Gender pay myth debunked


Gold Member
Mar 29, 2009
Stuart Florida
This is a video that while it is almost a year old STILL holds truth about the Lies Feminists use to play the victim .

She talks about how the so called wage gap is really about choices women make and not a mythical patriarchy.

I am sure there are going to be some here ( I can think of four right now) whose head will explode because of this video and fully expect to see them attack the content creator and Me for posting this. Many wont even watch the video and still demand proof proving their own dishonesty.

I dont expect this to change the mind of the professional victims in this forum but I do hope it educates some of the younger posters who are never taught the actual truth about that wage gap myth.
This is a video that while it is almost a year old STILL holds truth about the Lies Feminists use to play the victim .

She talks about how the so called wage gap is really about choices women make and not a mythical patriarchy.

I am sure there are going to be some here ( I can think of four right now) whose head will explode because of this video and fully expect to see them attack the content creator and Me for posting this. Many wont even watch the video and still demand proof proving their own dishonesty.

I dont expect this to change the mind of the professional victims in this forum but I do hope it educates some of the younger posters who are never taught the actual truth about that wage gap myth.

It was debunked in the 70's. Nothing new here.

This is a video that while it is almost a year old STILL holds truth about the Lies Feminists use to play the victim .

She talks about how the so called wage gap is really about choices women make and not a mythical patriarchy.

I am sure there are going to be some here ( I can think of four right now) whose head will explode because of this video and fully expect to see them attack the content creator and Me for posting this. Many wont even watch the video and still demand proof proving their own dishonesty.

I dont expect this to change the mind of the professional victims in this forum but I do hope it educates some of the younger posters who are never taught the actual truth about that wage gap myth.

It was debunked in the 70's. Nothing new here.

and yet your children are still taught this in schools.....
Employers get less value from employing women than males. They invest the same time and money in training and education, yet women have shorter work terms because they get pregnant. Also, women have too many moving parts and thing-a-ma-bobs. They have to take more time off for health reasons. Then after they have kids many do not come back to work, thereby requiring the employer to start over and loose on the learning curve afforded the replacement employee.

The reality is that if you pay a woman the same exact dollar amount you pay a man for the same job, then you are overpaying the woman. Her contribution is not worth as much as the man because she has diminished longevity.
Employers get less value from employing women than males. They invest the same time and money in training and education, yet women have shorter work terms because they get pregnant. Also, women have too many moving parts and thing-a-ma-bobs. They have to take more time off for health reasons. Then after they have kids many do not come back to work, thereby requiring the employer to start over and loose on the learning curve afforded the replacement employee.

The reality is that if you pay a woman the same exact dollar amount you pay a man for the same job, then you are overpaying the woman. Her contribution is not worth as much as the man because she has diminished longevity.
This is a video that while it is almost a year old STILL holds truth about the Lies Feminists use to play the victim .

She talks about how the so called wage gap is really about choices women make and not a mythical patriarchy.

I am sure there are going to be some here ( I can think of four right now) whose head will explode because of this video and fully expect to see them attack the content creator and Me for posting this. Many wont even watch the video and still demand proof proving their own dishonesty.

I dont expect this to change the mind of the professional victims in this forum but I do hope it educates some of the younger posters who are never taught the actual truth about that wage gap myth.

It was debunked in the 70's. Nothing new here.

and yet your children are still taught this in schools.....

Yes, I agree, and oddly enough it isn't on the curriculum.
Employers get less value from employing women than males. They invest the same time and money in training and education, yet women have shorter work terms because they get pregnant. Also, women have too many moving parts and thing-a-ma-bobs. They have to take more time off for health reasons. Then after they have kids many do not come back to work, thereby requiring the employer to start over and loose on the learning curve afforded the replacement employee.

The reality is that if you pay a woman the same exact dollar amount you pay a man for the same job, then you are overpaying the woman. Her contribution is not worth as much as the man because she has diminished longevity.

Boy you sure told him! I like the part when you dismantled his argument with facts and logic.
Employers get less value from employing women than males. They invest the same time and money in training and education, yet women have shorter work terms because they get pregnant. Also, women have too many moving parts and thing-a-ma-bobs. They have to take more time off for health reasons. Then after they have kids many do not come back to work, thereby requiring the employer to start over and loose on the learning curve afforded the replacement employee.

The reality is that if you pay a woman the same exact dollar amount you pay a man for the same job, then you are overpaying the woman. Her contribution is not worth as much as the man because she has diminished longevity.
Except in the major cities of this country if a woman works the same hours as a man she ends up making MORE then a man. If it was 70 cents an hour cheaper for a company to employ women then they all would employ nothing but women,......
Employers get less value from employing women than males. They invest the same time and money in training and education, yet women have shorter work terms because they get pregnant. Also, women have too many moving parts and thing-a-ma-bobs. They have to take more time off for health reasons. Then after they have kids many do not come back to work, thereby requiring the employer to start over and loose on the learning curve afforded the replacement employee.

The reality is that if you pay a woman the same exact dollar amount you pay a man for the same job, then you are overpaying the woman. Her contribution is not worth as much as the man because she has diminished longevity.
Except in the major cities of this country if a woman works the same hours as a man she ends up making MORE then a man. If it was 70 cents an hour cheaper for a company to employ women then they all would employ nothing but women,......

The same argument this man made 30 years ago.

Employers get less value from employing women than males. They invest the same time and money in training and education, yet women have shorter work terms because they get pregnant. Also, women have too many moving parts and thing-a-ma-bobs. They have to take more time off for health reasons. Then after they have kids many do not come back to work, thereby requiring the employer to start over and loose on the learning curve afforded the replacement employee.

The reality is that if you pay a woman the same exact dollar amount you pay a man for the same job, then you are overpaying the woman. Her contribution is not worth as much as the man because she has diminished longevity.

Boy you sure told him! I like the part when you dismantled his argument with facts and logic.
I'm not going to bother. His post is patently stupid.

I believe there are valid reasons why one person makes more or less than another. His post is just dumb. My ex wife has been on her job for near 30 years. She has missed less work than half the men I've hired in that same time COMBINED.

Stereotyping is dumb
Everything the Democrats do or promote or say, is a lie. Hardly news.
and yet it is part of the culture now.... Kids are taught these lie in universities around the country even though women make up the majority of those IN college.

It's all part of the commiecrat divide and conquer strategy, they'll keep lying until they see it doesn't work anymore.
Employers get less value from employing women than males. They invest the same time and money in training and education, yet women have shorter work terms because they get pregnant. Also, women have too many moving parts and thing-a-ma-bobs. They have to take more time off for health reasons. Then after they have kids many do not come back to work, thereby requiring the employer to start over and loose on the learning curve afforded the replacement employee.

The reality is that if you pay a woman the same exact dollar amount you pay a man for the same job, then you are overpaying the woman. Her contribution is not worth as much as the man because she has diminished longevity.
Which part was he wrong? Do women on statistical average work the same hours and dont take more time off then a man?
Employers get less value from employing women than males. They invest the same time and money in training and education, yet women have shorter work terms because they get pregnant. Also, women have too many moving parts and thing-a-ma-bobs. They have to take more time off for health reasons. Then after they have kids many do not come back to work, thereby requiring the employer to start over and loose on the learning curve afforded the replacement employee.

The reality is that if you pay a woman the same exact dollar amount you pay a man for the same job, then you are overpaying the woman. Her contribution is not worth as much as the man because she has diminished longevity.

Boy you sure told him! I like the part when you dismantled his argument with facts and logic.
I'm not going to bother. His post is patently stupid.

I believe there are valid reasons why one person makes more or less than another. His post is just dumb. My ex wife has been on her job for near 30 years. She has missed less work than half the men I've hired in that same time COMBINED.

Stereotyping is dumb
so all women are just like your exwife right?
Everything the Democrats do or promote or say, is a lie. Hardly news.
and yet it is part of the culture now.... Kids are taught these lie in universities around the country even though women make up the majority of those IN college.

It's all part of the commiecrat divide and conquer strategy, they'll keep lying until they see it doesn't work anymore.
then it is up to us to make sure people learn the truth.
Employers get less value from employing women than males. They invest the same time and money in training and education, yet women have shorter work terms because they get pregnant. Also, women have too many moving parts and thing-a-ma-bobs. They have to take more time off for health reasons. Then after they have kids many do not come back to work, thereby requiring the employer to start over and loose on the learning curve afforded the replacement employee.

The reality is that if you pay a woman the same exact dollar amount you pay a man for the same job, then you are overpaying the woman. Her contribution is not worth as much as the man because she has diminished longevity.

Boy you sure told him! I like the part when you dismantled his argument with facts and logic.
I'm not going to bother. His post is patently stupid.

I believe there are valid reasons why one person makes more or less than another. His post is just dumb. My ex wife has been on her job for near 30 years. She has missed less work than half the men I've hired in that same time COMBINED.

Stereotyping is dumb
so all women are just like your exwife right?
No more so than every woman gets pregnant or has breast cancer.

Like I said, stereotyping is dumb.
Everything the Democrats do or promote or say, is a lie. Hardly news.
and yet it is part of the culture now.... Kids are taught these lie in universities around the country even though women make up the majority of those IN college.

It's all part of the commiecrat divide and conquer strategy, they'll keep lying until they see it doesn't work anymore.
then it is up to us to make sure people learn the truth.

Academia is full of rejects with college degrees who never ventured outside their academic bubble in order to get a real job where common sense prevails. Therefore common sense is not a common virtue even among the well educated. Getting back to your point above, for all these reasons and more it's and uphill battle. My high school teacher had us all thinking that the world would be out of oil by 2009.
It is simple economics. Society in general has no concept of how much it costs to employ people. For example, I am guessing that at least 90% of America does not realize that employers must match, dollar for dollar, the employees' Medicare and Social Security contributions. That is, if you have $500.00 monthly withheld from your pay and remitted by your employer to the government for your monthly SS contribution, the employer has to remit that PLUS take $500.00 out of his pocket and add to that. Then your SS contribution results in a payment on your account in the amount of $1,000.00 for the SS remittance.

Then the employees wNt their SS money when they reach 62. They righteously call it THEIR money that THEY paid into the gov. In reality, only half of the money is what they paid into the system. Of course, that is just in theory. In fact, we are paying out SS benefits at a higher rate than we are taking it in right now, resulting in your SS benefits check consisting of LESS THAN HALF of what you paid into the system.

Pretty fucked up, isn't it? Maybe we ought to start electing business men to run our country.
Employers get less value from employing women than males. They invest the same time and money in training and education, yet women have shorter work terms because they get pregnant. Also, women have too many moving parts and thing-a-ma-bobs. They have to take more time off for health reasons. Then after they have kids many do not come back to work, thereby requiring the employer to start over and loose on the learning curve afforded the replacement employee.

The reality is that if you pay a woman the same exact dollar amount you pay a man for the same job, then you are overpaying the woman. Her contribution is not worth as much as the man because she has diminished longevity.

Boy you sure told him! I like the part when you dismantled his argument with facts and logic.
I'm not going to bother. His post is patently stupid.

I believe there are valid reasons why one person makes more or less than another. His post is just dumb. My ex wife has been on her job for near 30 years. She has missed less work than half the men I've hired in that same time COMBINED.

Stereotyping is dumb
so all women are just like your exwife right?
No more so than every woman gets pregnant or has breast cancer.

Like I said, stereotyping is dumb.
Statistics are not stereotyping. Statistics PROVE he is far more in the right then you. Women make different choices then men. They choose to have children and thus work part time or take longer time off work. Women choose jobs that afford them more time with family and those jobs on average pay less then others. That fact not stereotyping. Ignoring those facts just means you lie to yourself to virtue signal.

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