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Gay statists strike again...you will submit!!!!

Loook at what the idiot Joe posted-----------he wants to ban all religion. Liberals are mentally diseased. They claim that they want freedom for all, equality, tolerance--------but they want to ban religion and force all citizens to worship the state.

This is the lunatic mindset that we are dealing with. Mental illness.

No, he didn't say he wanted to, just that he would be happy if it happened. A famous guy even sang about it..."Imagine".

Is that really much different that folks that just want to ban one religion...like, oh, say Islam?
It is unreasonable to 'discriminate' against blacks, because they have no CHOICE in 'being black'; and the same with Jews.

There is ABSOLUTELY >NO< evidence; despite DOZENS of major medical studies intent upon FINDING evidence, which shows ANY medical, biological or genetic basis for sexual abnormality. PERIOD.

Now, the reader can rest assured that there will now be a stream of assertions to the contrary, without a scintilla of ACTUAL evidence in support of the baseless assertions.

These people are simply sociopaths. There is a reason that the history of sexual abnormality is that they were institutionalized. What our predecessors learned, was that to allow them to remain in public, they did crap exactly like they're doing now.

Time's quickly approaching to shove 'em back in the closet and NAIL THE DOOR SHUT!

Religion is a choice that is protected by Federal Public Accommodation laws. Whether sexual orientation is a choice or not (it is not) is irrelevant.

Are you advocating institutionalizing gays and lesbians?

Religion is a recognition of natural law and principles, which is expressed in many ways, by many people.

The rights to practice such as one requires it is protected by the responsibility to practice such without infringing upon, or otherwise usurping the means of others to exercise their own rights. Where others set out to intentionally usurp one's means to exercise their God-given rights, one reasonably turns to the government who's only legitimate purpose is to serve justice. Where justice cannot be found, one bears the responsibility to destroy the threats to their means to exercise their rights.

I am advocating for the sexually abnormal to STFU about their private lives as they feel they must; to keep that which they claim to be private: PRIVATE and to stop the irrational demand that everyone must accept and otherwise promote their behavior as something akin to legitimate.

And I am stating that if they do not... they will force the VAST majority of people who are perfectly willing to accept them as people, but who are growing weary of the constant harassment of a mouthy minority and will at some point, determine that such is not worthy of their tolerance and summarily crush them like any other nuisance.

I'd like to avoid that, so I publicly caution the sexually abnormal to recognize the obvious, count their blessings at this point, take their little win and go home. Put the trophy on the mantle, light a fire, make a lovely chamomile tea, turn on their local public radio station and reflect upon how nice it is to live among such a peace loving and tolerant culture... which recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles that provides them the means to be twisted freaks and not be tossed into the rubber confinement of the Nut House.

So... does any of that help?
I am not the one 'accomplishing it'. The militant Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality is accomplishing it.

If it helps, I was also not 'accomplishing' the certainties that the Left's drive to install their irrational notions of 'fairness' over soundly reasoned, actuarial lending principles, which inevitably crashed the financial markets and which presently has it's sights on the US Health Insurance markets, either... . Such was and will be accomplished by the adherents to the Cult of Left-think.

The answer to 'how' is: By just being who and what you are, you will force nature to return you to where you have always been, except for in these little demonstrations which remind cultures of why it is never a good idea to tolerate evil.

It happens, people have short memories due to their starkly limited life spans... but nature works it all out. I just don't thing you're going to like it, thus the reason that I counsel you to STFU and promote a go-along to get along approach, wherein those things you demand to be relevant to your rights regarding your private life, be kept... PRIVATE!

Your hypothesis is supported by what evidence?

Is it in the lessening acceptance of gay and lesbians relationships as moral?

In U.S. Record-High Say Gay Lesbian Relations Morally OK

Nope, not that...

Is it in the growing number of Americans that don't believe gays and lesbians should be able to be legally married?


No...not there either.

So, can you provide evidence that gays are going back in the closet? (because you think they are icky, won't work)

LOL! The evidence rests in human history. Specifically the history wherein long trains of abuse result in a train-wreck. You feel that your position is a majority position, but your thesis rests upon a false premise.

At the moment, the culture is largely distracted by the worst economic environment since the last socialist push crashed the economy and sustained the malaise during the entirety of the 1930s. The average person doesn't give a red rat's rear what you people do in the privacy of your home and as such do not get exercised over the idea that you should be left alone to do what ya will. We don't care that you make house with one another, co-buy property and live your lives as the obligatory 'aunt and uncle' Twisty, who most families love, but worry about letting them spend too much time around the kids.

The Ideological Left has a long history of over-playing your hands and in this, you're right on schedule... taking the tolerance of that which we'd rather not see as our acceptance.

This, you will come to find will, fairly soon I expect, come to be recognized as a HUGE mistake.

As far as I can tell, the United States is on the precipice of a true civil war. And not one of the otherwise innocuous 'War Between the States' variety wherein one culture departs from the union of states to form their own sovereign nation, making no claim on the sovereignty of the other and the other decides that this can't stand, and goes to war with the other sovereign country and conquers them... .

But of the actual 'civil war', wherein two or more factions engage in open warfare for unfettered control over the same space and populations.

When you folks manage to ignite that... all semblance of civilization in the US will evaporate, as if it were all just a dream, there will be little remaining in the recognition of 'what was' and without regard to which faction prevails... when civilization re-gels it will do so sans any recognition for the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality.

Now... I can sense that you will likely disagree. But, towards helping you through this, I would ask you to look back through the history of our species and find the culture's which were known for their acceptance of homosexuality and notice that those culture's all perished from war, not entirely dissimilar to that which I described above... and find for me: ONE EXAMPLE, wherein the acceptance of Homosexuality was part and parcel of that which was standing when the smoke cleared.

Best of luck to ya on that... .
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Those who plead for tolerance and acceptance of homosexuals by accepting their behavior as biblically justified are uncaring about these people who so desperately need our help. True love and compassion would offer the biblical cure for sin. We, including homosexuals, are born with inherent sin but, through God’s love we are redeemed and changed through our Lord Jesus Christ. Sex is a wonderful gift of God and not sinful when used according to the plan that God has so clearly laid out in His Word.

The Church consists of redeemed heterosexuals and homosexuals, neither is worse than the other; both have to forsake their sinful and immoral ways.

Let us hold out the Gospel hope to all: “ ...fornicators, adulterers, effeminate, homosexuals ... such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of God.” (I Corinthians 6:9, 11)

- See more at: Creation Worldview Ministries Homosexuality

Guy, no one here was using the bible as a rationalization for anything.

The Bible is full of all sorts of barbaric crap that we don't do anymore, not because "God" changed his mind but because we did.

It's why we ended slavery, stopped burning witches, stopped stoning girls who weren't virgins on their wedding night.

Stop using God to excuse your sexual hangups.
I'd be happy if all religion is banned, so you are barking up the wrong tree here, bud.

Businesses don't have religion. Businesses aren't people.

Your being a psychotic fascist is NOT news, bitchboy!

Loook at what the idiot Joe posted-----------he wants to ban all religion. Liberals are mentally diseased. They claim that they want freedom for all, equality, tolerance--------but they want to ban religion and force all citizens to worship the state.

This is the lunatic mindset that we are dealing with. Mental illness.

Religion has absolutely no value.

Religion hasn't done anything good in the whole of human history, not once, not even by accident.

The day Religion ends will be a great one for humanity.

There's always one... LOL! Adorable.

It reminds me of a pup I used to own who felt certain that it was human. When I walked it, it would literally stand up on its hind legs, to walk like me.

Sadly, it's ignorance of its distinction, did little to alter that which was otherwise true, but it was as cute as it could be, ignoring the obvious!
Those who plead for tolerance and acceptance of homosexuals by accepting their behavior as biblically justified are uncaring about these people who so desperately need our help. True love and compassion would offer the biblical cure for sin. We, including homosexuals, are born with inherent sin but, through God’s love we are redeemed and changed through our Lord Jesus Christ. Sex is a wonderful gift of God and not sinful when used according to the plan that God has so clearly laid out in His Word.

The Church consists of redeemed heterosexuals and homosexuals, neither is worse than the other; both have to forsake their sinful and immoral ways.

Let us hold out the Gospel hope to all: “ ...fornicators, adulterers, effeminate, homosexuals ... such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of God.” (I Corinthians 6:9, 11)

- See more at: Creation Worldview Ministries Homosexuality

Guy, no one here was using the bible as a rationalization for anything.

The Bible is full of all sorts of barbaric crap that we don't do anymore, not because "God" changed his mind but because we did.

It's why we ended slavery, stopped burning witches, stopped stoning girls who weren't virgins on their wedding night.

Stop using God to excuse your sexual hangups.

The Bible is full of the truth... the whole truth and nothing BUT the truth. That you find the truth discomforting, is on you. But hey... such is the nature of evil, right?
I'd be happy if all religion is banned, so you are barking up the wrong tree here, bud.

Businesses don't have religion. Businesses aren't people.

Your being a psychotic fascist is NOT news, bitchboy!

Loook at what the idiot Joe posted-----------he wants to ban all religion. Liberals are mentally diseased. They claim that they want freedom for all, equality, tolerance--------but they want to ban religion and force all citizens to worship the state.

This is the lunatic mindset that we are dealing with. Mental illness.

Religion has absolutely no value.

Religion hasn't done anything good in the whole of human history, not once, not even by accident.

The day Religion ends will be a great one for humanity.

There's always one... LOL! Adorable.

It reminds me of a pup I used to own who felt certain that it was human. When I walked it, it would literally stand up on its hind legs, to walk like me.

Sadly, it's ignorance of its distinction, did little to alter that which was otherwise true, but it was as cute as it could be, ignoring the obvious!

What good has religion ever done?

I can list all the bad.

Molesting altar boys
Suppressing science
Torturing heretics
rationalizing slavery

And the good things? We'll wait.
Religion is a recognition of natural law and principles, which is expressed in many ways, by many people.

The rights to practice such as one requires it is protected by the responsibility to practice such without infringing upon, or otherwise usurping the means of others to exercise their own rights. Where others set out to intentionally usurp one's means to exercise their God-given rights, one reasonably turns to the government who's only legitimate purpose is to serve justice. Where justice cannot be found, one bears the responsibility to destroy the threats to their means to exercise their rights.

I am advocating for the sexually abnormal to STFU about their private lives as they feel they must; to keep that which they claim to be private: PRIVATE and to stop the irrational demand that everyone must accept and otherwise promote their behavior as something akin to legitimate.

And I am stating that if they do not... they will force the VAST majority of people who are perfectly willing to accept them as people, but who are growing weary of the constant harassment of a mouthy minority and will at some point, determine that such is not worthy of their tolerance and summarily crush them like any other nuisance.

I'd like to avoid that, so I publicly caution the sexually abnormal to recognize the obvious, count their blessings at this point, take their little win and go home. Put the trophy on the mantle, light a fire, make a lovely chamomile tea, turn on their local public radio station and reflect upon how nice it is to live among such a peace loving and tolerant culture... which recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles that provides them the means to be twisted freaks and not be tossed into the rubber confinement of the Nut House.

So... does any of that help?

You could have just said that you have no evidence of your hypothesis. Civil Rights don't go backwards historically, only forwards. If you drill down on polls, the younger folks are, the more accepting they are. The opposition to LGBT equal rights is, quite literally, dying off. (not too soon, I want ya'll to see how your grandkids look back on you all)

Gays aren't going back in the closet. We're shopping in your grocery stores...and holding hands just like you do. Gay firemen and policemen are protecting your homes...and putting their legal spouses on their policies. Gay soldiers are protecting our shores...and getting their spouses dependent ID cards. This is not going away and you'll just have to turn off the TV so as not to see the gay beer commercials.

I'd be happy if all religion is banned, so you are barking up the wrong tree here, bud.

Businesses don't have religion. Businesses aren't people.

Your being a psychotic fascist is NOT news, bitchboy!

Loook at what the idiot Joe posted-----------he wants to ban all religion. Liberals are mentally diseased. They claim that they want freedom for all, equality, tolerance--------but they want to ban religion and force all citizens to worship the state.

This is the lunatic mindset that we are dealing with. Mental illness.

Religion has absolutely no value.

Religion hasn't done anything good in the whole of human history, not once, not even by accident.

The day Religion ends will be a great one for humanity.

There's always one... LOL! Adorable.

It reminds me of a pup I used to own who felt certain that it was human. When I walked it, it would literally stand up on its hind legs, to walk like me.

Sadly, it's ignorance of its distinction, did little to alter that which was otherwise true, but it was as cute as it could be, ignoring the obvious!

What good has religion ever done?

I can list all the bad.

Molesting altar boys
Suppressing science
Torturing heretics
rationalizing slavery

And the good things? We'll wait.

So you're here to point out evil exists?

Well aren't you the attentive observer. Sadly, evil exists even among those who otherwise claim to be adherents of the scriptures, as they are human beings.

But how ADORABLE is it that you would point out the evil that is the adherents to sexual abnormality, even as you defend the adherence to sexual abnormality.

THAT is one hard-core delusion you're suffering there... .

FTR: Christianity provides that ALL men are created equal and stands in direct and unapologetic opposition to evil. Which is not to say that Christians are Christ... the simple fact is that all men have and will forever fall short of the glory of God and thus defines the basis of God's grace through Christ, as without it, this would would be vastly, unimaginably worse than the sewer it presently represents.
A judge ruled that the GIfford private residence isn't so private after all.

Washington Times:

New York farm owners who rent their facilities for birthday parties and wedding ceremonies have been fined thousands of dollars for refusing to host a lesbian wedding.

Cynthia and Robert Gifford were fined $10,000 and ordered to pay $3,000 in restitution to the lesbian couple after they refused to hold the wedding at their Liberty Ridge Farm near Albany, Religion News Service reported.

When Jennifer McCarthy and Melisa Erwin asked the Giffords to use the facility for a 2012 wedding, Mrs. Gifford, a Christian, said she could only host their reception on the farm, but not the wedding. Weddings typically are conducted on the first floor of the Giffords’ home, and Mrs. Giffordargued the lesbian wedding would “literally hit too close to home,” RNS reported.

New York City Administrative Law Judge Migdalia Pares ruled that the Giffords’ farm, which is also their home, is a place of public accommodation and is therefore subject to New York’s anti-discrimination laws, RNS reported.“The fact that the Giffords also reside at Gifford Barn,” the decision says, “does not render it private.”

The couple must now pay $13,000 in fines and restitution. The Giffords’ lawyer, James Trainor, said they are considering whether to appeal or pursue further legal action, RNS reported.

This is outrageous. Just because there's an occasional weddiing ceremony performed in their house doesn't make it "public." This blurring of public/private lines by the judge is an insidious attack on privacy and personal liberty.

It's probably expensive, but the Giffords should keep fighting this ruling until the courts overrule this miscarraige of justice.

Just like the bakers and photographers...they could have gone somewhere else...but as long as there is one person who does not agree with their lifestyle on religious grounds...they will not stop...and they will punish them....like us or pay the consequences...

There are a lot of Nancy-pud-pullers wearing the robes these days.....he's ( the judge ) probably gay himself.

The Bible is full of the truth... the whole truth and nothing BUT the truth. That you find the truth discomforting, is on you. But hey... such is the nature of evil, right?

Really, what truth was that?

That Slavery was acceptable?

That burning witches was okay?

Slavery is acceptable where God provides for it. That you feel that slavery is defined within the narrow confines of what it represented in the American Colonies and the earliest years after our founding is purely the result of your own ignorance; this compounded by the fact that it was the Christian principles recognized and declared in the charter of American principles and the Christian in the United States who rejected the institution, inevitably freeing the slaves and setting aside the notions that human beings can be cast into bondage; their rights ignored, to the detriment of everything up to stripping them of their very lives, based upon those who possessed the power to do so, merely defining such people in ways that serve their own convenience.

Now... what I find MOST ADORABLE about you, is that your foolishness is SO profound that you'll be incapable of recognizing that which you are here to lament is INTOLERABLE EVIL, in yourself, despite such being among your most strongly held 'feelings' and that the reason you cannot, is that you're animated by the same evil that animated those you claim are SO different from you.

And this despite my doing everything but telling you what it is in no uncertain terms.
Religion is a recognition of natural law and principles, which is expressed in many ways, by many people.

The rights to practice such as one requires it is protected by the responsibility to practice such without infringing upon, or otherwise usurping the means of others to exercise their own rights. Where others set out to intentionally usurp one's means to exercise their God-given rights, one reasonably turns to the government who's only legitimate purpose is to serve justice. Where justice cannot be found, one bears the responsibility to destroy the threats to their means to exercise their rights.

I am advocating for the sexually abnormal to STFU about their private lives as they feel they must; to keep that which they claim to be private: PRIVATE and to stop the irrational demand that everyone must accept and otherwise promote their behavior as something akin to legitimate.

And I am stating that if they do not... they will force the VAST majority of people who are perfectly willing to accept them as people, but who are growing weary of the constant harassment of a mouthy minority and will at some point, determine that such is not worthy of their tolerance and summarily crush them like any other nuisance.

I'd like to avoid that, so I publicly caution the sexually abnormal to recognize the obvious, count their blessings at this point, take their little win and go home. Put the trophy on the mantle, light a fire, make a lovely chamomile tea, turn on their local public radio station and reflect upon how nice it is to live among such a peace loving and tolerant culture... which recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles that provides them the means to be twisted freaks and not be tossed into the rubber confinement of the Nut House.

So... does any of that help?

You could have just said that you have no evidence of your hypothesis. Civil Rights don't go backwards historically, only forwards. If you drill down on polls, the younger folks are, the more accepting they are. The opposition to LGBT equal rights is, quite literally, dying off. (not too soon, I want ya'll to see how your grandkids look back on you all)

Gays aren't going back in the closet. We're shopping in your grocery stores...and holding hands just like you do. Gay firemen and policemen are protecting your homes...and putting their legal spouses on their policies. Gay soldiers are protecting our shores...and getting their spouses dependent ID cards. This is not going away and you'll just have to turn off the TV so as not to see the gay beer commercials.


Children and Fools.

There is no potential equivocation between advocacy for the recognition of the God-given rights of Racial Minorities and the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality. As there is ABSOLUTELY NO BIOLOGICAL DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE SEXUALLY ABNORMAL AND THOSE WHO COMPORT THEMSELVES AS NATURE DESIGNED THEM.

In truth, homosexuality is a function of programming wherein individuals were are sexually molested in their earliest stages of development are imprinted with sexual desires for the gender of those who molested them.

So when crazy Aunt Harriet is left to baby sit, she 'tickles' sis and sis grows up with a penchant for girls.

Now... from that, what could POSSIBLY go wrong in the normalization of Crazy Aunt Harriet? How could ANYONE claim that there is ANY risk to the culture in the promoting of that which CAUSES THAT?

LOL! This is incredibly simple stuff. And yes, it is to your shame that you lack the minimal cognitive means to understand it.


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
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Just as "The Millionaires Club" would no longer be a club for millionaires, where it accepted non-millionaires, marriage of two men cannot be marriage, as marriage is the joining of one man and one woman." (Keys)

Nineteen states (so far) have ruled otherwise. Better find another argument.

So what? If all 50 States declared Dogs to be Cats, that would in no way alter the facts at issue.

Ya see scamp, popularity is NOT validity. What you're arguing here is the long ago refuted notion that popularity; which serves your temporal interests purely for its potential for power, makes right.

You will NOT feel the same about popularity/power when you're shoved back in the closet and the door is nailed shut. And THAT is how I can be SO sure that your argument is irrational pablum, designed purely for consumption by children and fools.
What would be the legal and constitutional basis of doing such a thing?
This is no different that ruling that a wedding hall must accommodate white people.

Not sure why all the angst.

You don't understand that millions are repulsed by homosexually, regard it to be disgusting, depraved, contrary to their sensibilities, their morality or religious convictions? Behavior and the benign realities of everyday-walk-in-the-park morphological features/traits are the same thing?

Where you dropped on your head as a child? Is the brain damage permanent?
So? If you run a business you must follow the established rules or work to change them. And these people weren't so repulsed that they wouldn't take their money for a party.
That's the problem for them, isn't it? It requires work.
Loook at what the idiot Joe posted-----------he wants to ban all religion. Liberals are mentally diseased. They claim that they want freedom for all, equality, tolerance--------but they want to ban religion and force all citizens to worship the state.

This is the lunatic mindset that we are dealing with. Mental illness.

No, he didn't say he wanted to, just that he would be happy if it happened. A famous guy even sang about it..."Imagine".

Is that really much different that folks that just want to ban one religion...like, oh, say Islam?
He didn't say he wanted to ban religion, he just said he'd be happy if they were?

That is a distinction without difference.
"As far as I can tell, the United States is on the precipice of a true civil war."


When all else fails, predict or threaten taking up arms, or civil war. I'm sure that I see this on these threads at least 4 times per day. It is very much like the child who threatens to hold his breath until he dies if he does not get his way. What is really weird is that the Right honestly thinks that this will somehow sway the argument and win the day.

All it does to me is to make me sleepy, and bored.

Grow up.
Just as "The Millionaires Club" would no longer be a club for millionaires, where it accepted non-millionaires, marriage of two men cannot be marriage, as marriage is the joining of one man and one woman." (Keys)

Nineteen states (so far) have ruled otherwise. Better find another argument.

So what? If all 50 States declared Dogs to be Cats, that would in no way alter the facts at issue.

Ya see scamp, popularity is NOT validity. What you're arguing here is the long ago refuted notion that popularity; which serves your temporal interests purely for its potential for power, makes right.

You will NOT feel the same about popularity/power when you're shoved back in the closet and the door is nailed shut. And THAT is how I can be SO sure that your argument is irrational pablum, designed purely for consumption by children and fools.
What would be the legal and constitutional basis of doing such a thing?
To continue the analogy, perhaps someone had been in the habit of calling cats "dogs". And because of that lifelong habit, didn't want to be teased at school or told as an adult s/he had to come to terms with reality. Instead, s/he joined with a group of other such afflicted people and they fought hard for their "civil rights" [to not face their confusion]. S/he preferred that the rest of society must change and not her/him. And if society refused to change then they were all "bigots/haters" etc. S/he even went so far with it that s/he began convincing veterinarians to perform "species-change operations" where vets would extend a cat's face surgically and make its claws non-retractible and remove its ability to purr in order to make it seem like a dog.

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