Genderqueer bus passenger set on fire by "youth"

So libs, are you desperately waiting for an anti tranny/gay hate crime to be committed by a white so you can start a campaign, get obama to speak out on it,. how how many more trannies will be attacked but no message can get out nationally because it is liberal vs liberal special interest groups involved? It must suck to have to pretend it's not happening despite being not uncommon.. Maybe you should put aside political correctness and not care who committed it, rather than waiting for someone you can not ignore to commit it?
This is what happens when the law fails. It should be expected. It's happening in every country where acceptance of homosexuality is forced on an unwilling populace. The law is failing, has failed, and lawlessness is the result.

Out of all the bus passengers two men helped put out the flames and then left. The rest of the passengers and possibly the driver didn't care. Apathy is as much of a result as the violence that is incited.
This is what happens when the law fails. It should be expected. It's happening in every country where acceptance of homosexuality is forced on an unwilling populace. The law is failing, has failed, and lawlessness is the result.

Out of all the bus passengers two men helped put out the flames and then left. The rest of the passengers and possibly the driver didn't care. Apathy is as much of a result as the violence that is incited.

"Apathy?" Or just choosing your battles.
Disagreeing with the gay agenda or thinking trannies are freaks is no excuse for violence
However it is ironic that virtually all ant gay attacks occur in the most liberal areas by other liberal special status groups
So libs, are you desperately waiting for an anti tranny/gay hate crime to be committed by a white so you can start a campaign, get obama to speak out on it,. how how many more trannies will be attacked but no message can get out nationally because it is liberal vs liberal special interest groups involved? It must suck to have to pretend it's not happening despite being not uncommon.. Maybe you should put aside political correctness and not care who committed it, rather than waiting for someone you can not ignore to commit it?

That question would be better directed at the news media since the public would have no decision making in which stories get published nationally.
Stevearino must be very conflicted by this story...

Who does he hate more?

On the one hand you have yourselves one of them there "genderqueers" while on the other you have one of them there Black fellers...

What to do, what to do...
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That's funny that you ignore your pets attacking each other but have a problem when it gets pointed out
They're not my pets, you're the one fixated on them, why not just suck one and get it over with?

I'm not ignoring the crime...

And my problem is not that you point it out, my problem is with ignorant bigots such as you...

Did I clear that up for you, or should I type more slowly?
Disagreeing with the gay agenda or thinking trannies are freaks is no excuse for violence
I agree. Two negatives may make a positive in math class, but that is not how things go everywhere else!

God bless you and that person's family always!!!


P.S. To me, if a person disgusts you that much for any reason, stay away from them then. That is why I have not seen my dad in almost ten years now.
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[ame=]Alicia Keys - Girl on Fire - YouTube[/ame]
Support pours in for student set afire aboard AC Transit bus in Oakland -

I'm thinking had the "youth" been a white, conservative christian this would be national headlines, not a local story

I heard this on the radio. Apparently a whole slew of misguided douchebags both male and female went out the next day wearing skirts, in solidarity. Like that fucking makes a difference. People are truly more stupid than I thought was possible.

You thought? I doubt that's true. The fact is the students and teachers at the victim's school dressed in a manner to show support for the victim who suffered second and third degree burns.

What you consider "misguided douchebags" are actual human beings who have empathy for the victim of a violent crime - someone like you would not be expected to understand.

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