"Gender surgery destroyed my childhood and life"

This article solidified my stand on the issue. (I hope it works)------ Trangender ism and these crackpots convincing parents their underage child is gay is wrong. The young lady in this article went through and is going through some serious trauma due to gullible parents and fringe crackpots and hucksters and something legal needs to be done about it.
There has been an increase in people de-transitioning because they are unhappy with being coerced into gender reassignment surgery. I feel sorry for them.
This article solidified my stand on the issue. (I hope it works)------ Trangender ism and these crackpots convincing parents their underage child is gay is wrong. The young lady in this article went through and is going through some serious trauma due to gullible parents and fringe crackpots and hucksters and something legal needs to be done about it.

Their parents are excluded form the decisions the groomers convicne the kids of into in 'sanctuary states' Ig

This is particularly distressing for youths. Going through puberty can be difficult, but its an important learning phase to become a functional and sane adult. Puberty blockers stop this development in its tracks, it can't be good.

If someone wants to teach their little boy how to dress like a dame and speak with a lisp, it isn't good. But at least its correctable later on. This is really despicable as it fucks up people for life.
This is particularly distressing for youths. Going through puberty can be difficult, but its an important learning phase to become a functional and sane adult. Puberty blockers stop this development in its tracks, it can't be good.

If someone wants to teach their little boy how to dress like a dame and speak with a lisp, it isn't good. But at least its correctable later on. This is really despicable as it fucks up people for life.
I watched a video of a girl injecting herself with testosterone and transitioning to a male. Very sickening to watch.
All girls go through a TomBoy stage and all boys go through a physical stage where they may appear feminine it mostly happens at 13 to 14 years of age.

They tried and pretty much succeeded in silencing this woman...

I suspect far too many have regretted their decision to transgender and I think that is one reason for the high rate of suicide among this group. The 'woke' accuse the rest of us of being 'mean' or 'unaccepting' of the transgendered person and that's why they do it. I strongly suspect that unhappy people think transgendering will make them happy, and when it doesn't and they feel even worse, it deepens their depression or mental turmoil.
There are people who regret getting married shall we outlaw love a human emotion which has traumatized, abused and killed humans?
I suspect far too many have regretted their decision to transgender and I think that is one reason for the high rate of suicide among this group. The 'woke' accuse the rest of us of being 'mean' or 'unaccepting' of the transgendered person and that's why they do it. I strongly suspect that unhappy people think transgendering will make them happy, and when it doesn't and they feel even worse, it deepens their depression or mental turmoil.
The high rate of suicide is from not getting gender affirming care.

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