude. So we have an issue about transwomen in sports because of same sex marriage? Seriously?? You have to explain that a little better or it can be written off as a false cause logical fallacy

And you don't think that gays are getting married because YOU do not know any who have. That is some pretty sloppy thinking. You should dop some research

And how did gay marriage change the meaning and intent of marriage? I don't think that you gave much thought to that either.
That is quite a bizarre and unhinged screed, Dude. So we have an issue about transwomen in sports because of same sex marriage? Seriously?? You have to explain that a little better or it can be written off as a false cause logical fallacy

And you don't think that gays are getting married because YOU do not know any who have. That is some pretty sloppy thinking. You should dop some research

And how did gay marriage change the meaning and intent of marriage? I don't think that you gave much thought to that either.

Fucking A right. One dumb leads to another. No shit, you really can't tie that one together huh?

Marriage supports economic & family stabilization and reproduction for what, thousands of years? Extreme leftists come along to figure, well that's not good enough, "let's progress into stupidity".

At the end of the day, homosexuality and heterosexuality are not remotely the same things, yet special interests etc. clouded people's heads as usual to pretend they are the same. If you can argue gay marriage is right, then the same arguments can be applied to close relatives.
Do you understand that marriage was a union between two people before Obergefell and it is still a union between two people after Obergefell ? Yes or No ?

Marriage has always been, and will always be, a union between a man and a woman.

That is how God established it, and no earthly court or legislature has the authority to override God. Those who try to defy God on this matter will one day stand before Him and be held to answer for it.
So we have an issue about transwomen in sports because of same sex marriage?

We have an issue because in most sports, men have a very strong advantage over women, and pretending to be women does not remove that advantage.

A man pretending to be a women in order to compete athletically against women is cheating, plain and simple.
Fucking A right. One dumb leads to another. No shit, you really can't tie that one together huh?

Marriage supports economic & family stabilization and reproduction for what, thousands of years? Extreme leftists come along to figure, well that's not good enough, "let's progress into stupidity".

At the end of the day, homosexuality and heterosexuality are not remotely the same things, yet special interests etc. clouded people's heads as usual to pretend they are the same. If you can argue gay marriage is right, then the same arguments can be applied to close relatives.
Get a fucking grip Dude! Same sex couples "support economic and family stabilization" just like heterosexual couples. They have homes, families and children, and are parents to those children. They are EXACTLY the same

And no, you can't argue that shit about marrying relatives. In all of the time that we have had same sex marriage, how many people claimed the right to marry a relative based on the right to same sex marriage? If any, how many have been successful?

You might want to try to explain exactly how same sex marriage has been in any way detrimental to society, the institution of marriage or to you personally . Provide facts! Not just some random thoughts fed by your bigotry that are bouncing around in your skull like a pinball machine

Sounds like you have serious anger issues not to mention an intellectual deficit
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That is quite a bizarre and unhinged screed, Dude. So we have an issue about transwomen in sports because of same sex marriage? Seriously?? You have to explain that a little better or it can be written off as a false cause logical fallacy

And you don't think that gays are getting married because YOU do not know any who have. That is some pretty sloppy thinking. You should dop some research

And how did gay marriage change the meaning and intent of marriage? I don't think that you gave much thought to that either.
Hey ! did you go? You dropped a couple of major stink bombs-got called out-and now you run away? Get the fuck back here and defend yourself! In the mean time try digesting this:

I find it hard to believe that your sort of willful ignorance and blatant bigotry still exists, but then again I should not be that surprised in the age of MAGA stupidly
Fucking A right. One dumb leads to another. No shit, you really can't tie that one together huh?

Marriage supports economic & family stabilization and reproduction for what, thousands of years? Extreme leftists come along to figure, well that's not good enough, "let's progress into stupidity".

At the end of the day, homosexuality and heterosexuality are not remotely the same things, yet special interests etc. clouded people's heads as usual to pretend they are the same. If you can argue gay marriage is right, then the same arguments can be applied to close relatives.
When did you first know that you were a closet queer and decide that you had to go full tilt bogie with your bigoted condemnation of homosexuality in order to convince yourself and others that you are straight ? I mean really! No one gets that bent out of shape over gays unless it is somehow close to home.
When did you first know that you were a closet queer and decide that you had to go full tilt bogie with your bigoted condemnation of homosexuality in order to convince yourself and others that you are straight ? I mean really! No one gets that bent out of shape over gays unless it is somehow close to home.

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