Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

More evidence of your bigotry! You refuse to acknowledge the fact that there is a difference between fixated or regressed pedophiles- who often identify as heterosexual- and act out of impulse and opportunity-often without regard to the gender of their victim AND the PERSON who has age-appropriate attractions and relationships with someone who is of the same gender. Or maybe you are just too stupid to get it.

A sex act in and of itself does not define sexual orientation

C :

You people should hook up
hahahahaha, more examples of you stupidity, if you sodomize a boy, you are gay.

Now homosexuals can identify as heterosexuals while raping boys, saving the homosexual movement the apparent criminal reasons that would hurt their quest to adopt boys.

The more I see how you think, progressivepatriot, I find you to be a twisted, demented, ignorant, low IQ, homosexual with no common sense. Low IQ and no common sense, is that the reason you can not establish a normal, productive, relationship with the opposite sex
After conducting 2,009 paired tests, we found that housing providers told gay men about one fewer available unit on every 4.2 tests than they told heterosexual men about, were slightly less likely to schedule an appointment with gay men, and quoted gay men average yearly rent costs that were $272 higher.

I can hardly wait for your, oh so, cogent argument of “nuh uh”

Great, I will quote from your extremely flawed study/entrapment piece. It is not a study of real people searching for real housing. It was people posing, pretending to look for houses, and it did not prove discrimination because no applications were filled out, no background checks were allowed to be taken place, no credit checks were conducted.

Basically a bunch of people answered adds, and identified themselves as homosexual, they went out of their way to tell the owners that they were homosexual. Certainly that is not normal behavior. Also the test people expected call backs? That is also not how it works, people who want to rent have to call the person renting and fill out applications, again, this was not done.

Further, they looked for shared housing? To really make sure they got "discriminated against". Hell, you think a bunch of flaming homosexual dress makers will rent a room to a straight biker? Fuck no, they are going to discriminate all day long.

But hey, nice try. It is pretty funny, they did not fill out applications!
they looked for shared housing because it was the only way to afford living in the city
After conducting 2,009 paired tests, we found that housing providers told gay men about one fewer available unit on every 4.2 tests than they told heterosexual men about, were slightly less likely to schedule an appointment with gay men, and quoted gay men average yearly rent costs that were $272 higher.

I can hardly wait for your, oh so, cogent argument of “nuh uh”
The seawytch joke study, nobody was discriminated against, nobody in the study was denied housing, they never ever filled out applications, allowed background investigations, employment verification, and credit checks.

The findings reported here capture treatment that occurred during an initial housing search inquiry and
information gathering; they do not capture all forms of discriminatory treatment that renters may
experience, such as treatment during the rental application phase,

So seawytch, proves there is no discrimination of homosexuals when it comes to housing.
hahahahaha, more examples of you stupidity, if you sodomize a boy, you are gay.

Now homosexuals can identify as heterosexuals while raping boys, saving the homosexual movement the apparent criminal reasons that would hurt their quest to adopt boys.

The more I see how you think, progressivepatriot, I find you to be a twisted, demented, ignorant, low IQ, homosexual with no common sense. Low IQ and no common sense, is that the reason you can not establish a normal, productive, relationship with the opposite sex
Holy shit! Looks like I pushed you a little further over the edge! Low IQ homosexual? You have no idea who or what I am?

It is noteworthy that you are not even trying to defend against charges of being a bigot, but rather, you attack me with a bizarre and unhinged rant , At the same time you display a pathetic ignorance about the dynamics and psychology of child sexual abuse .
You continue to be a pathetic and ignorant mess....and a BIGOT

You either know that yiou are full of shit, or you are suffering from:

The Dunning Kruger Effect or Why Stupid People Think …

Jul 09, 2018 · The Dunning Kruger Effect or Why Stupid People Think They Are Smart. We all know someone who thinks they’re smarter than they are. But before you judge, you’d better check you are free from the Dunning Kruger Effect. The theory of this effect was developed by David Dunning and Justin Kruger of Cornell University.

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The seawytch joke study, nobody was discriminated against, nobody in the study was denied housing, they never ever filled out applications, allowed background investigations, employment verification, and credit checks.
Bullshit! The discrimination occurred in the early stages of the process. They were never given given an opportunity to apply

Our findings indicate that in the early stages of the rental search process, housing providers discriminate against gay men and transgender people on some treatment measures but treat lesbians and heterosexual women comparably.
How fucking dishonest can you be? Or is it something far worse and incurable?
By definition, an interest in sex with someone of the same biological sex is not heterosexual.

A man who identifies as “heterosexual”, but who is interested in fucking young boys, is no more a genuine heterosexual than Bruce Jenner is a woman.

A genuinely heterosexual man, who was also a childfucker, would only be interested in molesting little girls, not little boys.
I guess you would know
You like to throw around the word bigot, yet you do not understand that is how your brain is operating and this is a great example. I do not even need to make anything up. Simply stated, judging a book by its cover is bigotry, you do that with me, you do that with this study.
Bullshit! Calling you out on your bigotry -which I have amply documented- does not make me a bigot . If you do not need to make shit up, why do you keep doing it?
Holy shit! Looks like I pushed you a little further over the edge! Low IQ homosexual? You have no idea who or what I am?

It is noteworthy that you are not even trying to defend against charges of being a bigot, but rather, you attack me with a bizarre and unhinged rant , At the same time you display a pathetic ignorance about the dynamics and psychology of child sexual abuse .
You continue to be a pathetic and ignorant mess....and a BIGOT

You either know that yiou are full of shit, or you are suffering from:

The Dunning Kruger Effect or Why Stupid People Think …

Jul 09, 2018 · The Dunning Kruger Effect or Why Stupid People Think They Are Smart. We all know someone who thinks they’re smarter than they are. But before you judge, you’d better check you are free from the Dunning Kruger Effect. The theory of this effect was developed by David Dunning and Justin Kruger of Cornell University.
Hahaha, you googled iq after I called you dumb and found a link to prove otherwise.

You really are dumb
Bullshit! The discrimination occurred in the early stages of the process. They were never given given an opportunity to apply

How fucking dishonest can you be? Or is it something far worse and incurable?
That is not what the study says. It specifically laid out the parameters of the study and supplying for housing was nit part of the study.

It was not part of the study for legal reasons, one it is against the law to discriminate and it is also against the law to waste a person's time and money they put into Interviewing applicants. It is fraud to falsely identify yourself and waste a corporation or companies time.
That is not what the study says. It specifically laid out the parameters of the study and supplying for housing was nit part of the study.

It was not part of the study for legal reasons, one it is against the law to discriminate and it is also against the law to waste a person's time and money they put into Interviewing applicants. It is fraud to falsely identify yourself and waste a corporation or companies time.
What are you blathering about now? Here is more
Okay, now read the report, quote and comment. We are not playing cards where Google is the deck and you play a link like a wildcard.

Ignorant and lazy you are
YOU read it. I know what it says. You on the other hand don't want to know because it contradicts you bigoted beliefs
YOU read it. I know what it says You on the other hand don't want to know because it contradicts you bigoted beliefs
More proof, a bigot simply knows. A bigot does not have to read or learn nothing. The bigot assumes.

I have read the document, I have quoted from the document, I have commented on my quotes from the document.

The bigot progessivepatriot being a bigot says, "YOU read it. I know what it says."

Pathetic are the democrats, that have no place in society.
More proof, a bigot simply knows. A bigot does not have to read or learn nothing. The bigot assumes.

I have read the document, I have quoted from the document, I have commented on my quotes from the document.

The bigot progessivepatriot being a bigot says, "YOU read it. I know what it says."

Pathetic are the democrats, that have no place in society.
Thats it. Keep trying to gaslight me with your bullshit. You cant make me doubt myself and you can't avoid the evidence by blowing smoke
How does a homosexual with a one issue agenda in a state wide election presume that he will have an influence in the way the entire Nation views sodomite marriage? It's a pretty lame promise when you consider the upcoming disaster for democrats in the mid terns
Thank you for admitting that you have no fucking clue as to what his agenda is
Excellent. If the people of Ohio want a glory hole seeking gay as Senator they can vote for him. Or not.

Justice Anthony Kennedy’s majority opinion in the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage case is excellent. The last paragraph is exquisite. Take a look.

Today’s 5-4 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges will likely be studies by legal scholars for centuries. The crazed rantings of Justice Clarence Thomas and Justice Antonin Scalia notwithstanding, the decision is a fascinating read.

But it’s Justice Anthony Kennedy’s majority, and the last paragraph, all 124 words, that is exquisite.

“No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were. As some of the petitioners in these cases demonstrate, marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death. It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilizations oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right.”
Thats it. Keep trying to gaslight me with your bullshit. You cant make me doubt myself and you can't avoid the evidence by blowing smoke
I read it, quoted it, commented on it.

Progpatriot says he/she no need read it

And replied, "no it dont"

The only gas lighted here is that gas coming out your mouth with your bigoted bullshit.

Democrats have no place in society, as progpat says, democrats need no education, we's know
I read it, quoted it, commented on it.

Progpatriot says he/she no need read it

And replied, "no it dont"

The only gas lighted here is that gas coming out your mouth with your bigoted bullshit.

Democrats have no place in society, as progpat says, democrats need no education, we's know
You spare no amount of bullshit to avoid the reality to must run from

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