Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

Produce some actual documentation to support your bigoted claims or get the hell out of here. I have backed up everything that I have said . You haven't produced squat. Your just trying to gaslight me with you bullshit. Not working.
I do not need documentation. I am the witness. I am the one the universities refuse to acquire data from. I am the one that lives amongst the homosexuals on a day to day basis. I am the witness to all I attest to.

Unlike you, I have lived a life and seen much in my life. I could fill this entire message board with facts I am a witness to.

Unlike you I am intelligent, I do not need to lie, and claim I have studies as you did. I have lived this life and my eye witness testimony is factual. It is also real, unlike your scientific studies you will not post.
I already explained how homosexuals are different than heterosexuals. I am sorry if you do not have a summary of a study so that you can have you epiphany.

You did not present anything on children. Just your opinion.

And my statement about children had nothing to do with how well they do or do not do.

You cant keep anything straight in your head (hahah, great pun).

Now where is your study on children, you made the claim, produce the study.
You explained how homosexuals are different than heterosexuals? Sorry I don't recall. If you explained anything it must not have made any sense. Try again. What is the homosexual lifestyle.? How is family life for children of gay parents different than that of others?

I presented much more than just my opinion, and if you don't know that you are just plain stupid. More likely you are just lying.

And the you say " my statement about children had nothing to do with how well they do or do not do." Maybe not but your continual blathering about being forced into a homosexual lifestyle certainly indicates that you do not approve of gay parents-yet you can't explain why or provide any documentation of deficiencies in parenting. You don't even realize how fucking stupid you sound!

I produced my documentation . Where the fuck is yours?
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You explained how homosexuals are different than heterosexuals? Sorry I don't recall. If you explained anything it must not have made any sense. Try again. What is the homosexual lifestyle.? How is family life for children of gay parents different than that of others?

I presented much more than just my opinion, and if you don't know that you are just plain stupid. More likely you are just lying.

And the you say " my statement about children had nothing to do with how well they do or do not do." Maybe not but your continual blathering about being forced into a homosexual lifestyle certainly indicates that you do not approve of gay parents-yet you can't explain why or provide any documentation of deficiencies in parenting. You don't even realize how fucking stupid you sound!

I produced my documentation . Where the fuck is yours?
why should homosexuals not be the parents of orphaned babies and children that, if given a choice, would always choose mom and dad, that needs a fucking study for you?

Democrats are the evil of this world and there is no place in this world for you or the democrats ideology. You dont realize how evil, how mean, how tyrannical you sound. Forcing children, babies to live a live they would not choose, and then fainting ignorance, as if a man and a man or a woman and a woman are no different than man and woman.

some things do fall to common sense and if you lack common sense there is no posting that corroects that lack of common sense.

Yes, studies, you claimed to have studies but you have proven yourself the filthiest lowest of liars. You have never ever in your life, read a study, that supports your position. Yet you claim one does and that it makes everything okay, despite what you can not ask a baby boy.

Why is it you get to violate the rights of babies and children. This world has become hell for some, at your hands, at the hands of the courts. Or senators and representatives did not make this law. The supreme court made it law, and it is not within the power of the supreme court to make this law.

You have yet to produce a study. At that studies, they do not prove right or wrong. That is why I am adamant for you to produce your study. I have played this game with fools such as you much longer than you been here, or on any other message board. Do your stupid fucking homework, do your lousy google search, come up with your study so I can show you it does not state what you think. I have not made the claims you have. I have not said the things you contribute to me. I know more of what I speak than you, for you lack common sense. So man or woman up, however you identify and get the damned study you think is out there.

Quit playing this game where you run like a coward. Quit calling people the names that only apply to you. How about at the least be fair and just. But that loses your argument. You claimed studies, produce them.
Af5er knowing quite a few homosexual families, indeed, even forming more than a few before same sex marriage, children raised in such households are, in many cases dysfunctional. The ones who fare the best have a third party actively involved in the child's life. It could be a grand parent, aunt, uncle, good friend to provide an appropriate model.

The pathology experienced by children with same sex parents is the same pathology evidenced by children of single parent households. The experience of all male or all female parenting manifests as an inability to relate to the opposite sex and a corresponding inability fo form healthy relationships. A boy raised by two male parents will never understand the dynamic between a girl and her mother. Unless those two male parents take extra care that there is exposure to women, that boy will never have a healthy relationship with females.
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Sad, that homosexuals simply can not live there lives, and let us live ours. But that said, it most likely politicians and activists that make a profit promoting homosexuality, the reason homosexuals and heterosexuals are not left alone.

It is one of the oldest political tactics in the world. Create the situation that you must protect the people from. In this case the politicians and media call heterosexuals bigots, bigots the democrats are here to protect homosexuals from.

So, we have Obergefell, who must stir the pot, strike fear into the people, so that he can fix the problem.

Obergefell must call every heterosexual a bigot, and state that if we oppose him, we are bigots that hate homosexuals. That is his platform, he is here to protect and save homosexuality from the evil heterosexuals
Af5er [sic] knowing quite a few homosexual families, indeed, even forming more than a few before same sex marriage, children raised in such households are, in many cases dysfunctional. The ones who fare the best have a third party actively involved in the child's life. It could be a grand parent, aunt, uncle, good friend to provide an appropriate model.

The pathology experienced by children with same sex parents is the same pathology evidenced by children of single parent households. The experience of all male or all female parenting manifests as an inability to relate to the opposite sex and a corresponding inability fo [sic] form healthy relationships. A boy raised by two male parents will never understand the dynamic between a girl and her mother. Unless those two male parents take extra care that there is exposure to women, that boy will never have a healthy relationship with females.

Most important, I think, is the example that a child's parents provide as to how partners in a marriage relate. I knew what to look for in a wife, because I had my mothers as an example. I know how to be a husband, because my father showed me by how he was a husband to my mother.

Now, I'm a very different man than my father was, and my wife is a very different woman than my mother was, but still, by their relationship, by their example, I learned important things about how to relate to my own wife.
Most important, I think, is the example that a child's parents provide as to how partners in a marriage relate. I knew what to look for in a wife, because I had my mothers as an example. I know how to be a husband, because my father showed me by how he was a husband to my mother.

Now, I'm a very different man than my father was, and my wife is a very different woman than my mother was, but still, by their relationship, by their example, I learned important things about how to relate to my own wife.
Very true. You find this inability to relate in many people raised in single parent households too.
documentation, eyewitness testimony, this article is fact, that is ignored by the homosexuals.

There are “two rights” that every child shares when they arrive in this world, Katy Faust wrote in her brief. “First, the right to live. Second, the right to have a relationship with his/her father and mother.”

“It wasn’t until I had children of my own that the wholeness and worth of having both father and mother raising their children together hit me like a freight train,” Ms. Faust said recently. “My kids need both of us” and “marriage law should always encourage and promote that ideal of mothers and fathers parenting their children together.”
documentation, eyewitness testimony, this article is fact, that is ignored by the homosexuals.

There are “two rights” that every child shares when they arrive in this world, Katy Faust wrote in her brief. “First, the right to live. Second, the right to have a relationship with his/her father and mother.”

“It wasn’t until I had children of my own that the wholeness and worth of having both father and mother raising their children together hit me like a freight train,” Ms. Faust said recently. “My kids need both of us” and “marriage law should always encourage and promote that ideal of mothers and fathers parenting their children together.”

That used to be obvious. It's a tragic commentary on our society, that too many do not see it.

Since before you or I were born, it was known that children's from “broken homes” tended to have much poorer life outcomes than those who were raised in intact homes.

Now, we intentionally create homes that are more broken than what were a matter of concern before. And we are seeing the tragic consequences thereof.
why should homosexuals not be the parents of orphaned babies and children that, if given a choice, would always choose mom and dad, that needs a fucking study for you?

"why should homosexuals not be the parents of orphaned babies and children" Is that a question or a statement? That paragraph is incoherent.

How the fuck do you know that given a choice, would always choose mom and dad, !?? You still just making shit up. Listening to the voices in your head ?
The data that I presented clearly shows that having parents of the same sex as opposed to the opposite sex is inconsequential to a child's emotional, social and intellectual development but you are either too stupid to understand that , or to much of a bigot and coward to admit it
That used to be obvious. It's a tragic commentary on our society, that too many do not see it.

Since before you or I were born, it was known that children's from “broken homes” tended to have much poorer life outcomes than those who were raised in intact homes.

Now, we intentionally create homes that are more broken than what were a matter of concern before. And we are seeing the tragic consequences thereof.
Two loving parents who happen to be of the same gender is not a broken home. You are a broken human being
documentation, eyewitness testimony, this article is fact, that is ignored by the homosexuals.

There are “two rights” that every child shares when they arrive in this world, Katy Faust wrote in her brief. “First, the right to live. Second, the right to have a relationship with his/her father and mother.”

“It wasn’t until I had children of my own that the wholeness and worth of having both father and mother raising their children together hit me like a freight train,” Ms. Faust said recently. “My kids need both of us” and “marriage law should always encourage and promote that ideal of mothers and fathers parenting their children together.”
Holy fucking shit! You press me for studies while posting no empirical evidence of your own to shoe that same sex parenting is harmful, then you have the nerve to post this anecdotal meaninless bullshit?

Adults with gay parents say same-sex marriage isn’t good for kids

OK, 6 adult children of gay parents came forward to make the claim same sex marriage harms children, before same sex marriage was legal nationwide. In addition, there is no indication as to whether their parents were married or lived in a state where same sex marriage was legal at the time. Strike #1

Yes, these people seem to be troubled and angry, and perhaps for good reason. Some may have in fact experienced dysfunctional homes and parents. The problem is, that this in no way proves that more children of gay parents experience less than optimal childhoods than do children of heterosexual parents.

In addition, regardless of the status of same sex marriage, gay people and same sex couples will have children. Having legal status can only help the stability of the family and provide needed security for the children

One child writes that legalizing same sex marriage is writing the need for a mother and a father out of the civil code. Is that what it is doing? Really? Lets think about that. Whether children need a mother and a father is not even the issue. Many children do not have a mother and a father for a variety of reasons, and not allowing same sex marriage is not going to change that. Nor would it change the fact that she had a lesbian mother, and her father was not around. A loving lesbian mother according to the article!!

And from the same article:
Groups for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) families, such as the Family Equality Council and COLAGE, have filed a brief with the Supreme Court.
They argue that families led by same-sex parents deserve “no less protection” than other families, and that years of marriage rights for gay families have already shown that it benefits children and has “harmed no one.”

“I laugh at the thought of a ‘gay lifestyle,’ because other than being led by two women, my family is about as traditional as it gets,” Kinsey Morrison, an 18-year-old woman from Kentucky, said in COLAGE brief to the Supreme Court.

“I don’t look back and wish I was raised in a household with straight parents. I wish my mom and stepmom could finally have validation of their love,” Lea Mitchell, 29, of Michigan, said in the COLAGE brief, which was filled with statements from some two dozen children raised in LGBT homes.

So, you fail miserably once again! What a fool you are!
I do not need documentation. I am the witness. I am the one the universities refuse to acquire data from. I am the one that lives amongst the homosexuals on a day to day basis. I am the witness to all I attest to.

Unlike you, I have lived a life and seen much in my life. I could fill this entire message board with facts I am a witness to.

Unlike you I am intelligent, I do not need to lie, and claim I have studies as you did. I have lived this life and my eye witness testimony is factual. It is also real, unlike your scientific studies you will not post.
Holy fuck, what? Sounds like you really lost your shit with that one! Good fucking god! You have no idea how long I have been around , what K have done an d what I have seen and it is more than enough to know how full of shit you are
You are an even bigger idiot than I originally thought. I'm 1) Not a gay man 2) Not even remotely angry. I find your willful ignorance sad more than anything. There, revel in "liberal tears" since your stupidity made me cry.

I know you're a pissed off lesbian, that close enough for ya Sasquatch?

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