Gender Queer and its effect on human sexuality

They were both minors under 15 I believe.

At the time the play was written the life expectancy was 33. Life was hard, it was short, and children were forced to do things that we find abhorrent today.

It takes a pretty sick mind to try and support the act of grooming by referring to ancient history as justification.
That's hyper incorrect. Roman slaves were used and abused. The father was legally able to kill his wife and children.

The plebes, yes, but not the aristocracy. You shouldn't use TV as your knowledge base.

Octavian was well known as a puritan.
At the time the play was written the life expectancy was 33. Life was hard, it was short, and children were forced to do things that we find abhorrent today.

It takes a pretty sick mind to try and support the act of grooming by referring to ancient history as justification.
Yet…Bring up Harvey Milk and suddenly lefties are fine with adult men grooming 14 year old boys.
At the time the play was written the life expectancy was 33. Life was hard, it was short, and children were forced to do things that we find abhorrent today.

It takes a pretty sick mind to try and support the act of grooming by referring to ancient history as justification.

I agree.

Also Romeo and Juliet was written by William Shakespeare in 1595

We are now in 2023 and a lot of water has flowed under the bridge!
At the time the play was written the life expectancy was 33. Life was hard, it was short, and children were forced to do things that we find abhorrent today.

There's a bit of a misconception there.

The AVERAGE life expectancy was about thirties, but that is because of a much higher rate of infant mortality in those days than now.

If half of all people born in a given time die at or shortly after birth, and the other half live to be seventy years old, what is the average life expectancy?

It's not that a lot of people were only living to about thirty-something, and then dying at that age. It's that a lot of them wen't living very long past birth, pulling the average down.

Shakespeare himself only lived to 52, but both his parents lived to about seventy, and his children lived to aged ranging from 66 to 77, except for one who died at eleven.

Life was simpler, then, and one didn't need to know as much to be functional as an adult.

Consider, also, the Jewish bar Mitzvah tradition, which is based in a boy traditionally being considered to have become an adult at thirteen.

Eighteen as the age of majority is a fairly recent development, and I am beginning to think that in modern society, even that may be too young.
There's a bit of a misconception there.

The AVERAGE life expectancy was about thirties, but that is because of a much higher rate of infant mortality in those days than now.

If half of all people born in a given time die at or shortly after birth, and the other half live to be seventy years old, what is the average life expectancy?

It's not that a lot of people were only living to about thirty-something, and then dying at that age. It's that a lot of them aren't living very long past birth, pulling the average down.

Shakespeare himself only lived to 52, but both his parents lived to about seventy, and his children lived to aged ranging from 66 to 77, except for one who died at eleven.

Life was simpler, then, and one didn't need to know as much to be functional as an adult.

Consider, also, the Jewish bar Mitzvah tradition, which is based in a boy traditionally being considered to have become an adult at thirteen.

Eighteen as the age of majority is a fairly recent development, and I am beginning to think that in modern society, even that may be too young.

Yes, the point is life was hard so things that are considered criminal today, were the norm back then.

I wonder how old zinc would feel if we brought back dueling?
Yes, the point is life was hard so things that are considered criminal today, were the norm back then.

I wonder how old zinc would feel if we brought back dueling?
I am a competition shooter, plus it's important to cheat as much as possible. Nerf guns at dawn baby. Let's do this!
I am a competition shooter, plus it's important to cheat as much as possible. Nerf guns at dawn baby. Let's do this!

I am too. Plus an avid fencer. Let's do sabers at noon. Dawn is too damned early.
I am too. Plus an avid fencer. Let's do sabers at noon. Dawn is too damned early.
Polish saber fencing was fun!

What division? I am currently Production but wife recently ok'd costs associated with switching to CO for competition and carry.
Last edited:
Much respect. Have you seen the European HEMA competitions? Oh my. Alas I am too old for such fun.

No, I haven't. I have engaged in Mensur, when I was in Germany in the 1970's however. I have many scars to prove it!
That absolutely should not be in a library.
That worst part, is these old boomers, evangelicals, and victims of abuse, absolutely, cannot & will not, separate, the deleterious and subversive agenda of queer theory, which clearly this is a prime example, from the media and literature of average lgbt community to prevent the young folks that have been born this way, from enduring years of mental health ill affects, i.e. having to have been ostracized in peer groups and society.

Having majored in philosophy at Uni, and am very clear as to what post-modern philosophy and queer theory, (and other critical theory agendas,) entail, and its desire to overturn the enlightenment principles this nation was founded on.

I have also worked at a crises hotline, so I have fielded calls from both victims of sexual abuse, and lgbt folks who have felt so isolated and different, that they have been contemplating suicide. I have heard it all. I am not callous to any side of this issue.

. . . and any time you try to elicit empathy and understanding, from one side or the other, through use of the Socratic Method, to try to get reasonable and logical answers to find compromise or understanding?

Nothing, Just logical fallacies, thumbs down, and slander.

. . . much like you do in that Ukraine/Russia thread. It is always MUCH easier to not acknowledge that there are two sides of an issue, when you insist that your side is 100% correct, and the other side are just monsters.

This book seems to be the most banned book in America at the moment. It is cited on every thread about book burning or jailing dangerous librarians.

I must confess that I havent read it. But the Amazon page shows some sample pages and there are several online reviews. It is aimed at teens and young adults. People who might be questioning their gender or sexuality.

It wont be for everybody but I can see that it might help youngsters in better understanding themselves. On that basis it should not be banned. I certainly think that a cartoon book is unlikely to encourage tolk to change their sex.

Another book banned in florida is called "Dave has two Dads" or similar. Again this seems to have educational value. There are kids with two Dads. Should they not be catered for.? Should they not receive reassurance that this is normal

Trying to cancel all mention of alternate lifestyles does a dissrvice to kids. The kids are

notat risk in any way.

Amazon product ASIN 1549304003
The pages shown on this review seem pretty bland and not nearly as graphic as the porn hub videos that the kids are watching on their phones.

But as I say I havent read it. I know that concerned posters on here have studied every word closely. Why is this book so much worse than the graphic pornhub output that is available to all kids?

Similar threads have been hotly debated and I must warn posters to keep their comments clean or risk sanctions.
Groomers gotta groom.
This book seems to be the most banned book in America at the moment. It is cited on every thread about book burning or jailing dangerous librarians.

I must confess that I havent read it. But the Amazon page shows some sample pages and there are several online reviews. It is aimed at teens and young adults. People who might be questioning their gender or sexuality.

It wont be for everybody but I can see that it might help youngsters in better understanding themselves. On that basis it should not be banned. I certainly think that a cartoon book is unlikely to encourage tolk to change their sex.

Another book banned in florida is called "Dave has two Dads" or similar. Again this seems to have educational value. There are kids with two Dads. Should they not be catered for.? Should they not receive reassurance that this is normal

Trying to cancel all mention of alternate lifestyles does a dissrvice to kids. The kids are

notat risk in any way.

Amazon product ASIN 1549304003
The pages shown on this review seem pretty bland and not nearly as graphic as the porn hub videos that the kids are watching on their phones.

But as I say I havent read it. I know that concerned posters on here have studied every word closely. Why is this book so much worse than the graphic pornhub output that is available to all kids?

Similar threads have been hotly debated and I must warn posters to keep their comments clean or risk sanctions.
Tommy, if a person wants to change genders, that is fine but adults should only be allowed to, kids dont know what they want to be when they grow up or a year down the line, the surgeries, the permanent damage done to those is life long. I personally know two people that transitioned and in the middle transitioned back. One is doing okay and is married, the other is also married, cannot have children, has no breasts and has other health issues related to the transition. She now advocates for not transitioning until you are over 18. There are lots of confusing signals youth get when growing up and misinterpreting them like she did has created lots of problems that could have been avoided if she would of had to wait until she was older.
In what way would this book encourage you to change your behaviour ? Did it make you change your behaviour when you read it ?

It is child porn……Senator Kennedy read from the book at a hearing recently, you could simply listen to that to see that you don’t know what you are talking about.

If an individual wants this kiddie porn, you can get it at Amazon…the issue here in the states is keeping child porn out of school libraries, and classrooms.
Like you, I haven’t read Gender Queer and only seen parts of it, but I think this is illustrative of the problem we have with an all or nothing approach.

IMO there is nothing wrong with books about children questioning or exploring their sexuality in an age appropriate way, and trying to come to terms with their changing selves. What I question is how graphic it needs to to present the material and still be appropriate and that is where I think Gender Queer falls short. The fact that they are also sweeping up Dave has two Dads, shows how this anger is also being used to support a political ideology intent on erasing certain groups of people.

No…they are using Dave has two dads to protect the child porn. It is a bait and switch to attack people who rightly want kiddie porn kept out of our schools.
Let's see here - those who want young children exposed to gay sexual imagery is accusing those who do not want that as coming from the same "group" that hates gays and Muslims and who knows what, and an official representative of USMB THANKED him for this.

An I missing anything here, folks?

What's next - claiming those who oppose raping children are coming from the same group that hates puppies and kiddies and apple pie?

Good grief, who falls for this obvious manipulation, anyway?

Don’t forget…the ones pushing the kiddie porn accuse the people trying to keep kiddie porn out of schools as obsessing over kiddie porn……

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