Gaza Is a Concentration Camp with ongoing crimes against humanity...

This must end for there to ever be even a chance at peace! It is up to each of us to spread this information far and wide.

One Israeli official promised a holocaust in Gaza; it is impossible to keep pace with the death toll.

Gaza is an immense concentration camp -- 1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles hemmed in on all sides by 25-foot-high walls separated by a vast expanse of bulldozed earth. The 2005 "pull-out" left Gaza still controlled by Israel from air and sea, its entries and exits prisonlike mazes electronically controlled and under constant surveillance. Bombing it, assaulting it with tanks and Uzis, is like shooting animals in a pen. The claptrap about "pinpoint" accuracy and "avoiding civilians" is a lie so flagrant, so transparent, that any child -- certainly any Gaza child -- could grasp it....

From a great activist/artist....

If the Muslim terrorists weren't based in Gaza, such high walls wouldn't be needed.
How sick are you? Is that what I said? I said to relocate them. Here it is again...


eth·nic cleans·ing
ˈeTHnik klenziNG/
  1. the mass expulsion or killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in a society.
Yes, the Aryan Europeans have done this for decades to the native Semitic people of that land.

Demonstrably not true. But since you are calling for the mass expulsion of people according to their racial profile, you can't very well complain about it. If its a bad thing to do then you shouldn't be advocating for it. Duh.
Look, if they tried this crap anywhere else, say Texas, they would be expelled. They are cowards and bullies who chose this on a population with no military.

That simple, duh.

Aryan Europeans have no place in the Holy land and they have proved this for decades.
Aryan Europeans have no place in the Holy land and they have proved this for decades.

How do you propose to distinguish who is and who is not an "Aryan European"? Are we just holding up a white piece of paper to the skin? Or did you have something else in mind?
How sick are you? Is that what I said? I said to relocate them. Here it is again...


eth·nic cleans·ing
ˈeTHnik klenziNG/
  1. the mass expulsion or killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in a society.
Yes, the Aryan Europeans have done this for decades to the native Semitic people of that land.

Demonstrably not true. But since you are calling for the mass expulsion of people according to their racial profile, you can't very well complain about it. If its a bad thing to do then you shouldn't be advocating for it. Duh.
Look, if they tried this crap anywhere else, say Texas, they would be expelled. They are cowards and bullies who chose this on a population with no military.

That simple, duh.

Aryan Europeans have no place in the Holy land and they have proved this for decades.

Aryan Europeans have no place in the Holy land and they have proved this for decades.

Muslims have no place in the Holy land and they have proved this for centuries.

From the OP...

Gaza is an immense concentration camp -- 1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles hemmed in on all sides by 25-foot-high walls separated by a vast expanse of bulldozed earth. The 2005 "pull-out" left Gaza still controlled by Israel from air and sea, its entries and exits prisonlike mazes electronically controlled and under constant surveillance. Bombing it, assaulting it with tanks and Uzis, is like shooting animals in a pen. The claptrap about "pinpoint" accuracy and "avoiding civilians" is a lie so flagrant, so transparent, that any child -- certainly any Gaza child -- could grasp it....

From the OP...

Gaza is an immense concentration camp -- 1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles hemmed in on all sides by 25-foot-high walls separated by a vast expanse of bulldozed earth. The 2005 "pull-out" left Gaza still controlled by Israel from air and sea, its entries and exits prisonlike mazes electronically controlled and under constant surveillance. Bombing it, assaulting it with tanks and Uzis, is like shooting animals in a pen. The claptrap about "pinpoint" accuracy and "avoiding civilians" is a lie so flagrant, so transparent, that any child -- certainly any Gaza child -- could grasp it....

And the terrorists still manage to smuggle in bomb and rocket making supplies to commit their war crimes.

From the OP...

Gaza is an immense concentration camp -- 1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles hemmed in on all sides by 25-foot-high walls separated by a vast expanse of bulldozed earth. The 2005 "pull-out" left Gaza still controlled by Israel from air and sea, its entries and exits prisonlike mazes electronically controlled and under constant surveillance. Bombing it, assaulting it with tanks and Uzis, is like shooting animals in a pen. The claptrap about "pinpoint" accuracy and "avoiding civilians" is a lie so flagrant, so transparent, that any child -- certainly any Gaza child -- could grasp it....

And the terrorists still manage to smuggle in bomb and rocket making supplies to commit their war crimes.
Assuming that is true and it is not the Mossad smuggling weapons in for false flag terrorism, then that is the best reason for the Aryan Europeans to get the hell out of there.

They are not wanted.


From the OP...

Gaza is an immense concentration camp -- 1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles hemmed in on all sides by 25-foot-high walls separated by a vast expanse of bulldozed earth. The 2005 "pull-out" left Gaza still controlled by Israel from air and sea, its entries and exits prisonlike mazes electronically controlled and under constant surveillance. Bombing it, assaulting it with tanks and Uzis, is like shooting animals in a pen. The claptrap about "pinpoint" accuracy and "avoiding civilians" is a lie so flagrant, so transparent, that any child -- certainly any Gaza child -- could grasp it....

And the terrorists still manage to smuggle in bomb and rocket making supplies to commit their war crimes.
Assuming that is true and it is not the Mossad smuggling weapons in for false flag terrorism, then that is the best reason for the Aryan Europeans to get the hell out of there.

They are not wanted.


Assuming that is true and it is not the Mossad smuggling weapons in for false flag terrorism

Poor Muzzies, never hurt a's just the Jews trying to make them look bad. DERP!

They are not wanted.

First, let's get all the Muzzies out of all the 1st World countries, they aren't wanted there.
With all the time you spend hating Muslims, have you ever considered...

With all the time you spend hating Muslims, have you ever considered...


Cutting and pasting phony data seems pretty typical for you.

10% of US doctors are Moslem?

Ummm, no.

Religious Characteristics of U.S. Physicians: A National Survey
Lmao, you actually had to research that?

OMG, it was a joke, your research as expected sucks.

From the OP now...

...But since Dec. 27, Israel has bombed Gaza's government buildings, universities, mosques, schools, medical clinics. It is impossible to keep pace with the death and injury toll, which rises as I write: on Jan. 13, the Israeli human rights organization B'tselem reported 900 Palestinians killed, with more than 4,200 injured. The Israeli toll: three civilians and seven soldiers killed, more than 82 civilians and 61 soldiers injured. As for Israeli civilians killed by rockets, the Israel Project lists 25 dead during the past seven years....

With all the time you spend hating Muslims, have you ever considered...


Cutting and pasting phony data seems pretty typical for you.

10% of US doctors are Moslem?

Ummm, no.

Religious Characteristics of U.S. Physicians: A National Survey
Lmao, you actually had to research that?

OMG, it was a joke, your research as expected sucks.

From the OP now...

...But since Dec. 27, Israel has bombed Gaza's government buildings, universities, mosques, schools, medical clinics. It is impossible to keep pace with the death and injury toll, which rises as I write: on Jan. 13, the Israeli human rights organization B'tselem reported 900 Palestinians killed, with more than 4,200 injured. The Israeli toll: three civilians and seven soldiers killed, more than 82 civilians and 61 soldiers injured. As for Israeli civilians killed by rockets, the Israel Project lists 25 dead during the past seven years....


I thought so. Your frantic cutting and pasting is just so much propaganda.
With all the time you spend hating Muslims, have you ever considered...


Cutting and pasting phony data seems pretty typical for you.

10% of US doctors are Moslem?

Ummm, no.

Religious Characteristics of U.S. Physicians: A National Survey
Lmao, you actually had to research that?

OMG, it was a joke, your research as expected sucks.

From the OP now...

...But since Dec. 27, Israel has bombed Gaza's government buildings, universities, mosques, schools, medical clinics. It is impossible to keep pace with the death and injury toll, which rises as I write: on Jan. 13, the Israeli human rights organization B'tselem reported 900 Palestinians killed, with more than 4,200 injured. The Israeli toll: three civilians and seven soldiers killed, more than 82 civilians and 61 soldiers injured. As for Israeli civilians killed by rockets, the Israel Project lists 25 dead during the past seven years....


Arab cowards should stop hiding behind women and children.
...Israel has bombed Gaza's government buildings, universities, mosques, schools, medical clinics. It is impossible to keep pace with the death and injury toll, which rises as I write: on Jan. 13, the Israeli human rights organization B'tselem reported 900 Palestinians killed, with more than 4,200 injured. The Israeli toll: three civilians and seven soldiers killed, more than 82 civilians and 61 soldiers injured. As for Israeli civilians killed by rockets, the Israel Project lists 25 dead during the past seven years....


Arab cowards should stop hiding behind women and children.
Really? You never read the OP because you thought you understood this topic, right?

From post 1 on this thread lol:

One Israeli official promised a holocaust in Gaza; it is impossible to keep pace with the death toll.

Gaza is an immense concentration camp -- 1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles hemmed in on all sides by 25-foot-high walls separated by a vast expanse of bulldozed earth. The 2005 "pull-out" left Gaza still controlled by Israel from air and sea, its entries and exits prisonlike mazes electronically controlled and under constant surveillance. Bombing it, assaulting it with tanks and Uzis, is like shooting animals in a pen. The claptrap about "pinpoint" accuracy and "avoiding civilians" is a lie so flagrant, so transparent, that any child -- certainly any Gaza child -- could grasp it....

1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles hemmed in on all sides by 25-foot-high walls - tell me about cowards hiding behind women and children again.

Or are the cowards those who bomb the men, women and children who they keep imprisoned in the largest concentration camp ever in the history of our world?

Hell, Hitler never even did that shit.
...Israel has bombed Gaza's government buildings, universities, mosques, schools, medical clinics. It is impossible to keep pace with the death and injury toll, which rises as I write: on Jan. 13, the Israeli human rights organization B'tselem reported 900 Palestinians killed, with more than 4,200 injured. The Israeli toll: three civilians and seven soldiers killed, more than 82 civilians and 61 soldiers injured. As for Israeli civilians killed by rockets, the Israel Project lists 25 dead during the past seven years....


Arab cowards should stop hiding behind women and children.
Really? You never read the OP because you thought you understood this topic, right?

From post 1 on this thread lol:

One Israeli official promised a holocaust in Gaza; it is impossible to keep pace with the death toll.

Gaza is an immense concentration camp -- 1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles hemmed in on all sides by 25-foot-high walls separated by a vast expanse of bulldozed earth. The 2005 "pull-out" left Gaza still controlled by Israel from air and sea, its entries and exits prisonlike mazes electronically controlled and under constant surveillance. Bombing it, assaulting it with tanks and Uzis, is like shooting animals in a pen. The claptrap about "pinpoint" accuracy and "avoiding civilians" is a lie so flagrant, so transparent, that any child -- certainly any Gaza child -- could grasp it....

1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles hemmed in on all sides by 25-foot-high walls - tell me about cowards hiding behind women and children again.

Or are the cowards those who bomb the men, women and children who they keep imprisoned in the largest concentration camp ever in the history of our world?

Hell, Hitler never even did that shit.

Bombing it, assaulting it with tanks and Uzis, is like shooting animals in a pen. The claptrap about "pinpoint" accuracy and "avoiding civilians" is a lie so flagrant, so transparent, that any child -- certainly any Gaza child -- could grasp it....

I read that BS. I guess that makes it okay for the Arab cowards to hide behind women and children?

it is impossible to keep pace with the death toll.

the Israeli human rights organization B'tselem reported 900 Palestinians killed

Doesn't appear to be impossible.

Gilbert and other experts think Israel is also using a new weapon called dense inert metal explosive. It was developed by the United States to create lethal, powerful blasts within small areas. DIME inflicts wounds never before seen by surgeons in Gaza. According to Gilbert, conventional shrapnel damages limbs and other body parts as if they'd been cut by a huge knife. DIME, on the other hand, leaves "no signs of shrapnel," but rather "small pieces of some kind of substance" (DIME is made of nickel and cobalt). It crushes "the whole limb," not just part, with "multiple severe fractures, muscles split from bones." Some classify DIME weapons as nuclear because they are based on a fusion process. (Democracy Now, Jan. 14.)

Wow! Fusion. Your propaganda is moronic, even for Pallywood.
...Israel has bombed Gaza's government buildings, universities, mosques, schools, medical clinics. It is impossible to keep pace with the death and injury toll, which rises as I write: on Jan. 13, the Israeli human rights organization B'tselem reported 900 Palestinians killed, with more than 4,200 injured. The Israeli toll: three civilians and seven soldiers killed, more than 82 civilians and 61 soldiers injured. As for Israeli civilians killed by rockets, the Israel Project lists 25 dead during the past seven years....


Arab cowards should stop hiding behind women and children.
Really? You never read the OP because you thought you understood this topic, right?

From post 1 on this thread lol:

One Israeli official promised a holocaust in Gaza; it is impossible to keep pace with the death toll.

Gaza is an immense concentration camp -- 1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles hemmed in on all sides by 25-foot-high walls separated by a vast expanse of bulldozed earth. The 2005 "pull-out" left Gaza still controlled by Israel from air and sea, its entries and exits prisonlike mazes electronically controlled and under constant surveillance. Bombing it, assaulting it with tanks and Uzis, is like shooting animals in a pen. The claptrap about "pinpoint" accuracy and "avoiding civilians" is a lie so flagrant, so transparent, that any child -- certainly any Gaza child -- could grasp it....

1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles hemmed in on all sides by 25-foot-high walls - tell me about cowards hiding behind women and children again.

Or are the cowards those who bomb the men, women and children who they keep imprisoned in the largest concentration camp ever in the history of our world?

Hell, Hitler never even did that shit.

Bombing it, assaulting it with tanks and Uzis, is like shooting animals in a pen. The claptrap about "pinpoint" accuracy and "avoiding civilians" is a lie so flagrant, so transparent, that any child -- certainly any Gaza child -- could grasp it....

I read that BS. I guess that makes it okay for the Arab cowards to hide behind women and children?

it is impossible to keep pace with the death toll.

the Israeli human rights organization B'tselem reported 900 Palestinians killed

Doesn't appear to be impossible.

Gilbert and other experts think Israel is also using a new weapon called dense inert metal explosive. It was developed by the United States to create lethal, powerful blasts within small areas. DIME inflicts wounds never before seen by surgeons in Gaza. According to Gilbert, conventional shrapnel damages limbs and other body parts as if they'd been cut by a huge knife. DIME, on the other hand, leaves "no signs of shrapnel," but rather "small pieces of some kind of substance" (DIME is made of nickel and cobalt). It crushes "the whole limb," not just part, with "multiple severe fractures, muscles split from bones." Some classify DIME weapons as nuclear because they are based on a fusion process. (Democracy Now, Jan. 14.)

Wow! Fusion. Your propaganda is moronic, even for Pallywood.
1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles hemmed in on all sides by 25-foot-high walls. Cowards hiding behind women and children?

Or are the cowards those who bomb the men, women and children who they keep imprisoned in the largest concentration camp ever in the history of our world?

Did Hitler ever do that shit?

And as far as your moronic comment one DIME weapons:

The Secret of the Three Bullets
...Israel has bombed Gaza's government buildings, universities, mosques, schools, medical clinics. It is impossible to keep pace with the death and injury toll, which rises as I write: on Jan. 13, the Israeli human rights organization B'tselem reported 900 Palestinians killed, with more than 4,200 injured. The Israeli toll: three civilians and seven soldiers killed, more than 82 civilians and 61 soldiers injured. As for Israeli civilians killed by rockets, the Israel Project lists 25 dead during the past seven years....


Arab cowards should stop hiding behind women and children.
Really? You never read the OP because you thought you understood this topic, right?

From post 1 on this thread lol:

One Israeli official promised a holocaust in Gaza; it is impossible to keep pace with the death toll.

Gaza is an immense concentration camp -- 1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles hemmed in on all sides by 25-foot-high walls separated by a vast expanse of bulldozed earth. The 2005 "pull-out" left Gaza still controlled by Israel from air and sea, its entries and exits prisonlike mazes electronically controlled and under constant surveillance. Bombing it, assaulting it with tanks and Uzis, is like shooting animals in a pen. The claptrap about "pinpoint" accuracy and "avoiding civilians" is a lie so flagrant, so transparent, that any child -- certainly any Gaza child -- could grasp it....

1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles hemmed in on all sides by 25-foot-high walls - tell me about cowards hiding behind women and children again.

Or are the cowards those who bomb the men, women and children who they keep imprisoned in the largest concentration camp ever in the history of our world?

Hell, Hitler never even did that shit.

Bombing it, assaulting it with tanks and Uzis, is like shooting animals in a pen. The claptrap about "pinpoint" accuracy and "avoiding civilians" is a lie so flagrant, so transparent, that any child -- certainly any Gaza child -- could grasp it....

I read that BS. I guess that makes it okay for the Arab cowards to hide behind women and children?

it is impossible to keep pace with the death toll.

the Israeli human rights organization B'tselem reported 900 Palestinians killed

Doesn't appear to be impossible.

Gilbert and other experts think Israel is also using a new weapon called dense inert metal explosive. It was developed by the United States to create lethal, powerful blasts within small areas. DIME inflicts wounds never before seen by surgeons in Gaza. According to Gilbert, conventional shrapnel damages limbs and other body parts as if they'd been cut by a huge knife. DIME, on the other hand, leaves "no signs of shrapnel," but rather "small pieces of some kind of substance" (DIME is made of nickel and cobalt). It crushes "the whole limb," not just part, with "multiple severe fractures, muscles split from bones." Some classify DIME weapons as nuclear because they are based on a fusion process. (Democracy Now, Jan. 14.)

Wow! Fusion. Your propaganda is moronic, even for Pallywood.
1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles hemmed in on all sides by 25-foot-high walls. Cowards hiding behind women and children?

Or are the cowards those who bomb the men, women and children who they keep imprisoned in the largest concentration camp ever in the history of our world?

Did Hitler ever do that shit?

And as far as your moronic comment one DIME weapons:

The Secret of the Three Bullets

More strident melodrama.
...Israel has bombed Gaza's government buildings, universities, mosques, schools, medical clinics. It is impossible to keep pace with the death and injury toll, which rises as I write: on Jan. 13, the Israeli human rights organization B'tselem reported 900 Palestinians killed, with more than 4,200 injured. The Israeli toll: three civilians and seven soldiers killed, more than 82 civilians and 61 soldiers injured. As for Israeli civilians killed by rockets, the Israel Project lists 25 dead during the past seven years....


Arab cowards should stop hiding behind women and children.
Really? You never read the OP because you thought you understood this topic, right?

From post 1 on this thread lol:

One Israeli official promised a holocaust in Gaza; it is impossible to keep pace with the death toll.

Gaza is an immense concentration camp -- 1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles hemmed in on all sides by 25-foot-high walls separated by a vast expanse of bulldozed earth. The 2005 "pull-out" left Gaza still controlled by Israel from air and sea, its entries and exits prisonlike mazes electronically controlled and under constant surveillance. Bombing it, assaulting it with tanks and Uzis, is like shooting animals in a pen. The claptrap about "pinpoint" accuracy and "avoiding civilians" is a lie so flagrant, so transparent, that any child -- certainly any Gaza child -- could grasp it....

1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles hemmed in on all sides by 25-foot-high walls - tell me about cowards hiding behind women and children again.

Or are the cowards those who bomb the men, women and children who they keep imprisoned in the largest concentration camp ever in the history of our world?

Hell, Hitler never even did that shit.

Bombing it, assaulting it with tanks and Uzis, is like shooting animals in a pen. The claptrap about "pinpoint" accuracy and "avoiding civilians" is a lie so flagrant, so transparent, that any child -- certainly any Gaza child -- could grasp it....

I read that BS. I guess that makes it okay for the Arab cowards to hide behind women and children?

it is impossible to keep pace with the death toll.

the Israeli human rights organization B'tselem reported 900 Palestinians killed

Doesn't appear to be impossible.

Gilbert and other experts think Israel is also using a new weapon called dense inert metal explosive. It was developed by the United States to create lethal, powerful blasts within small areas. DIME inflicts wounds never before seen by surgeons in Gaza. According to Gilbert, conventional shrapnel damages limbs and other body parts as if they'd been cut by a huge knife. DIME, on the other hand, leaves "no signs of shrapnel," but rather "small pieces of some kind of substance" (DIME is made of nickel and cobalt). It crushes "the whole limb," not just part, with "multiple severe fractures, muscles split from bones." Some classify DIME weapons as nuclear because they are based on a fusion process. (Democracy Now, Jan. 14.)

Wow! Fusion. Your propaganda is moronic, even for Pallywood.
1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles hemmed in on all sides by 25-foot-high walls. Cowards hiding behind women and children?

Or are the cowards those who bomb the men, women and children who they keep imprisoned in the largest concentration camp ever in the history of our world?

Did Hitler ever do that shit?

And as far as your moronic comment one DIME weapons:

The Secret of the Three Bullets

1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles

Squeezed? LOL!
That's less density than Chicago.

Cowards hiding behind women and children?

Yes. Hamas stores weapons in schools, mosques and hospitals.
They fire rockets from schools, next to crowded hotels, from civilian centers. Cowards.

DIME weapons:

Thanks for the link which describes chemical, not fusion reactions. DERP!
1.5 million people squeezed into 140 square miles

Squeezed? LOL!
That's less density than Chicago.
And Chicago has a 25 foot wall surrounding it? I didn't know that. And they get bombed regularly by those who reside on their former land? Interesting, tell me more.

Cowards hiding behind women and children?
Yes. Hamas stores weapons in schools, mosques and hospitals.
They fire rockets from schools, next to crowded hotels, from civilian centers. Cowards.
Lies. That is just what Israel claims to legitimize the genocide to those dumb enough to believe it.

DIME weapons:

Thanks for the link which describes chemical, not fusion reactions. DERP!

Try again...


About the Author
...Emilio Del Giudice is a retired senior scientist at the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics and formerly worked at the Theoretical Physics Center at MIT and the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen. He was the recipient of the Prigogine Award in 2009.

The Secret of the Three Bullets: How New Nuclear Weapons Are Back on Battlefields: Maurizo Torrealta, Emilio Del Giudice: 9781937584269: Books

Aren't the cowards the one who use these weapons on the people who they have imprisoned?

Try being honest.

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