Gen Mattis commits TREASON

Excuse me, Hillary Clinton's Clinton Foundation didn't get 146 million dollars from the Russians. She got 145 million dollars from the Russians for the transfer of 20% of USA's uranium to Russia. I was off by a million dollars. Correction made here. By the way, it was Robert Mueller who delivered those enhanced uranium samples to Moscow,Russia for Hillary Clinton. Have a look at the documentation right here. Hope someone asks Mr. Mueller about this because as you can see in these official documents his name is on these documents as the person who delivered those enhanced uranium samples to Moscow, Russia for Mrs. Clinton.

that is a lie.... and has been debunked many times.

you really shouldn't bring false witness
The military has requested specifics on how to implement the policy..................and that's the real story. That's it. That's all.

then you didn't hear the part where he said they are going to continue to treat all their troops with respect and dignity;.

oh right... those words don't resonate for you.
No.........they don't....................they are waiting on implementation policy orders.
... you know like the shrilary allowing the roooooshins to buy up all of our uranium deposits.
Wow. When you tards buy into a hoax, you REALLY buy into a hoax! :lol:
Is the 146 million dollars the Russians gave the Clinton Foundation for that uranium gift a hoax too?

The parroted hoax is the Russians never bought up all of our uranium deposits. Does it matter that most of that money was given long before she became SoS?

Not a hoax. Russia having controlling interest in a Canadian uranium mining company which mines in the US, is no laughing matter.

And she did receive millions of dollars from the Russians.
NO, she didn't!

Fact-checking Trump’s tweets about Clinton and Russia
We counted six things Trump said that are inaccurate, exaggerated or taken out of context. Let’s break down his claims.

"The Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia"

Trump significantly distorts the uranium deal in question by calling it "the Bill and Hillary deal."

In 2010, Hillary Clinton, as secretary of state, was one of nine federal agency heads to sign off on Russia’s purchase of a controlling stake in Uranium One, an international mining company headquartered in Canada with operations in several U.S. states. It was part of a regular process for approving international deals involving strategic assets, such as uranium, that could have implications for national security. Uranium One’s U.S. mines produced about 11 percent of the country’s total uranium production in 2014, according to

But even with its control of Uranium One, Russia cannot export the material from the United States. Russia was likely more interested in Uranium One’s assets in Kazakhstan, the world’s largest uranium producer.

As PolitiFact and others have detailed, some investors with an interest in making the Uranium One deal go through have a long-time relationship with Bill Clinton and have donated to the Clinton Foundation. But there’s no concrete evidence those relationships or donations helped make the deal go through. Most of the donations occurred before Hillary Clinton could have known she would become secretary of state. And again, the secretary of state was one of nine agency heads that had input into the final decision, which ultimately lay with President Barack Obama.

"Russian speech money to Bill"

In 2010, Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank, paid Bill Clinton $500,000 to deliver a speech, according to Hillary Clinton’s 2010 financial disclosure form.

Some critics of the Clintons have suggested this speaking fee might have been an attempt by Renaissance Capital to curry favor with the State Department, which was involved in the Uranium One deal at the time.

But it’s important to keep in mind that Bill Clinton regularly delivers speeches for fees of $500,000 or higher — such as a $750,000 speech in Hong Kong in 2011, paid for by a Swedish communications company, and a $600,000 speech in the Netherlands, also in 2011, paid for by a Dutch finance corporation.

Also, Renaissance Capital regularly invites world leaders to speak at its events, like former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell.
Excuse me, Hillary Clinton's Clinton Foundation didn't get 146 million dollars from the Russians. She got 145 million dollars from the Russians for the transfer of 20% of USA's uranium to Russia. I was off by a million dollars. Correction made here. By the way, it was Robert Mueller who delivered those enhanced uranium samples to Moscow,Russia for Hillary Clinton. Have a look at the documentation right here. Hope someone asks Mr. Mueller about this because as you can see in these official documents his name is on these documents as the person who delivered those enhanced uranium samples to Moscow, Russia for Mrs. Clinton.

that is a lie.... and has been debunked many times.

you really shouldn't bring false witness

Do you always condemn the evidence without examining it? You need to watch both of those videos. You're in for a rude awakening.
... you know like the shrilary allowing the roooooshins to buy up all of our uranium deposits.
Wow. When you tards buy into a hoax, you REALLY buy into a hoax! :lol:
Is the 146 million dollars the Russians gave the Clinton Foundation for that uranium gift a hoax too?

The parroted hoax is the Russians never bought up all of our uranium deposits. Does it matter that most of that money was given long before she became SoS?

Not a hoax. Russia having controlling interest in a Canadian uranium mining company which mines in the US, is no laughing matter.

And she did receive millions of dollars from the Russians.
NO, she didn't!

Fact-checking Trump’s tweets about Clinton and Russia
We counted six things Trump said that are inaccurate, exaggerated or taken out of context. Let’s break down his claims.

"The Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia"

Trump significantly distorts the uranium deal in question by calling it "the Bill and Hillary deal."

In 2010, Hillary Clinton, as secretary of state, was one of nine federal agency heads to sign off on Russia’s purchase of a controlling stake in Uranium One, an international mining company headquartered in Canada with operations in several U.S. states. It was part of a regular process for approving international deals involving strategic assets, such as uranium, that could have implications for national security. Uranium One’s U.S. mines produced about 11 percent of the country’s total uranium production in 2014, according to

But even with its control of Uranium One, Russia cannot export the material from the United States. Russia was likely more interested in Uranium One’s assets in Kazakhstan, the world’s largest uranium producer.

As PolitiFact and others have detailed, some investors with an interest in making the Uranium One deal go through have a long-time relationship with Bill Clinton and have donated to the Clinton Foundation. But there’s no concrete evidence those relationships or donations helped make the deal go through. Most of the donations occurred before Hillary Clinton could have known she would become secretary of state. And again, the secretary of state was one of nine agency heads that had input into the final decision, which ultimately lay with President Barack Obama.

"Russian speech money to Bill"

In 2010, Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank, paid Bill Clinton $500,000 to deliver a speech, according to Hillary Clinton’s 2010 financial disclosure form.

Some critics of the Clintons have suggested this speaking fee might have been an attempt by Renaissance Capital to curry favor with the State Department, which was involved in the Uranium One deal at the time.

But it’s important to keep in mind that Bill Clinton regularly delivers speeches for fees of $500,000 or higher — such as a $750,000 speech in Hong Kong in 2011, paid for by a Swedish communications company, and a $600,000 speech in the Netherlands, also in 2011, paid for by a Dutch finance corporation.

Also, Renaissance Capital regularly invites world leaders to speak at its events, like former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell.
Did you really just use SNOPES for your fact checking? Is this some sort of joke?
WTF? Is the radical crazy radical unstable left claiming that General Mattis disregarded a tweet? Maybe the term "joint chiefs" has another meaning. Sooner or later Mad Dog Mattis is going to drain that particular swamp.
... you know like the shrilary allowing the roooooshins to buy up all of our uranium deposits.
Wow. When you tards buy into a hoax, you REALLY buy into a hoax! :lol:
Is the 146 million dollars the Russians gave the Clinton Foundation for that uranium gift a hoax too?

The parroted hoax is the Russians never bought up all of our uranium deposits. Does it matter that most of that money was given long before she became SoS?

Not a hoax. Russia having controlling interest in a Canadian uranium mining company which mines in the US, is no laughing matter.

And she did receive millions of dollars from the Russians.
NO, she didn't!

Fact-checking Trump’s tweets about Clinton and Russia
We counted six things Trump said that are inaccurate, exaggerated or taken out of context. Let’s break down his claims.

"The Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia"

Trump significantly distorts the uranium deal in question by calling it "the Bill and Hillary deal."

In 2010, Hillary Clinton, as secretary of state, was one of nine federal agency heads to sign off on Russia’s purchase of a controlling stake in Uranium One, an international mining company headquartered in Canada with operations in several U.S. states. It was part of a regular process for approving international deals involving strategic assets, such as uranium, that could have implications for national security. Uranium One’s U.S. mines produced about 11 percent of the country’s total uranium production in 2014, according to

But even with its control of Uranium One, Russia cannot export the material from the United States. Russia was likely more interested in Uranium One’s assets in Kazakhstan, the world’s largest uranium producer.

As PolitiFact and others have detailed, some investors with an interest in making the Uranium One deal go through have a long-time relationship with Bill Clinton and have donated to the Clinton Foundation. But there’s no concrete evidence those relationships or donations helped make the deal go through. Most of the donations occurred before Hillary Clinton could have known she would become secretary of state. And again, the secretary of state was one of nine agency heads that had input into the final decision, which ultimately lay with President Barack Obama.

"Russian speech money to Bill"

In 2010, Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank, paid Bill Clinton $500,000 to deliver a speech, according to Hillary Clinton’s 2010 financial disclosure form.

Some critics of the Clintons have suggested this speaking fee might have been an attempt by Renaissance Capital to curry favor with the State Department, which was involved in the Uranium One deal at the time.

But it’s important to keep in mind that Bill Clinton regularly delivers speeches for fees of $500,000 or higher — such as a $750,000 speech in Hong Kong in 2011, paid for by a Swedish communications company, and a $600,000 speech in the Netherlands, also in 2011, paid for by a Dutch finance corporation.

Also, Renaissance Capital regularly invites world leaders to speak at its events, like former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell.

You seriously expect me to believe Politifact? I'd believe the Russian Times before I'd buy that.

Want to hear something interesting? Do you know the difference between the free and open western media and Russia's heavily censored media? Do a Google or Bing search for "Uranium One" +"Hillary Clinton". You will get thousands of results showing her dirty dealing in the uranium exchange for money.

Then do another search for +"Uranium One" +"Hillary Clinton" site:RT

The Russia Times website only makes one or two references to it, but doesn't give much detail. Well duhh! Do you seriously think Russia would brag to its people that they're getting uranium from the United States??

Of course they wouldn't. They're going to make sure that's never known in Russia. To let that leak to the Russian people would have a negative effect on their confidence in their government.
WTF? Is the radical crazy radical unstable left claiming that General Mattis disregarded a tweet? Maybe the term "joint chiefs" has another meaning. Sooner or later Mad Dog Mattis is going to drain that particular swamp.

General Mattis doesn't simply "drain" a swamp. He pisses in it and everything in it dies.
For the record I had to go to find a you tube video on it because Google search looks like it has been scrubbed of articles concerning the story which expose what Clinton really did. Amazing how fast things are disappearing off of Google these days. Wonder who would do that?
For the record I had to go to find a you tube video on it because Google search looks like it has been scrubbed of articles concerning the story which expose what Clinton really did. Amazing how fast things are disappearing off of Google these days. Wonder who would do that?

Google sucks for everything, except google images. I use Bing, they're not ate up with liberalism.
The parroted hoax is the Russians never bought up all of our uranium deposits. Does it matter that most of that money was given long before she became SoS?

till AFTER 35 million dollars was paid to her crime family foundation. That is a fact.

Nope- 'crime family foundation' is not a fact- just right wingnut hyperbole.

And the fact is that her Department was one of what- 9 departments that signed off on the sale- and there is no record of Clinton's direct involvement at all.

Where are the payoffs to the other 9 department heads?

Or wait- payoffs to their charitable foundations that they don't receive the money for?

If what you claim were true they wouldn't have shut down that part of the foundation. it was purely pay to play, and when she lost, they stopped payin'! A more obvious piece of evidence would be hard to discover!

LOL- ah what passes for 'evidence' in the minds of the Clinton haters.

Of course if that was 'evidence' then of course all of the foreign governments booking events at the Trump Hotel in D.C. would be 'clear evidence' of their collusion with Trump.

If you donate to help the poor and the downtrodden why would you stop donating just because she lost the election? Hmmm? Think for a moment here sweetcheeks....I know it's hard for you but try. Just a little bit.

If you suddenly change your convention booking from one hotel- to one owned by the President- after the President is elected. Think for a moment here sweetcheeks...I know its hard for you but try...just a little bit.

LOL- you Clinton haters.

Calling crap 'evidence' for the last 20 years.
Wow. When you tards buy into a hoax, you REALLY buy into a hoax! :lol:
Is the 146 million dollars the Russians gave the Clinton Foundation for that uranium gift a hoax too?

The parroted hoax is the Russians never bought up all of our uranium deposits. Does it matter that most of that money was given long before she became SoS?

Not a hoax. Russia having controlling interest in a Canadian uranium mining company which mines in the US, is no laughing matter.

And she did receive millions of dollars from the Russians.
NO, she didn't!

Fact-checking Trump’s tweets about Clinton and Russia
We counted six things Trump said that are inaccurate, exaggerated or taken out of context. Let’s break down his claims.

"The Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia"

Trump significantly distorts the uranium deal in question by calling it "the Bill and Hillary deal."

In 2010, Hillary Clinton, as secretary of state, was one of nine federal agency heads to sign off on Russia’s purchase of a controlling stake in Uranium One, an international mining company headquartered in Canada with operations in several U.S. states. It was part of a regular process for approving international deals involving strategic assets, such as uranium, that could have implications for national security. Uranium One’s U.S. mines produced about 11 percent of the country’s total uranium production in 2014, according to

But even with its control of Uranium One, Russia cannot export the material from the United States. Russia was likely more interested in Uranium One’s assets in Kazakhstan, the world’s largest uranium producer.

As PolitiFact and others have detailed, some investors with an interest in making the Uranium One deal go through have a long-time relationship with Bill Clinton and have donated to the Clinton Foundation. But there’s no concrete evidence those relationships or donations helped make the deal go through. Most of the donations occurred before Hillary Clinton could have known she would become secretary of state. And again, the secretary of state was one of nine agency heads that had input into the final decision, which ultimately lay with President Barack Obama.

"Russian speech money to Bill"

In 2010, Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank, paid Bill Clinton $500,000 to deliver a speech, according to Hillary Clinton’s 2010 financial disclosure form.

Some critics of the Clintons have suggested this speaking fee might have been an attempt by Renaissance Capital to curry favor with the State Department, which was involved in the Uranium One deal at the time.

But it’s important to keep in mind that Bill Clinton regularly delivers speeches for fees of $500,000 or higher — such as a $750,000 speech in Hong Kong in 2011, paid for by a Swedish communications company, and a $600,000 speech in the Netherlands, also in 2011, paid for by a Dutch finance corporation.

Also, Renaissance Capital regularly invites world leaders to speak at its events, like former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell.

You seriously expect me to believe Politifact? I'd believe the Russian Times before I'd buy that.t.

Of course you would believe the Russian Times before you would believe any American.
Here: Try it yourself...

Two results using Bing to search for "Hillary Clinton" and "Uranium One" on the Russian Times website:

+"Hillary Clinton" +"Uranium One" site: - Bing

Two results using Google to search for "Hillary Clinton" and "Uranium One" on the Russian Times website:

+"Hillary Clinton" +"Uranium One" site: - Google Search
179,000 results searching for "Hillary Clinton" and "Uranium One" everywhere else in the world:

+"Hillary Clinton" +"Uranium One" - Bing
Is the 146 million dollars the Russians gave the Clinton Foundation for that uranium gift a hoax too?

The parroted hoax is the Russians never bought up all of our uranium deposits. Does it matter that most of that money was given long before she became SoS?

Not a hoax. Russia having controlling interest in a Canadian uranium mining company which mines in the US, is no laughing matter.

And she did receive millions of dollars from the Russians.
NO, she didn't!

Fact-checking Trump’s tweets about Clinton and Russia
We counted six things Trump said that are inaccurate, exaggerated or taken out of context. Let’s break down his claims.

"The Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia"

Trump significantly distorts the uranium deal in question by calling it "the Bill and Hillary deal."

In 2010, Hillary Clinton, as secretary of state, was one of nine federal agency heads to sign off on Russia’s purchase of a controlling stake in Uranium One, an international mining company headquartered in Canada with operations in several U.S. states. It was part of a regular process for approving international deals involving strategic assets, such as uranium, that could have implications for national security. Uranium One’s U.S. mines produced about 11 percent of the country’s total uranium production in 2014, according to

But even with its control of Uranium One, Russia cannot export the material from the United States. Russia was likely more interested in Uranium One’s assets in Kazakhstan, the world’s largest uranium producer.

As PolitiFact and others have detailed, some investors with an interest in making the Uranium One deal go through have a long-time relationship with Bill Clinton and have donated to the Clinton Foundation. But there’s no concrete evidence those relationships or donations helped make the deal go through. Most of the donations occurred before Hillary Clinton could have known she would become secretary of state. And again, the secretary of state was one of nine agency heads that had input into the final decision, which ultimately lay with President Barack Obama.

"Russian speech money to Bill"

In 2010, Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank, paid Bill Clinton $500,000 to deliver a speech, according to Hillary Clinton’s 2010 financial disclosure form.

Some critics of the Clintons have suggested this speaking fee might have been an attempt by Renaissance Capital to curry favor with the State Department, which was involved in the Uranium One deal at the time.

But it’s important to keep in mind that Bill Clinton regularly delivers speeches for fees of $500,000 or higher — such as a $750,000 speech in Hong Kong in 2011, paid for by a Swedish communications company, and a $600,000 speech in the Netherlands, also in 2011, paid for by a Dutch finance corporation.

Also, Renaissance Capital regularly invites world leaders to speak at its events, like former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell.

You seriously expect me to believe Politifact? I'd believe the Russian Times before I'd buy that.t.

Of course you would believe the Russian Times before you would believe any American.

Are you really an "American"? Because your political leanings sure are foreign to everything I believe in. I look at as many sides to a story as I can. Unlike yourself, who blindly eats up the bullshit your leftist media is feeding you.
Anyone believing an official order comes through a tweet... well, you did think it was treason as well so...
Trump's Press Secretary did say Tweets are official policy, but as the article notes, the military operates through a chain of command and an official means of communication, especially for orders and policy....which needs more clarification than a 140-character Tweet.

""The Department of Defense is awaiting formal guidance from the White House as a follow-up to the Commander-in-Chief's announcement on military service by transgender personnel," Dana White said. "We will provide detailed guidance to the Department in the near future for how this policy change will be implemented."
Excuse me, Hillary Clinton's Clinton Foundation didn't get 146 million dollars from the Russians. She got 145 million dollars from the Russians for the transfer of 20% of USA's uranium to Russia. I was off by a million dollars. Correction made here. By the way, it was Robert Mueller who delivered those enhanced uranium samples to Moscow,Russia for Hillary Clinton. Have a look at the documentation right here. Hope someone asks Mr. Mueller about this because as you can see in these official documents his name is on these documents as the person who delivered those enhanced uranium samples to Moscow, Russia for Mrs. Clinton.

that is a lie.... and has been debunked many times.

you really shouldn't bring false witness

Ah! The lady doth protest too much......I believe. It appears this topic of Hillary's secret deal with the Russians to sell 20% of our uranium in exchange for a 145 million dollar donation to Clinton Foundation is a topic that worries some of you. Twitter users ought to resurrect this story, shake a few trees and watch the monkeys fall out.
It was a story covered by many US news source but they have disappeared

You can bet the farm that the Russian government officials believe "We don't need the people to find out that we got Uranium from the United States." That would contradict their entire narrative.

Evidently they have a lot in common with our own leftist media, who seems intent on burying the story.

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