Gay-Sex Marriage "Settled"..Who Decides Polygamy (Polyamory) Next?

After June 26, 2015, will the states be able to decide polygamy or will SCOTUS decide for them?

  • The states! Polyamory and homosexuality are legally two completely different things.

  • SCOTUS. All orientations protected: no favorites. All must have their day before SCOTUS.

  • didn't know the Browns of Utah were in the process of suing to marry.

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Heard this before? Polygamy was quite recently decriminalized in Utah. Like Lawrence v Texas, it's just a matter of time before that applies to all 50 states. If it's legal for a man to use another man's anus as an artificial vagina (closet issues anyone?), then a man simply taking the natural use of women and needing more than one partner to stay sexually satisfied is a legal-no-brainer. It's a shoe-in..

December 13, 2013
It is with a great pleasure this evening to announce that decision of United States District Court judge Clarke Waddoups striking down key portions of the Utah polygamy law as unconstitutional. The Brown family and counsel have spent years in both the criminal phase of this case and then our challenge to the law itself in federal court. Despite the public statements of professors and experts that we could not prevail in this case, the court has shown that it is the rule of law that governs in this country.. Federal Court Strikes Down Criminalization of Polygamy In Utah JONATHAN TURLEY

Well..hmmm...the rule of law is done only one way I know of, via legislation. Does he mean "the special interpretations of certain favorable judges" of the "rule of law"? Yes, I think that's more accurate.

When the SCOTUS created "behaviors as race" to add to the Constitution recently, did it ennumerate just gay sex practitioners? Or does it include other kinks like polygamy and incest? And if not, why not? Why just gay sex as the Court's pet favorite?

Who is more important in marriage: 1. Adults or 2. The children that are formed there? And who decides between 1. or 2. ? What part of the Constitution did the Court interpret that children should not be considered in any decision about who may marry? Or, rather, what part of the Constitution says that the majority may not consent on such a vital institution as marriage where such a consent is set to drastically alter the future generations of children/society raised under the notion that "a father isn't vital/important" or "a mother isn't vital/important"? What part of the Constitution allows the Court to remove such a debate from the People, and instead decree what is essentially a royal-mandate on just some (but not all) of their favorite deviant sex behaviors?

Remember: in a contest between gay adults and children, the latter is vastly more oppressed as a group. They cannot vote and they cannot file lawsuits, bribe judges or even drive to a picket line to voice their opposition. They sit, for all intents and purposes, with their hands tied behind their backs and a gag duct taped in their mouths on this issue. All they had were the voices of opposition, those cordially-opposed, whose voices also have now been silenced. Their last chance at a say in this matter was ripped away June 26, 2015.

Where has the authority now been placed to decide polygamy and incest marriage lawsuits? With the Governed or the Court?

Who gets to decide on those who are polyamorously-oriented sexually? The states or SCOTUS? No, really, this is a crucially-important question because it will be coming up within the next two years or less. The Browns have vowed to take their case to the SCOTUS if necessary. Will the states be shut out again; or will the SCOTUS determine that different sexual orientations are to be handled differently as to the 14th Amendment's new addition June 26, 2015?
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This sounding familiar too?...

On behalf of the Brown family and the legal team, I must thank Judge Waddoups who has shown incredible fairness and integrity throughout this case. His decision in this case required a singular act of courage and principle as the first court to strike down the criminalization of polygamy. In doing so, Judge Waddoups reaffirmed the independence of our courts and stood against open prejudice and hostility toward plural families. FEDERAL COURT RULES STATE OFFICIALS VIOLATED THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OF THE BROWN FAMILY IN THE SISTER WIVES CASE JONATHAN TURLEY
No question this will be done by the courts.
Yes, now any and all parameters of marriage in this country that stand to affect it (the children involved) for untold centuries into the unforeseen future will be decided by just 5 people from now on in Washington DC.

After all, they know much better than 300 million paltry citizens what is best for the future of our collective civilization...
This ball is rolling right back into SCOTUS' court and they will have to parse out exactly what makes polyamorous-Americans intrinsically different than homosexual-Americans; as to the new class they just created out of thin air June 26, 2015. That conversation of course will lead to how homosexuals and polygamists are identified only by behaviors...which will lead to ..."how do we decide which behaviors have rights and which don't"...which will lead to "is this limited just to sexuality or can other behaviors now petition?"...which will lead to "wait a minute, are we now going to have to sit on and decide every question of law regarding human behaviors"?
And I'm going to be tickled pink watching this overreaching and treacherous Court chase its own tail round and round and round.. :lmao:

The founding fathers knew what they were doing. And this is why they made it perfectly clear that the US Supreme Court's mere 9 members were not qualified to legislate for the 300 million who regulate human behaviors locally, at the state level. Their June 26, 2015 Ruling was new legislation added to the Constitution. Even a pinhead flunkie of poli-sci knows that means it's not worth the paper it's written on. Only Congress may Amend the Constitution. And only a pinhead flunkie of basic logical deduction wouldn't know that polygamy is already legal by the Court's June 26, 2015 Ruling based on ...*drum roll* equality...
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We should become a Theocracy and have religious leaders dictate to us. Like the founders wanted.
The founders did not want that at all. And BTW, when a cult takes over the judicial branch of government, (and the POTUS too for that matter), you're 2/3rds of the way to a theocracy. Only, your God is the pagan god of deviant sex acts and the Christian one is vastly more sublime.

In other words, your LGBG cult leaders and their sychophants are already hog-tying Christians into obedience, fining and gagging their 1st Amendment civil rights so that your cult can flourish and take over completely without a single ounce of resistance.
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We should become a Theocracy and have religious leaders dictate to us. Like the founders wanted.
The founders did not want that at all. And BTW, when a cult takes over the judicial branch of government, (and the POTUS too for that matter), you're 2/3rds of the way to a theocracy. Only, your God is the pagan god of deviant sex acts and the Christian one is vastly more sublime.
That sucks man. Good thing it affects you in no way whatsoever. :thup:
No question this will be done by the courts.
Yes, now any and all parameters of marriage in this country that stand to affect it (the children involved) for untold centuries into the unforeseen future will be decided by just 5 people from now on in Washington DC.

After all, they know much better than 300 million paltry citizens what is best for the future of our collective civilization...

Nothing new about that. It's their job.
No question this will be done by the courts.
Yes, now any and all parameters of marriage in this country that stand to affect it (the children involved) for untold centuries into the unforeseen future will be decided by just 5 people from now on in Washington DC.

After all, they know much better than 300 million paltry citizens what is best for the future of our collective civilization...

Nothing new about that. It's their job.
Refer to post #5 for why that's a very dangerous viewpoint. It isn't the Court's job to legislate. Trust me, you want separation of powers when your gang isn't in Office and holding the majority in Congress, and apparently the US Supreme Court as well.
We should become a Theocracy and have religious leaders dictate to us. Like the founders wanted.
The founders did not want that at all. And BTW, when a cult takes over the judicial branch of government, (and the POTUS too for that matter), you're 2/3rds of the way to a theocracy. Only, your God is the pagan god of deviant sex acts and the Christian one is vastly more sublime.
That sucks man. Good thing it affects you in no way whatsoever. :thup:

I'll put you down on the very long list then of LGBT advocates who don't give one flying fuck about the considerations of children in the marriage debate. First time ever we as a nation (well, 5 of us anyway) have declared "mothers don't matter" or "fathers don't matter" a matter of law.
No question this will be done by the courts.
Yes, now any and all parameters of marriage in this country that stand to affect it (the children involved) for untold centuries into the unforeseen future will be decided by just 5 people from now on in Washington DC.

After all, they know much better than 300 million paltry citizens what is best for the future of our collective civilization...

Nothing new about that. It's their job.
Refer to post #5 for why that's a very dangerous viewpoint. It isn't the Court's job to legislate. Trust me, you want separation of powers when your gang isn't in Office and holding the majority in Congress, and apparently the US Supreme Court as well.

It is the court's job to determine constitutionality. Which they did in the Obergefell ruling.

And we told you they were going to do. We told you the split, the precedent that would be cited, the legal principles that would be employed, the amendments that would be used, we even told you who would write the ruling.

But you insisted that you and your pseudo-legal gibberish knew better.

How'd that work out for you?
No question this will be done by the courts.
Yes, now any and all parameters of marriage in this country that stand to affect it (the children involved) for untold centuries into the unforeseen future will be decided by just 5 people from now on in Washington DC.

After all, they know much better than 300 million paltry citizens what is best for the future of our collective civilization...

Nothing new about that. It's their job.
Refer to post #5 for why that's a very dangerous viewpoint. It isn't the Court's job to legislate. Trust me, you want separation of powers when your gang isn't in Office and holding the majority in Congress, and apparently the US Supreme Court as well.

It is the court's job to resolve disputes which arise under the Constitution. Any other viewpoint removes them as one of the three branches of government and that is certainly dangerous.
We should become a Theocracy and have religious leaders dictate to us. Like the founders wanted.
The founders did not want that at all. And BTW, when a cult takes over the judicial branch of government, (and the POTUS too for that matter), you're 2/3rds of the way to a theocracy. Only, your God is the pagan god of deviant sex acts and the Christian one is vastly more sublime.
That sucks man. Good thing it affects you in no way whatsoever. :thup:

I'll put you down on the very long list then of LGBT advocates who don't give one flying fuck about the considerations of children in the marriage debate. First time ever we as a nation (well, 5 of us anyway) have declared "mothers don't matter" or "fathers don't matter" a matter of law.

Alas, denying same sex marriage only hurts children. And benefits none. Which you know.....but really hope we don't.
We should become a Theocracy and have religious leaders dictate to us. Like the founders wanted.
The founders did not want that at all. And BTW, when a cult takes over the judicial branch of government, (and the POTUS too for that matter), you're 2/3rds of the way to a theocracy. Only, your God is the pagan god of deviant sex acts and the Christian one is vastly more sublime.
That sucks man. Good thing it affects you in no way whatsoever. :thup:

I'll put you down on the very long list then of LGBT advocates who don't give one flying fuck about the considerations of children in the marriage debate. First time ever we as a nation (well, 5 of us anyway) have declared "mothers don't matter" or "fathers don't matter" a matter of law.
Lots of kids looking to get adopted. I'm grateful gay couples are around to adopt them and raise them in a loving home, rather than having them shipped around in foster care. Now if only petty Christians like yourself would stop assaulting these children and their families so that they can get on with their lives and be happy.
Heard this before? Polygamy was quite recently decriminalized in Utah. Like Lawrence v Texas, it's just a matter of time before that applies to all 50 states. If it's legal for a man to use another man's anus as an artificial vagina (closet issues anyone?),.

Ah your meltdown continues.

Why exactly do you want the government to be able to tell Americans how they can have consensual sex?

And when will you just come out and call for imprisoning homosexuals?
No question this will be done by the courts.
Yes, now any and all parameters of marriage in this country that stand to affect it (the children involved) for untold centuries into the unforeseen future will be decided by just 5 people from now on in Washington DC....

The Supreme Court has decided the Constitutionality of marriage laws 4 times now.

Silhouette only cares about the one regarding homosexuals.

Because that is all she obsesses about.
We should become a Theocracy and have religious leaders dictate to us. Like the founders wanted.
The founders did not want that at all. And BTW, when a cult takes over the judicial branch of government, (and the POTUS too for that matter), you're 2/3rds of the way to a theocracy. Only, your God is the pagan god of deviant sex acts and the Christian one is vastly more sublime.
That sucks man. Good thing it affects you in no way whatsoever. :thup:

I'll put you down on the very long list then of LGBT advocates who don't give one flying fuck about the considerations of children in the marriage debate. First time ever we as a nation (well, 5 of us anyway) have declared "mothers don't matter" or "fathers don't matter" a matter of law.

Your meltdown continues.

You have never given a flying fuck about any children, other than to use them in your ongoing war against homosexuals.

You are fine with intentionally trying to cause harm to children whose parents are homosexuals.

Now in 50 states- children whose parents are homosexuals can have married parents.

Meanwhile- millions of children are being raised by one parent- and you don't give a flying fuck.
Meanwhile- over 100,000 children are waiting to be adopted after their biological mother and father abandoned them- and you don't give a flying fuck about them- you would prefer that they rot in foster care or age out of the system rather than have parents who happen to be gay.
The hallmark that made gay marriage inevitable was the legal equality of men and women in marriage. The moment marriage became a union of equals the union became fundamentally compatible with same sex couples.
If history is any judge concerning Sil's court predictions it is very likely the exact opposite will occur.

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