Gen Mattis commits TREASON

If Hillary was paid off to approve the sale,

That's what I call a deal of a lifetime. 146 million dollars for nothing. Since no uranium was exported, what an artful deal that woman made.

Do you really trust a deal made between Hillary and Russia, or trust that a Canadian mining company wouldn't sell Uranium to Russia?

Hillary simply didn't have the power to make any kind of deal with Russia. The article from the Times you posted explained all that. If they were paying her for influence, it wasn't for the mining rights in the US.

Canada has a large supply of uranium ore, But so does Russia.

But then at the time Russia had been sending us enriched uranium so.

Of course it all a lie. A complete false narrative based on a kernel of truth.
Seriously if anyone really cares about issues of US security, they need to get the uranium shit outta their head. LOL
If Hillary was paid off to approve the sale,

That's what I call a deal of a lifetime. 146 million dollars for nothing. Since no uranium was exported, what an artful deal that woman made.

Do you really trust a deal made between Hillary and Russia, or trust that a Canadian mining company wouldn't sell Uranium to Russia?

Hillary simply didn't have the power to make any kind of deal with Russia. The article from the Times you posted explained all that. If they were paying her for influence, it wasn't for the mining rights in the US.

Canada has a large supply of uranium ore, But so does Russia.

But then at the time Russia had been sending us enriched uranium so.

Of course it all a lie. A complete false narrative based on a kernel of truth.
If she was really as good as fake Ayn Rand says, she'd be pres. LOL
Do you realize how foolish you sound? Lol
In no way has Trump declared his tweets the same as official policy. Just those dumb enough to think people would fall for it.
The Glorious Orange Donald's Tweets are commands from on High.
clueless in a message board.
Trump thinks he can tweet orders to the military, the DOJ, to the government. DOD was the first to clearly draw a line, saying they don't accept orders by tweet.
1) It doesn't have to leave the US to Russia, as it went through Canada. Do you really trust a deal made between Hillary and Russia, or trust that a Canadian mining company wouldn't sell Uranium to Russia? They're as much of a socialist as Hillary is.

You don't trust canada to follow the law? Do you trust Canada to follow the sanctions against Russia? Or against Iran, or against Syria, or against North Korea?
1) It doesn't have to leave the US to Russia, as it went through Canada. Do you really trust a deal made between Hillary and Russia, or trust that a Canadian mining company wouldn't sell Uranium to Russia? They're as much of a socialist as Hillary is.

You don't trust canada to follow the law? Do you trust Canada to follow the sanctions against Russia? Or against Iran, or against Syria, or against North Korea?
why does canada need to follow our laws? are you high?
The Glorious Orange Donald's Tweets are commands from on High.
clueless in a message board.
Trump thinks he can tweet orders to the military, the DOJ, to the government. DOD was the first to clearly draw a line, saying they don't accept orders by tweet.
thanks for the vision of what a brainless twit looks like
swallow some more Trump piss
and there you go, clueless in a message board. nice work. you must be one of them there edumecated dudes?
Military mind set is "I will continue to follow original orders until told otherwise" tweets are not an official order. Once the President puts it on paper Gen Mathis and every one under him will execute the command, thats how it works. The military is not a Democracy and The President is the Commander-in-Chief
Military mind set is "I will continue to follow original orders until told otherwise" tweets are not an official order. Once the President puts it on paper Gen Mathis and every one under him will execute the command, thats how it works. The military is not a Democracy and The President is the Commander-in-Chief

The DOD had to draw a line in the sand. They won't launch a nuclear (or non-nuclear) strike against another country, based on a tweet.
Lord Trump doesn't rule by decree, dumbass. The law is still the law. If he wants this new policy he must do as every other POTUS has had to do: write it into a legal, proper order.

But he won't do that. This was just another shiny object to distract the media from #TrumpRussia.

As a businessman Trump could just tweet what he wanted, or tell somebody 'you're fired' Trump doesn't understand how government works.
Nope- 'crime family foundation' is not a fact- just right wingnut hyperbole.

And the fact is that her Department was one of what- 9 departments that signed off on the sale- and there is no record of Clinton's direct involvement at all.

Where are the payoffs to the other 9 department heads?

Or wait- payoffs to their charitable foundations that they don't receive the money for?

If what you claim were true they wouldn't have shut down that part of the foundation. it was purely pay to play, and when she lost, they stopped payin'! A more obvious piece of evidence would be hard to discover!

LOL- ah what passes for 'evidence' in the minds of the Clinton haters.

Of course if that was 'evidence' then of course all of the foreign governments booking events at the Trump Hotel in D.C. would be 'clear evidence' of their collusion with Trump.

If you donate to help the poor and the downtrodden why would you stop donating just because she lost the election? Hmmm? Think for a moment here sweetcheeks....I know it's hard for you but try. Just a little bit.

If you suddenly change your convention booking from one hotel- to one owned by the President- after the President is elected. Think for a moment here sweetcheeks...I know its hard for you but try...just a little bit.

LOL- you Clinton haters.

Calling crap 'evidence' for the last 20 years.

A charitable organization AIN'T a fucking hotel dipshit! It is there to help PEOPLE, not provide a resting spot for your head!

Exactly- thanks for proving my point.

Donations to a charitable organization goes to the beneficiaries of the organization. Hillary Clinton did not benefit financially from those donations.

Foreign governments booking their events at the Trump Hotel is money that will directly financially benefit Donald Trump.

To you the money not going to benefit Hillary Clinton is 'proof' of some unspecified crime....but of course the money from foreign governments going directly to benefit Donald Trump and his family- well that is just attempt to influence anything.....

The Glorious Orange Donald's Tweets are commands from on High.
clueless in a message board.
Trump thinks he can tweet orders to the military, the DOJ, to the government. DOD was the first to clearly draw a line, saying they don't accept orders by tweet.
thanks for the vision of what a brainless twit looks like

this is a vision of a brainless twit
The parroted hoax is the Russians never bought up all of our uranium deposits. Does it matter that most of that money was given long before she became SoS?

Not a hoax. Russia having controlling interest in a Canadian uranium mining company which mines in the US, is no laughing matter.

And she did receive millions of dollars from the Russians.
NO, she didn't!

Fact-checking Trump’s tweets about Clinton and Russia
We counted six things Trump said that are inaccurate, exaggerated or taken out of context. Let’s break down his claims.

"The Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia"

Trump significantly distorts the uranium deal in question by calling it "the Bill and Hillary deal."

In 2010, Hillary Clinton, as secretary of state, was one of nine federal agency heads to sign off on Russia’s purchase of a controlling stake in Uranium One, an international mining company headquartered in Canada with operations in several U.S. states. It was part of a regular process for approving international deals involving strategic assets, such as uranium, that could have implications for national security. Uranium One’s U.S. mines produced about 11 percent of the country’s total uranium production in 2014, according to

But even with its control of Uranium One, Russia cannot export the material from the United States. Russia was likely more interested in Uranium One’s assets in Kazakhstan, the world’s largest uranium producer.

As PolitiFact and others have detailed, some investors with an interest in making the Uranium One deal go through have a long-time relationship with Bill Clinton and have donated to the Clinton Foundation. But there’s no concrete evidence those relationships or donations helped make the deal go through. Most of the donations occurred before Hillary Clinton could have known she would become secretary of state. And again, the secretary of state was one of nine agency heads that had input into the final decision, which ultimately lay with President Barack Obama.

"Russian speech money to Bill"

In 2010, Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank, paid Bill Clinton $500,000 to deliver a speech, according to Hillary Clinton’s 2010 financial disclosure form.

Some critics of the Clintons have suggested this speaking fee might have been an attempt by Renaissance Capital to curry favor with the State Department, which was involved in the Uranium One deal at the time.

But it’s important to keep in mind that Bill Clinton regularly delivers speeches for fees of $500,000 or higher — such as a $750,000 speech in Hong Kong in 2011, paid for by a Swedish communications company, and a $600,000 speech in the Netherlands, also in 2011, paid for by a Dutch finance corporation.

Also, Renaissance Capital regularly invites world leaders to speak at its events, like former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell.

You seriously expect me to believe Politifact? I'd believe the Russian Times before I'd buy that.t.

Of course you would believe the Russian Times before you would believe any American.

Are you really an "American"? Because your political leanings sure are foreign to everything I believe in. I look at as many sides to a story as I can. Unlike yourself, who blindly eats up the bullshit your leftist media is feeding you.

Of course my poliitcal leanings are foreign to you.

Because you believe the Russian Times- the Russian propaganda rag.

I believe in Americans.

That is the fundamental difference between us.

You believe whatever crap is fed to you by the Russian or Breitbart.
The parroted hoax is the Russians never bought up all of our uranium deposits. Does it matter that most of that money was given long before she became SoS?

Not a hoax. Russia having controlling interest in a Canadian uranium mining company which mines in the US, is no laughing matter.

And she did receive millions of dollars from the Russians.
The Clinton foundation received that money years before she was SecState.

Nor did the Russians "buy up all our uranium deposits", which is what dipshit claimed.

Not one gram of our uranium can be exported to Russia.

You parroting tards got your panties in a wad over a nothing burger.
You are full of shit. There is not a damn thing anyone can do to stop a company from exporting a product to its rightful owner. THE BITCH expedited the transfer from US Mining reserve AND RELEASED IT to RUSSIA> WELL KNOWN FACT so quit lying!!! And the money was transferred after, because the Clinton foundation had a much smaller collusion with Russia before the bitch became the sos. Lie some more, I like laughing at the ignorant jesters.
you are CLUELESS along with wrong on this...please stop peddling the right wing lies!

1) NONE of the Uranium mined can leave the USA...that was part of the deal/the sale.

2) Uranium 1 mines only produces 11% of our yearly production in the USA

the uranium mined by this company is for our use, in the USA only...(we are the number one buyer for uranium in the world)

1) It doesn't have to leave the US to Russia, as it went through Canada. Do you really trust a deal made between Hillary and Russia, or trust that a Canadian mining company wouldn't sell Uranium to Russia? They're as much of a socialist as Hillary is.

What deal between 'Hillary and Russia'?

Hillary- at most- may have been one of 9 persons who on a commission who forwarded their findings to the President for approval or veto

Among the ways these accusations stray from the facts is in attributing a power of veto or approval to Secretary Clinton that she simply did not have. Clinton was one of nine cabinet members and department heads that sit on the CFIUS, and the secretary of the treasury is its chairperson. CFIUS members are collectively charged with evaluating the transaction for potential national security issues, then turning their findings over to the president. By law, the committee can’t veto a transaction; only the president can. According to The New York Times, Clinton may not have even directly participated in the Uranium One decision. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, whose job it was to represent the State Dept. on CFIUS, said Clinton herself “never intervened” in committee matters.
The Glorious Orange Donald's Tweets are commands from on High.
clueless in a message board.
Trump thinks he can tweet orders to the military, the DOJ, to the government. DOD was the first to clearly draw a line, saying they don't accept orders by tweet.
thanks for the vision of what a brainless twit looks like

this is a vision of a brainless twit
I had my eyes on this as a brainless twit:

The Glorious Orange Donald's Tweets are commands from on High.
clueless in a message board.
Trump thinks he can tweet orders to the military, the DOJ, to the government. DOD was the first to clearly draw a line, saying they don't accept orders by tweet.
thanks for the vision of what a brainless twit looks like

this is a vision of a brainless twit
I had my eyes on this as a brainless twit:


This is the twit who keeps on tweeting.
clueless in a message board.
Trump thinks he can tweet orders to the military, the DOJ, to the government. DOD was the first to clearly draw a line, saying they don't accept orders by tweet.
thanks for the vision of what a brainless twit looks like

this is a vision of a brainless twit
I had my eyes on this as a brainless twit:


This is the twit who keeps on tweeting.
And he's twitting about how horrid it is to have people working for the DOD who consider themselves better oriented to the sex that they were born with. And the DOD doesn't really care.
Not a hoax. Russia having controlling interest in a Canadian uranium mining company which mines in the US, is no laughing matter.

And she did receive millions of dollars from the Russians.
The Clinton foundation received that money years before she was SecState.

Nor did the Russians "buy up all our uranium deposits", which is what dipshit claimed.

Not one gram of our uranium can be exported to Russia.

You parroting tards got your panties in a wad over a nothing burger.
You are full of shit. There is not a damn thing anyone can do to stop a company from exporting a product to its rightful owner. THE BITCH expedited the transfer from US Mining reserve AND RELEASED IT to RUSSIA> WELL KNOWN FACT so quit lying!!! And the money was transferred after, because the Clinton foundation had a much smaller collusion with Russia before the bitch became the sos. Lie some more, I like laughing at the ignorant jesters.
you are CLUELESS along with wrong on this...please stop peddling the right wing lies!

1) NONE of the Uranium mined can leave the USA...that was part of the deal/the sale.

2) Uranium 1 mines only produces 11% of our yearly production in the USA

the uranium mined by this company is for our use, in the USA only...(we are the number one buyer for uranium in the world)

1) It doesn't have to leave the US to Russia, as it went through Canada. Do you really trust a deal made between Hillary and Russia, or trust that a Canadian mining company wouldn't sell Uranium to Russia? They're as much of a socialist as Hillary is.

What deal between 'Hillary and Russia'?

Hillary- at most- may have been one of 9 persons who on a commission who forwarded their findings to the President for approval or veto....Then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, whose job it was to represent the State Dept. on CFIUS, said Clinton herself “never intervened” in committee matters.

Whether you think Hillary was involved in it or not, there's one glaring fact: The Clinton Foundation received very large donations from Russia, immediately following the Uranium One deal.

Does that not sound slightly suspicious to you? Tell me: How many millions of dollars has Donald Trump been given by Russia?

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