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Gay statists strike again...you will submit!!!!

He didn't say he wanted to ban religion, he just said he'd be happy if they were?

That is a distinction without difference.
Only to a halfwit.

Yes, I'm quite sure that if I wrote

I don't want to kill all gays, but I'd sure be glad if someone else did

That you wouldn't rightly point out that there is no difference in those two statements

How dishonest.
Just as "The Millionaires Club" would no longer be a club for millionaires, where it accepted non-millionaires, marriage of two men cannot be marriage, as marriage is the joining of one man and one woman." (Keys)
Nineteen states (so far) have ruled otherwise. Better find another argument.
So what? If all 50 States declared Dogs to be Cats, that would in no way alter the facts at issue.
Ya see scamp, popularity is NOT validity. What you're arguing here is the long ago refuted notion that popularity; which serves your temporal interests purely for its potential for power, makes right.
You will NOT feel the same about popularity/power when you're shoved back in the closet and the door is nailed shut. And THAT is how I can be SO sure that your argument is irrational pablum, designed purely for consumption by children and fools.
What would be the legal and constitutional basis of doing such a thing?
To continue the analogy, perhaps someone had been in the habit of calling cats "dogs". And because of that lifelong habit, didn't want to be teased at school or told as an adult s/he had to come to terms with reality. Instead, s/he joined with a group of other such afflicted people and they fought hard for their "civil rights" [to not face their confusion]. S/he preferred that the rest of society must change and not her/him. And if society refused to change then they were all "bigots/haters" etc. S/he even went so far with it that s/he began convincing veterinarians to perform "species-change operations" where vets would extend a cat's face surgically and make its claws non-retractible and remove its ability to purr in order to make it seem like a dog.

I think instead of using the word "closet" we should use the word "therapy room". One is just putting the patient in the dungeon. The other liberates them to freedom.
This is no different that ruling that a wedding hall must accommodate white people.

Not sure why all the angst.

You don't understand that millions are repulsed by homosexually, regard it to be disgusting, depraved, contrary to their sensibilities, their morality or religious convictions? Behavior and the benign realities of everyday-walk-in-the-park morphological features/traits are the same thing?

Where you dropped on your head as a child? Is the brain damage permanent?
So? If you run a business you must follow the established rules or work to change them. And these people weren't so repulsed that they wouldn't take their money for a party.

Welcome to the point.




The individuals at issue are accepting of the people themselves. As are all decent human beings. The repulsion comes in the abomination wherein people set themselves before God, in matrimony, proclaiming their right to disobey God's law.

Your choices are your choices. But you have no right to demand that others become a party to that which they recognize as abhorrent. This being so, because there is no potential for such a right.
Which god? Followed by which people?
"To continue the analogy, perhaps someone had been in the habit of calling cats "dogs". And because of that lifelong habit, didn't want to be teased at school or told as an adult s/he had to come to terms with reality. Instead, s/he joined with a group of other such afflicted people and they fought hard for their "civil rights" [to not face their confusion]. S/he preferred that the rest of society must change and not her/him. And if society refused to change then they were all "bigots/haters" etc. S/he even went so far with it that s/he began convincing veterinarians to perform "species-change operations" where vets would extend a cat's face surgically and make its claws non-retractible and remove its ability to purr in order to make it seem like a dog."

I think that you have gotten pretty well tangled up in your analogy, Sil...sort of like a "puppy" playing with a ball of yarn.
Slavery is acceptable where God provides for it. That you feel that slavery is defined within the narrow confines of what it represented in the American Colonies and the earliest years after our founding is purely the result of your own ignorance; this compounded by the fact that it was the Christian principles recognized and declared in the charter of American principles and the Christian in the United States who rejected the institution, inevitably freeing the slaves and setting aside the notions that human beings can be cast into bondage; their rights ignored, to the detriment of everything up to stripping them of their very lives, based upon those who possessed the power to do so, merely defining such people in ways that serve their own convenience.

Now... what I find MOST ADORABLE about you, is that your foolishness is SO profound that you'll be incapable of recognizing that which you are here to lament is INTOLERABLE EVIL, in yourself, despite such being among your most strongly held 'feelings' and that the reason you cannot, is that you're animated by the same evil that animated those you claim are SO different from you.

And this despite my doing everything but telling you what it is in no uncertain terms.

Okay, I just have to ask- Are you some kind of fucking retard?

Slavery was NEVER acceptable. And Christians in the United States cited the bible as to why it should continue even though the rest of the world was in the process of abolishing it.

Religion has supported all kinds of evils in the name of "God", and God was too busy not existing to contradict them.
"To continue the analogy, perhaps someone had been in the habit of calling cats "dogs". And because of that lifelong habit, didn't want to be teased at school or told as an adult s/he had to come to terms with reality. Instead, s/he joined with a group of other such afflicted people and they fought hard for their "civil rights" [to not face their confusion]. S/he preferred that the rest of society must change and not her/him. And if society refused to change then they were all "bigots/haters" etc. S/he even went so far with it that s/he began convincing veterinarians to perform "species-change operations" where vets would extend a cat's face surgically and make its claws non-retractible and remove its ability to purr in order to make it seem like a dog."

I think that you have gotten pretty well tangled up in your analogy, Sil...sort of like a "puppy" playing with a ball of yarn.
Please define the flaws you say are in my anology.
Your analogy is kind of like playing a violin in a shower, while listening to A Chicago Cubs game on the radio, broadcast in French.

In short, it makes absolutely no sense at all.
Slavery was NEVER acceptable. And Christians in the United States cited the bible as to why it should continue even though the rest of the world was in the process of abolishing it.

Uhhh...you might want to sit down...it was Christians who ended slavery in England, and helped to end it here in the United States...and the rest of the world...it is still practiced in Africa, and the muslim world...but not in the Christian West...soooo...

It was actually the democrat political party that wanted to continue slavery based on top down models of the economy...vs...free market Capitalism...Democrats also wanted to start up the slave trade with Africa...where it is still practiced in some countries to this day, and to push slavery into the new states joining the union...and then after the Republicans won the Civil war...and Freed the slaves...the democrats started the kkk, jim crow, lynching and the Great Society to keep African Americans in their control and debt...
Religion has supported all kinds of evils in the name of "God", and God was too busy not existing to contradict them

And religion has stopped all kinds of evils as well while atheism was the non-religion of the greatest evils of the 20th century, nazism, communism... responsible for the deaths of close to 100 million people, and the enslavement of whole countries...in modern times...as opposed to way back when people were less nice to each other...
You do not win elections. You defraud the system, through illegitimate means. Which demonstrates that you adhere to ideas that are hostile to American principle.

What you need to understand is that this is how we can know that:


Whatever works. Anyway, Just keep ranting away. When you are finished marginalizing the lesbians and gays, be sure to spend the appropriate amount of time ranting about Hispanics, pro-choice people, anyone who ever voted for a Democrat, African-Americans, women, and "gun grabbers".
Slavery was NEVER acceptable. And Christians in the United States cited the bible as to why it should continue even though the rest of the world was in the process of abolishing it.

Uhhh...you might want to sit down...it was Christians who ended slavery in England, and helped to end it here in the United States...and the rest of the world...it is still practiced in Africa, and the muslim world...but not in the Christian West...soooo...

It was actually the democrat political party that wanted to continue slavery based on top down models of the economy...vs...free market Capitalism...Democrats also wanted to start up the slave trade with Africa...where it is still practiced in some countries to this day, and to push slavery into the new states joining the union...and then after the Republicans won the Civil war...and Freed the slaves...the democrats started the kkk, jim crow, lynching and the Great Society to keep African Americans in their control and debt...

And religion has stopped all kinds of evils as well while atheism was the non-religion of the greatest evils of the 20th century, nazism, communism... responsible for the deaths of close to 100 million people, and the enslavement of whole countries...in modern times...as opposed to way back when people were less nice to each other...

True. They stamped out witches so thoroughly in Massachusetts that it has not been necessary to hang any since before 1700....
Queers hate God and despise breeders. They should be ignored. If they sue you, then hire a few thugs to beat the snot out of them.
True. They stamped out witches so thoroughly in Massachusetts that it has not been necessary to hang any since before 1700....

Yes, you are so right...that was what...how many hundreds of years ago? And to think...muslims around the world are throwing acid in girls faces for going to school, burying young children alive, kidnapping and killing teenagers in Israel, kidnapping and sexually enslaving boys and girls around the world, cutting off the heads of people, crucifying people, stoning homosexuals to death, shooting women in the back of the head for violations of their dress code...and that all happened last week...

But good of you to bring up a problem with Christianity from the 1700s...
Yes, you are so right...that was what...how many hundreds of years ago? And to think...muslims around the world are throwing acid in girls faces for going to school, burying young children alive, kidnapping and killing teenagers in Israel, kidnapping and sexually enslaving boys and girls around the world, cutting off the heads of people, crucifying people, stoning homosexuals to death, shooting women in the back of the head for violations of their dress code...and that all happened last week...

But good of you to bring up a problem with Christianity from the 1700s...

Think nothing of it. especially since my beef isn't with Christianity, but with religion, in which name all the killing is going on in the Middle East. but, hey, I'm hip with modern Christianity, too. Jim Jones and David Koresh considered themselves Christians. So. do the Westbro Baptist Church clowns. I won't even get started about the Mormons. Nor, will I get into the "Prosperity gospel" televangelists that pollute the airwaves. The Catholics, which have had to declare bankruptcy in several parishes because of child molestation awards, is always an easy target. But my favorite oldie is still all the rural Southern churches that preached that segregation is God's plan, back when I was growing up in Atlanta in the 1950's..
Yes, you are so right...that was what...how many hundreds of years ago? And to think...muslims around the world are throwing acid in girls faces for going to school, burying young children alive, kidnapping and killing teenagers in Israel, kidnapping and sexually enslaving boys and girls around the world, cutting off the heads of people, crucifying people, stoning homosexuals to death, shooting women in the back of the head for violations of their dress code...and that all happened last week...

But good of you to bring up a problem with Christianity from the 1700s...

Think nothing of it. especially since my beef isn't with Christianity, but with religion, in which name all the killing is going on in the Middle East. but, hey, I'm hip with modern Christianity, too. Jim Jones and David Koresh considered themselves Christians. So. do the Westbro Baptist Church clowns. I won't even get started about the Mormons. Nor, will I get into the "Prosperity gospel" televangelists that pollute the airwaves. The Catholics, which have had to declare bankruptcy in several parishes because of child molestation awards, is always an easy target. But my favorite oldie is still all the rural Southern churches that preached that segregation is God's plan, back when I was growing up in Atlanta in the 1950's..

There is no problem with Christianity. People are the problem. Man is corrupt.
SmarterThanTheAverageBear said:

Show me where in the COTUS the federal government is empowered to outlaw discrimination.

Here: Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States (1964).

In addition, the Constitution affords Congress powers both expressed and implied, where the 10th Amendment in no way mitigates Congress' authority pursuant to its proper end, where that proper end is determined by the Federal courts. That can be found in the Constitution here: McCulloch v. Maryland (1819).

Remember that the Constitution exists only in the context of its case law, as interpreted by the Supreme Court, as authorized by the doctrine of judicial review and by the Constitution in Articles III and VI.

Last, the Federal Constitution, Federal laws, and the rulings of Federal courts are the supreme law of the land, where states and local jurisdictions cannot seek to ignore or 'nullify' Federal laws or the rulings of Federal Courts. That can be found in the Constitution here: Cooper v. Aaron (1958).

I won't belabor SmarterThanTheAverageBear's point regarding the actual foundation of justice, namely, the inalienable rights of man. He makes it's quite eloquently and succinctly.

So what are you leftists gonna do when American's tell you to go to hell, given the fact that your talk about inalienable human rights and the rule of law on other threads, though you may fool the peanuts in the cheap seats, is nothing of the kind, but in fact the rule of men, the relativistic, ever-shifting tyranny of unchecked majoritarianism or judicial oligarchy?

You have a firestorm coming your way, Clayton Jones. In general, conservatives and libertarians have had just about enough, and the Christians among them sure as hell are not going to submit. You're delusional.

Though this be at the state level, for example, what is the state of Colorado, the state of Connecticut doing right now with regard to their recent ammo-grabbing, gun-grabbing legislation? Not a whole lot. The people of those states have essentially nullified it all by their refusal to comply. Indeed, mostly, the local and state police won't enforce it. Oops.
Jim Jones

Sorry, jim jones wasn't a Chrisitian...he was follower of real evil...communism...

Jim Jones - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Jones was a communist and democrat supporter.

Indiana beginnings[edit]
Further information: Peoples Temple

Jones's first church inIndianapolis, Indiana
In 1951, Jones began attending Communist Party meetings and rallies in Indianapolis.[14] He became flustered with harassment he received during the McCarthy Hearings,[14] particularly regarding an event he attended with his mother focusing on Paul Robeson, after which she was harassed by the FBI in front of her co-workers for attending.[15] He also became frustrated with ostracism of open communists in the United States, especially during the trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.[16] This frustration, among other things, provoked a seminal moment for Jones in which he asked himself, "how can I demonstrate my Marxism? The thought was, infiltrate the church."[14][15]

Yeah, he was really evil...

Jones moved away from the Communist Party when CPUSA members became critical of some of the policies of former Sovietleader Joseph Stalin.[16]

You know the current wack job in North Korea...jones supported the grand father...

The couple adopted three children of Korean-American ancestry: Lew, Suzanne and Stephanie. Jones had been encouraging Temple members to adopt orphans from war ravaged Korea.[24]Jones had long been critical of the United States' opposition to communist leader Kim Il-Sung's1950 invasion of South Korea, calling it the "war of liberation" and stating that "the south is a living example of all that socialism in the north has overcome."[

The dead leader of the westboro baptist church...voted for Al Gore...and supported the democrats...
Last edited:

Fred Phelps - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Phelps was a disbarred lawyer, founder of the Phelps Chartered law firm, and a formercivil rights activist. He sought public office four times as a member of the Democratic Party. In the election for United States Senator for Kansas in 1992, he received 49,416 votes (30.8%), coming in second after Gloria O'Dell (who subsequently lost to later presidential candidate Bob Dole).

Democratic Party[edit]
Phelps ran in various Kansas Democratic Party primaries five times, but never won. These included races for governor in 1990, 1994, and 1998, receiving about 15 percent of the vote in 1998.[73] In the 1992 Democratic Party primary for U.S. Senate, Phelps received 31 percent of the vote.[74] Phelps ran for mayor of Topeka in 1993[75][76] and 1997.[77]

Phelps supported Al Gore in the 1988 Democratic Party presidential primary election.[77] In his 1984 Senate race, Gore had opposed a "gay bill of rights" and stated that homosexuality was not something that "society should affirm", a position he had changed by 2000 when he had the support of homosexual advocacy groups for his presidential campaign. Phelps has stated that he supported Gore because of these earlier comments.[78]
"As far as I can tell, the United States is on the precipice of a true civil war."


When all else fails, predict or threaten taking up arms, or civil war. I'm sure that I see this on these threads at least 4 times per day. It is very much like the child who threatens to hold his breath until he dies if he does not get his way. What is really weird is that the Right honestly thinks that this will somehow sway the argument and win the day.

All it does to me is to make me sleepy, and bored.

Grow up.

So sayeth the food... Amen.
especially since my beef isn't with Christianity, but with religion, in which name all the killing is going on in the Middle East. but, hey, I'm hip with modern Christianity, too. Jim Jones and David Koresh considered themselves Christians. So. do the Westbro Baptist Church clowns. I won't even get started about the Mormons. Nor, will I get into the "Prosperity gospel" televangelists that pollute the airwaves. The Catholics, which have had to declare bankruptcy in several parishes because of child molestation awards, is always an easy target. But my favorite oldie is still all the rural Southern churches that preached that segregation is God's plan, back when I was growing up in Atlanta in the 1950's..

Yes, there are evil people who use religion to commit evil...wow...that is a deep insight...

Just like there are corrupt politicians, bad cops, bad teachers, bad lawyers, bad plumbers...

Yeah, great point...

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