Gender Queer and its effect on human sexuality

Well its not a book appropriate for kids. That is clear. But it has a place in seondary schools.
When do your kids get taught the facts of life ? It would seem appropriate there.
But I dont think it would be of interest to most kids. Tho it would help some.

Yeah……teaching high school kids about strap on dildos and lube, is not appropriate at any level of public education……it is grooming material and kiddie porn.
There's a bit of a misconception there.

The AVERAGE life expectancy was about thirties, but that is because of a much higher rate of infant mortality in those days than now.

If half of all people born in a given time die at or shortly after birth, and the other half live to be seventy years old, what is the average life expectancy?

It's not that a lot of people were only living to about thirty-something, and then dying at that age. It's that a lot of them wen't living very long past birth, pulling the average down.

Shakespeare himself only lived to 52, but both his parents lived to about seventy, and his children lived to aged ranging from 66 to 77, except for one who died at eleven.

Life was simpler, then, and one didn't need to know as much to be functional as an adult.

Consider, also, the Jewish bar Mitzvah tradition, which is based in a boy traditionally being considered to have become an adult at thirteen.

Eighteen as the age of majority is a fairly recent development, and I am beginning to think that in modern society, even that may be too young.

Child birth was increibly dangerous back then because of a lack of real medical techniques and knowledge… marrying young was a necessary attempt to increase the odds of a successful childbirth…..people don’t understand that for back then.

Jenni Frencham, for the School Library Journal in 2019, called the graphic novel a "great resource for those who identify as nonbinary or asexual as well as for those who know someone who identifies that way and wish to better understand"

This seems to back up what I have stated. The only criticism I am seeing is from folk who have not read the book.
So a queer thinks they should be able to spread their ideology to children, and that this is a good vehicle for that- and you think that 'backs up' anything other than that someone believes their own abberrant behaviors/beliefs should be fed to children.

Let's boil that down a bit:

Sick fucks think being sick fucks should be normalized and fed to children, so they themselves don't feel like sick fucks.
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No…they are using Dave has two dads to protect the child porn. It is a bait and switch to attack people who rightly want kiddie porn kept out of our schools.
What is pornographic about this?

This book seems to be the most banned book in America at the moment. It is cited on every thread about book burning or jailing dangerous librarians.

I must confess that I havent read it. But the Amazon page shows some sample pages and there are several online reviews. It is aimed at teens and young adults. People who might be questioning their gender or sexuality.

It wont be for everybody but I can see that it might help youngsters in better understanding themselves. On that basis it should not be banned. I certainly think that a cartoon book is unlikely to encourage tolk to change their sex.

Another book banned in florida is called "Dave has two Dads" or similar. Again this seems to have educational value. There are kids with two Dads. Should they not be catered for.? Should they not receive reassurance that this is normal

Trying to cancel all mention of alternate lifestyles does a dissrvice to kids. The kids are

notat risk in any way.

Amazon product ASIN 1549304003
The pages shown on this review seem pretty bland and not nearly as graphic as the porn hub videos that the kids are watching on their phones.

But as I say I havent read it. I know that concerned posters on here have studied every word closely. Why is this book so much worse than the graphic pornhub output that is available to all kids?

Similar threads have been hotly debated and I must warn posters to keep their comments clean or risk sanctions.

Again - why do you CONSTANTLY post up content talking about underage kids and sex/sexuality.
Do you not see how disturbing that is?
Again - why do you CONSTANTLY post up content talking about underage kids and sex/sexuality.
Do you not see how disturbing that is?

How many normal posters complaining to admin about this do you think it would take to move them to ban this pervert?

That is, not counting the disingenuous lying one?


How many normal posters complaining to admin about this do you think it would take to move them to ban this pervert?

That is, not counting the disingenuous lying one?

Tommy is smart enough to stay on the edge without going over the line.
But nevertheless it is sick. Because people who repeatedly talk about the same topic, do so because of an obsession. A person who keeps talking about cars all the time - has an obsession, passion for automobiles. They think about it a lot, so want to talk about it a lot.
Again - why do you CONSTANTLY post up content talking about underage kids and sex/sexuality.
Do you not see how disturbing that is?

It's his/her/its job. Those who have no real skills in life end up posting online for a living, and then those like Tammy, who are useless even at that, end up getting torn to shreds in boards like this one.

No surprise, here, to see who is openly defending a work of child pornography; a book that contains explicit images and textual descriptions of minors engaging in sex acts with each other and with adults, and attempts to normalize such behavior.

Groomers gotta groom....does the public library carry bondage magazines?
Seriously? You think grooming kids is just like WWII?
No. I am saying the library is full of novels and history discussing difficult topics and crimes that you may not like. If you don't like them, don't check them out. These are not children's libraries, but libraries for the full citizenry.

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