Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

Bigotry, you have yet to even prove that lie of yours.

Here is your chance, quote my post where I show hate towards homosexuals.

Go ahead, boy, show the big people how smart you are, and quote my hate. You don't even need to leave this thread.

Go ahead boy, pull up your pants and see if you can prove you are a man. Quote my comment that shows I hate homosexuals.

This will be another failure in your pathetic life.
Did you just spit up on yourself. Wipe you chin and get a fucking grip. Sorry that I pushed you so close to the edge...but then again, not really,

There you go again playing word games. I did not say that you hate gays , but it is clear that you have no respect for them.... and allow ne to remind you that you have finally admitted that they should not be allowed to marry and that you believe that thewy make inferior parents,. So just cut the fucking bullshit right now!
The next time you are demanding Bible-compliant marriages, remember what Jesus said :

"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

Those damn gays are violating the Bible! Jesus said homos are bad. Bad, bad, bad.

Oh, wait. No he didn't.

But Jesus did say a man who divorces his wife and marries another woman is committing adultery.

Adultery. That's in the Top Ten, but you can still get a wedding cake from bigoted bakers. As many as you want!
I get it, whoever can google the most relevant link, related to this thread wins. Great, I will play, hiw about this;

Screenshot_20220224-211535_Samsung Internet.jpg
Did you just spit up on yourself. Wipe you chin and get a fucking grip. Sorry that I pushed you so close to the edge...but then again, not really,

There you go again playing word games. I did not say that you hate gays , but it is clear that you have no respect for them.... and allow ne to remind you that you have finally admitted that they should not be allowed to marry and that you believe that thewy make inferior parents,. So just cut the fucking bullshit right now!
I am so sorry, I did not know asking you to quote my post would hurt you so bad.

Carry on with your hate and lies, you don't need to quote me.
I get it, whoever can google the most relevant link, related to this thread wins. Great, I will play, hiw about this;

View attachment 606535

This book presents actual case studies of women who were victims of incestual sex abuse and discusses the psychology of the victim, offender, and the immediate family members.

In almost all cases, the sexual offender was the father or step-father.

Your point?
I get it, whoever can google the most relevant link, related to this thread wins. Great, I will play, hiw about this;

Connecticut, you say?


At least I'm not a fag!


Thank God I'm not a homo!
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An alleged sicko busted, cops say, after drugging his daughter so he could have sex with her friend during a sleepover. Robert Chesters of Lebanon Connecticut gave his 12 year old daughter liquid benadryl so she wouldn't wake up during his child rape.


The queers are going to hell!

Navy sailor called ‘vile, inhuman creature’ sentenced to 210 years for rape and assault of infants, toddlers

Tilton violently raped the two infants and published videos he made of his abuse to the dark web. He took pornographic photos of a Navy comrade’s 4-year-old daughter at a BBQ and raped and recorded videos of the 7-year-old daughter of a local woman he met on a dating app.

Tilton told investigators he abused his first infant victim more than 300 times. His rapes became increasingly violent, prosecutors said, and a video of his rape was viewed more than 100,000 times on the dark web. In forums on the dark web, Tilton spoke publicly about how much he enjoyed what he did.

Well, he's not all bad. He doesn't have the gey.
Connecticut, you say?

Thank God I'm not a homo!
Yep Connecticut, tit for tat, this one in a homo

Considering that homosexuals are a minority, the crime rate is much more than heterosexuals
Considering that homosexuals are a minority, the crime rate is much more than heterosexuals

Do you know most boys who are raped are victimized by heterosexuals?

The rape of men and boys is an act of power used to reinforce the dominant status of the perpetrator through the use of sexual violence. Males perceived as powerless become targets of these assaults. Young boys, adolescent men, men in institutions and men with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to this form of violence. Contrary to the belief that homosexual men commit male-to-male sexual violence, research shows that men who identify as heterosexual are overwhelmingly the perpetrators of male sexual assault. Statistics show that heterosexual men commit 96-98% of all sexual violence against males and females.
A link to Wikipedia is not proof. A link to Wikipedia is not a study.

Personally I don't give a shit about studies but if you make claims that a study says something you best be ready to link to that study.

You can't link to something you have not read and what you have not read does not support what you pretend and what you pretend is not in any study, except maybe by chance
I linked directly to a study that showed discrimination in housing for LGBT queue people. Your inability to read or understand does not equate to the study not being provided. It was and showed clear discrimination.

The Wikipedia link was not a study, moron, it was a timeline. The thing about Wikipedia is that they have citations at the end where you can click and find the source of what they are claiming. If you want to see the picture of the naked dudes fucking back before Jesus was born, you have to click on the citations. I’m not going to spoonfeed you information.

I made the claim that homosexuality has existed since recorded history began. I provided the proof of my claim. You saying “nuh uh” is not actually countering the argument. You lose.
Statistics show that heterosexual men commit 96-98% of all sexual violence against males and females.

What “sexual violence” would a heterosexual man commit against another man?

I would understand “sexual violence” to be rape or sexual assault. By definition, any man interested in doing that to another man is not heterosexual.

That's like denying that men who sexually abuse little boys are faggots as well as childfuckers.

By definition, a heterosexual man has no interest in doing anything sexual to anyone who is not biologically female.



I didn't notice it the first time, but looking back at your post, I see that you stated this:

Do you know most boys who are raped are victimized by heterosexuals?

That's bullshit, of course.

A heterosexual man, even if he was a childfucker, would have no sexual interest in little boys. By definition, a man who has any sexual interest in anyone who is male is a faggot, or at least a demifaggot.

A heterosexual man who was a childfucker would only be interested in little girls, not little boys.

That boys are sexually abused by men, almost as often as little girls, even though faggots make up only about 2% to 4% of the population, only proves that faggot are much more likely to be childfuckers.
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Do you know most boys who are raped are victimized by heterosexuals?

The rape of men and boys is an act of power used to reinforce the dominant status of the perpetrator through the use of sexual violence. Males perceived as powerless become targets of these assaults. Young boys, adolescent men, men in institutions and men with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to this form of violence. Contrary to the belief that homosexual men commit male-to-male sexual violence, research shows that men who identify as heterosexual are overwhelmingly the perpetrators of male sexual assault. Statistics show that heterosexual men commit 96-98% of all sexual violence against males and females.
Hahahaha. Even though homosexuals are raping boys you can't call them gay

You can't call homosexuals homosexual.
I linked directly to a study that showed discrimination in housing for LGBT queue people. Your inability to read or understand does not equate to the study not being provided. It was and showed clear discrimination.

The Wikipedia link was not a study, moron, it was a timeline. The thing about Wikipedia is that they have citations at the end where you can click and find the source of what they are claiming. If you want to see the picture of the naked dudes fucking back before Jesus was born, you have to click on the citations. I’m not going to spoonfeed you information.

I made the claim that homosexuality has existed since recorded history began. I provided the proof of my claim. You saying “nuh uh” is not actually countering the argument. You lose.
Nothing you posted said there was discrimination. Go back and show us
Hahahaha. Even though homosexuals are raping boys you can't call them gay

You can't call homosexuals homosexual.

Nothing you posted said there was discrimination. Go back and show us
After conducting 2,009 paired tests, we found that housing providers told gay men about one fewer available unit on every 4.2 tests than they told heterosexual men about, were slightly less likely to schedule an appointment with gay men, and quoted gay men average yearly rent costs that were $272 higher.

I can hardly wait for your, oh so, cogent argument of “nuh uh”
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Bigotry, you have yet to even prove that lie of yours.

Here is your chance, quote my post where I show hate towards homosexuals.

Go ahead, boy, show the big people how smart you are, and quote my hate. You don't even need to leave this thread.

Go ahead boy, pull up your pants and see if you can prove you are a man. Quote my comment that shows I hate homosexuals.

This will be another failure in your pathetic life.
There you go, doing that same shit with words again. No you did not say that you hate homosexuals, and you may in fact not actually hate them. But you have said plenty to show that you see them as inferior and not worthy of all of the rights of heterosexuals.

Specifically, you don't that they should be able to marry and -without proof- you have indicated that their children are at risk of being exposed to the "homosexual lifestyle. In addition, you have rejected all evidence that I presented that shows that their children do just as well as other children.

Also, in defiance of all evidence-you deny that they are subject to discrimination

That's what makes you a bigot!


a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.
"don't let a few small-minded bigots destroy the good image of the city" ·
dogmatist · partisan · sectarian · prejudiced person · racist · racialist · sexist · homophobe · chauvinist · jingoist · anti-Semite

Fits like a glove!
After conducting 2,009 paired tests, we found that housing providers told gay men about one fewer available unit on every 4.2 tests than they told heterosexual men about, were slightly less likely to schedule an appointment with gay men, and quoted gay men average yearly rent costs that were $272 higher.

I can hardly wait for your, oh so, cogent argument of “nuh uh”

After conducting 2,009 paired tests, we found that housing providers told gay men about one fewer available unit on every 4.2 tests than they told heterosexual men about, were slightly less likely to schedule an appointment with gay men, and quoted gay men average yearly rent costs that were $272 higher.

I can hardly wait for your, oh so, cogent argument of “nuh uh”
You have not read it?

Read it, quote from it and comment. You think all you have to do is post and that is a win?
Hahahaha. Even though homosexuals are raping boys you can't call them gay

You can't call homosexuals homosexual.
More evidence of your bigotry! You refuse to acknowledge the fact that there is a difference between fixated or regressed pedophiles- who often identify as heterosexual- and act out of impulse and opportunity-often without regard to the gender of their victim AND the PERSON who has age-appropriate attractions and relationships with someone who is of the same gender. Or maybe you are just too stupid to get it.

A sex act in and of itself does not define sexual orientation

C :

You people should hook up
More evidence of your bigotry! You refuse to acknowledge the fact that there is a difference between fixated or regressed pedophiles- who often identify as heterosexual- and act out of impulse and opportunity-often without regard to the gender of their victim AND the PERSON who has age-appropriate attractions and relationships with someone who is of the same gender. Or maybe you are just too stupid to get it.

By definition, an interest in sex with someone of the same biological sex is not heterosexual.

A man who identifies as “heterosexual”, but who is interested in fucking young boys, is no more a genuine heterosexual than Bruce Jenner is a woman.

A genuinely heterosexual man, who was also a childfucker, would only be interested in molesting little girls, not little boys.
It speaks for itself. You just don't want to hear it
ah, your position is only a google link, it does not matter what the content is, as long as the summary states what you want to believe.

It is a 297 page study, the seawytch has made claims about. You do not think you or seawytch should read the things you link to, just as long as the title or headline matches your belief.

You like to throw around the word bigot, yet you do not understand that is how your brain is operating and this is a great example. I do not even need to make anything up. Simply stated, judging a book by its cover is bigotry, you do that with me, you do that with this study.

This is one reason I ask for people to post the stuff they make claims of, because 99% of the time the person never read the material.

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