Gender pay myth debunked

This is a video that while it is almost a year old STILL holds truth about the Lies Feminists use to play the victim .

She talks about how the so called wage gap is really about choices women make and not a mythical patriarchy.

I am sure there are going to be some here ( I can think of four right now) whose head will explode because of this video and fully expect to see them attack the content creator and Me for posting this. Many wont even watch the video and still demand proof proving their own dishonesty.

I dont expect this to change the mind of the professional victims in this forum but I do hope it educates some of the younger posters who are never taught the actual truth about that wage gap myth.

Truth. Liberals want some floating pay scale that will try to compare the work of a dental hygienist with the work of an underwater welder on an oil platform.

Boy you sure told him! I like the part when you dismantled his argument with facts and logic.
I'm not going to bother. His post is patently stupid.

I believe there are valid reasons why one person makes more or less than another. His post is just dumb. My ex wife has been on her job for near 30 years. She has missed less work than half the men I've hired in that same time COMBINED.

Stereotyping is dumb
so all women are just like your exwife right?
No more so than every woman gets pregnant or has breast cancer.

Like I said, stereotyping is dumb.
Statistics are not stereotyping. Statistics PROVE he is far more in the right then you. Women make different choices then men. They choose to have children and thus work part time or take longer time off work. Women choose jobs that afford them more time with family and those jobs on average pay less then others. That fact not stereotyping. Ignoring those facts just means you lie to yourself to virtue signal.
What he is suggesting is that women are worth less because they "might" get pregnant or sick.

Everything the Democrats do or promote or say, is a lie. Hardly news.
and yet it is part of the culture now.... Kids are taught these lie in universities around the country even though women make up the majority of those IN college.
women make as much in my career field as men, and at that, the guy in charge seems to treat them better then the guys, with pay and the work they do.
Boy you sure told him! I like the part when you dismantled his argument with facts and logic.
I'm not going to bother. His post is patently stupid.

I believe there are valid reasons why one person makes more or less than another. His post is just dumb. My ex wife has been on her job for near 30 years. She has missed less work than half the men I've hired in that same time COMBINED.

Stereotyping is dumb
so all women are just like your exwife right?
No more so than every woman gets pregnant or has breast cancer.

Like I said, stereotyping is dumb.
Statistics are not stereotyping. Statistics PROVE he is far more in the right then you. Women make different choices then men. They choose to have children and thus work part time or take longer time off work. Women choose jobs that afford them more time with family and those jobs on average pay less then others. That fact not stereotyping. Ignoring those facts just means you lie to yourself to virtue signal.
What he is suggesting is that women are worth less because they "might" get pregnant or sick.


Yes, people who get pregnant and have a higher propensity to get sick are indeed worth less in terms of the experience they aren't receiving, the expense they add to healthcare, and the amount of work they aren't performing. This is simple economics.
Boy you sure told him! I like the part when you dismantled his argument with facts and logic.
I'm not going to bother. His post is patently stupid.

I believe there are valid reasons why one person makes more or less than another. His post is just dumb. My ex wife has been on her job for near 30 years. She has missed less work than half the men I've hired in that same time COMBINED.

Stereotyping is dumb
so all women are just like your exwife right?
No more so than every woman gets pregnant or has breast cancer.

Like I said, stereotyping is dumb.
Statistics are not stereotyping. Statistics PROVE he is far more in the right then you. Women make different choices then men. They choose to have children and thus work part time or take longer time off work. Women choose jobs that afford them more time with family and those jobs on average pay less then others. That fact not stereotyping. Ignoring those facts just means you lie to yourself to virtue signal.
What he is suggesting is that women are worth less because they "might" get pregnant or sick.

Sure the odds are that it is not as solid of a investment for those reasons to hire women over men.... But then again there is a good chance the man will have a heart attack and die far earlier then a woman so it evens out.
Employers get less value from employing women than males. They invest the same time and money in training and education, yet women have shorter work terms because they get pregnant. Also, women have too many moving parts and thing-a-ma-bobs. They have to take more time off for health reasons. Then after they have kids many do not come back to work, thereby requiring the employer to start over and loose on the learning curve afforded the replacement employee.

The reality is that if you pay a woman the same exact dollar amount you pay a man for the same job, then you are overpaying the woman. Her contribution is not worth as much as the man because she has diminished longevity.

Boy you sure told him! I like the part when you dismantled his argument with facts and logic.
I'm not going to bother. His post is patently stupid.

I believe there are valid reasons why one person makes more or less than another. His post is just dumb. My ex wife has been on her job for near 30 years. She has missed less work than half the men I've hired in that same time COMBINED.

Stereotyping is dumb
You need to expand your mind, Grampa. Just because your wife is a hard worker does not mean that my reasoning is flawed. In fact, my logic is perfect in every way. Perhaps you are letting your emotions govern your reaction. It is, after all, well known that testosterone levels decline in older men.

Unfortunately, the reality is that women's labor is GENERALLY less valueable on the labor market than that of men. The gov may mandate unequal pay, but this is merely a subside. The general rule governed by the free market is that estrogen labor is of lesser value. Your wife is merely the unfortunate recipient of the consequence of this.

Of course, most employers recognize this and will compensate accordingly in specific circumstances. I have a great assistant, for example. She has already had her kids. She is so good that I have to pay her well to keep her. Most women in our local market (small town) earn $30-35k for that position. I pay mine $45k because I don't want her going anywhere. I point this out to suggest to you that my assertion that women's labor is generally not worth as much as a man's labor is not at all inconsistent with valuing women's work appropriately. I am merely speaking generally, or about macro factors.

Now go slide in a tampon and reflect on my words.
Boy you sure told him! I like the part when you dismantled his argument with facts and logic.
I'm not going to bother. His post is patently stupid.

I believe there are valid reasons why one person makes more or less than another. His post is just dumb. My ex wife has been on her job for near 30 years. She has missed less work than half the men I've hired in that same time COMBINED.

Stereotyping is dumb
so all women are just like your exwife right?
No more so than every woman gets pregnant or has breast cancer.

Like I said, stereotyping is dumb.
Statistics are not stereotyping. Statistics PROVE he is far more in the right then you. Women make different choices then men. They choose to have children and thus work part time or take longer time off work. Women choose jobs that afford them more time with family and those jobs on average pay less then others. That fact not stereotyping. Ignoring those facts just means you lie to yourself to virtue signal.
What he is suggesting is that women are worth less because they "might" get pregnant or sick.

Grandpa, check your emotions, honey. M-kay??
Everything the Democrats do or promote or say, is a lie. Hardly news.
and yet it is part of the culture now.... Kids are taught these lie in universities around the country even though women make up the majority of those IN college.
women make as much in my career field as men, and at that, the guy in charge seems to treat them better then the guys, with pay and the work they do.
Absolutely right. As an employer I want results. I would much rather have a sharp and talented woman making me money than some lazy man.
Everything the Democrats do or promote or say, is a lie. Hardly news.
and yet it is part of the culture now.... Kids are taught these lie in universities around the country even though women make up the majority of those IN college.

It's all part of the commiecrat divide and conquer strategy, they'll keep lying until they see it doesn't work anymore.
then it is up to us to make sure people learn the truth.

How you gonna do that when they are indoctrinated form pre K up?
I'm not going to bother. His post is patently stupid.

I believe there are valid reasons why one person makes more or less than another. His post is just dumb. My ex wife has been on her job for near 30 years. She has missed less work than half the men I've hired in that same time COMBINED.

Stereotyping is dumb
so all women are just like your exwife right?
No more so than every woman gets pregnant or has breast cancer.

Like I said, stereotyping is dumb.
Statistics are not stereotyping. Statistics PROVE he is far more in the right then you. Women make different choices then men. They choose to have children and thus work part time or take longer time off work. Women choose jobs that afford them more time with family and those jobs on average pay less then others. That fact not stereotyping. Ignoring those facts just means you lie to yourself to virtue signal.
What he is suggesting is that women are worth less because they "might" get pregnant or sick.

Grandpa, check your emotions, honey. M-kay??
There are no emotions in my response. Stop projecting
so all women are just like your exwife right?
No more so than every woman gets pregnant or has breast cancer.

Like I said, stereotyping is dumb.
Statistics are not stereotyping. Statistics PROVE he is far more in the right then you. Women make different choices then men. They choose to have children and thus work part time or take longer time off work. Women choose jobs that afford them more time with family and those jobs on average pay less then others. That fact not stereotyping. Ignoring those facts just means you lie to yourself to virtue signal.
What he is suggesting is that women are worth less because they "might" get pregnant or sick.

Grandpa, check your emotions, honey. M-kay??
There are no emotions in my response. Stop projecting
I disagree. You are over estrogenized.
How you gonna do that when they are indoctrinated form pre K up?
Got to end Common Core and totally take learning back to the basics and add some watchdog groups that fires teachers and the administrators that allow the "revisionists" a voice in our grade schools.

I wish you luck with that, it all started in the late 50s and had a full head lock on the education system by the early 70s. They've been entrenched for 40+ years, it will take that many to root them out of the system.
No more so than every woman gets pregnant or has breast cancer.

Like I said, stereotyping is dumb.
Statistics are not stereotyping. Statistics PROVE he is far more in the right then you. Women make different choices then men. They choose to have children and thus work part time or take longer time off work. Women choose jobs that afford them more time with family and those jobs on average pay less then others. That fact not stereotyping. Ignoring those facts just means you lie to yourself to virtue signal.
What he is suggesting is that women are worth less because they "might" get pregnant or sick.

Grandpa, check your emotions, honey. M-kay??
There are no emotions in my response. Stop projecting
I disagree. You are over estrogenized.
If all you're going to post are juvenile attempts at insults I see no reason to not put you on ignore with the rest of the childish trolls. Your choice
Statistics are not stereotyping. Statistics PROVE he is far more in the right then you. Women make different choices then men. They choose to have children and thus work part time or take longer time off work. Women choose jobs that afford them more time with family and those jobs on average pay less then others. That fact not stereotyping. Ignoring those facts just means you lie to yourself to virtue signal.
What he is suggesting is that women are worth less because they "might" get pregnant or sick.

Grandpa, check your emotions, honey. M-kay??
There are no emotions in my response. Stop projecting
I disagree. You are over estrogenized.
If all you're going to post are juvenile attempts at insults I see no reason to not put you on ignore with the rest of the childish trolls. Your choice
Why would I give a shit what you choose to do?
Everything the Democrats do or promote or say, is a lie. Hardly news.
and yet it is part of the culture now.... Kids are taught these lie in universities around the country even though women make up the majority of those IN college.

It's all part of the commiecrat divide and conquer strategy, they'll keep lying until they see it doesn't work anymore.
then it is up to us to make sure people learn the truth.

How you gonna do that when they are indoctrinated form pre K up?
By things like what this woman did... use media to despense the truth . This is why free speech is important.

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The article is biased as is the study.... How can a study be gender blind when they were already looking for the differences in genders? I will clue you in on something most STEM employers are actively looking for women to hire but they are not by large numbers applying...Why? Because the hours suck. Woman's choice is more then just killing the unborn.

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