Gender Queer and its effect on human sexuality

Kids do grow up at different rates. But do you want the book banned for all ages ?
I don't want it "banned" at all. Amazon sells it, and I wish the author luck and lots of royalties. I hope you will buy it immediately, and I can't understand why you have not.

I want school librarians to find books that have more educational benefit for school aged kids. Given their limited shelf space, they can't just put every single book on the shelf. What do you think are some of the important lessons this book would teach a middle school child, aged eleven to thirteen?

Of course, you have no idea, because you haven't read it. It is supported by the wokesters, so you support it.

It is about an early-teen girl who fancies herself an early-teen boy. In her imagination, she is a boy with a larger than average penis who has sex, shown in explicit detail, with her girlfriend, and who fantasizes - again depicted explicitely - about having sex with a much older man. It is supposedly autobiographical, and there is little to learn from it, except that the author was a pretty confused early-teen.

If this were a book about an actual early-teen boy who has explicitely depicted fantasies about getting a blowjob from an early-teen girl, and fantasizes about sex with a much older woman, would you still be as keen to have children read it?
Yes it is. One of the key goals of this sexualizing children movement is to lower the age of consent, and to decriminalize sex with children under that age. Showing a fourteen year old having sex with an adult in a positive light could have no other purpose.
There is no movement that I am aware of and 16 is an appropriate age.
Perhaps you can post a link to this movement becaue I suspect that it is jcst a right wing construct.
I don't want it "banned" at all. Amazon sells it, and I wish the author luck and lots of royalties. I hope you will buy it immediately, and I can't understand why you have not.

I want school librarians to find books that have more educational benefit for school aged kids. Given their limited shelf space, they can't just put every single book on the shelf. What do you think are some of the important lessons this book would teach a middle school child, aged eleven to thirteen?

Of course, you have no idea, because you haven't read it. It is supported by the wokesters, so you support it.

It is about an early-teen girl who fancies herself an early-teen boy. In her imagination, she is a boy with a larger than average penis who has sex, shown in explicit detail, with her girlfriend, and who fantasizes - again depicted explicitely - about having sex with a much older man. It is supposedly autobiographical, and there is little to learn from it, except that the author was a pretty confused early-teen.

If this were a book about an actual early-teen boy who has explicitely depicted fantasies about getting a blowjob from an early-teen girl, would you still be as keen to have children read it?
There will be other kids in the same situation who might benefit from this book.Most will not. But that is no reason to restrict its access.

Why dont you campaign against pornhub which offers up every sexual act possible for free to kids of all age ? I would support you in having restrictions on that.
Here we have a poster quite openly advocating exposing children to gay porn, but guess which posters this forum considers their enemy?!

I would think any sane group of people would want to distance themselves from this shit pronto, instead.
Again you invent stuff. Why cant you be honest ?
Children (teenagers) do not have fully developed brains yet....not until somewhere around 24 or 25 years of age.

Now at this early puberty age children have absorbed a lot of learning at this point and begin to understand that sometimes adults are wrong and that a lot of adults approach parenting their children in different ways.
However, these children don't understand that just because another set of parents are more permissive, they may or may not be better or worse parents than what you have.

And it requires time and maturity to understand what is good and what is not good....but these kids will test every parent ad nauseum over everything and begin to question every dictate a parent decrees. (Teenagers are a PITA for many parents)

Now the LGBT community wants to use this "opportunity " to inject even more confusion into the mix. Which is where this whole "non-binary" crap comes from. Because now informed that "nothing is what you have always believed to be true" and that with so little knowledge of what parameters actually exist in this world or the consequences you have been told that you must make a choice of sexuality. All of this when your body is still growing and changing in sizes and hormonaly. All sexualities are now proclaimed equal.

So....a bright child who refuses to make a choice will logically declare that they refuse to make a life choice by declaring none of the above by saying: "non-binary" .

But they also have a ton of new hormones that crave sexual contact and intimacy...which usually creates a situation where Dads do not cuddle with their daughters or sons and mothers with their sons or daughters...but telling daughters to "not dress like a slut".
So teens will begin to experiment with other peers and predators who offer these so many teachers have been caught doing.

There's a REASON why we don't teach calculus to 3rd grade kids....too advanced and confusing for them to understand. They barely get fractions...not advanced mathematics.

Same thing with advanced sexuality....let's WAIT until they are mature enough to handle the concepts with full knowledge of the consequences of their actions. Which is 24-25 years of age.
Again you invent stuff. Why cant you be honest ?
I have invented nothing.

This very thread involves your wanting children to be exposed to gay pornography.

Why can't you just be happy that there is one standard in this forum for those of you who only want to "help" children through the use of exposure to pornography and a much different standard for those of us who find it to be harmful to the children involved when adults seek to "help" them by introducing pornography into their impressionable young lives.
There will be other kids in the same situation who might benefit from this book.Most will not. But that is no reason to restrict its access.
What situation? How do you know the situation, if you haven't even read the book?

Other kids who are early teen girls wanting to be early teen boys and have sex as a male with their current girlfriend and have sex as a male with adult males? That sounds like such a tiny fraction of a percent of kids that I wonder why every single middle school in the country has to have it on the shelf, or America is a backwards nation.

You know what we need more of in the U.S school libraries? Books about kids growing up fatherless, especially books depicting how much of a struggle that is for them. A much larger percent of kids are experiencing that than the number of fourteen year old girls who face-f@%K their girlfriend with a strap-on.
Why dont you campaign against pornhub which offers up every sexual act possible for free to kids of all age ? I would support you in having restrictions on that.
I support restricting pornhub and other pornographic sites that are now completely open to children. I think if a parent can show evidence that their child accessed pornhub, then the owners of pornhub should be held criminally liable, for distributing pornography to minors.

You seem to struggle with answering questions. Try these two:

1) Would you want elementary school libraries to shelf a book called

Josephine has Two Mommies
Her Morman Daddy Loves them Both!

It would describe growing up as a child of polygamist parents. Wouldn't that be sooooo helpful to a child in that situation to know that it is perfectly normal? Also to teach kids from two parent homes to be tolerant of other types of families?

2) Would you be as keen to have ten year olds read this book, if it were about a fourteen year old boy and his explicit fantasies about girls his own age and older women?
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Well none of us can choose our family. But kids should not be madeto feel odd because they dont have a mother and a father. That is just cruel and schools should not be in that business.
To me, once a person is old enough, they can choose who they want as their family. If those that a person shares their DNA with are the poorest excuse for a group of human beings, that person does not have to put up with such a living nightmare.

God bless you always!!!

This book seems to be the most banned book in America at the moment. It is cited on every thread about book burning or jailing dangerous librarians.

I must confess that I havent read it. But the Amazon page shows some sample pages and there are several online reviews. It is aimed at teens and young adults. People who might be questioning their gender or sexuality.

It wont be for everybody but I can see that it might help youngsters in better understanding themselves. On that basis it should not be banned. I certainly think that a cartoon book is unlikely to encourage tolk to change their sex.

Another book banned in florida is called "Dave has two Dads" or similar. Again this seems to have educational value. There are kids with two Dads. Should they not be catered for.? Should they not receive reassurance that this is normal

Trying to cancel all mention of alternate lifestyles does a dissrvice to kids. The kids are

notat risk in any way.

Amazon product ASIN 1549304003
The pages shown on this review seem pretty bland and not nearly as graphic as the porn hub videos that the kids are watching on their phones.

But as I say I havent read it. I know that concerned posters on here have studied every word closely. Why is this book so much worse than the graphic pornhub output that is available to all kids?

Similar threads have been hotly debated and I must warn posters to keep their comments clean or risk sanctions.

I would be careful with that book....the sections that are getting it banned are essentially kiddie porn......adults having sex with children......and somehow the lefties think it is a legitimate book...


a few pages of explicit illustrations depicting oral sex

This book seems to be the most banned book in America at the moment. It is cited on every thread about book burning or jailing dangerous librarians.

I must confess that I havent read it. But the Amazon page shows some sample pages and there are several online reviews. It is aimed at teens and young adults. People who might be questioning their gender or sexuality.

It wont be for everybody but I can see that it might help youngsters in better understanding themselves. On that basis it should not be banned. I certainly think that a cartoon book is unlikely to encourage tolk to change their sex.

Another book banned in florida is called "Dave has two Dads" or similar. Again this seems to have educational value. There are kids with two Dads. Should they not be catered for.? Should they not receive reassurance that this is normal

Trying to cancel all mention of alternate lifestyles does a dissrvice to kids. The kids are

notat risk in any way.

Amazon product ASIN 1549304003
The pages shown on this review seem pretty bland and not nearly as graphic as the porn hub videos that the kids are watching on their phones.

But as I say I havent read it. I know that concerned posters on here have studied every word closely. Why is this book so much worse than the graphic pornhub output that is available to all kids?

Similar threads have been hotly debated and I must warn posters to keep their comments clean or risk sanctions. hub...isn't child porn, and it isn't being supplied to the children at tax payer expense.........and it is up to the parents to both control access to porn hub and kiddie porn being pushed in public schools and public libraries....
Or tied with all the rest of the non-banned books, which is all of them in America.

Which are no threads, since no one on here advocates book burning or jailing librarians.

Bragging about your ignorance again?

Read the book, so you know what you're talking about. "Gender Queer" contains realistic and explicit illustrations of a child performing oral sex on another child. There is no reason to spend tax dollars to make that available to children.

If the book was "Dave has two Mommies. His Morman Daddy Loves them Both!"

You would not want kids to receive reassurance that this is normal.

Read it so you don't keep sounding dumb.

In the book available to children in woke libraries, this picture is not censored:

View attachment 753668
You seriously don't know why parents are not OK with that?

Sadly, no.....Tommy does not understand why this would be a problem......
There will be other kids in the same situation who might benefit from this book.Most will not. But that is no reason to restrict its access.

Why dont you campaign against pornhub which offers up every sexual act possible for free to kids of all age ? I would support you in having restrictions on that.

Sexually grooming children is not "educating" doofus.
I would be careful with that book....the sections that are getting it banned are essentially kiddie porn......adults having sex with children......and somehow the lefties think it is a legitimate book...


a few pages of explicit illustrations depicting oral sex

Well, Taints hasn't met a pedo he didn't defend. He probably weeped with joy when Gary glitter got released.
Or tied with all the rest of the non-banned books, which is all of them in America.

Which are no threads, since no one on here advocates book burning or jailing librarians.

Bragging about your ignorance again?

Read the book, so you know what you're talking about. "Gender Queer" contains realistic and explicit illustrations of a child performing oral sex on another child. There is no reason to spend tax dollars to make that available to children.

If the book was "Dave has two Mommies. His Morman Daddy Loves them Both!"

You would not want kids to receive reassurance that this is normal.

Read it so you don't keep sounding dumb.

In the book available to children in woke libraries, this picture is not censored:

View attachment 753668
You seriously don't know why parents are not OK with that?


That's definitely not OK being in a library.

SHOCKING: Images from book ‘Gender Queer,’ which is stocked in school libraries across Iowa​


That absolutely should not be in a library.

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