Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

I provided proof that showed exactly what you asked for, a study on discrimination. You keep asking for proof and then dismissing the proof. How incredibly lame. Try getting an actual argument instead of "nuh uh" to proof provided you. Gays have been around since LONG before Jesus. That's what the BC in the date means, dipshit. You need pictures of the citations in the provided link, your google works as well as mine, probably better since I have shitty internet.
It is clear that nothing will satisfy this jackass
At least you are finally being somewhat honest and showing your true bigoted colors
And you show the only platform, the only position, the ony tactic the homisexuals have is to hate and demonize the simple people like me.

You really have no understanding why we do not call a married couple individuals? You are beyond ignorant, you are simply stupid.

A husband and wife become one. They are no longer individuals.

Far from being a bigot, but to the stupid my knowledge and intelligence certainly boils their brain as the facts render you unable to respond, with anything less than what you are, which is always on the tip of your tongue
A study? How come it is a study of what another study found? The author of this study did not study homosexual families. They took a study from someone else and using a particular methodology came up with thier conclusions.

This study used on 95 female homosexual couples, hardly a sizeable sample to accurately show how children develop in homosexual lifestyles.

One parent by telephone was asked questions, self-reporting was used, is a poor way to assess any human subject, especially one where the children could be abused, suffering, or doing poorly in general.

Ever make a copy of a copy, not as good as the original, or why use data from a telephone survey when it is possible to actually study 1,000's of homosexual adoptions? Certainly the authors could be sure to eliminate that bad samples, the criminals, the abused children, the children who hate the homosexual lifestyle.

This study, or article, whatever you wish to call it is a joke. There are a thousand times more words in the study than dozen questions asked over a phone call.

This is the science we have trusted our supreme court to rule us with. Fake Science.
Holy fucking shit! Do you ever stop with your bullshit. There is nothing that I can provide that will satisfy you YET you still will not and cannot provide any documentation of your own that refutes my position and supports yours. You spew your bigotry about same sex parenting but can't actually provide evidence to support you position
See if you can identify the people who are destroying the institution of marriage.

Ready? It's quiz time!

Is it this couple?


How about Newt Gingrich with his first wife:


Newt cheated on his first wife and made his mistress his second wife. Here he is with the whole family:


Newt told his second wife he wanted an open marriage.

Well, once you get on an adultery roll, it is hard to stop. While he was impeaching Clinton for a blowjob, Newt cheated on his second wife with this hoot owl, and then made her his third wife:

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And you show the only platform, the only position, the ony tactic the homisexuals have is to hate and demonize the simple people like me.
I do not hate you. I hate what you stand for and promote. I hate your ignorance and bigotry., At least it is finally all out in the open now. At least you have finally stopped pretending to be something other than what you are \. I have drawn you out into the light of day for all to see
It is clear that nothing will satisfy this jackass
Nothing less than what you have claimed. If simply demanding to see what you make claims from make you call me a jackass I am more than happy to point out your lie to everyone.

You don't produce a study to support what you say because you have never read one, you lied, and now you search Google as if when you do find a study that changes the fact that you have already lied.

You really don't know shit and you lack the intelligence to prove otherwise. You can't even produce a study, because you lied when you made the claim.
How about this power couple, the Clintons?


Slick Willy couldn't keep his zipper up, and god only knows how many times he cheated on his wife.

Here are some of them:

I do not hate you. I hate what you stand for and promote. I hate your ignorance and bigotry., At least it is finally all out in the open now. At least you have finally stopped pretending to be something other than what you are \. I have drawn you out into the light of day for all to see
Bigotry, you have yet to even prove that lie of yours.

Here is your chance, quote my post where I show hate towards homosexuals.

Go ahead, boy, show the big people how smart you are, and quote my hate. You don't even need to leave this thread.

Go ahead boy, pull up your pants and see if you can prove you are a man. Quote my comment that shows I hate homosexuals.

This will be another failure in your pathetic life.
You really have no understanding why we do not call a married couple individuals? You are beyond ignorant, you are simply stupid.

A husband and wife become one. They are no longer individuals.
Really. So you can't be part of a couple-straight or gay- and still be individuals? That is a pretty bizarre point of view. We have been married for 32 years . We are solid as a couple but still very much individuals. That is the only way a relationship can survive. There as got to be a degree of healthy independence or it will be smothered under its own weight. I can only wonder what your experience has been
Here is The Donald with his first wife:


Maybe there was a language barrier, I don't know. But Trump fooled around on her a lot. The 80s were his "personal Vietnam", sex-wise.

So he made this mistress his second wife. I think the "Trump Family Values" thing on the cover is a real treat, don't you?


Trump's second wife was an American, but he went back on a big outsourcing kick again, and dumped her so he could marry this prostitute:

You gotta love immigrants. Doing the hard work Americans won't do. She's gotta let this obese monster 30 years her senior climb on top of her.

Here's Republican Senator David Vitter with his wife, admitting he frequented hookers and dressed up in diapers. He was also known to call hookers during important floor votes.

The next time you are demanding Bible-compliant marriages, remember what Jesus said :

"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."
Really. So you can't be part of a couple-straight or gay- and still be individuals? That is a pretty bizarre point of view. We have been married for 32 years . We are solid as a couple but still very much individuals. That is the only way a relationship can survive. There as got to be a degree of healthy independence or it will be smothered under its own weight. I can only wonder what your experience has been



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Of course some gays commit adultery, too.

Here's a homosexual who cheated on his wife right here:


But at least he's wearing his flag pin!
Nothing less than what you have claimed. If simply demanding to see what you make claims from make you call me a jackass I am more than happy to point out your lie to everyone.

You don't produce a study to support what you say because you have never read one, you lied, and now you search Google as if when you do find a study that changes the fact that you have already lied.

You really don't know shit and you lack the intelligence to prove otherwise. You can't even produce a study, because you lied when you made the claim.
I rest my case You have not even made a case You are finished. You are disgraced and discredited and any reasonable person following this knows it
Rush Limbaugh with his first wife:


Rush Limbaugh and his second wife:


Rush Limbaugh with his third wife:


Rush Limbaugh with his fourth wife:


Isn't that a charming photo?
Those damn gays are violating the Bible! Jesus said homos are bad. Bad, bad, bad.

Oh, wait. No he didn't.

But Jesus did say a man who divorces his wife and marries another woman is committing adultery.

Adultery. That's in the Top Ten, but you can still get a wedding cake from bigoted bakers. As many as you want!

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