Gender Queer and its effect on human sexuality

At some point you need to draw lines. What is that point?
Well its not a book appropriate for kids. That is clear. But it has a place in seondary schools.
When do your kids get taught the facts of life ? It would seem appropriate there.
But I dont think it would be of interest to most kids. Tho it would help some.
I went online and I can buy it, so it isn’t banned in this country. I wouldn’t read it as it doesn’t deal with anything I am interested in. It seems that you can buy these books online or order them from bookstores, thus I seriously question whether they are banned.
Its banned in public and school libraries.
Its banned in public and school libraries.
But you can buy it, it isn’t banned, if I want a book, I buy it, don’t rely on a government to buy it for me. They are outdated and not needed with the internet so readily available.
I love the demand for work from others.

Hey atheists.. disagree with Christianity? Try reading the entire Bible and Catholic cathecism, or all of your critiques are invalid!

Encouraging kids to seek out the confusion of their gender identity causes depression. Suicide, strife for most and goes unreported or even suppressed in the name of defending the ideology… while an occasional “ success story” is lauded and widely reported.

Schools shouldn’t encourage anorexia, and they shouldn’t encourage gender theory
Transgenders and gays are a fact. There isnt a book written that can persuade somebody down that path.
The right needs to accept that and deal with life as it is. Not how they would like it to be..
Trans folk are more likely to commit suicide because of the way they are treated in society rather than reading a book that might help them.
Lots of heat but not much light. As I stated it isn a book for everyone but banning it is a different matter.
Opting to not include it in school offerings doesn’t It is not accessible if they want to buy it, but at least then the parents have some control.
Transgenders and gays are a fact. There isnt a book written that can persuade somebody down that path.
The right needs to accept that and deal with life as it is. Not how they would like it to be..
Trans folk are more likely to commit suicide because of the way they are treated in society rather than reading a book that might help them.
There are two extremes at play. One that wants to erase gay and transgender people from the public sphere by banning books and speech and other that thinks there should be no restrictions on graphic material children are exposed to. I’d like to think there is a sane middle because there are plenty of good books featuring lgbtq characters or issues that aren’t graphic. Of course, they busy trying to ban those as well as anything written from a black point of view.
Opting to not include it in school offerings doesn’t It is not accessible if they want to buy it, but at least then the parents have some control.
But why have libraries at all if we can buy everything ? there will be books ofinterest that you do not want to buy for whatever reason..

I was able to get many reference books through my library that I would never have bought.. Its a font of knowledge.
There are two extremes at play. One that wants to erase gay and transgender people from the public sphere by banning books and speech and other that thinks there should be no restrictions on graphic material children are exposed to. I’d like to think there is a sane middle because there are plenty of good books featuring lgbtq characters or issues that aren’t graphic. Of course, they busy trying to ban those as well as anything written from a black point of view.
Maybe if folk defined a "child" then we might all find some agreement. I dont think the term is being applied properly on this thread.
This book seems to be the most banned book in America at the moment. It is cited on every thread about book burning or jailing dangerous librarians.

I must confess that I havent read it. But the Amazon page shows some sample pages and there are several online reviews. It is aimed at teens and young adults. People who might be questioning their gender or sexuality.

It wont be for everybody but I can see that it might help youngsters in better understanding themselves. On that basis it should not be banned. I certainly think that a cartoon book is unlikely to encourage tolk to change their sex.

Another book banned in florida is called "Dave has two Dads" or similar. Again this seems to have educational value. There are kids with two Dads. Should they not be catered for.? Should they not receive reassurance that this is normal

Trying to cancel all mention of alternate lifestyles does a dissrvice to kids. The kids are

notat risk in any way.

Amazon product ASIN 1549304003
The pages shown on this review seem pretty bland and not nearly as graphic as the porn hub videos that the kids are watching on their phones.

But as I say I havent read it. I know that concerned posters on here have studied every word closely. Why is this book so much worse than the graphic pornhub output that is available to all kids?

Similar threads have been hotly debated and I must warn posters to keep their comments clean or risk sanctions.

Any discussion on this book is going to be too myopic. (That means narrow Tommy)

When you begin to teach gender dysforia is normal then normal foundational truths and societal norms of expected behaviors go out the door as well.
Meaning that it's perfectly acceptable for students to gang up on teachers and weaker students and murder them. Even if's just misunderstood behaviors.

Because CHILDREN are incapable of discerning the difference between which foundational truths will be true tomorrow....they are trendsetters after all and if "I say this is good then it is". That's what relative truth is all about.

And that's why the book needs to remain banned, burnt before reading and become unpublished.
Any discussion on this book is going to be too myopic. (That means narrow Tommy)

When you begin to teach gender dysforia is normal then normal foundational truths and societal norms of expected behaviors go out the door as well.
Meaning that it's perfectly acceptable for students to gang up on teachers and weaker students and murder them. Even if's just misunderstood behaviors.

Because CHILDREN are incapable of discerning the difference between which foundational truths will be true tomorrow....they are trendsetters after all and if "I say this is good then it is". That's what relative truth is all about.

And that's why the book needs to remain banned, burnt before reading and become unpublished.
So basically you see it as cancelling non binary people. Its not about protecting the kids.
Well I think if you define a child as a pre teen then you have a case. If you deine a child as a teen then you are on a slippery slops.
I think that "Slippery Slops" will be your new nickname.

Thirteen year olds are children. I know, I work with them. In some ways eight year olds act more more mature than thirteen year olds, because eight year olds do not have a strong sex drive, however that may sadden some folks.

It is true that some children are more mature than others, and that the line drawn will be arbitrary. 16 is no less arbitrary than 18.
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This book positively depicts a man well over twenty fondling the penis of a fourteen year old boy. It is recommended (by people who would recommend this book at all) for ages 12 - 18.
The book is not related to the age of consent. Its a red herring. We are taught the facts of life aged 11 o 12. .

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