Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

You said you had studies, you said you were informed by studies. Show us the studies
So while you have the audacity to claim that you never said that gay parenting is harmful, you continue to press me for documentation -which I have already provided, and which you pretend is worthless-that shows that children of gays do as well as any others.

I am on to you. I know how you operate. You take a word like "harmful" and claim that you never used it-and you may not have. But at the same time, everything that you say supports a conclusion that you do, in fact, believe that gay parenting is harmful. Case in point is the anecdotal (NOT A STUDY) article that you posted about the 6 kids who had a gay parent or parents, who opposed same sex marriage. As pathetic an attempt as it was, it made it clear where you stand. You are too much of a coward to clearly state what you believe and stand by it. Instead you just play these childish games.
I made my case for gay parenting. You have failed miserably in making your case against gay parenting.

And stop whining about studies. It does not become you. Try produce one of your own that supports your bigotry, if you can.
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You said you had studies, you said you were informed by studies. Show us the studies
Oh look here! See what I found! A full study. It describes sampling, interview methods, statistics, analysis and results. Yes it excludes male couple, but I am sure that there is one that does not. In any case , this in undeniable


Children with female same-sex parents and different-sex parents demonstrated no differences in outcomes, despite female same-sex parents reporting more parenting stress. Future studies may reveal the sources of this parenting stress.
So while you have the audacity to claim that you never said that gay parenting is harmful, you continue to press me for documentation -which I have already provided, and which you pretend is worthless-that shows that children of gays do as well as any others.

I am on to you. I know how you operate. You take a word like "harmful" and claim that you never used it-and you may not have. But at the same time, everything that you say supports a conclusion that you do, in fact, believe that gay parenting is harmful. Case in point is the anecdotal (NOT A STUDY) article that you posted about the 6 kids who had a gay parent or parents, who opposed same sex marriage. As pathetic an attempt as it was, it made it clear where you stand. You are too much of a coward to clearly state what you believe and stand by it. Instead you just play these childish games.
I made my case for gay parenting. You have failed miserably in making your case against gay parenting.

And stop whining about studies. It does not become you. Try produce one of your own that supports your bigotry, if you can.
audacity? Go back and quote the comment and cite the comment number.
documentation? I press you yes, but that was only after you made claims and failed to produce said documentation
provided? No you have not, an abstract, description, and title is not the study. You stated studies

Gay parenting? I stated it is wrong, to violate a child or babies right, to a mother and father by forcing them into a homosexual lifestyle.

As happy and gay as you think it is, violating a child's right is serious. One would think that homosexuals who believe they have had their rights violated would be more intelligent, less ignorant.

Further, I have not posted any link, any article, anything in response to any of your posts. Not one. The fact that you claim I have shows everyone you are a liar.

But hey, I posted documentation and that documentation has not been shown to be false, so by your rules, homosexual marriage is not constitutional nor valid.
Oh look here! See what I found! A full study. It describes sampling, interview methods, statistics, analysis and results. Yes it excludes male couple, but I am sure that there is one that does not. In any case , this in undeniable

This does not prove you did not violate the rights of babies and force them into a homosexual lifestyle? That is what I said.
But hey, I will play along cause it is fun to rub your nose in shit.

It says females only, obviously they found male homosexuals had to be excluded because that lifestyle is extreme even by homosexual standards. Male homosexual lifestyles are a bad environment to force babies to live.


Children with female same-sex parents and different-sex parents demonstrated no differences in outcomes, despite female same-sex parents reporting more parenting stress. Future studies may reveal the sources of this parenting stress.
Oh look here! See what I found! A full study. It describes sampling, interview methods, statistics, analysis and results. Yes it excludes male couple, but I am sure that there is one that does not. In any case , this in undeniable

hahahahahahahaha, any decent psychologist is going to call into question the methods of this study.

They called one parent, and asked over the telephone how the kids are doing? Nobody in their right mind would take this for accurate or scientific, self-reporting is inherently not accurate!

At that of the 100,000's of same sex adoptions, of the over 700,000 adoptions by homosexuals, this study is based on 95?

Parental and child characteristics were matched for 95 female same-sex parent and 95 different-sex parent households with children 6–17 years old. One parent per household was interviewed by telephone.

This is why I ask for the study, so I can show how the homosexual activists and supporters manipulate studies and surveys to get the outcome they wish to use as propaganda.
Looking at the guy, I wonder if gay marriage was a good idea after all?

I mean, it's not just straight people who get married and then just let rhemselves go any more.
Oh look here! See what I found! A full study. It describes sampling, interview methods, statistics, analysis and results. Yes it excludes male couple, but I am sure that there is one that does not. In any case , this in undeniable

A study? How come it is a study of what another study found? The author of this study did not study homosexual families. They took a study from someone else and using a particular methodology came up with thier conclusions.

This study used on 95 female homosexual couples, hardly a sizeable sample to accurately show how children develop in homosexual lifestyles.

Parental and child characteristics were matched for 95 female same-sex parent and 95 different-sex parent households

One parent by telephone was asked questions, self-reporting was used, is a poor way to assess any human subject, especially one where the children could be abused, suffering, or doing poorly in general.

One parent per household was interviewed by telephone.

Ever make a copy of a copy, not as good as the original, or why use data from a telephone survey when it is possible to actually study 1,000's of homosexual adoptions? Certainly the authors could be sure to eliminate that bad samples, the criminals, the abused children, the children who hate the homosexual lifestyle.

The present study uses data drawn from a nationally representative survey—the National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH).

This study, or article, whatever you wish to call it is a joke. There are a thousand times more words in the study than dozen questions asked over a phone call.

This is the science we have trusted our supreme court to rule us with. Fake Science.
Google it yourself, lazy fuck.
you made the claim, you provide the proof,

But as you know, because you have exchanged comments with me before, as you know when I challenge you, you have never ever been able to provide proof of anything you say.

In the past, you have provided proof that shows you are wrong. So I do not blame you for not providing a link to something that does not exist, something you made up.

I forgive you for being what you call me, I forgive you for not being able to prove you opinion and fantasies. I forgive you for being a hypocrite that does not do what they tell others to do.
you made the claim, you provide the proof,

But as you know, because you have exchanged comments with me before, as you know when I challenge you, you have never ever been able to provide proof of anything you say.

In the past, you have provided proof that shows you are wrong. So I do not blame you for not providing a link to something that does not exist, something you made up.

I forgive you for being what you call me, I forgive you for not being able to prove you opinion and fantasies. I forgive you for being a hypocrite that does not do what they tell others to do.
I provided proof that showed exactly what you asked for, a study on discrimination. You keep asking for proof and then dismissing the proof. How incredibly lame. Try getting an actual argument instead of "nuh uh" to proof provided you. Gays have been around since LONG before Jesus. That's what the BC in the date means, dipshit. You need pictures of the citations in the provided link, your google works as well as mine, probably better since I have shitty internet.
Gay people are individuals

That's wy we call them Individual rights.

I provided proof that showed exactly what you asked for, a study on discrimination. You keep asking for proof and then dismissing the proof. How incredibly lame. Try getting an actual argument instead of "nuh uh" to proof provided you. Gays have been around since LONG before Jesus. That's what the BC in the date means, dipshit. You need pictures of the citations in the provided link, your google works as well as mine, probably better since I have shitty internet.
A link to Wikipedia is not proof. A link to Wikipedia is not a study.

Personally I don't give a shit about studies but if you make claims that a study says something you best be ready to link to that study.

You can't link to something you have not read and what you have not read does not support what you pretend and what you pretend is not in any study, except maybe by chance

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