Gaza and West Bank Residents Overwhelmingly Support Terror Against Israel, Hate America

No one claimed that the Times of Israel said rapes did not occur. The article referenced in his link simply said that there was no forensic evidence. And my only point was that the source (TOI) is not antisemetic.

And I'm sorry, but I don't automatically believe anything from either side of this "war" (if you can call it that) because as the saying goes, the first casualty of war is truth. War propaganda happens every time, it's how the PTSB sell war. And there's much more to this than most here realize, but I'm not going to get into all that right now.
You can defend the member all you want but his headline on his post denied rape allegations, he did not post a link to the TOI article so I don't know if that headline is valid or not, and his purpose was to deny Hamas atrocities.

He did link an article to a pointedly antisemitic pro Hamas/Palestinian website. That was the ONLY source he linked.

I didn't even HINT that the TOI is antisemitic. He DID suggest the TOI supports his opinion that rapes did not occur. And that is blatantly dishonest.

Sorry but your defense of his post just doesn't hold up using the most simple common sense.
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You can defend the member all you want but his headline on his post denied rape allegations, he did not post a link to the TOI article so I don't know if that headline is valid or not, and his purpose was to deny Hamas atrocities.

He did link an article to a pointedly antisemitic pro Hamas/Palestinian website. That was the ONLY source he linked.

I didn't even HINT that the TOI is antisemitic.

Sorry but your defense of his post just doesn't hold up using the most simple common sense.

Don't add to my words, I'm not defending him, and you can take up your disagreements with him in a post to him, not me. AGAIN, my only point was that the source referenced in his article is not antisemitic.

And he didn't post a link to it (he just posted a screenshot) but I posted a link to it, here it is again:

Don't add to my words, I'm not defending him, and you can take up your disagreements with him in a post to him, not me. AGAIN, my only point was that the source referenced in his article is not antisemitic.

And he didn't post a link to it (he just posted a screenshot) but I posted a link to it, here it is again:

I have used the same article as support that the rapes occurred. He used the article as support for his opinion that no rapes occurred. I did take exception to his post and provided links to support my opinion.

You took exception to my objecting to his post.

But let's clear it up now.
Do you believe Hamas has committed unconscionable atrocities?
Do you believe Hamas started this war with rocket attacks killing more than 1000 Israelis and Americans?
Do you believe Israel has every moral right to defend itself and is exercising the correct course by taking out Hamas?
Do you believe it is the IDF committing the atrocities?
Do you believe the member was correct in saying that no rapes occurred?
Do you still believe the member used the Times of Israel article honestly given the content of that article?
Do you believe the link he did provide is a reliable source re the Israel/Palestine conflict?
I have used the same article as support that the rapes occurred. He used the article as support for his opinion that no rapes occurred. I did take exception to his post and provided links to support my opinion.

You took exception to my objecting to his post.

But let's clear it up now.
Do you believe Hamas has committed unconscionable atrocities?
Do you believe Hamas started this war with rocket attacks killing more than 1000 Israelis and Americans?
Do you believe Israel has every moral right to defend itself and is exercising the correct course by taking out Hamas?
Do you believe it is the IDF committing the atrocities?
Do you believe the member was correct in saying that no rapes occurred?

I'm tired of repeating myself with you. Again, take up your argument with him, in a post to HIM, not me. You keep trying to add to my point, trying to drag me into an argument about this whole thing. For the 5th time, my only point was that the article referenced in his link is not antisemitic, that doesn't mean I'm claiming that no rapes occurred, just that news outlets are retracting the rape claim because of no forensic evidence. OK? Do you understand now?

I have not even eaten yet today, so if you think I'm going to stop my day to answer your list of questions on numerous topics that would require more than just a quick answer, and get into an annoying discussion with someone who I have to repeat myself with over and over, then sorry but that's the last thing I want to do right now.

I've shared my thoughts on what happened that day on other threads. Of course Hamas carried out the horrible attack that day, but there is evidence there's much more to it than meet the eye. So if you want something controversial, here you go:

I'm tired of repeating myself with you. Again, take up your argument with him, in a post to HIM, not me. You keep trying to add to my point, trying to drag me into an argument about this whole thing. For the 5th time, my only point was that the article referenced in his link is not antisemitic, that doesn't mean I'm claiming that no rapes occurred, just that news outlets are retracting the rape claim because of no forensic evidence. OK? Do you understand now?

I have not even eaten yet today, so if you think I'm going to stop my day to answer your list of questions on numerous topics that would require more than just a quick answer, and get into an annoying discussion with someone who I have to repeat myself with over and over, then sorry but that's the last thing I want to do right now.

I've shared my thoughts on what happened that day on other threads. Of course Hamas carried out the horrible attack that day, but there is evidence there's much more to it than meet the eye. So if you want something controversial, here you go:

Ahem it was a post to HIM that I took it up with which you objected to and got me into this discussion with you. Nobody dragged you into this but you. Okay? If you don't want me to respond to your objections to my posts then I suggest you don't quote me.

And it's okay that you don't want to answer the questions. They are uncomfortable for many on the left.
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IOF official videos are fake according to you?
what you linked to has a video in it?

Did you make any of those claims?
why do you ask? You made a claim and gave that post as proof and claimed support of a video. I see no video that supports those claims so I did a screen grab to show you that there is no video.
why do you ask? You made a claim and gave that post as proof and claimed support of a video. I see no video that supports those claims so I did a screen grab to show you that there is no video.
Thank you for proving that this lies never happened.
I'm tired of repeating myself with you. Again, take up your argument with him, in a post to HIM, not me. You keep trying to add to my point, trying to drag me into an argument about this whole thing. For the 5th time, my only point was that the article referenced in his link is not antisemitic, that doesn't mean I'm claiming that no rapes occurred, just that news outlets are retracting the rape claim because of no forensic evidence. OK? Do you understand now?

I have not even eaten yet today, so if you think I'm going to stop my day to answer your list of questions on numerous topics that would require more than just a quick answer, and get into an annoying discussion with someone who I have to repeat myself with over and over, then sorry but that's the last thing I want to do right now.

I've shared my thoughts on what happened that day on other threads. Of course Hamas carried out the horrible attack that day, but there is evidence there's much more to it than meet the eye. So if you want something controversial, here you go:

except that the screen shot of the TOI article is misrepresented because that article does not retract any claims. The link provided was not to the TOI so the post's claim is only supported by the third party website but not by the article actually shown on the screen.
So there is no negotiation. Its not happening. HAMAS wants all Jews on earth to die.

That's not true. The ordinary Jewish person doesn't abuse Palestinian Muslims or Christians. The violence and abuse comes from the government and the settlers.

Look at the history. Jews lived all over the Arab world for 2000 years.

The persecutions and expulsions came out of Europe and Russia.

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