Gender Queer and its effect on human sexuality

How in the fuck is this pervert not banned yet?
Because he rides the line. And until he crosses it, there is no rule broken.
If I was an admin, I might instead limit the number of threads he could make, and tell him that number is going to get smaller until you can't make threads at all if you don't stop.
Those of us who are not inflicted by such conditions, are naturally upset by seeing repeated threads on topics about children and sexuality. So it is up to the staff to elect to remove a poster causing negativity to 99% of posters.
Its a subject that we should be able to discuss as adults. Have you read the book Bob ? What did you think of it ?
If the book is talking about genderqueerness and kids are reading it, then it is pornography geared towards children. You’re the one that told us that is what it is. So we don’t need to read it.
Tommy, if a person wants to change genders, that is fine but adults should only be allowed to…

It is biologically impossible to “transition”. One's gender sex is set at conception, and cannot be changed, ever.

Even when the victim is an adult, “gender affirming care” still amounts to abusive fraud and malpractice, and any medical professional that has any willing part in it ought to have his license revoked permanently, and possibly face criminal charges.

Mentally-ill patients need to have their mental illness addressed not to have their bodies irreversibly fucked-up in a futile effort to try to force their bodies to comply with their fucked-up minds.
No. I am saying the library is full of novels and history discussing difficult topics and crimes that you may not like. If you don't like them, don't check them out. These are not children's libraries, but libraries for the full citizenry.

No problem. Libraries have a "special collections" keep the porn there
Sick fucks think being sick fucks should be normalized and fed to children, so they themselves don't feel like sick fucks.

More to the point, this whole thing is drive by and for pedophiles, who want to fuck children; and who use this material to convince children to allow these pedophiles to fuck them.

At the very root, this is what it's about. And this tells us what to think about any subhuman piece of shit that defends this material being given to children.
What is pornographic about this?

How fucked up do you have to be to think that it is in any way acceptable to groom children into supporting any fucked-up sexual perversions?

And what point do you think there is in providing examples such as this, to show everyone what a sick fuck you are? Trust me; we all already know.
How many normal posters complaining to admin about this do you think it would take to move them to ban this pervert?

No point.

All of the management of this site have made it absolutely clear that they are openly, unabashedly on the side of childfuckers. Make enough noise, and they'll take action against you for objecting to pedophilia.
No point.

All of the management of this site have made it absolutely clear that they are openly, unabashedly on the side of childfuckers. Make enough noise, and they'll take action against you for objecting to pedophilia.
Kind of sus that you're a member of this community then ain't it? 😄
If the book is talking about genderqueerness and kids are reading it, then it is pornography geared towards children. You’re the one that told us that is what it is. So we don’t need to read it.
It is "approved grooming". In every sense of what grooming is.
Progressives want a world in which there is no such thing as a sexual preference. They want instead "if it feels good do it". That everything is okay, and pretend there are no ramifications to that kind of lifestyle.
And for the more extreme progressives, that includes sexualizing children to the point that sexual exploration should not be limited by a persons age, again, "if it feels good just do it".
They want to remove, for instance, a child's natural resistance to adults touching them inappropriately.
That it doesn't harm them, it is just fun.
It begins with teaching kids that masturbation is fun and okay. That "progresses" to show that joint masturbation is okay (already in children's books right now). That progresses to mutual play (already in children's books right now) - this will only naturally progress to - adult interaction with a child is okay.
And THAT is the goal of more people than we imagine. Don't believe it? Watch the videos of mind fucked parents taking their child to drag shows and pride parades where ADULTS perform highly sexualize dancing and even show their genitalia to minors.
It has already began.
Gays are a vulnerable community. im not talking about catholic priests or southern baptist ministers.

Quite a stinking load of irony there, since Catholics and their priests pray every day for God to be merciful to gays.

I don't personally have any opinion about Baptist ministers.

OfThere are two extremes at play. One that wants to erase gay and transgender people from the public sphere by banning books and speech and other that thinks there should be no restrictions on graphic material children are exposed to. I’d like to think there is a sane middle because there are plenty of good books featuring lgbtq characters or issues that aren’t graphic. Of course, they busy trying to ban those as well as anything written from a black point of view.

Of course, they busy trying to ban those as well as anything written from a black point of view.

Where would that be?

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