Gender queer first day of work

o hell i thought tk found a job!
He has, he's a gigolo.

For what?

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A friend of mine just recently was relieved to see a co worker go. He was a cross-dressing gay guy who spent his nights out drinking, dressing up as a girl and having promiscuous sex with men. From his wasting condition, constant calling in sick and many mysterious visits to some doctor monitoring his "special condition", they all concluded he had AIDS. Naturally he was trying to use their bathroom, leaving it a mess. These people had to covertly use a spare bathroom about the size of a broom closet and kept it locked away from this guy. The urine, feces [which may be laced with blood in advancing HIV/AIDS] they didn't want to risk near a bug bite or rash on their thighs from shaving. This guy's BEHAVIORAL lifestyle was a deadly health risk to his fellow employees.

He often spoke aloud too of suing the company they worked for; with the boss within earshot. He was daring them to fire him. [ Probably wanted to make a big gay press release and also collect unemployment so he could have more down time to juggle getting better and going out at night to infect more gay men.] Completely confident and sure he would not be rebuked for doing it. He even did it in front of customers. Nobody DARED fire him. Eventually he got too sick and had to quit. Now the taxpayers will complete the rest of the average of $500,000 it will take to artificially prolong his life until he ultimately succumbs. Forced indigence is going on about 90% of the time with HIV patients. And with the astronomical costs of care until death, rising nuimbers of HIV patients is not only a public health risk, but also a US Treasury national security issue.

This is a cult we are talking about. A cult of mentally ill people of varying degrees, insisting the world treat them legally like blacks who suffered real unimaginable horrors. Except that they want the "right" to inflict the horrors of their behavior right into the center of our legal system and our social matrix.
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Novasteve, you need to come out and face your true self. Once you do you'll lose the obsession with people like yourself. Please try, we know it's hard oh and good luck.

[ame=]'Why I Must Come Out' - Geena Rocero's TED2014 Talk - YouTube[/ame]

Could it be that those obsessed with gays are secretly gay? That could explain why they see something everywhere, you only see what you want to, you only see where your mind leads you. "Jesse Bering has written a thought provoking article for the magazine, January 30, 2009 issue of the magazine, Scientific American Mind. In it he cites two pieces of empirical research that support the notion of homophobic young men harbor secret homosexual impulses. Both research studies were published in the distinguished publication, Journal of Abnormal Psychology. The first study was done in 2006 by Henry Adams and his team at the University of Georgia. Complete descriptions of the works can be found on Scientific American Mind but you may have to pay for the article or buy the magazine."

Clinical Depression, Separation Anxiety: Allan Schwartz, Ph.D.
Once again you attack me for not ignoring these stories about delusions being forced upon us. . You libs want us to ignore it but play along with the delusion. If I don't ignore it then I'm gay, right?
Novasteve, you need to come out and face your true self. Once you do you'll lose the obsession with people like yourself. Please try, we know it's hard oh and good luck.

'Why I Must Come Out' - Geena Rocero's TED2014 Talk - YouTube

Could it be that those obsessed with gays are secretly gay? That could explain why they see something everywhere, you only see what you want to, you only see where your mind leads you. "Jesse Bering has written a thought provoking article for the magazine, January 30, 2009 issue of the magazine, Scientific American Mind. In it he cites two pieces of empirical research that support the notion of homophobic young men harbor secret homosexual impulses. Both research studies were published in the distinguished publication, Journal of Abnormal Psychology. The first study was done in 2006 by Henry Adams and his team at the University of Georgia. Complete descriptions of the works can be found on Scientific American Mind but you may have to pay for the article or buy the magazine."

Clinical Depression, Separation Anxiety: Allan Schwartz, Ph.D.

That's the usual cliche response. If you make any negative comment regarding anything about the gay community, you're a closeted gay person yourself.

This is just an attempt by the activists to shut people up.

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