GE/NBC Wingnut Rachel Maddcow Caught Lying Again...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Maddow Corrects Bogus Claim, Parrots Another.

MSNBC resident Victorian gent Rachel Maddow must have felt so dutiful for correcting an inaccurate statement by one of her guests.

Which made it all the more amusing that Maddow during the same show perpetuated a hoary media myth created two decades ago. (video after page break)

On Maddow's show Thursday night, news editor Steve Kornacki described a photo making the rounds of Mitt Romney on an airport tarmac allegedly getting a shoeshine --

KORNACKI: ... for instance, there's a picture making the rounds today, you know, the shoeshine on the tarmac. I don't know if you saw this one. (Maddow shakes her head) He was, I don't know where this came from but he's sitting in front of an airplane and I think it might be a corporate jet and he's wearing his suit and he's getting a shoeshine and he's got a big smile on his face.

MADDOW: He's not shining his own shoes, somebody else is ....

KORNACKI: No, he is getting a shoeshine!


KORNACKI: And we put this on, we put this on Salon earlier today, I'm not sure we're it originated (The Onion, Photoshop Funnies, wherever ...) but, you know, look, it never looks good for a politician to be getting a shoeshine, you know, on a tarmac, but it looks terrible when it's Mitt Romney and this is your image and this is your background. And it looks even worse when it's the year 2012 and the economy's in such a bad place and the Democrats are going to be going after your party for being the one that sort of favors the people that get shoeshines on tarmacs!

[ame=]Maddow on Kornacki gaffe: shoeshine, security check, whatever - YouTube[/ame]

Read more: Maddow Corrects Bogus Claim, Parrots Another |
She is a cheap Date. :lol:

I wonder if she ever wondered why part of the reason to stores went to scanners was so they couldn't get busted for price changing items previously stocked on shelves. I don't think Sherlock has to worry much about this competition. :D
Here's another Maddcow classic...

[ame=]MSNBC's Rachel Maddow's #Fail on Gary Johnson endorsing Ron Paul - YouTube[/ame]
The Libs will be along shortly to tell us how attractive and intelligent she is. Maybe that carper muncher Bodikea will drop in and hell us how "Hawt" she is...

The Libs will be along shortly to tell us how attractive and intelligent she is. Maybe that carper muncher Bodikea will drop in and hell us how "Hawt" she is...


That Maddcow dude is either Ravi,Jillian,or Candycorn in drag. Their secret is out. :lol:
The Libs will be along shortly to tell us how attractive and intelligent she is. Maybe that carper muncher Bodikea will drop in and hell us how "Hawt" she is...


well, i'm pretty sure the insane o/p isn't a rhodes scholar.

as for attractive... i'm not sure how that makes her credible or not credible...
The Libs will be along shortly to tell us how attractive and intelligent she is. Maybe that carper muncher Bodikea will drop in and hell us how "Hawt" she is...


well, i'm pretty sure the insane o/p isn't a rhodes scholar.

as for attractive... i'm not sure how that makes her credible or not credible...

Is that you Maddcow? :)
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I think it should be a rule that anyone degrading people's looks should be forced to post a picture of themselves for comparison. Be a man about shit, pussy.
I think it should be a rule that anyone degrading people's looks should be forced to post a picture of themselves for comparison. Be a man about shit, pussy.

Don't think, asswipe. You'll hurt yourself.

And speaking of manning up, have you enlisted yet, pussy?
Why do rightwingnuts love pretending women who are leftleaning are gay?

just because we think you're a loser doesn't mean we're gay.

it's you... it really is. :D

but whatever makes you feel better about having no genitalia.

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