Gen Mattis commits TREASON

... you know like the shrilary allowing the roooooshins to buy up all of our uranium deposits.
Wow. When you tards buy into a hoax, you REALLY buy into a hoax! :lol:
Is the 146 million dollars the Russians gave the Clinton Foundation for that uranium gift a hoax too?

The parroted hoax is the Russians never bought up all of our uranium deposits. Does it matter that most of that money was given long before she became SoS?

Not a hoax. Russia having controlling interest in a Canadian uranium mining company which mines in the US, is no laughing matter.

And she did receive millions of dollars from the Russians.
The Clinton foundation received that money years before she was SecState.

Nor did the Russians "buy up all our uranium deposits", which is what dipshit claimed.

Not one gram of our uranium can be exported to Russia.

You parroting tards got your panties in a wad over a nothing burger.
You are full of shit. There is not a damn thing anyone can do to stop a company from exporting a product to its rightful owner. THE BITCH expedited the transfer from US Mining reserve AND RELEASED IT to RUSSIA> WELL KNOWN FACT so quit lying!!! And the money was transferred after, because the Clinton foundation had a much smaller collusion with Russia before the bitch became the sos. Lie some more, I like laughing at the ignorant jesters.
Check out liberals pretending to care for another issue that they could not possibly care less about.

Personally, I really cannot think of one thing they actually stand for.

Remember when I asked one of them to list the things they actually for the planet? Nothing.

See how mad they get about Trump, transgenders (as if there is a such thing), bathrooms in North Carolina, but they applaud when the skinny lying smoking half black messiah does business with iran and other countries that still executes gays?

Like I said. They are utterly full of smelly shit about everything.

Wow. When you tards buy into a hoax, you REALLY buy into a hoax! :lol:
Is the 146 million dollars the Russians gave the Clinton Foundation for that uranium gift a hoax too?

The parroted hoax is the Russians never bought up all of our uranium deposits. Does it matter that most of that money was given long before she became SoS?

Not a hoax. Russia having controlling interest in a Canadian uranium mining company which mines in the US, is no laughing matter.

And she did receive millions of dollars from the Russians.
The Clinton foundation received that money years before she was SecState.

Nor did the Russians "buy up all our uranium deposits", which is what dipshit claimed.

Not one gram of our uranium can be exported to Russia.

You parroting tards got your panties in a wad over a nothing burger.

What the hell is wrong with you people? Even the liberal New York Times wrote about this story in detail..

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

That story validates everything I said thanks.
... you know like the shrilary allowing the roooooshins to buy up all of our uranium deposits.
Wow. When you tards buy into a hoax, you REALLY buy into a hoax! :lol:
Well they think Trump's got a billion or two in the bank.


He is paper only.

Once he pays off his debts I doubt he is a billionaire and might not even be a millionaire without his credit...
How long have you been his accountant? Oh I see another liberal labeling barker!! BOWOWWOW !!!! BOWWOWOW, AOOOOOOOOHHHH. HAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH Mo tawk fwom da liberal shit hole.
Not a hoax. Russia having controlling interest in a Canadian uranium mining company which mines in the US, is no laughing matter.

And she did receive millions of dollars from the Russians.
The Clinton foundation received that money years before she was SecState.

Nor did the Russians "buy up all our uranium deposits", which is what dipshit claimed.

Not one gram of our uranium can be exported to Russia.

You parroting tards got your panties in a wad over a nothing burger.

What the hell is wrong with you people? Even the liberal New York Times wrote about this story in detail..

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
They think denying trruth will win arguments just like they thought denying truth would win elections.
Please quote the part which says the Russians bought up all our uranium deposits.

I'll wait here.

What are you talking about, goofball. I never said they "bought up all our uranium deposits".

Did you even read the article? It is the liberal New York Times, you know, so are you saying that they're lying?

From your link.......

Beyond mines in Kazakhstan that are among the most lucrative in the world, the sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

It clearly stated that the deal had to go through a NUMBER of government agencies, one of which was the State department when she was in charge. Yes, she was a part of it, but she wasn't alone in doing the deal. You guys try to make it sound like she did this all on her own when she didn't. Other government agencies thought it was a good deal as well, otherwise they wouldn't have signed off on it. Try again, Hillary wasn't the sole person responsible.
When the potus gives an order, salute and say yes sir, General. (-:

Joint Chiefs: 'No modifications' to transgender policy from Trump tweet

How much time did you spend in the military Bendog? Because, if you actually did serve, you should know that there is a difference between a lawful order and an unlawful one, as well as should know that changing military policy has to be done in a specific manner, of which Tweeting isn't one. He has to send the order to the DOD, VIA OFFICIAL CHANNELS, NOT TWITTER. Then DOD does a study and figures out how to implement it, and then the policy is officially changed.

Twitter doesn't cut it.
... you know like the shrilary allowing the roooooshins to buy up all of our uranium deposits.
Wow. When you tards buy into a hoax, you REALLY buy into a hoax! :lol:
Is the 146 million dollars the Russians gave the Clinton Foundation for that uranium gift a hoax too?
Show me where one gram of uranium went to Russia.

And notice the tard said ALL of our uranium. The stupid fuck can't even parrot the hoax correctly. The hoax said 20 PERCENT of our uranium went to Russia.

But it was still a hoax.

So go ahead. Either one of you. Show me were one gram went to Russia.

I'll wait here.

So what you are posting is that they did not release the mining rights to a little more1/4 of the US reserve to Russia? IT is a VERY WELL KNOWN FACT that they did so. You cant lie and prove they didn't because THEY DID and everyone but you piles of liberal dogshit accept it. If Trump did that after taking the oath of office he WOULD have committed TREASON, but he didn't do anything and you want to charge him with Treason. Ha it just proves beyond a doubt what vile, disgusting, dishonorable scum YOU are. All you want is to be able toi shit on normal decent people and make them accept you as smarter, better, and entitled to tell everyone else what to do when you are NONE of the above. So forget it kill yourself, and we will see you are used as a urinal and toilet for a month or two. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA.

That is fucking awesome, if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. Lacking brilliance all you have left is.......
... you know like the shrilary allowing the roooooshins to buy up all of our uranium deposits.
Wow. When you tards buy into a hoax, you REALLY buy into a hoax! :lol:
Is the 146 million dollars the Russians gave the Clinton Foundation for that uranium gift a hoax too?

The parroted hoax is the Russians never bought up all of our uranium deposits. Does it matter that most of that money was given long before she became SoS?

till AFTER 35 million dollars was paid to her crime family foundation. That is a fact.

Nope- 'crime family foundation' is not a fact- just right wingnut hyperbole.

And the fact is that her Department was one of what- 9 departments that signed off on the sale- and there is no record of Clinton's direct involvement at all.

Where are the payoffs to the other 9 department heads?

Or wait- payoffs to their charitable foundations that they don't receive the money for?
... you know like the shrilary allowing the roooooshins to buy up all of our uranium deposits.
Wow. When you tards buy into a hoax, you REALLY buy into a hoax! :lol:
Is the 146 million dollars the Russians gave the Clinton Foundation for that uranium gift a hoax too?

The parroted hoax is the Russians never bought up all of our uranium deposits. Does it matter that most of that money was given long before she became SoS?

till AFTER 35 million dollars was paid to her crime family foundation. That is a fact.

Nope- 'crime family foundation' is not a fact- just right wingnut hyperbole.

And the fact is that her Department was one of what- 9 departments that signed off on the sale- and there is no record of Clinton's direct involvement at all.

Where are the payoffs to the other 9 department heads?

Or wait- payoffs to their charitable foundations that they don't receive the money for?

If what you claim were true they wouldn't have shut down that part of the foundation. it was purely pay to play, and when she lost, they stopped payin'! A more obvious piece of evidence would be hard to discover!
Wow. When you tards buy into a hoax, you REALLY buy into a hoax! :lol:
Is the 146 million dollars the Russians gave the Clinton Foundation for that uranium gift a hoax too?

The parroted hoax is the Russians never bought up all of our uranium deposits. Does it matter that most of that money was given long before she became SoS?

Not a hoax. Russia having controlling interest in a Canadian uranium mining company which mines in the US, is no laughing matter.

And she did receive millions of dollars from the Russians.
The Clinton foundation received that money years before she was SecState.

Nor did the Russians "buy up all our uranium deposits", which is what dipshit claimed.

Not one gram of our uranium can be exported to Russia.

You parroting tards got your panties in a wad over a nothing burger.
You are full of shit. There is not a damn thing anyone can do to stop a company from exporting a product to its rightful owner. THE BITCH expedited the transfer from US Mining reserve AND RELEASED IT to RUSSIA>
a) The State Department, and the Defense Department- and even the Commerce Depratment can indeed prevent the exportation of 'products' to anyone or to any country- we have fairly stringent export regulations which among other things require very specific export permits for defense items.
b) Ms. Clinton was one of multiple Department heads of the Departments which approved the sale, along with President Obama and Canada.

Nothing has been 'released' to Russia- matter of fact, the United States imports most of its Uranium.
Wow. When you tards buy into a hoax, you REALLY buy into a hoax! :lol:
Is the 146 million dollars the Russians gave the Clinton Foundation for that uranium gift a hoax too?

The parroted hoax is the Russians never bought up all of our uranium deposits. Does it matter that most of that money was given long before she became SoS?

till AFTER 35 million dollars was paid to her crime family foundation. That is a fact.

Nope- 'crime family foundation' is not a fact- just right wingnut hyperbole.

And the fact is that her Department was one of what- 9 departments that signed off on the sale- and there is no record of Clinton's direct involvement at all.

Where are the payoffs to the other 9 department heads?

Or wait- payoffs to their charitable foundations that they don't receive the money for?

If what you claim were true they wouldn't have shut down that part of the foundation. it was purely pay to play, and when she lost, they stopped payin'! A more obvious piece of evidence would be hard to discover!

LOL- ah what passes for 'evidence' in the minds of the Clinton haters.

Of course if that was 'evidence' then of course all of the foreign governments booking events at the Trump Hotel in D.C. would be 'clear evidence' of their collusion with Trump.
Is the 146 million dollars the Russians gave the Clinton Foundation for that uranium gift a hoax too?

The parroted hoax is the Russians never bought up all of our uranium deposits. Does it matter that most of that money was given long before she became SoS?

till AFTER 35 million dollars was paid to her crime family foundation. That is a fact.

Nope- 'crime family foundation' is not a fact- just right wingnut hyperbole.

And the fact is that her Department was one of what- 9 departments that signed off on the sale- and there is no record of Clinton's direct involvement at all.

Where are the payoffs to the other 9 department heads?

Or wait- payoffs to their charitable foundations that they don't receive the money for?

If what you claim were true they wouldn't have shut down that part of the foundation. it was purely pay to play, and when she lost, they stopped payin'! A more obvious piece of evidence would be hard to discover!

LOL- ah what passes for 'evidence' in the minds of the Clinton haters.

Of course if that was 'evidence' then of course all of the foreign governments booking events at the Trump Hotel in D.C. would be 'clear evidence' of their collusion with Trump.

If you donate to help the poor and the downtrodden why would you stop donating just because she lost the election? Hmmm? Think for a moment here sweetcheeks....I know it's hard for you but try. Just a little bit.
The parroted hoax is the Russians never bought up all of our uranium deposits. Does it matter that most of that money was given long before she became SoS?

till AFTER 35 million dollars was paid to her crime family foundation. That is a fact.

Nope- 'crime family foundation' is not a fact- just right wingnut hyperbole.

And the fact is that her Department was one of what- 9 departments that signed off on the sale- and there is no record of Clinton's direct involvement at all.

Where are the payoffs to the other 9 department heads?

Or wait- payoffs to their charitable foundations that they don't receive the money for?

If what you claim were true they wouldn't have shut down that part of the foundation. it was purely pay to play, and when she lost, they stopped payin'! A more obvious piece of evidence would be hard to discover!

LOL- ah what passes for 'evidence' in the minds of the Clinton haters.

Of course if that was 'evidence' then of course all of the foreign governments booking events at the Trump Hotel in D.C. would be 'clear evidence' of their collusion with Trump.

If you donate to help the poor and the downtrodden why would you stop donating just because she lost the election? Hmmm? Think for a moment here sweetcheeks....I know it's hard for you but try. Just a little bit.
If he donates to help the poor and the downtrodden how can he justify Hillary Clintons foundation robbing the poorest of the poor (Haitians) of over a billion dollars of relief money allocated to them?
Excuse me, Hillary Clinton's Clinton Foundation didn't get 146 million dollars from the Russians. She got 145 million dollars from the Russians for the transfer of 20% of USA's uranium to Russia. I was off by a million dollars. Correction made here. By the way, it was Robert Mueller who delivered those enhanced uranium samples to Moscow,Russia for Hillary Clinton. Have a look at the documentation right here. Hope someone asks Mr. Mueller about this because as you can see in these official documents his name is on these documents as the person who delivered those enhanced uranium samples to Moscow, Russia for Mrs. Clinton.

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The military has requested specifics on how to implement the policy..................and that's the real story. That's it. That's all.
Here is some more information on how Robert Mueller gave the Russians the enhanced Uranium samples. He flew to Moscow, Russia and delivered those samples himself. His name is on the documents in above video. The full title of this video his WikiLeaks Reveal Former FBI Director Robert Mueller gave Russia Uranium in 2009.
More on video below:

Hmm...........Mueller delivering US Uranium samples to the Russians for Hillary Clinton, named brother in arms with Comey...... conflict of interest anyone?

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