Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

Homosexuality has existed since the beginning of recorded time. Seems very consistent with natural order. There may even be an evolutionary reason for homosexuality.........So has rape, incest, pedophilia and disease, your point has no merit.
Yours has even less. Do you think those things would cease to exist if gay people did? Most of those things are done by heterosexuals, dumb fuck.
Did that make sense in your head? When it transferred to the written word, it lost coherence......ILMAO.........I just put your position into proper perspective & now you're asking if I can cohere. I gay-love it :auiqs.jpg:

You did nothing of the sort. Your comment made zero sense. Guess you couldn't make sense of it either.
Marriage does much more than ensure reproduction. (also, marriage is not required for reproduction, dumbass). The same argument can be made for marriage between close relatives, for example. What I win?
If marriage is beneficial to society, it is beneficial to society regardless of the couples involved. The same argument can be made for marriage between close relatives. What I win?
Go ahead. I really don't care if you want to marry a close relative. There are laws against it though. Good luck storming the castle.
Yours has even less. Do you think those things would cease to exist if gay people did? Most of those things are done by heterosexuals, dumb fuck.

You did nothing of the sort. Your comment made zero sense. Guess you couldn't make sense of it either.

Go ahead. I really don't care if you want to marry a close relative. There are laws against it though. Good luck storming the castle.

You're an angry gay. Hey man, these are your positions, if I destroy them with logic & perspective that's not my problem, it is yours.
Homosexuality is a randomly occurring aberration. It has existed, more or less, in the same percentages throughout history with varying degrees of acceptance. On it's own, homosexuality is benign, it neither helps, nor hurts the society in which it exists. The wider the general acceptancece of homosexuality the more toxic it becomes until it totally destroys its surroundings.
Homosexuality has existed since the beginning of recorded time. Seems very consistent with natural order. There may even be an evolutionary reason for homosexuality.

Did that make sense in your head? When it transferred to the written word, it lost coherence.

Marriage does much more than ensure reproduction. (also, marriage is not required for reproduction, dumbass). If marriage is beneficial to society, it is beneficial to society regardless of the couples involved.

Married people are healthier and wealthier. This benefits society and has nothing to do with the orientation of the couples.

Aren't you adorable...still trying to have it both ways.

WTH_Progs: You homos aren't natchrul"
Thinking people: Homosexuality is found in nature.
WTH Progs: Oh, you're like animals
Thinking people: You are a complete moron.
Since the beginning of time? How, prove it.
You did say you had studies. For what, it is obvious, you never read a study. But it is important to acknowledge you are basing your opinion on propaganda.

I knew you never saw a study. Another fact is without other people telling you what to think you have no personal experience to educate yourself on this topic.

And now as we can see, the homosexuals don't need politicians to protect them. They are doing fine in our tolerant society
Hey look! What did I tell you? I told you to come back when you were ready to have an adult conversation and you clearly are not ready

And here you are ling again. I never said anything about studies on discrimination. I did post extensive evidence the there is much discrimination. The fact is that no matter what I post, you will reject it because you are a coward who cant face the truth

Meanwhile, you have not posted a single thing to refute my claims that children of gay parents do as well as others, and that discrimination is a problem. You have no credibility NONE!
You're an angry gay. Hey man, these are your positions, if I destroy them with logic & perspective that's not my problem, it is yours.
You are an even bigger idiot than I originally thought. I'm 1) Not a gay man 2) Not even remotely angry. I find your willful ignorance sad more than anything. There, revel in "liberal tears" since your stupidity made me cry.
You're an angry gay. Hey man, these are your positions, if I destroy them with logic & perspective that's not my problem, it is yours.
Holy shit! You're back after we ran you out of town?! You are going to destroy WHAT exactly with logic and perspective? You would not know logic if it bit you in the ass. You have never presented a rational and defensible argument on anything, and I seriously doubt that you can
You like to keep insisting that other people prove this or that but you have never even attempted to prove anything.
You are the only one making claims about studies supporting you. You lied about having studies. Produce the study or simply admit you lied.
And here you are ling again. I never said anything about studies on discrimination.

Meanwhile, you have not posted a single thing to refute my claims that children of gay parents do as well as others, and that discrimination is a problem. You have no credibility NONE!
I never said you made claims about studies and discrimination. You did post a link to the titles of said studies. I pointed out those were not studies.

You said you had studies about children forced into homosexual lifestyles. Now you bring it up again. Go ahead and prove it. Produce you study.
You are the only one making claims about studies supporting you. You lied about having studies. Produce the study or simply admit you lied.
Produce some actual documentation to support your bigoted claims or get the hell out of here. I have backed up everything that I have said . You haven't produced squat. Your just trying to gaslight me with you bullshit. Not working.
I never said you made claims about studies and discrimination. You did post a link to the titles of said studies. I pointed out those were not studies.
Holy shit! Your story keeps changing! In any case I posted scholarly papers by prestigious institutions that draw on research that documents discrimination. Again, you have nothing to counter that with, yet you scorn my documentation. You continue to make a damned fool of yourself
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You said you had studies about children forced into homosexual lifestyles. Now you bring it up again. Go ahead and prove it. Produce you study.
I said what??!! I asked before what is meant by that "homosexual lifestyle crap and have gotten nothing close to a rational or reasonable response. And you have the nerve to ask why I called you a bigot?!!

I presented date-perhaps not in the form that you want-but data nevertheless showing that children do just as well with gay parents as other kid. You continue to reject what I present while you have NOTHING to counter it. You are embarrassing yourself, but you don't seem to be bright enough to know it
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I said what??!! I asked before what is meant by that "homosexual lifestyle crap and have gotten nothing close to a rational or reasonable response. And you have the nerve to ask why I called you a bigot?!!

I presented date-perhaps not in the form that you want-but data nevertheless showing that children do just as well with gay parents as other kid. You continue to reject what I present while you have NOTHING to counter it. You are embarrassing yourself, but you don't seem to be bright enough to know it
I already explained how homosexuals are different than heterosexuals. I am sorry if you do not have a summary of a study so that you can have you epiphany.

You did not present anything on children. Just your opinion.

And my statement about children had nothing to do with how well they do or do not do.

You cant keep anything straight in your head (hahah, great pun).

Now where is your study on children, you made the claim, produce the study.
Holy shit! You story keeps changing! In any case I posted scholarly papers by prestigious institutions that draw on research that documents discrimination. Again, you have nothing to counter that with, yet you scorn my documentation. You continue to make a damned fool of yourself
you posted scholarly papers, bullshit
prestigious institutions, more bullshit

yes, I am the fool yet you are the one who makes the outrageous claims based on documents that appear, to not exist.

so, show the discrimination study, a link to a web page, that simply dictates what we are to believe is not good enough, it is opinion posted on the web, yes in a scholarly way, so that you can use propaganda, I mean, you can use science and studies, to lie about what is real and what is not

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