Gays throw gay supporter out of bar because he dared to talk to Ted Cruz

Did I say anything close to that?
Yes, you did.


No, I didn't.
You need to make up your mind. Pick a position and stick with it. Otherwise you're just being a lying hypocrite.

There is nothing hypocritical about supporting both public accommodation laws AND a business owner's right to kick out a patron causing a disturbance.
Disturbance? Did he start a fight or something?

From the link in the OP:

Customer Evan Lobel said, “One guy got up and asked him what the rationale was to have dinner with Cruz. They got kind of heated and before you knew it, there was a lot of people yelling.” We’re told owner P.J. McAteer asked them to leave the bar and threatened to call police.
Did I say anything close to that?
Yes, you did.


No, I didn't.
You need to make up your mind. Pick a position and stick with it. Otherwise you're just being a lying hypocrite.

There is nothing hypocritical about supporting both public accommodation laws AND a business owner's right to kick out a patron causing a disturbance.
Disturbance? Did he start a fight or something?

From the link in the OP:

Customer Evan Lobel said, “One guy got up and asked him what the rationale was to have dinner with Cruz. They got kind of heated and before you knew it, there was a lot of people yelling.” We’re told owner P.J. McAteer asked them to leave the bar and threatened to call police.
A bar owner that tosses a gay customer out is perfectly within his rights to do so. Especially if other customers become confrontational. Extend this to those that accept same sex relationships. The guy with a gay child, the baker who bakes a same sex wedding cake should all expect that they can be told to leave an establishment at any time.

No one should change and become more accepting.
So basically...

Two guys got in a fight in a bar, the owner asked them to leave and threatened to call the police.

I fixed it for ya'll.
If a gay couple got in a rumble in a bakery, they would be thrown out.
Tolerance is a one way street them.

they expect everyone else to tolerate THEM. BUT look what they did to the hotel owner who invited Cruz to their place. they had him on his knees groveling to them because they called to BOYCOTT his business.

People better start waking up to these Fascist. I don't care if they are homosexual/liberal/democrat, etc

they are COMING for you and they are Vicious
This is what I got from the article:

Customer Evan Lobel said, “One guy got up and asked him what the rationale was to have dinner with Cruz. They got kind of heated and before you knew it, there was a lot of people yelling.” We’re told owner P.J. McAteer asked them to leave the bar and threatened to call police.

“Upon their departure, the crowd cheered,” Lobel posted on Facebook.


From what I can tell, the guy didn't go to the bar to debate politics.

It would appear someone didn't like what he did and confronted him on it.

Don't know what happened from there.

But, the fact that the gays cheered as someone exited the establishment is telling.

Once again, we read to much into things.
As far as I can tell, he was kicked out simply because the bar owner had seen him on television schmoozing with Cruz.

It looked to me like the bar owner had a riot on his hands. That's why he asked the guy to leave. He threatened to call the police (the correct thing to do). Seems like he just wanted to ensure people's safety.

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