Gay rights icon Jim Obergefell running for state House in Sandusky, Ohio

Where is your documentation that gat parenting is bad for children? Those summaries are a valid source of information published by Columbia University.
Where is the study, if these are so valuable, and you made the claims about studies, then produce the study.

Mi information? I don't need a Google search to provide me answers. I think for myself. You can not think so you use google and think you learned something in a three sentence summary. Why do they even do a study if 3 sentences is all you need.

But, like I said, you don't know what you are talking ab0o0ut hence no study.
Where is the study, if these are so valuable, and you made the claims about studies, then produce the study.

Mi information? I don't need a Google search to provide me answers. I think for myself. You can not think so you use google and think you learned something in a three sentence summary. Why do they even do a study if 3 sentences is all you need.

But, like I said, you don't know what you are talking ab0o0ut hence no study.
Bullshit. You don't think for yourself. You delude yourself into think that you think for yourself when all that you are doing is regurgitating bigoted propaganda that you heard somewhere, or just making shit up as you go. WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR STUDY? You might want to google it. I won't tell.
You have only stated they are discriminated against you have not shown they are.

Okay, I am ignorant, don't just tell me, show me, produce something. Provide a logical argument.

Your problem is you expect people to believe what you say when we look around and see what you claim is not happening in the world.

So educate us, link to a study. Quote and comment.

Not a summary. The study.
For the record, this stuff about discrimination started by my simply stating that gays lack protection against discrimination in many states and at the federal level which I documented . You and other then moronically started bleating about how there is no discrimination to protect against. The fact is that anyone with two eyes, two ears and two braincells would know that there is indeed discrimination,

But you want a link. OK you'll get a link. And yes I will google it. That is how you get documentation. And no, it may not be a study but it will be factual compiled by institutions such as the UCLA Williams Institute and Cornell University However I'm sure that you will find some reason to reject it because you either don't want to believe it, or you're too dishonest to admit that you were wrong

Bullshit. You don't think for yourself. You delude yourself into think that you think for yourself when all that you are doing is regurgitating bigoted propaganda that you heard somewhere, or just making shit up as you go. WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR STUDY? You might want to google it. I won't tell.
And what is it I said, that is bigoted?

Where is your study, you made the claim that you are somehow informed by studies. Produce them or let us all see you as a liar..
For the record, this stuff about discrimination started by my simply stating that gays lack protection against discrimination in many states and at the federal level which I documented . You and other then moronically started bleating about how there is no discrimination to protect against. The fact is that anyone with two eyes, two ears and two braincells would know that there is indeed discrimination,

But you want a link. OK you'll get a link. And yes I will google it. That is how you get documentation. And no, it may not be a study but it will be factual compiled by institutions such as the UCLA Williams Institute and Cornell University However I'm sure that you will find some reason to reject it because you either don't want to believe it, or you're too dishonest to admit that you were wrong

Hahahahaha, you stated in 27 states in the USA. Now you post an article about the rest of the world. Although that first link also claims Trump had thousands rounded up, tortured, imprisoned, which is some serious lying.
Hahahahaha, you stated in 27 states in the USA. Now you post an article about the rest of the world. Although that first link also claims Trump had thousands rounded up, tortured, imprisoned, which is some serious lying.
Cut the bullshit already. You changed the discussion to "prove that there is discrimination" Your just playing a childish and dishonest game
For the record, this stuff about discrimination started by my simply stating that gays lack protection against discrimination in many states and at the federal level which I documented . You and other then moronically started bleating about how there is no discrimination to protect against. The fact is that anyone with two eyes, two ears and two braincells would know that there is indeed discrimination,

But you want a link. OK you'll get a link. And yes I will google it. That is how you get documentation. And no, it may not be a study but it will be factual compiled by institutions such as the UCLA Williams Institute and Cornell University However I'm sure that you will find some reason to reject it because you either don't want to believe it, or you're too dishonest to admit that you were wrong

Your 2nd huge failure, link, yawn. No actual cases, no details of the study, it is simply a report? "I felt discriminated against cause I am gay".

Pure bullshit, how does being turned down for a job have anything to do with what one does in their bedroom. Hell, if you tell potential employers what kind of sex you like you should not get a job..

Either way a report telling us what a study or data says is propaganda. Nothing more.
Gee I don't about your opposition to same sex marriage?
I never said homosexuals can not have the government regulate their relationship.

I said words have meanings, one generation does not determine the meaning of a word.

That is not even close to bigoted.

Besides, many homosexuals are against same sex marriage. They say that the reason for homosexuality is you don't want marriage.
For the record, this stuff about discrimination started by my simply stating that gays lack protection against discrimination in many states and at the federal level which I documented . You and other then moronically started bleating about how there is no discrimination to protect against. The fact is that anyone with two eyes, two ears and two braincells would know that there is indeed discrimination,

But you want a link. OK you'll get a link. And yes I will google it. That is how you get documentation. And no, it may not be a study but it will be factual compiled by institutions such as the UCLA Williams Institute and Cornell University However I'm sure that you will find some reason to reject it because you either don't want to believe it, or you're too dishonest to admit that you were wrong

Your third strike is another opinion of what is in 300 other studies.

Again, you have no studies for anything you claim.
And just as I stated you have not given as the studies you claim to have read or somehow educated you.

PLEASE, tell us all how you are informed by studies but have never read studies?
I said nothing about studies regarding discrimination. I provided information from valid sources on the topic If you're to stupid to understand the materiel it's not my problem. Let me know when your ready to have an honest adult exchange. Meanwhile I am not going to continue to waste my time here
I never made that claim? How about quoting everything said, the question and the answer.

You said homosexuality is that act of animals and that you are an animal.
Wrong moron. You are another one that wants to have it both ways. You claim homosexuality isn’t natural and yet when it is shown in nature you pull the “oh, you’re like animals“ crap. Argument fail.
I said nothing about studies regarding discrimination. I provided information from valid sources on the topic If you're to stupid to understand the materiel it's not my problem. Let me know when your ready to have an honest adult exchange. Meanwhile I am not going to continue to waste my time here
You did say you had studies. For what, it is obvious, you never read a study. But it is important to acknowledge you are basing your opinion on propaganda.

I knew you never saw a study. Another fact is without other people telling you what to think you have no personal experience to educate yourself on this topic.

And now as we can see, the homosexuals don't need politicians to protect them. They are doing fine in our tolerant society
Homosexuality does not exist among animals at all. This is a common homosexual myth. Animals will exhibit homosexual behavior when deprived of a suitable mate. But there is no such thing as homosexuality.

I'd expect there's a lot of truth to that. At the end of the day animal species pair male & female for great reasons in harmony with universal law.

I couldn't give a fuck someone is gay. It takes all kinds, there are lots of outliers in life. But for pissed-off gays like "progressive", the idea homosexuality and heterosexuality are somehow the same is just foolishness. I just as well say homosexuality and objectum-sexuality are the same.
Left terms, made simple.

Right, but gay is not heterosexual, one is necessary and consistent with natural universal order.

Homosexuality has existed since the beginning of recorded time. Seems very consistent with natural order. There may even be an evolutionary reason for homosexuality.

Left, yeah but science allows homosexuals to be the same as heterosexuals and have babies, so they're the same now, just as turned-genders are new genders thanks to stitches and hormones.

Did that make sense in your head? When it transferred to the written word, it lost coherence.
Right, that's not natural order, progressive doesn't change the facts marriage supported human reproduction & families for 1000s of years, and once a man turned woman is still just a dude turned quasi-chick.

Marriage does much more than ensure reproduction. (also, marriage is not required for reproduction, dumbass). If marriage is beneficial to society, it is beneficial to society regardless of the couples involved.

Married people are healthier and wealthier. This benefits society and has nothing to do with the orientation of the couples.
Left, yeah but science demonstrates homosexuality occurs among species thus it's equally natural.

Right, same with incest, and your dog dry humping your leg and your stuffed animals.

Left, Nuh-uh

Right, what's the difference?

Left, You're RACIST
Aren't you adorable...still trying to have it both ways.

WTH_Progs: You homos aren't natchrul"
Thinking people: Homosexuality is found in nature.
WTH Progs: Oh, you're like animals
Thinking people: You are a complete moron.
Homosexuality has existed since the beginning of recorded time. Seems very consistent with natural order. There may even be an evolutionary reason for homosexuality.

Did that make sense in your head? When it transferred to the written word, it lost coherence.

Marriage does much more than ensure reproduction. (also, marriage is not required for reproduction, dumbass). If marriage is beneficial to society, it is beneficial to society regardless of the couples involved.

Married people are healthier and wealthier. This benefits society and has nothing to do with the orientation of the couples.

Aren't you adorable...still trying to have it both ways.

WTH_Progs: You homos aren't natchrul"
Thinking people: Homosexuality is found in nature.
WTH Progs: Oh, you're like animals
Thinking people: You are a complete moron.

Homosexuality has existed since the beginning of recorded time. Seems very consistent with natural order. There may even be an evolutionary reason for homosexuality.........So has rape, incest, pedophilia and disease, your point has no merit.

Did that make sense in your head? When it transferred to the written word, it lost coherence......ILMAO.........I just put your position into proper perspective & now you're asking if I can cohere. I gay-love it :auiqs.jpg:

Marriage does much more than ensure reproduction. (also, marriage is not required for reproduction, dumbass). The same argument can be made for marriage between close relatives, for example. What I win?

If marriage is beneficial to society, it is beneficial to society regardless of the couples involved. The same argument can be made for marriage between close relatives. What I win?
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